Batch vs Streaming Performance in Google Cloud Dataflow - google-cloud-dataflow

we have bounded data , around 3.5 million records in BigQuery. These data needs to be processed using Dataflow (mostly it is some external API calls + transformations)
From the document -
I see Batch mode uses single thread and stream uses 300 threads per worker.For us, most of my operation is Network bound because of external API calls.
Considering this, which one would be more performant and cost efficient ? Batch - by spinning x workers or Stream with x workers and 300 threads.
If it is streaming then I should send the data which is present in BigQuery to pub/sub ? Is my understanding correct ?

The Batch vs Streaming decision usually comes from the source that you are reading from (Bounded vs Unbounded). When reading from BigQueryIO, it comes is bounded.
There are ways to convert from a BoundedSource to an UnboundedSource) (see Using custom DataFlow unbounded source on DirectPipelineRunner) but I don't see it recommended anywhere, and I am not sure you would get any benefit from it. Streaming has to keep track of checkpoints and watermarks, which could result in an overhead for your workers.

Here is an example of a DoFn that processes multiple items concurrently:
class MultiThreadedDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def __init__(self, func, num_threads=10):
self.func = func
self.num_threads = num_threads
def setup(self):
self.done = False
self.input_queue = queue.Queue(2)
self.output_queue = queue.Queue()
self.threads = [
threading.Thread(, daemon=True)
for _ in range(self.num_threads)]
for t in self.threads:
def work(self):
while not self.done:
windowed_value = self.input_queue.get(timeout=0.1)
except queue.Empty:
pass # check self.done
def start_bundle(self):
self.pending = 0
def process(self, element,
self.pending += 1
element, timestamp, (window,)))
while not self.output_queue.empty():
yield self.output_queue.get(block=False)
self.pending -= 1
except queue.Empty:
def finish_bundle(self):
while self.pending > 0:
yield self.output_queue.get()
self.pending -= 1
def teardown(self):
self.done = True
for t in self.threads:
It can be used as
def func(n):
time.sleep(n / 10)
return n + 1
with beam.Pipeline() as p:
p | beam.Create([1, 3, 5, 7] * 10 + [9]) | beam.ParDo(MultiThreadedDoFn(func)) | beam.Map(logging.error)


How to limit number of lines per file written using FileIO

Is there a possible way to limit number of lines in each written shard using TextIO or may be FileIO?
Read rows from Big Query - Batch Job (Result is 19500 rows for example).
Make some transformations.
Write files to Google Cloud storage (19 files, each file is limited to 1000 records, one file has 500 records).
Cloud Function is triggered to make a POST request to an external API for each file in GCS.
Here is what I'm trying to do so far but doesn't work (Trying to limit 1000 rows per file):
BQ_DATA = p | 'read_bq_view' >>,
use_standard_sql=True)) | beam.Map(json.dumps)
BQ_DATA | beam.WindowInto(GlobalWindows(), Repeatedly(trigger=AfterCount(1000)),
| WriteToFiles(path='fileio', destination="csv")
Am I conceptually wrong or is there any other way to implement this?
You can implement the write to GCS step inside ParDo and limit the number of elements to include in a "batch" like this:
from import filesystems
class WriteToGcsWithRowLimit(beam.DoFn):
def __init__(self, row_size=1000):
self.row_size = row_size
self.rows = []
def finish_bundle(self):
if len(self.rows) > 0:
def process(self, element):
if len(self.rows) >= self.row_size:
def _write_file(self):
from time import time
new_file = 'gs://bucket/file-{}.csv'.format(time())
writer = filesystems.FileSystems.create(path=new_file)
writer.write(self.rows) # may need to format
self.rows = []
BQ_DATA | beam.ParDo(WriteToGcsWithRowLimit())
Note that this will not create any files with less than 1000 rows, but you can change the logic in process to do that.
(Edit 1 to handle the remainders)
(Edit 2 to stop using counters, as files will be overridden)

Mismanagement of dask future results slow down the performances

I'm looking for any suggestion on how to solve the bottleneck below described.
Within a dask distributed infrastructure I map some futures and gain results whenever they are ready. Once retrieved I've to invoke a time consuming, blocking "pandas" function and, unfortunately, this function can't be avoided.
The optimum would be to have something that let me create another process, detached from the for loop, that's able to ingest the flow of results. For other constraints, not present in the example, the output can't be serialized and sent to workers and must be processed on the master.
here a small mockup. Just grab the idea and not focus too much on the details of the code.
class pxldrl(object):
def __init__(self, df):
self.table = df
def simulation(list_param):
val = sum(list_param)/4
if val < 0.5:
result = {'param_e': val}
result = {'param_f': val}
return pxldrl(result)
def costly_function(result, output):
# blocking pandas function
output = output.append(result.table, sort=False, ignore_index=True)
return output
def main():
client = Client(n_workers=4, threads_per_worker=1)
output = pd.DataFrame(columns=['param_e', 'param_f'])
input = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random(size=(100, 4)),
columns=['param_a', 'param_b', 'param_c', 'param_d'])
for i in range(2):
futures =, input.values)
for future, result in as_completed(futures, with_results=True):
output = costly_function(result, output)
It sounds like you want to run costly_function in a separate thread. Perhaps you could using the threading or concurrent.futures module to run your entire routine on a separate thread?
If you wanted to get fancy, you could even use Dask again and create a second client that ran within this process:
local_client = Client(processes=False)
and use that. (although you'll have to be careful about mixing futures between clients, which won't work)

Dask compute fails when using client, works when no client setup

I am trying to use the dask client to parallelize my compute. When I run df.compute() I get the correct output (though it is very slow), but when I run the same thing after setting up a client, I get the following error:
distributed.protocol.pickle - INFO - Failed to serialize <function part at 0x7fd5186ed730>. Exception: can't pickle _thread.RLock objects
Here is my code, in the first df.compute(), I get the expected result, in the second I do not.
def part(x):
lower, upper = x
q = "SELECT id,tfidf_vec,emb_vec FROM document_table"
counter = lower
df = []
for line in lines:
counter += 1
if counter == upper:
return pd.DataFrame(df)
parts = [part(x) for x in [[0,100000],[100000,200000]]]
df = dd.from_delayed(parts)
from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client('')
Your function contains a reference to man.session, which is part of the function closure. When you use the default scheduler, threads, the object can be shared between the threads that execute your code. When you use the distributed scheduler, the function must be serialised and sent to workers in difference process(es).
You should make a function which creates the session object on each invocation, as was suggested as an answer to your very similar question.

Apache Beam and then combine into batches

After using to get a PCollection<String> of the individual lines, is it possible to then use some kind of combine transform to into batches (groups of 25 for example)? So the return type would end up looking something like: PCollection<String, List<String>>. It looks like it should be possible using some kind of CombineFn, but the API is a little arcane to me still.
The context here is I'm reading CSV files (potentially very very large), parsing + processing the lines and turning them into JSON, and then calling a REST API... but I don't want to hit the REST API for each line individually because the REST API supports multiple items at a time (up to 1000, so not the whole batch).
I guess you can do some simple batching like below (using stateful API). The state you want to maintain in BatchingFn is the current buffer of lines or self._lines. Sorry I did it in python (not familiar with Java API)
from apache_beam.transforms import DoFn
from apache_beam.transforms import ParDo
class BatchingFn(DoFn):
def __init__(self, batch_size=100):
self._batch_size = batch_size
def start_bundle(self):
# buffer for string of lines
self._lines = []
def process(self, element):
# Input element is a string (representing a CSV line)
if len(_lines) >= self._batch_size:
def finish_bundle(self):
# takes care of the unflushed buffer before finishing
if self._lines:
def _flush_batch(self):
#### Do your REST API call here with self._lines
# .....
# Clear the buffer.
self._lines = []
# pcoll is your PCollection of lines.
(pcoll | 'Call Rest API with batch data' >> ParDo(BatchingFn(MY_BATCH_SIZE)))
Regarding using Data-driven triggers, you can refer to Batch PCollection in Beam/Dataflow.

I have collection of futures which are result of persist on dask dataframe. How to do a delayed operation on them?

I have setup a scheduler and 4 worker nodes to do some processing on csv. size of the csv is just 300 mb.
df = dd.read_csv('/Downloads/tmpcrnin5ta',assume_missing=True)
df = df.groupby(['col_1','col_2']).agg('mean').reset_index()
df = client.persist(df)
def create_sep_futures(symbol,df):
symbol_df = copy.deepcopy(df[df['symbol' == symbol]])
return symbol_df
lazy_values = [delayed(create_sep_futures)(symbol, df) for symbol in st]
future = client.compute(lazy_values)
result = client.gather(future)
st list contains 1000 elements
when I do this, I get this error:
distributed.worker - WARNING - Compute Failed
Function: create_sep_futures
args: ('PHG', symbol col_3 col_2 \
0 A 1.451261e+09 23.512857
1 A 1.451866e+09 23.886857
2 A 1.452470e+09 25.080429
kwargs: {}
Exception: KeyError(False,)
My assumption is that workers should get full dataframe and query on it. But I think it just gets the block and tries to do it.
What is the workaround for it? Since dataframe chunks are already in workers memory. I don't want to move the dataframe to each worker.
Operations on dataframes, using the dataframe syntax and API, are lazy (delayed) by default, you need do nothing more.
First problem: your syntax is wrong df[df['symbol' == symbol]] => df[df['symbol'] == symbol]. That is the origin of the False key.
So the solution you are probably looking for:
future = client.compute(df[df['symbol'] == symbol])
If you do want to work on the chunks separately, you can look into df.map_partitions, which you use with a normal function and takes care of passing data or delayed/futures or df.to_delayed, which will give you a set of delayed objects which you can use with a delayed function.
