I know how to highlight duplicates within one sheet, but it is unclear to me how to find duplicates across all sheets? Can I use conditional formatting to do that?
Hi I am trying to find duplicates on google sheets, however, the formula =COUNTIF(A1:A,A1:A)>1 keeps highlighting headings, How will i combine it with =REGEXMATCH(A1:A,".com") to find duplicate links only instead of highlighting headings/other data in the same column
logical multiplicaion:
=(COUNTIF(A:A, A1)>1)*(REGEXMATCH(A1, ".com"))
Hope someone can help me with this one:
I have multiple sheets and I want to dynamically merge all data into 1 sheet.
In my mastersheet I made a tab with all the URLS and ranges that I want to import.
In a cell I merge all the importranges to use them in my query.
But my query is not accepting the reference to the cell with all my merged importranges., allthough they are correctly merged.
My goal is to automatically expand my query range when a sheet-url and range is added to the list of all sheets.
you cannot use the text output of a cell as an input to a formula. It is not allowed in Google Sheets.
So I've been trying to find a way to check multiple sheets on a column on the master sheet.
Previously the different sheets used a mixture of importrange and index/match to match town(each sheet is a different one)/number and pull a separate, matching columns number into said sheet.
=IF(B9>0,IFNA(INDEX(IMPORTRANGE("MAINSHEETLINK","Civils!$J$5:$J$500"), MATCH (B9,(IMPORTRANGE("MAINSHEETLINK","Civils!$I$5:$I$500"))*(IMPORTRANGE("MAINSHEETLINK","Civils!$D$5:$D$500")=$P$7), 0)),0),"0")
the $P$7 is the town name on the row it searches for.
The ifna just keeps it clean.
I can't figure out how I can use vlookup or query to search multiple sheets in this way. There's a separate Yes/No check on the secondary sheets that checks whether or not something was imported. I'd like a separate column on the main sheet to check across multiple sheets to true/false if the above check is Yes/No.
There's a possibility I have several nested if functions working through each sheet using the above index/match, but that seems prone to breaking, not to mention having to redo it once new sheets crop up.
I want to Use ArrayFormula for JoinText for multiple columns which have their own ArrayFormulas in Google Sheets.
My formula works for columns that have plain text values but for some reason Google Sheets gives me an error when I apply it to columns that have their own ArrayFormulas applied to them.
Take a look at the example sheet I've created HERE
Any help will be appreciated!
I hope this solution with query is helpful for you:
(Will work faster if you know the limit of the range, e.g. C1:D10).
For implementing commas between the columns you can use
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(C1:C="",D1:D,if(D1:D="",C1:C,C1:C&", "&INDIRECT("D1:D"))))
I put this formula in cell I2 on your sample sheet. It should be relatively fast for many thousands of rows.
I made a spreadsheet in google sheets in my last company which highlighted all my rows based on my qualifying conditions. I can't remember what conditional formatting I used.
I have tried the =IFAND and =AND functions along with others.
This is what I am trying to do:
If column B says DTC, even if something else is also in cell, and the dates are between two ranges I want it highlighted. Then I will have multiple rules that vary in dates and words. I have attached a new demo sheet to help.
The formula I have in there now is =AND($B2="DTC",E$2>=DATE(2017,10,1),E$2<=DATE(2018,10,1))
To find both DTC and DTC-DCL with a wildcard try using if with search like this: