Use plugin config as paramater in services.yml - dependency-injection

The documentation only shows that you can pass the SystemConfigService as a parameter to another service.
Is there also the possibility to pass directly the value from the plugin configuration?
Background of the question: I would like to initialize directly an instance of an external component. But this expects fixed arguments as strings. Alternatively, one would otherwise have to write some kind of factory.

Hm, it's possible to do. I have not done this directly myself, but 99% confident that it will work. You may need to play around with it a little.
In the services.xml you can use symfony expressions.
<argument type="expression">service('Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\SystemConfigService').get('SwagBasicExample.config.example')</argument>
You may need to find the alias name for the Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\SystemConfigService class instead. Also check the Symfony documentation, you can do a lot more with this!
I myself passed an array as an argument, but used a custom class as a config getter like so:
<argument type="expression">
"shop_is_active": service('config_bridge').get('isActive'),
"customer_number": service('config_bridge').get('customerNumber'),
"shop_number": service('config_bridge').get('shopNumber'),
"apikey": service('config_bridge').get('apiKey')
Not strictly necessary as Shopware already requires it, but always a good practice to add the requirement to your plugin composer file:
"require": {
"symfony/expression-language": "~5.3.0|~5.4.0"

As of today it's not possible to inject specific system_config values in services.


Get structure of variables in Jenkins

Running println(Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.plugins) in the jenkins console returns lots of useful stuff like:
[Plugin:external-monitor-job, Plugin:docker-workflow,
Plugin:pipeline-rest-api, Plugin:javadoc,
Plugin:resource-disposer, Plugin:conditional-buildstep, ...
I want to see the class structure. Where can I find the reference for those classes? Can I generate it? Is it possible to represent those classes like the the variables view in Eclipse, where I can expand all the subclasses and functions?
Those information's are really use full for creating pipeline scripts.
... and so on.
Maybe some could mention, in a comment how to ask for this information the right way. Is it a api-reference, a class description, a ... ?

Access process i18n property files before compilation

I have a following situation: in some of my i18n property files there are properties containing a special word:
prop.example=specialword just for example
prop.test=just for test specialword
I want to have a possibility of having a property somewhere in my Config.groovy that would contain a specific value for this specialword so that if I specify:
specialword=Value of special word
in a Config.groovy then I want my i18n properties to be resolved like:
prop.example=Value of special word just for example
prop.test=just for test Value of special word
for that purpose, when building the project, I want to access property files in order to look for occurences of specialword and to replace them with value of specialwordvalue from Config.groovy.
Is that possible somehow? Perhaps, someone faced similar situation? I would really appreciate any help.
Thanks, Cheers
Instead of trying to change the way the properties are compiled, you would be better off passing the special value as an argument to your message code (as discussed in the comments to your question).
For instance:
<g:message code="my.key.code" args="[someVariableWithAValueFromConfig]" />
If your message code doesn't use the argument it will simply be ignored. This seems like the best approach to the problem you are trying to solve.

Dropwizard: customize health check address and format

Is it possible to customize Dropwizrd's healthcheck output so that, e.g.: /health for healthchecks instead of /healthcheck and some output like {“status”: 200}.
I realise I could simply write a new resource that does what ever I need, I was just wondering if there is a more standard way to do this.
From what I have read on the 0.7.1 source code it's not possible to change the resource URI for healthchecks unfortunately, I highly doubt you can change the healthcheck format. I also remember people complaining about not being able to add REST resources to admin page, only servlets. Maybe on 0.8.0?
Here are the details of what I've tracked so far on the source code. Maybe I have misread or misunderstood something, so somebody could fix it.
Metrics has actually written AdminServlet to add healtcheck servlet in a way that it checks the servlet config whether the URI is defined or not.
this.healthcheckUri = getParam(config.getInitParameter(HEALTHCHECK_URI_PARAM_KEY), DEFAULT_HEALTHCHECK_URI);
But dropwizard doesn't provide a way to inject this configuration in any way on AbstractServerFactory.
handler.addServlet(new NonblockingServletHolder(new AdminServlet()), "/*");
NonblockingServletHolder is the one which is providing the config to AdminServlet but is created by AbstractServerFactory with empty constructor and provides no way to change the config.
I've thought of and tried to access the ServletHolder from the Environment object on method but the admin servlets are not created until after run method is run.
environment.getAdminContext().getServletHandler().getServlets()[0].setInitParameter("healthcheck-uri", "/health");
Something like this in your run() function will help you control the URI of your healthchecks:
new HealthCheckServlet(environment.healthChecks())
If you want to actually control what's returned you need to write your own resource file. Fetch all the healthchecks from the registery, run them and return whatever aggregated value you want based on their results.

Use variable to access config in Grails Holders

Using Grails 2.3.7, I set a property in my config file: = ['whatever']
I can access using Holders...
For convenience I put Holders in util method:
static getCfgProp(key){
But getCfgProp('') doesn't work (guessing because is nested map key).
It works if I flatten the config:
static getCfgProp(key){
..but don't want to do that each time method is invoked.
Tried these, none worked, I must be missing something simple
This is what I've used for displaying a config var value (via a form input):
where ${it} is the input string. This works for both non-nested and nested keys due to the flatten() method.
EDIT: just realised this is the equivilent of your Holders.getFlatConfig() so probably not useful. Not sure why you
don't want to do that each time method is invoked
Performance? Have you benchmarked it?
This has worked for me with grails-2.5.6:
// for

Including an external application in ZF2

I'm trying to use phpBB3 (forum app) along with ZF2. For that, I have to include a file from the phpBB3. In theory this is as simple as:
$user->session_begin(); //$user is defined in common.php file
In common.php a lot of globals are defined, and after that are required some files which are using those globals.
In ZF2 simply including the common.php would not work, because the scope of the globals will not span over the required files, so I tried a little trick:
//in Application/Forum/Service
public function callForumAPI(){
$zf_dir = getcwd();
Neither in this case the scope of the global variables didn't span over the required files, so all the globals where NULL in those files.
How could I solve this issue?
I consider 2 main problems:
1. Loading resources
I dont know if you changed the code of phpBB3, since if you dont, your problem is other.
Phpbb3, as many systems, doesnt let you access directly to any file, you have to go through index.php. As you can see in common.php
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
IN_PHPBB is defined in index.php, so you can simply use
Also, common.php and other files, makes use of $phpbb_root_path, that is defined in index.php.
So, at least, when you are going to include common.php you need
$zf_dir = getcwd();
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : './';
probably there are some other things you have to take care about.
2. Variable scopes
Also, consider than in PHP, like in almost every language, a variable declared inside a function, is considered local, and will be undefined outside that function. So for sure, if you do that inside callForumAPI(), you wont have any variable outside, and moreover, depending on where you are doing that could be actually inside a function, no matter you can notice it or not, since ZF2 is a framenwork with a complex, non-obvius architecture.
So, what i recomend, as soon as you load the file, is to use the ZF2 service manager to store all the variables and object than you would use in your application. This is a good measure even if you didnt need it,since this way you can have everything integrated as much as possible, it is important to minimize and localize access to phpbb3, since it is not meant to be a library, maintenance could be tricky, so if everyhing is in the same file, and then you create your own internal api through the service manager, it will more encapsulated and nicer. I assume you already know how to do this, if you dont, just let me know.
try this, and tell me if its enough or we need more research
