I'm puzzled how recurrence work within Tempo API.
We are using JIRA Server edition, Tempo Planner 8.6.0
I'd like to plan allocation for an assignee for an hour every week.
var allocations = new Allocation
assignee = new Tempo.Model.Assignee
key = assignee.Key,
type = AssigneeTypeEnum.User.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()
planItem = new Planitem
id = projects[project],
type = PlanItemTypeEnum.Project.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()
recurrence = new Recurrence
endDate = $"{endDate:yyyy-MM-dd}",
rule = "12334"//WEEKLY, weekly recurrence.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(),
scope = new Scope
type = ScopeEnum.None.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()
description = description,
start = $"{startDate:yyyy-MM-dd}",
end = $"{endDate:yyyy-MM-dd}",
secondsPerDay = durationInSeconds
As you can see, I can put anything in parameter recurrence.rule the operation is always ignored with output
How should I proceed ?
So, what i am trying to do is... well it's best to show. oh and This is with Fivem and trying to modify an existing resource, but...
`BMProducts = {
["lostItems"] = {
[1] = { name = "weapon_shotgun", price = 1500, crypto = 2500, amount = 1 },
table.insert(BMProducts, {
["ballasItems"] = {
[1] = { name = "weapon_pistol", price = 1500, crypto = 2500, amount = 1 },
Config.Products = BMProducts`
And I have a another config, that i need to pull the Correct table, but now sure entirely how
`["products"] = Config.Products["ballasItems"],`
Is what I have but it won't read it, due to what I assume is what i saw when debugging, that when inserting to the table, it assigns a number, ie;
[1] = {lostitems = {... [2] = {ballasItems = {...
One that works, but what my ultimate goal is to make the code plug and play with the table inserts, is this
`BMProducts =
["lostItems"] = {
[1] = { name = "weapon_pistol", price = 1500, crypto = 2500, amount = 1 },
["ballasItems"] = {
[1] = { name = "weapon_pistol", price = 1500, crypto = 2500, amount = 1 },
which works with the config above because the way just above does not assign numbers and not inserting into a table. Any ideas how i can go about setting that config for the correct Products table?
When i try it with the table insert, and with the
`["products"] = Config.Products["ballasItems"],`
It can't find the table, which is due to what i assume the table format being different than what it was, which was the code block at the bottom
so my main thing, is to get
`["products"] = Config.Products["ballasItems"],`
to = the correct table when there is a table insert.
If you don't want to table.insert, then don't table.insert:
BMProducts["ballasItems"] = {
{ name = "weapon_pistol", price = 1500, crypto = 2500, amount = 1 },
Now I think you told to not modify the config, so another approach is to just use that additional array index when indexing:
["products"] = Config.Products[2]["ballasItems"]
Which obviously assumes that the config never changes and the entry with ballasItems is on index 2.
If you do not know the index, you may want to iterate over Config.Products and look for the right product.
for i,v in ipairs(Config.Products) do
if v["ballasItems"] then
You may also consider the case where two or more products match.
I'm trying to write my own NeoVim Lua based config, stripped down to the minimum I need and with the goal to understand at least most of the config. LSP setup is working fine and is the only source I configured for nvim-cmp:
local cmp = require("cmp")
cmp.setup {
sources = {
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' }
local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()
capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(capabilities)
After some startup delay the completion is working in the sense that I see popups with proposed completions, based on information from LSP.
But I cannot select any of the proposed completions. I can just continue to type which reduces the proposed completions, but I cannot use tab, arrow keys, ... to select an entry from the popup. I saw in the docs that one can define keyboard mappings but cannot make sense out of them. They are all rather sophisticated, require a snippet package to be installed, ...
I would prefer to select the next completion via tab and to navigate them via arrow key. "Enter" should select the current one.
Could somebody show me a minimal configuration for this setup or point me to more "basic" docs?
Nvim-cmp requires you to set the mapping for tab and other keys explicitly, here is my working example:
local cmp = require'cmp'
local lspkind = require'lspkind'
snippet = {
expand = function(args)
-- For `ultisnips` user.
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
['<Tab>'] = function(fallback)
if cmp.visible() then
['<S-Tab>'] = function(fallback)
if cmp.visible() then
['<CR>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),
['<C-e>'] = cmp.mapping.abort(),
['<Esc>'] = cmp.mapping.close(),
['<C-d>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
['<C-f>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
sources = {
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' }, -- For nvim-lsp
{ name = 'ultisnips' }, -- For ultisnips user.
{ name = 'nvim_lua' }, -- for nvim lua function
{ name = 'path' }, -- for path completion
{ name = 'buffer', keyword_length = 4 }, -- for buffer word completion
{ name = 'omni' },
{ name = 'emoji', insert = true, } -- emoji completion
completion = {
keyword_length = 1,
completeopt = "menu,noselect"
view = {
entries = 'custom',
formatting = {
format = lspkind.cmp_format({
mode = "symbol_text",
menu = ({
nvim_lsp = "[LSP]",
ultisnips = "[US]",
nvim_lua = "[Lua]",
path = "[Path]",
buffer = "[Buffer]",
emoji = "[Emoji]",
omni = "[Omni]",
This is working great for me. The mapping part corresponds to the config for key mapping in the table. You can tweak your conf based on my config to make it work for you.
Hi I'm running terraform
Terraform v0.13.4
provider registry.terraform.io/hashicorp/azurerm v2.41.0
I'm trying to set up azure metric monitoring for vm
resource "azurerm_scheduled_query_rules_log" "scheduled_rules" {
for_each = local.alert_rules
name = "${var.client_initial}-${each.key}"
location = var.resource_group_name.location
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
criteria {
metric_name = each.value.metric_name
dimension {
name = "Computer"
operator = "Include"
values = var.virtual_machines
data_source_id = var.log_analytics_workspace_ID
description = each.value.description
enabled = true
However when i run plan, it tells me
53: resource "azurerm_scheduled_query_rules_log" "scheduled_rules" {
The provider provider.azurerm does not support resource type
I see this new resource is introduced in azurerm 2.1, not sure why it's not available on 2.41.0?
I also face the same error. It should be the resource azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_log instead of azurerm_scheduled_query_rules_log. There might be some mistakes or do not update in the terraform Example Usage.
Here is a working example with Terraform v0.14.3 + azurerm v2.41.0
# Example: LogToMetric Action for the named Computer
resource "azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_log" "example" {
name = format("%s-queryrule", "some")
location = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.example.name
criteria {
metric_name = "Average_% Idle Time"
dimension {
name = "Computer"
operator = "Include"
values = ["targetVM"]
data_source_id = azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.example.id
description = "Scheduled query rule LogToMetric example"
enabled = true
I am working on creating HL7 VXU V04 type message using NHapi V2.5.
Below is the required message outcome( from NIST site:http://hl7v2-iz-testing.nist.gov/mu-immunization/)
The issue I am running into is how to create four OBX segments("NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX ") and add it to the "NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER" ?
Below is my code, Line#5 works, it create multiple ORDER but if i try to do the same to create multiple OBSERVATION (Line#8), I get the below error:
"Can't create repetition #1 of Structure OBSERVATION - this Structure is non-repeating"
As per HL7 specifications OBSERVATION is repeating structure, Anyone please help here?
Any pointers or any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
NHapi.Model.V25.Message.VXU_V04 vxuMsg = new VXU_V04();
PipeParser parser = new PipeParser();
for (int i = 0; i < person.Immunizations.Count; i++)
NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER orc = (NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER)vxuMsg.GetStructure("ORDER", i);
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION observation = (NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION)orc.GetStructure("OBSERVATION", j);
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX obx1 = (NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX)obx.GetStructure("OBX");
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.RXA im = orc.RXA;
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.ORC oc = orc.ORC;
NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.RXR rxr = orc.RXR;
Required message outcome
MSH|^~\&|Test EHR Application|X68||NIST Test Iz Reg|201207010822||VXU^V04^VXU_V04|NIST-IZ-001.00|P|2.5.1|||AL|ER
PID|1||D26376273^^^NIST MPI^MR||Snow^Madelynn^Ainsley^^^^L|Lam^Morgan|20070706|F||2076-8^Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander^CDCREC|32 Prescott Street Ave^^Warwick^MA^02452^USA^L||^PRN^PH^^^657^5558563|||||||||2186-5^non Hispanic or Latino^CDCREC
PD1|||||||||||02^Reminder/Recall - any method^HL70215|||||A|20120701|20120701
NK1|1|Lam^Morgan^^^^^L|MTH^Mother^HL70063|32 Prescott Street Ave^^Warwick^MA^02452^USA^L|^PRN^PH^^^657^5558563
RXA|0|1|20120814||140^Influenza, seasonal, injectable, preservative free^CVX|0.5|mL^MilliLiter [SI Volume Units]^UCUM||00^New immunization record^NIP001|7832-1^Lemon^Mike^A^^^^^NIST-AA-1|^^^X68||||Z0860BB|20121104|CSL^CSL Behring^MVX|||CP|A
RXR|C28161^Intramuscular^NCIT|LD^Left Arm^HL70163
OBX|1|CE|64994-7^Vaccine funding program eligibility category^LN|1|V05^VFC eligible - Federally Qualified Health Center Patient (under-insured)^HL70064||||||F|||20120701|||VXC40^Eligibility captured at the immunization level^CDCPHINVS
OBX|2|CE|30956-7^vaccine type^LN|2|88^Influenza, unspecified formulation^CVX||||||F
OBX|3|TS|29768-9^Date vaccine information statement published^LN|2|20120702||||||F
OBX|4|TS|29769-7^Date vaccine information statement presented^LN|2|20120814||||||F
Dim vxuMsg As NHapi.Model.V25.Message.VXU_V04 = New VXU_V04()
Dim orc As NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER = DirectCast(vxuMsg.GetStructure("ORDER", 0), NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_ORDER)
Dim observation As NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION = orc.GetOBSERVATION(0) 'DirectCast(orc.GetStructure("OBSERVATION", 0), NHapi.Model.V25.Group.VXU_V04_OBSERVATION)
Dim orderobservation As VXU_V04_ORDER = vxuMsg.GetORDER(0)
Dim obx1 As NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX = DirectCast(observation.GetStructure("OBX"), NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX)
obx1 = orderobservation.GetOBSERVATION(0).OBX
obx1.SetIDOBX.Value = "1"
obx1.ValueType.Value = "CE"
obx1.ObservationIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "64994-7"
obx1.ObservationIdentifier.Text.Value = "Vaccine funding program eligibility category"
obx1.ObservationIdentifier.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "LN"
obx1.ObservationSubID.Value = "1"
Dim ce As New CE(oru01)
ce.Identifier.Value = "V05"
ce.Text.Value = "VFC eligible - Federally Qualified Health Center Patient(under-insured)"
ce.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "HL70064"
obx1.GetObservationValue(0).Data = ce
obx1.ObservationResultStatus.Value = "F"
obx1.DateTimeOfTheObservation.Time.Value = "20120701"
obx1.GetObservationMethod(0).Identifier.Value = "VXC40"
obx1.GetObservationMethod(0).Text.Value = "Eligibility captured at the immunization level"
obx1.GetObservationMethod(0).NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "CDCPHINVS"
Dim obx2 As NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX = obx1
obx2 = orderobservation.GetOBSERVATION(1).OBX
obx2.SetIDOBX.Value = "2"
obx2.ValueType.Value = "CE"
obx2.ObservationIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "30956-7"
obx2.ObservationIdentifier.Text.Value = "vaccine type"
obx2.ObservationIdentifier.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "LN"
obx2.ObservationSubID.Value = "2"
Dim ce2 As New CE(oru01)
ce2.Identifier.Value = "88"
ce2.Text.Value = "Influenza, unspecified formulation"
ce2.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "CVX"
obx2.GetObservationValue(0).Data = ce2
obx2.ObservationResultStatus.Value = "F"
Dim obx3 As NHapi.Model.V25.Segment.OBX = obx1 'DirectCast(observation.GetStructure("OBX"), NHapi.Model.V251.Segment.OBX)
obx3 = orderobservation.GetOBSERVATION(2).OBX
obx3.SetIDOBX.Value = "3"
obx3.ValueType.Value = "TS"
obx3.ObservationIdentifier.Identifier.Value = "29768-9"
obx3.ObservationIdentifier.Text.Value = "Date vaccine information statement published"
obx3.ObservationIdentifier.NameOfCodingSystem.Value = "LN"
obx3.ObservationSubID.Value = "2"
Dim ts3 As New TS(oru01)
ts3.Time.Value = "20120702"
obx3.GetObservationValue(0).Data = ts3
obx3.ObservationResultStatus.Value = "F"
I am trying to connect to the FedEx shipping webservice v8.
Everything works fine when I only have one RequestedPackageLineItems set. When I add two items I get the following error.
"Invalid package count or invalid package sequence number."
My Code is as follows
ProcessShipmentRequest request = CreatePendingShipmentRequest();
ShipService service = new ShipService();
ProcessShipmentReply reply = service.processShipment(request);
private static ProcessShipmentRequest CreatePendingShipmentRequest()
ProcessShipmentRequest request = new ProcessShipmentRequest();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail = new WebAuthenticationDetail();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential = new WebAuthenticationCredential();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Key = "XXX";
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Password = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail = new ClientDetail();
request.ClientDetail.AccountNumber = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail.MeterNumber = "XXX";
request.TransactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
request.TransactionDetail.CustomerTransactionId = "*** Ground Domestic Shipping Request v8 using C# ***";
request.Version = new VersionId();
//Inside this method I set request.RequestedShipment.PackageCount = "2";
return request;
private static void SetPackageLineItems(ProcessShipmentRequest request)
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems = new RequestedPackageLineItem[2];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].SequenceNumber = "1";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].ItemDescription = "Item";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions = new Dimensions();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Length = "108";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Width = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Height = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Units = LinearUnits.IN;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences = new CustomerReference[3];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.CUSTOMER_REFERENCE;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].Value = "[LOT NUMBER]";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.INVOICE_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].Value = "45646";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.P_O_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].Value = "456446";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].SequenceNumber = "2";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].ItemDescription = "Item";
Found out how to do this.
In order to get multiple shipping labels into one pdf the process is as follows.
Create a request
Fill in the shipping info
Post and get a reply.
Save that replay and the byte array and MasterShippingID
Create a new request and assign the master shipping id to it.
Added shipping weight and dimensions
Post and get reply
Save byte array with the other
Continue until all shipments are generated (max 200 per master shipping id)
Merge all the pdfs returned from FedEx into one pdf.
Do a happy dance.
A simpler approach, (though there is a cost) is the Shiprush SDK. It lets you build a single XML block and let ShipRush do all the funny stuff with fedex (or whoever).
They also support their tool.