Replace user created blanks with 0's - google-sheets

I made a binary calculator with bitwise functions (bitand, bitor, bitxor, ect.) in google sheets (yes I am aware that there are built in functions to do this, this seemed more fun). It is an 8 bit calculator, and I currently have addition and subtraction implemented. Multiplication is planned, but seems way too hard at the moment
One of the things I came across is once a calculation is done, the user has to manually 0 out the addends/minuend and subtrahend one digit at a time. I would like to optimize this process.
I can easily create a script that will input 0 into all the cells and hook that up to a button. I have a feeling that's the route I'm going to have to go. But I want to challenge myself in making cool stuff, so I want the coolest solution.
My question is: is there a way I can do this without a script attached? I've been experimenting with ARRAYFORMULA and VLOOKUP, but I don't have a clear answer yet.
Expected behavior:
User inputs their calculation. User records the answer. User selects both 8 bit binary numbers (currently residing in A1:H2) and presses backspace. Google Sheet automatically translates those blank cells to 0's.

take a look into custom internal formatting. any text can be converted to "0"
then see shifted arrays:
={"", "x"}
formula from G9 will print "0" into H9. also, you can anytime enter value in H9 to "overwrite" the zero and after you don't need the entered value you just clear it with backspace or delete key and it will be filled with "0" again.
also, note that after you enter value in H9, G9 will error out and such error cant be suppressed so see hidden cells:
not sure if it's cool enough but it works (with compromises)


How can I combine these 2 functions without going over the 50,000 character limit?

I tried to simply replace anytime I referenced the cell into the actual function inside of the referred cell. This normally works in every single other function
I've done this with, but in this case, it's a big function and it gets referred to many times. This causes it to go over the 50,000 character limit for functions and this method no longer applies.
check out this spreadsheet to see the functions I'm talking about:
here's the formula:
I couldn't find an efficient way to automatically convert back to the best unit because we are dealing with huge numbers that get turned to scientific notation preventing us from easily getting the actual length of the number. For this reason, I added a cell (C3) where you can specify the unit you want. I also added another cell (D3) where you can specify the amount of decimal places you want to display.

How do i stop google sheet from auto-calculation?

I have a sheet that will record delivery information. However one of the record we have right now have a barcode that start with equal (=) symbol(=00000-00). So whenever we fired our barcode reader at it. it return as 5 digits number (10000) with minus calculation instead of our office-use 7 digits number format. (10077-77)
From what i know, In excel you can turn auto-calculation off as simple as turning format into text for use manual setting for calculation. However that doesn't seems to be the case here for Google Sheet. Is there any workaround for this? I tried =right(B2, len(B2)-1) but all it does is removing first number out and ignore equal symbol entirely.
I believe the best workaround is to treat it like a string:
You also have the option of displaying formulas:
Yet if you use a value of =0000-00 or something with starting zeros, it will not display the zeros:

Extracting PDF Tables into Excel in Automation Anywhere

[![enter image description here][4]][4][![enter image description here][5]][5]I have a PDF that has tabular data that runs over 50+ pages, i want to extract this table into an excel file using Automation Anywhere. (i am using community version of AA 11.3). I watched videos of the PDF integration command but haven't had any success trying this for tabular data.
Requesting assistance.
I am afraid that your case will be quite challenging... and the main reason for that are the values that contains multiple lines. You can still achieve what you need, and with good performance, but the code itself will not be pretty. You will also be facing challanges with Automation Anywhere, since it does not really provide the right tools to do such a thing and you may need to resort to scripting (VBScripts) or Metabots.
Solution 1
This one will try to use purely text extraction and Regular expressions. Mainly standard functionality, nothing too "dirty".
First you need to realise how do the exported data look like. You can see that you can export to Plain or Structured.
The Plain one is not useful at all as the data is all over the place, without any clear pattern.
The Structured one is much better as the data structure resembles the data from the original document. From looking at the data you can make these observations:
Each row contains 5 columns
All columns are always filled (at least in the visible sample set)
The last two columns can serve as a pattern "anchor" (identifier), because they contain a clear pattern (a number followed by minimum of two spaces followed by a dollar sign and another number)
Rows with data are separated by a blank row
The text columns may contain a multiline value, which will duplicate the rows (this one thing makes it especially tricky)
First wou need to ensure that the Structured data contain only the table, nothing else. You can probably use the Before-After string command for that.
Then you need to check if you can reliably identify the character width of every column. You can try this for yourself if you copy the text into Excel, use the Text to Columns with the Fixed Width option and try to play around with the sliders
The you need to try to find a way how to reliably identify each row and prepare it for the Split command in AA. For that you need to have a delimiter. But since each data row can actually consists of multiple text rows, you need to create a delimiter of your own. I used the Replace function with Regular Expression option and replace a specific pattern for a delimiter (pipe). See here.
Now that you have added a custom delimiter, you can use the Split command to add each row into a list and loop through it.
Because each data row may consists of several rows, you will need to use Split again, this time use the [ENTER] as delimiter. Now you need to loop through each of the text line of a single data line and use the Substring function to extract data based on column width and concatenate them to a single value that you store somewhere else.
All in all, a painful process.
Solution 2
This may not be applicable, but it's worth a try - open the PDF in Microsoft Word. It will give you a warning, ignore it. Word will attempt to open the document and, if you're lucky, it will recognise your table as a table. If it works, it will make the data extraction much easier an you will be able to use Macros/VBA or even simple Copy&Paste. I tried it on a random PDF of my own and it works quite well.

How can I use the OFFSET() formula with a range of values?

EDIT: Disclaimer about the XY problem: The actual, concrete problem I'm trying to solve is: How can I make "recursive" (is that the right term here?) formulas that use infinite ranges in Google Spreadsheets/Excel? The solution I'm working with involves the OFFSET() formula. I'm asking this question because I'd like to get an extensible understanding of the way formulas use and implement ranges, especially infinite ranges.
I'm working in Google Spreadsheets and trying to create ArrayFormulas that will automatically expand without needing to use the fill handle as new data is added in the requisite columns.
To do this, I want to use infinite ranges such as A2:A when I do calculations so that no matter how much data is added, I'll never have to drag-fill any data or formulas and I can just let the spreadsheet iterate and do the work.
I'm running into a problem, though, when I try to use these infinite ranges with the OFFSET() formula. What I'm trying to do is have each cell in the range pull values from a couple of the cells next to it (thus the offset), do a simple calculation with those values, and make that the new cell value. But because the formula interprets the instruction as attempting to offset an entire (infinite) range of values, it returns a #REF! error. Here's a shared example sheet that demonstrates what I'm trying to do.
If for some reason you can't see the formulas, the formulas I'm using are:
C3 =ArrayFormula(Offset(C3:C, 0, -1) - Offset(C3:C, -1, -1))
F4 =Arrayformula(Offset(F3:F, 0, -1) + Offset(F3:F, -1, 0))
Both of these return a #REF! error. C3's alt-text reads: "Error: Result was not automatically expanded, please insert more rows (1)." F3's alt-text reads: "Error: Circular dependency detected."
I'm decently confident why these don't work - you're apparently not allowed to use and refer to ranges this way. I don't, however, know how to fix this.
The two use-cases in the spreadsheet are essentially the same thing, backwards. Chances are if I can figure out one I can reverse-engineer it to work for the other one, but I've had no luck so far.
I've Googled around a lot and while I've never found anything that solves this problem, a lot of similar problems seem to be solved by using the INDIRECT() function. I can't understand how this would apply here, though, that function seems to be strictly for parsing values dynamically from cells with variable input.
(I should probably mention that this data is on a back end sheet and it's getting pulled on another sheet to display some charts on the front end. I wouldn't ask a question here if this data was the only thing involved.)
Any help or a step in the right direction would be appreciated.
If I'm understanding your question, one way to make an offset function expand automatically is to attach a count function, eg. in excel
However, this will give you a circular reference error. To address this issue, this is one solution that I have used:
This function passes an array based on the last number cell in the column. And for it to be used properly, it needs to be wrapped in a function that can handle arrays, like SUM().

How do I increment a string value in Google Spreadsheet?

Long time Lurker reporting in! My issue is I'm not sure how to increment an Item no. It follows this format : LK0001 the row below it will be LK0002, below that LK0003 and so on I'm not sure how to automate this process, as you can tell I'm fairly new to google spreadsheets Sorry if it's already answered , I just can't seem to find it! Thanks!
First of all, I would suggest using the following ID build-up:
This way characters (LK) can be separated from integers (1000). Otherwise you would face the problem, that if you increase LK0009 by 1 it becomes LK00010 and not LK0010
ID's need to be "hard coded", meaning =CONCAT or =A1+1 or =MAX(A:A)+1 are not allowed.
Either go by typing LK+max. number and use the ID as a text or go for the integers and use CONCAT when needed.
If you chose to go with the integers, you can easily increment them by doing this:
and then dragging it downwards, yielding:
I've prepared an example for you: How do I increment a string value in Google Spreadsheet?
