Can we use Nvidia graphic card in apple M1 pro laptop - nvidia

Does Apple m1 pro support the Integrated Graphics Nvidia?It has its own Apple GPU?Can we use Integrated Graphics Nvidia in Apple m1 pro instead of its own Apple GPU?
Does Apple m1 pro support the Dedicated Graphics Card Nvidia?

Does Apple m1 pro support the Integrated Graphics Nvidia?
No. The integrated graphics on M1/M2 are Apple not nVidia.
It has its own Apple GPU?
Can we use Integrated Graphics Nvidia in Apple m1 pro instead of its
own Apple GPU?
Does Apple m1 pro support the Dedicated Graphics Card Nvidia?
Likely no. It’s possible to add a Thunderbolt 4 pcie slot. I’m unaware of any nVidia drivers for the Apple M1.


Does Intel Mac can programing material M1 apps?

First of all, I know that it is better to buy new electronic devices than old ones.
My intention is to learn to program, including but not limited to programming iOS apps, iPad apps, and MacOS programs.
Currently, I'm deciding between a used, old Intel Mac device (because it's cheaper [?]) and an M1 device to choose between.
I don't have development needs such as games, so the GPU may not be important[?] .
I learn from online search engines that Intel Mac compiled iOS programs require Rosetta Translation on M1 devices? Even the universal binaries need Rosetta Translation?
Frontier developers basically have M1 as a development and testing device, and I didn't search for questions about it.
Ultimately, the only question is, M1 devices run mobile app natively, so does this mobile app have to be compiled by M1 devices?
Of course, I know there is a lot of software out there that may not all be adapted to the arm architecture, but I still want my compiled mobile apps to run on the M1 device without Rosetta Translation.

[iOS CoreImage]Does Photo Segmentation Mattes support for macOS?

I watched WWDC 2019 session about "Introducing Photo Segmentation Mattes"
I checked Apple documentation of "AVSemanticSegmentationMatte".
The api shows that it is available for macOS from macOS 10.15+ and Mac Catalyst 13.0+.
I have tried to implement segmentation mattes in macOS.
"AVCapturePhotoOutput" class has a 'enabledSemanticSegmentationMatteTypes' in iOS.
But 'enabledSemanticSegmentationMatteTypes' is unavailable in macOS.
Do you know how to use AVSemanticSegmentationMatte in macOS?
A lot of features are not available when capturing on macOS because the camera in a MacBook simply doesn't provide the same capabilities. You can, however, load a segmentation matte that was baked into an image taken with an iPhone or iPad on macOS (that's why the type is also available there).

Can i use an SDK for a OSX platform on IOS device (ipad, iphone)?

I am looking into the possibilities of using a card reader on an ipad/iphone to read the data on it/ available to it.
I have found some card readers with an SDK that seem to do the job:
For the Cards i am looking for e-id/sis there is a middleware SDK (eID Middleware SDK 4.0). I guess i will have to use it to read from the card. Below are the compatibility specs.
My question is; Can i use this SDK for ios?
Compatibility Platforms:
Windows: Win32 (Windows 2000, XP, Vista)
Linux: Fedora 9, Debian etch, OpenSUSE 11
Mac: OSX 10.4 and 10.5 for PPC and Intel
Programming languages
C++: Windows/Linux/Mac
Java: Windows/Linux/Mac
dotNet languages (VB, C#,...): Windows
C++ compiler:
Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Linux: default installed g++ compiler
Mac OSX: default installed g++ compiler
JDK 1.4.2 or higher (some samples require 1.5 or higher)
There are two main issues you'll encounter:
Firstly, iOS uses a different architecture to OS X (ARM vs Intel). Unless you have access to the source-code for your SDK (which sounds unlikely) you probably won't be able to use it. Whilst OS X and iOS libraries can be cross-compatible there is normally at least some work involved in resolving platform inconsistencies.
Secondly, on iOS external hardware needs to be certified by Apple. The good news is that there's a framework designed for iOS developers to interact with accessories such as card readers - the external accessory framework. If you find a card ready that's labelled as Made for iPhone you'll probably have more luck (it looks as if some of the card readers you've found use dock connectors, and thus hopefully usable via the external accessory framework).
If your card reader is not officially certified by Apple then you'll almost certainly need to be running a jail-broken device to access it.

Which iOS devices support which version of Open GL ES

Apple's documentation here doesn't provide specifics, unfortunately. Anyone know of a good list of which iOS devices and which versions of iOS support which version of Open GL ES?
All iDevices can run OpenGL ES 1.0.
OpenGL ES 2.0 is support on both iPad versions, the iPhone 3GS or later, and iPod Touch 3rd generation and later.
As far as iOS versions go, ES 2.0 support was added to iOS 3.x and higher, but only on devices that support it of course.

How to develop an iphone application on Windows OS?

How to develop an iPhone application without using Mac OS?
Is it possible to develop an application on Windows XP?
You will need a mac to develop for iOS devices. Here is a quote from the Apple website with the specifics:
To develop with iOS SDK and participate in the iOS Developer Program you must have an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Refer to the iOS SDK Read Me document for full details on system requirements. You must be registered as an Apple Developer in order to access the iOS SDK and iOS SDK Read Me document.
You can read the full details on the Apple iOS dev site here.
