Can we print the configurations on which the MLflow server has started? - machine-learning

I am using the following command to start the MLflow server:
mlflow server --backend-store-uri postgresql://mlflow_user:mlflow#localhost/mlflow --artifacts-destination <S3 bucket location> --serve-artifacts -h -p 8000
Before production deployment, we have a requirement that we need to print or fetch the under what configurations the server is running. For example, the above command uses localhost postgres connection and S3 bucket.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Also, how do I set the server's environment as "production"? So finally I should see a log like this:
[LOG] Started MLflow server:
Env: production
postgres: localhost:5432
S3: <S3 bucket path>

You can wrap it in a bash script or in a Makefile script, e.g.
#echo "Started MLflow server:"
#echo "Env: production"
#echo "postgres: localhost:5432"
#echo "S3: <S3 bucket path>"
#mlflow server --backend-store-uri postgresql://mlflow_user:mlflow#localhost/mlflow --artifacts-destination <S3 bucket location> --serve-artifacts -h -p 8000
Additionally, it you can set and use environment variables specific to that server and print and use those in the command.


curl fails when ran inside script

Trying to communicate with a running docker container by running a simple curl:
curl -v -s -X POST http://localhost:4873/_session -d \'name=some\&password=thing\'
Which works fine from any shell (login/interactive), but miserably fails when doing it in a script:
temp=$(curl -v -s -X POST http://localhost:4873/_session -d \'name=some\&password=thing\')
echo $temp
With error output suggesting a connection reset:
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 4873 (#0)
> POST /_session HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:4873
> User-Agent: curl/7.68.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 29
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
} [29 bytes data]
* upload completely sent off: 29 out of 29 bytes
* Recv failure: Connection reset by peer <-- this! why?
* Closing connection 0
I'm lost and any hint is appreciated.
PS: tried without subshell and same happens so it's something with the script or the way it's executed.
Edit 1
Added docker compose file. I don't see why regular shell works, but script does not. Note that script is not ran inside docker, it's also running from host.
version: "2.1"
image: verdaccio/verdaccio:4
container_name: verdaccio-docker-local-storage-vol
- "4873:4873"
- "./storage:/verdaccio/storage"
- "./conf:/verdaccio/conf"
driver: local
Edit 2
So doing temp=$(curl -v -s works fine in the script. It's some kind of networking issue, but I still haven't managed to figure out why.
Edit 3
Lots of people suggested to reformat the payload data, but even without a payload same error is thrown. Also note I'm on Linux so not sure if there are any permissions that can play a role here.
if you are using bash script, Can you update the script with below change and try to run again.
cred="{\"name\":\"some\", \"password\":\"thing\"}"
temp="curl -v -s -X POST $address -d $cred"
echo $temp
I suspect the issue is within the script and not with docker.
If you run your container in default mode, docker daemon will locate it in another network, so 'localhost' of your host machine and that one of your container are different.
If you want to see the host machine ports from your container, try to run it with key --network="host" (detailed description can be found here)

Run Artifactory as Docker container response 404

I created docker container with this command:
docker run --name artifactory -d -p 8081:8081 \
-v /jfrog/artifactory:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory \
-e EXTRA_JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms128M -Xmx512M -Xss256k -XX:+UseG1GC' \
and started artifactory, but the response I get is 404 - not found
If u access u see it
If you follow the Artifactory Docker install documentation, you'll see you also need to expose port 8082 for the new JFrog Router, which is now handling the traffic coming in to the UI (and other services as needed).
This new architecture is from Artifactory 7.x. By setting latest as the repository tag, you don't have full control of what version you are running...
So your command should look like
docker run --name artifactory -p 8081:8081 -d -p 8082:8082 \
-v /jfrog/artifactory:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory \
For controlling the configuration (like the Java options you want), it's recommended to use the Artifactory system.yaml configuration. This file is the best way to control all aspects of the Artifactory system configuration.
I start my instance with
sudo groupadd -g 1030 artifactory
sudo useradd -u 1030 -g artifactory artifactory
sudo chown artifactory:artifactory /daten/jfrog -R
docker run \
-d \
--name artifactory \
-v /daten/jfrog/artifactory:/var/opt/jfrog/artifactory \
--user "$(id -u artifactory):$(id -g artifactory)" \
--restart always \
-p 8084:8081 -p 9082:8082
This is my /daten/jfrog/artifactory/etc/system.yaml (I changed nothing manually)
## #formatter:off
## HOW TO USE: comment-out any field and keep the correct yaml indentation by deleting only the leading '#' character.
configVersion: 1
## NOTE: JFROG_HOME is a place holder for the JFrog root directory containing the deployed product, the home directory for all JFrog products.
## Replace JFROG_HOME with the real path! For example, in RPM install, JFROG_HOME=/opt/jfrog
## NOTE: Sensitive information such as passwords and join key are encrypted on first read.
## NOTE: The provided commented key and value is the default.
## A shared section for keys across all services in this config
## Java 11 distribution to use
#javaHome: "JFROG_HOME/artifactory/app/third-party/java"
## Extra Java options to pass to the JVM. These values add to or override the defaults.
#extraJavaOpts: "-Xms512m -Xmx2g"
## Security Configuration
## Join key value for joining the cluster (takes precedence over 'joinKeyFile')
#joinKey: "<Your joinKey>"
## Join key file location
#joinKeyFile: "<For example: JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/security/join.key>"
## Master key file location
## Generated by the product on first startup if not provided
#masterKeyFile: "<For example: JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/security/master.key>"
## Maximum time to wait for key files (master.key and join.key)
#bootstrapKeysReadTimeoutSecs: 120
## Node Settings
## A unique id to identify this node.
## Default auto generated at startup.
#id: "art1"
## Default auto resolved by startup script
## Sets this node as primary in HA installation
#primary: true
## Sets this node as part of HA installation
#haEnabled: true
## Database Configuration
## One of mysql, oracle, mssql, postgresql, mariadb
## Default Embedded derby
## Example for postgresql
#type: postgresql
#driver: org.postgresql.Driver
#url: "jdbc:postgresql://<your db url, for example: localhost:5432>/artifactory"
#username: artifactory
#password: password
I see this in router-request.log
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":3608608,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.56803042Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"664d23ea1941d9b0:410817c2c69f2849:31b50a1adccb9846:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":4000683,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.567751867Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"23967a8743252dd8:436e2a5407b66e64:31cfc496ccc260fa:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":4021195,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.567751873Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"28300761ec7b6cd5:36588fa084ee7105:10fbdaadbc39b21e:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":3918873,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.567751891Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"6d57920d087f4d0f:26b9120411520de2:49b0e61895e17734:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
{"BackendAddr":"localhost:8040","ClientAddr":"","DownstreamContentSize":95,"DownstreamStatus":404,"Duration":2552815,"RequestMethod":"GET","RequestPath":"/access/api/v1/users/jffe#000?expand=groups","StartUTC":"2021-12-30T11:49:19.569112324Z","level":"info","msg":"","request_Uber-Trace-Id":"d4a7bb216cf31eb:5c783ae80b95778f:fd11882b03eb63f:0","request_User-Agent":"JFrog Access Java Client/7.29.9 72909900 Artifactory/7.29.8 72908900","time":"2021-12-30T11:49:19Z"}
I've to change the port to 8084 (it's already occupied) But I run into 404 as well.
Who knows how to solve it ?

Dockerize 'at' scheduler

I want to put at daemon (atd) in separate docker container for running as external environment independent scheduler service.
I can run atd with following Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml:
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM alpine
RUN apk add --update at ssmtp mailx
CMD [ "atd", "-f" ]
$ cat docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
build: .
working_dir: /mnt/scripts
- "${PWD}/scripts:/mnt/scripts"
But problems are:
1) There is no built-in option to reditect atd logs to /proc/self/fd/1 for showing them via docker logs command. at just have -m option, which sends mail to user.
Is it possible to redirect at from user mail to /proc/self/fd/1 (maybe some compile flags) ?
2) Now I add new task via command like docker-compose exec scheduler at -f now + 1 minute. Is it a good way ? I think a better way is to find a file where at stores a queue, add this file as volume, update it externally and just send docker restart after file change.
But I can't find where at stores its data on alpine linux ( I just found /var/spool/atd/.SEQ where at stores id of last job ). Anyone knows where at stores its data ?
Also will be glad to hear any advices regarding at dockerization.
UPD. I found where at stores its data on alpine, it's /var/spool/atd folder. When I create a task via at command it creates here executable file with name like a000040190a2ff and content like
# atrun uid=0 gid=0
# mail root 1
umask 22
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin; export PATH
HOSTNAME=e605e8017167; export HOSTNAME
HOME=/root; export HOME
cd /mnt/scripts || {
echo 'Execution directory inaccessible' >&2
exit 1
#!/usr/bin/env sh
echo "Hello world"
UPD2: the difference between running at with and without -m option is third string of generated script
with -m option:
# atrun uid=0 gid=0
# mail root 1
without -m :
# atrun uid=0 gid=0
# mail root 0
According official man
The user will be mailed standard error and standard output from his
commands, if any. Mail will be sent using the command
Send mail to the user when the job has completed even if there was no
I tried to run schedule simple Hello World script and found that no mail was sent:
# mail -u root
No mail for root

Capistrano is failing because it cannot connect to remote git repository

I am trying to deploy using Capistrano 3.x.
I configured agent forwarding in my ~/.ssh/config file:
Host git-codecommit.*
Hostname xxxx
ForwardAgent yes
IdentityFile /path/to/codecommit_rsa
I did the same thing for my server connection with ForwardAgent yes also.
I verified my server allows agent forwarding in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file also:
AllowAgentForwarding yes
INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------
INFO START 2017-11-18 16:09:44 -0500 cap production deploy
INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO [b43ed70f] Running /usr/bin/env mkdir -p /tmp as deploy#
DEBUG [b43ed70f] Command: /usr/bin/env mkdir -p /tmp
INFO [b43ed70f] Finished in 1.132 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
DEBUG Uploading /tmp/ 0.0%
INFO Uploading /tmp/ 100.0%
INFO [b1a90dc1] Running /usr/bin/env chmod 700 /tmp/ as deploy#
DEBUG [b1a90dc1] Command: /usr/bin/env chmod 700 /tmp/
INFO [b1a90dc1] Finished in 0.265 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [b323707d] Running /usr/bin/env git ls-remote ssh:// HEAD as deploy#
DEBUG [b323707d] Command: ( export GIT_ASKPASS="/bin/echo" GIT_SSH="/tmp/" ; /usr/bin/env git ls-remote ssh:// HEAD )
DEBUG [b323707d] Permission denied (publickey).
DEBUG [b323707d] fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
What am I missing here?
You need to make Capistrano aware that you expect it to forward your local key. This can be done by going into you project's config/deploy.rb and adding this line:
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
IIRC, Capistrano executes commands remotely through SSHKit, so even if you invoke the ssh-agent and add a key locally, I can't say if it will persist for the next command.
As discussed in the comments, an SSH agent must run on the remote server as well as on the local machine that contains the key because the agents at each end need to cooperate to forward the key information. The agent (ssh-agent) is different from the SSH server (sshd). The server accepts connections, while the (otherwise optional) agent manages credentials.
Some systems start an agent automatically upon login. To check if this is the case, log in to the server and run:
$ env | grep SSH
...looking for variables like SSH_AGENT_PID or SSH_AGENT_SOCK. If it isn't started, we can execute the following command to start the agent on the server:
$ eval "$(ssh-agent)"
As we can see, this evaluates the output of the ssh-agent command because ssh-agent returns a script that sets some needed environment variables in the session.
We'll need to make sure the agent starts automatically upon login so that it doesn't interfere with the deploy process. If we checked and determined that the agent does not, in fact, start on login, we can add the last command to the "deploy" user's ~/.profile file (or ~/.bash_profile).
Note also that the host specified in the local ~/.ssh/config must match the name or IP address of the host that we want to forward credentials to, not the host that ultimately authenticates using the forwarded key. We need to change:
Host git-codecommit.*
We can verify that the SSH client performs agent forwarding by checking the verbose output:
$ ssh -v deploy#
debug1: Requesting authentication agent forwarding.
Of course, be sure to register any needed keys with the local agent by using ssh-add (this can also be done automatically when logging in as shown above). We can check which keys the agent loaded at any time with:
$ ssh-add -l
This usually helps me:
ssh-add -D

Spring boot app fail to link consul in docker

I am trying to use Consul as discovery service, and another two spring boot app to register with Consul; and put them into docker;
following are my codes:
port: 3333
name: adder
host: consul
port: 8500
preferIpAddress: true
healthCheckPath: /health
healthCheckInterval: 15s
instanceId: ${}:${spring.application.instance_id:${server.port}}
2 docker-compose.yml
image: "progrium/consul:latest"
container_name: "consul1"
hostname: "consul1"
command: "-server -bootstrap -ui-dir /ui"
image: wsy/adder
- "3333:3333"
- consul1
WAIT_FOR_HOSTS: consul1:8500
There is another similar question Cannot link Consul and Spring Boot app in Docker;
the answer suggests, the app should wait for consul to fully work by using depends_on, which I tried, but didn't work;
the error message is as following:
adder_1 | com.ecwid.consul.transport.TransportException: Connection refused
adder_1 | at com.ecwid.consul.transport.AbstractHttpTransport.executeRequest( ~[consul-api-1.1.8.jar!/:na]
adder_1 | at com.ecwid.consul.transport.AbstractHttpTransport.makeGetRequest( ~[consul-api-1.1.8.jar!/:na]
besides spring boot application.yml and docker-compose.yml, following is App's Dockerfile
FROM java:8
ADD adder-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
RUN bash -c 'touch /app.jar'
RUN bash -c 'chmod +x /'
ENTRYPOINT ["/", " java -jar /app.jar"]
and the
set -e
wait_single_host() {
local host=$1
local port=$1
echo "waiting for TCP connection to $host:$port..."
while ! nc ${host} ${port} > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null
echo "TCP connection [$host] not ready, will try again..."
sleep 1
echo "TCP connection ready. Executing command [$host] now..."
wait_all_hosts() {
if [ ! -z "$WAIT_FOR_HOSTS" ]; then
local separator=':'
for _HOST in $WAIT_FOR_HOSTS ; do
IFS="${separator}" read -ra _HOST_PARTS <<< "$_HOST"
wait_single_host "${_HOST_PARTS[0]}" "${_HOST_PARTS[1]}"
echo "IMPORTANT : Waiting for nothing because no $WAIT_FOR_HOSTS env var defined !!!"
exec $1
I can infer that your Consul configuration is located in your application.yml instead of bootstrap.yml, that's the problem.
According to this answer, bootstrap.yml is loaded before application.yml and Consul client has to check its configuration before the application itself and therefore look at the bootstrap.yml.
Example of a working bootstrap.yml :
host: consul
port: 8500
prefer-ip-address: true
Run Consul server and do not forget the name option to match with your configuration:
docker run -d -p 8500:8500 --name=consul progrium/consul -server -bootstrap
Consul server is now running, run your application image (builded previously with your artifact) and link it to the Consul container:
docker run -d -name=my-consul-client-app --link consul:consul acme/spring-app
Your problem is that depends_on does only control the startup order of your services. You have to wait until the consul servers are up and running before starting your spring app. You can do this with this script:
set -e
echo "waiting for TCP connection to $host:$port..."
while ! (echo >/dev/tcp/$host/$port) &>/dev/null
sleep 1
echo "TCP connection ready. Executing command [$1] now..."
exec $1
Usage in you docker file:
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/", "java -jar yourApp-jar" , "consulURL" , "ConsulPort" ]
I just want to clarify that, at last I still don't have a solution, and can't understand the situation here; I tried the suggestion from Ohmen, in APP container, I am able to ping consul1; But the APP still fails to connect consul;
If I only start the consul by following command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-discovery.yml up discovery
Then I can run the APP directly(through Main), and it is able to connect with discovery;
But if I try to run APP in docker container, like following:
docker run --name adder --link discovery-consul:discovery wsy/adder
It fails again with connection refused;
I am very new to docker & docker-compose; I thought it would be a good example to start, but it seems not that easy for me;
