se.curity.identityserver.util.AllowedFrameOriginUtils - curity

I was trying out the curity configuration for an authentication service and a token service for OAuth and OpenID Connect locally. After all the configuration, when I was trying to test it with OAuth Assistant, I get an error:
Bad request
The request could not be processed
In the terminal, I can see these two INFO logs for particular
se.curity.identityserver.util.AllowedFrameOriginUtils - Requested origin is not allowed: 'http://localhost:...'
se.curity.identityserver.controllers.authorize.AuthorizeOAuthRequestModelProvider - Could not establish the redirect uri for request and client www. If this error occurs *after* being redirected to the authentication service and back, then this error has probably occurred because the original session cookie has been lost. Ensure that the cookie named 'sessionid' was sent to the authentication service. If not, check that the user's browser is not withholding it (for example by the cookie jar becoming full) and that a reverse proxy is not interfering with it.
There is no issue with sessionid. Anyone know how to fix this issue?


Azure App Gateway - Retain caller hostname in the user browser that calls App Gateway to prevent "possible CSRF detected - state parameter" error

Requesting for some help here. Kind of stuck with a use case. We are trying to integrate OneLogin with our app via Spring security.
The entry point to our application is Azure App Gateway that routes the requests to load balancer further routing to the VMs where the service is deployed. Everything works fine if we DONOT override the hostname in Backend settings for any incoming request, leading to the App Gateway host only getting passed for every request. Here the App Gateway URL being set as the redirect URI in Spring security auth endpoint call.
The problem appears when the Apigee is used as the entry point to our application. Apigee routes the request to App Gateway routing it further to load balancer and VMs. Here, we DO have to override the host as Apigee host name in order to authenticate the client to the OneLogin server. The Apigee endpoint is set as the redirect URI in the Spring security auth endpoint call.
However, the server responds back with "possible CSRF detected - state parameter was required but no state could be found" error. Tried different possible solutions from other SO links to resolve this error like providing a session cookie name, but did not help. Our OneLogin server and client application are also in different domains.
The only thing that works here is when we DONOT override the hostname in Azure App Gateway Backend settings and pass the App Gateway URL as the redirect URI in auth endpoint call. But the problem is it shows the App Gateway URL in the user browser, which we do not want because in an ideal scenario, the user should see only the Apigee host in the browser url and not the App Gateway host. So, is there any way to re-route/redirect/override the URL to Apigee URL in Azure App Gateway settings without the call being made to Apigee endpoint. Just the user sees the Apigee url in the browser, but internally all calls are made to App Gateway endpoint only.
Or the other solution could be to prevent the CSRF issue when Apigee hostname is used as the redirect URL in the auth endpoint instead of App Gateway host. But not sure how to resolve that.
• In your scenario, when you are not overriding the hostname in the Azure application gateway backend settings and pass the ‘Application Gateway’ URL as redirect URL in the ‘Authorization endpoint call’, the application gateway URL is shown in the user’s browser which is not desired since the Apigee host redirects the authentication requests to the ‘App gateway’ endpoint.
Therefore, without the call to be made to the ‘Apigee’ endpoint, you can surely redirect it to the Apigee redirect URL in the Azure application gateway settings by configuring the ‘Rewrite URI rules’ in the gateway. These rewrite rules will check for any presence of configured URLs or specific paths and will therefore, change the original URI path to the new path configured. As a result, please follow the below given snapshots as steps for configuring the same as stated above: -
Thus, as shown above, you can configure the ‘Rewrite rules’ in a ‘Standard V2’ SKU application gateway for redirecting response requests of ‘authorization endpoint call’ from application gateway URL to the Apigee endpoint hostname configured. In this way, when the application gateway URL is shown in the browser, it will be rewrited to the apigee endpoint hostname’s URL in the browser and accordingly the user at the receiving end will be able to see the Apigee endpoint hostname as a result fulfilling your requirement.
For more details regarding the above, kindly refer the below link: -

Why google oauth flow is failing when initiated from frontend, but seems to work if I initiate from backend directly?

I have a Flash backend using flask-dance in order to allow a web app to authenticate users with Google provider.
In my local dev environment, the backend runs from https://localhost:5000, while my local frontend is at
I have a backend endpoint at https://localhost:5000/login/google which redirects the user to the Google OAuth flow:
def login(provider: str):
# here we store the page the user has come from with the referrer value
session["return_to"] = request.referrer
if provider == 'google':
return redirect(url_for("google.login"))
return False
If I access this URL directly in the browser, I'm redirected to Google and the OAuth flow completes successfully.
If, however, I add a button on the frontend that redirects to that URL, the OAuth flow fails midway and the browser prints the following errore:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' (redirected from 'https://localhost:5000/login/google') from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
index.js:1 Error: Network Error
at createError (createError.js:16)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleError (xhr.js:117)
xhr.js:210 GET net::ERR_FAILED 200
This is the failed request:
The Flask backend app has CORS enabled.
Why is this happening?
I suspect that running the backend locally from a different domain has something to do with it, but I couldn't quite figure out exactly what is going on and how to fix this.
The Google OAuth URL you request ( is the starting point for their authentication process - it requires a full browser - it needs to display a credentials form, consent and then to redirect the browser back to your application. That's why you cannot use XMLHttpRequest for accessing it.
Your backend CORS settings cannot help it - Google would have to enable it on their endpoint, but it still would not work for the reasons mentioned before.

Authorize Attribute to handle valid user in Docker

I am running my .net core 5 application, namely Authentication Server and API Gateway, in Docker in Linux container. And controller class in the API GateWay contains an [Authorize] attributes to validate the user. Despite the user is valid (eg register and log in successfully), API Gate is unable allow the user to access the API. And here a part of my log that is complaining:
Failed to validate the token.Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenSignatureKeyNotFoundException: IDX10501: Signature validation failed. Unable to match key:
kid: '6B7ACC520305BFDB4F7252DAEB2177CC091FAAE1'.
Exceptions caught:''.
Am I right to say that, is it due to the cookies generated by Identity Service 4; idsrv.session and .netcore related cookies failed to be shared.
This is because based on my observation when my micro-services are running in IIS. The Authentication Server, shall generates two mentioned cookies when user logs in successfully. And the mentioned cookies are "shared" among the rest of the micro-services, partly because they are in the same localhost but different port number.
When my application are migrated to Docker; the Authentication Server is able to generate the related cookies, the rest of the contains failed to get the cookies.
And as the result, which I'm guessing, that is the result that API Gateway is unable to authorise a valid user.
Hence, I am wondering is my understanding of Authorization is correct and how should I fix the issue with a valid user.
The error code IDX10501 points to incorrect bearer token middleware.
Try adding cookies. Use the below code. My guess, it won't help.

Am I doing this whole API, client app, Oauth/OpenId Connect thing right?

I have some programming experience, but only with PHP and Java enterprise systems. But now I have some ideas about a web app in my new job. Since I am new at this, I would like to share how I have done the whole API in a server, browser app and authentication with Google’s OpenID Connect (I read a lot about Oauth and OpenID Connect, most helpful source was this:
Server: Laravel - hxxps://
Client: Angular - hxxps://
TL;DR version:
1) User goes to hxxps://, gets an Angular app login page. Types in their email, clicks “Sign in with Google”;
2) The app sends the email to hxxps:// The server redirects the user to hxxps:// with all the needed parameters;
3) The user logs in to their Google account, gives my app permission if it’s their first time, and Google redirects them to my server at hxxps:// The server checks everything, and if it’s all correct, it creates a JWT token and send a redirect to the client app at hxxps://
4) The client app gets the token, stores it in local storage, and sends it to the server with every API call
More detailed version:
1) User goes to hxxps://, gets an Angular app login page. Types in their email, clicks “Sign in with Google”;
2) The app sends the email to hxxps:// The server creates a state token and stores it in cache, associated with the email received. Then the server creates Google’s oauth URL and sends it to the client in the response body. I tried to do it with a HTTP redirect, but Google’s server was responding with an CORS error. The Angular app reads Google’s url from the response and goes there.
3) The user logs in to their Google account, gives my app permission if it’s their first time, and Google redirects them to my server at hxxps:// The server sends the code it received (and all the other needed parameters) to hxxps:// It receives a id_token with that user’s email and basic info. This app is not public, so I don’t want anyone with a Google Account logging in, only the clients whose emails I added to the server database. So now the server checks if the user’s email in the token is in the database. If it’s not, it sends the user a HTTP 401 - Unauthorized. Then the server checks the state token in it’s cache associated with the email received. If it’s equal to the one received with Google’s redirect, then the server creates another JWT token, but now signed by my server. Finally, it sends a HTTP redirect to hxxps:// with the new token.
4) The client app gets the token, stores it in local storage, and sends it to the server with every API call
Some comments:
Everything is HTTPS;
I added the strictest CSP policies I could to my Laravel server and Angular client;
Currently the app only supports Google’s sign in, while it is in development. Later on I’ll add more.
I made that my server only checks if the user’s email is in the database after they logged in with google because I like that idea that a non-authorized user should have no information about anything. If I made that check before it, during the first round trip, anyone could type an email and discover if that email has an account in my system;
On the last step, when my server sends the JWT token to my client app, I tried sending the token within a cookie, but since my API and my client app have different domains, my client app couldn't read the token. Sending it in the url was the only solution I could find. I tried logging in a popular app that uses Oauth and they did it this way too.
So my question is:
Am I doing something wrong, unsecure, weird?
Thank you all very much
1) Entering an email address every time a user wants to log in is tedious. And it's not needed if the user is already logged in at Google. The user should just click the "Log in with Google" button and get logged in without entering anything. The state parameter can be a random string - not related to the user's email in any way.
2) If you want your backend to process the redirect from Google (using the auth code flow - the backend has the client role in OAuth2 terms), the backend should also initiate a redirect to Google - not by sending data containing the redirect URL. To achieve it, after clicking the "Log in with Google" button, perform a whole page navigation (instead of an XHR request) to /api/sign-in and if the backend returns HTTP 302, the browser will correctly redirect to Google.
3) You should perform request validation (the state parameter) before getting tokens and checking whether the user exist.
On error (access denied), you can consider redirecting the user to an error page with error details instead of returning HTTP 401, since the HTTP code will cause a generic error screen to be displayed to the user. If you want to keep using HTTP codes, I think HTTP 403 Forbidden would be more appropriate.
4) Consider using sessionStorage instead of the localStorage. The sessionStorage gets cleared after closing a browser/tab and it's not shared among tabs. It makes it safer and it allows users to use different identity in different browser tabs.
The tokens your backend issues, is their validity time limited? Is the user required to get a new token after some (short) time period? If not, valid token vales may stay in the localStorage and browser's page history, which can be a security problem.
You can consider using your own OAuth2 auth server (such as RedHat Keycloak) which would accept Google (and later some other providers) for authentication and it would also issue access tokens accepted by your backend.

Unable to obtain configuration from discovery endpoint on IIS when hostnames are used

I have a Javascript SPA that uses access tokens to talk to a backend API / Auth server. I'm using OpenIddict and JWT Bearer authentication on our combined API / Authorization server. We are using the Implicit flow.
For the time being, I am not using SSL - all requests are just http.
Everything has been configured and works correctly on my dev machine. When I publish these 2 sites to IIS everything still works fine when using an IP addresses for the 2 websites that are set up (there is 1 website for the Javascript SPA, and 1 website for the API / Auth server).
So basically I have 2 websites at the same IP address running on 2 different ports:
1) SPA
2) AuthServer
Now I want to enable hostnames for these sites. I now have edited the IIS bindings in order to bind these 2 sites to a host name like so:
1) SPA app.mycompany:3000
2) AuthServer app.mycompany:5959
When I do this, I am getting a message about not being able to access the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint and am getting a JWT Bearer exception when trying to hit the UserInfo endpoint.
I can hit my SPA, get redirected to the Auth Server's login page and then successfully login. By looking at the web requests in Fiddler I see that I can hit the authorize end point and now have an access_token. As soon as the discovery step happens though things break.
The discovery end point can't be found and then immediately after that the userinfo endpoint is prevented from being hit because the bearer authentication fails.
By examining my logs I can see that JWT Bearer token fails to validate on the the UserInfo endpoint.
When this discovery endpoint is requested:
This is the error message I am getting:
IDX10803: Unable to obtain configuration from: '
And in my logs this is what I'm seeing at the point where the UserInfo controller is requested:
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|1|INFO|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost|Request starting HTTP/1.1 OPTIONS http://app.mycompany:5959/connect/userinfo
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|1|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware|OPTIONS requests are not supported
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|1|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService|The request is a preflight request.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|2|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService|The request has an origin header: 'http://app.mycompany:3000'.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|4|INFO|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService|Policy execution successful.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|9|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel|Connection id "0HL97NQJHQ576" completed keep alive response.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|2|INFO|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost|Request finished in 6.2953ms 204
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|1|INFO|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost|Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET http://app.mycompany:5959/connect/userinfo
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|4|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware|The request path /connect/userinfo does not match a supported file type
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|2|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService|The request has an origin header: 'http://app.mycompany:3000'.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|4|INFO|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService|Policy execution successful.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7510|0|DEBUG|OpenIddict.OpenIddictHandler|The default userinfo request handling was skipped from user code.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7664|9|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies.CookieAuthenticationHandler|AuthenticationScheme: Identity.Application was not authenticated.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7664|1|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Tree.TreeRouter|Request successfully matched the route with name '(null)' and template 'connect/userinfo'.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7664|1|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker|Executing action ApiAuthServer.Controllers.UserinfoController.Userinfo (ApiAuthServer)
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7664|2|DEBUG|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService|The request has an origin header: 'http://app.mycompany:3000'.
2017-11-09 14:12:35.7664|4|INFO|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.Infrastructure.CorsService|Policy execution successful.
14:12:35.7664|3|ERROR|Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler|Exception occurred while processing message. IDX10803: Unable to obtain configuration from: 'http://app.mycompany:5959/.well-known/openid-configuration'.
If I navigate directly to app.mycompany:5959/.well-known/openid-configuration from outside the server in a browser, I can hit that discovery endpoint and see the json data. It works.
But if I try to access that endpoint from within the IIS server I get the same error message. I can't seem to access that on the IIS box. But if I remove the host name binding and go back to IP addresses, I can successfully hit the discovery endpoint even on the IIS box and the app works fine.
So I am really at a loss of what the problem is. Not sure if there is some IIS setting I need to tweak, or if this is a bug in the JWT Bearer middleware or if it is something to do with OpenIddict.
I just want to be able to use hostnames on IIS for my app(s)
