Get all planner tasks created by an user - microsoft-graph-api

I want to get all tasks my user created.
I tried to use endpoint in the Graph Explorer, but I got error 500 (internal server error).
The official documentation is here:
Do you have any suggestion how I can get all the planner tasks I created?

Tasks created by a user is not a supported query. People can lose access to tasks that they have created (e.g. if they are removed from groups). The closest operation you can do is to loop over the plans in the groups you are a member of, read the plans in those tasks and see which ones were created by your user. The API linked in the question will return the tasks assigned to you.


Office365 - Get list of all Planner Plans

I would like to retrieve a list of all Planner Plans and number of tasks in each Plan. Goal is to understand which plans are actually in use. I used the Graph API for this. However it appears that most the Graph endpoints for Planner and Tasks use Delegation Permissions. In other words, I have to be part of each Planner Plan to even query for it. So even as Global Admin I am unable to pull this information. Is there any way to query for
List of ALL Planner Plans in the tenant
Owner for each Planner Plan
Number of tasks in each Plan
Thanks in advance,
You can now use application permissions to read this data.
Outdated reply:
Unfortunately it is not possible to get this through Microsoft Graph
API right now. However we do have another API, which is meant for
admins to be able to export their tenant's data, and it can be used to
get this information. You should contact support for this process.

MS Graph API endpoint /v1.0/me/planner/plans doesn't return all my plans

In the past I was reading a list of plans of current user with this REST call of the beta-API:
In July 2017 the planner API was released and there are also some minor changes to the endpoints, so the REST call in the V1.0-API now is:
Unfortunately I do not receive all my plans with that endpoint. Apparently I only get plans that exist for a long time, but any newly created plans are not visible. I tried a lot of actions on my plans like subscribing to, assigning tasks to me, favorize the plan in planner hub, making a plan public or private, but nothing helps, new plans remain invisible in the API.
Can anybody explain what the new endpoint exactly does? The documentation for List plans is not very helpfull.
Can anybody explain how I can a list of all plans (title and id) that I am owner or member of?
The only work-around I have found so far is:
1) Read all unified groups$/$filter=groupTypes/any(a:a eq 'unified')
2) for each group: read the planner plan for that group<id>/planner/plans
But that would require one request per group, makeing performance horrible on tenants with dozens of groups.
This API returns plans that have been shared with the current user. Plans can be shared with a user by adding the user's id to sharedWith property of planDetails (Edit: currently users do not have permissions to add or remove others from this list). This is a separate set of users from group membership and does not allow access to data for shared users. Instead, the users will have access if they are group members, and lose access if they are removed from the group.
More information and a sample for updating plan details can be found here.
Additionally, you can submit feedback about the API (and other Planner functionality) here.

Asana API roadmap - getting completed tasks (including archived)

Do you plan to add possibility to retrieve (via API) all tasks from project including those which are archived?
(I work at Asana)
That would be a useful feature and we are already planning on adding it. However, I can't comment as to when it will be possible.
Until the API officially supports this, you can always query /tasks?completed_since=now to get only incomplete tasks, then query /tasks, and filter for tasks that only appear in the second list.
Archived tasks can be accessed by including the parameter ?include_archived=true in your request for querying tasks by project.
Task section in Asana documentation
I am trying to do this exact same thing as well. We are using a project to track line down events on our manufacturing floor. I found this post helpful and you can append “?include_archived=true” to your query but I found out that you can also do a reverse lookup on tasks by their tag. This will also show achieved tasks as well.

Query for open tasks in Asana

We're looking at using Asana to combine CRM, administration and issue tracking in a web dev firm. The key feature we need is a view of the "next actions" or "top [1|2|3] priorities" across all projects in a workspace, irrespective of who they are assigned to. It seems Asana does not provide this out of the box (is that right?) so I am looking into writing API queries to pull this out into a dashboard of our own.
I understand you don't want to let people pull ALL tasks in one workspace, as it may grow, but is there a way to pull out the top few open tasks in each project, without having to specify the assignee?
(I work for Asana)
Currently, the API allows you to grab all tasks in a project, see It will return them in ranked order (the same as they would show up in the Asana UI), however it won't limit them to some number; you'll have to get them all. Limits and pagination are on our roadmap to enable developers to work more efficiently with larger projects and workspaces.
So, it seems like you'd want to grab all projects, then iterate through them and query all tasks - this will give you their name and ID by default. If you want more detail for the ones you're going to show, then I recommend querying the details on each of those tasks individually.

Find all users of all projects with Jira API

I need to get a list of projects for currently logged in user. I found the decision of oppozite task here: JIRA SOAP API : get the list of users
Is there a way to do this through Jira API?
Do you mean which projects a user is allowed to see issues in? If so, you want to use
getPermissionSchemes to retrieve an array of RemotePermissionSchemes, then use getPermissionMappings on each of those to get the permissions that you want to see, e.g. View Issues (by id). The problem is you'd have to do this for all projects (can be cached) but then getting the roles for the user only works for the logged in user.
summary: I'd write my own SOAP method to do this
These are 2 questions:
Which users are currently logged in?
List of projects for a user?
For the first one, I found some entries in the JIRA issue tracker: Users currently logged on
The second one is easier, have a look at the API
