Why does VLC duplicate some time elements? - vlc

Why does VLC have duplicate timing information in fullscreen view? Total time and time spent is duplicated. But no time remaining information is given. Seems faulty design choice...


How to set delay in seconds to the camera capture on iOS?

I want to know if setting a delay in seconds to the camera feed is possible on iOS with Swift.
Let's say I add a 30 second delay to my camera. If I am pointing the camera at a person who is crouching down, and then that person stands up, my camera is not going to show that until those 30 seconds have passed. In other words, it will continue to show the person crouched until that time has passed.
how can I achieve this?
This sounds extremely difficult. Problem is camera recording is bringing in (most likely) 30 frames a second. So those buffers from 30 seconds ago need to be saved somewhere, and in raw form that is a TON of data so you can't just keep those in memory.
You don't want to write as images because the compression is garbage compared to video.
Perhaps the best way would be to setup your capture, then capture your video in say 10 second segments, save to file, then display those video file segments on an AVPlayer or something. That way it's 'delayed' for the user.
Either way, from my understanding of how things work, the main challenge is what to do with those buffers while waiting to display them. You could potentially stream it somewhere, but then you need a whole backend to support that and then stream it back, seems silly.

Calculate dwell time of a person in a video

I am working on some Machine Learning project where I have tracked people with Kalman Filter tracker. I want to calculate that how much time each person is there in the video.
I tried using the following logic :
Suppose the person is present in the 5 frames and the video FPS is 15, then we can say that the person is (5*15) for 75 seconds in the video.
Note:- I have assumed & hard coded the FPS value in the code. I didn't find any way to get the FPS because I am passing frames of video for tracking.
But the problem is if I hard code the FPS value, so whenever the FPS changes (which I don't know when), I have to change in code, otherwise it will give wrong result.
You don't need to hard code fps and you infact dont need fps for this. I believe your tracker will assign unique id to each person detected. Once you have the id, you can sinply start counting the number of seconds for that id. Once that person moves out of the frame, tracker id will be lost and you can stop the timer and thus you will have the total time person spent in the frame.
Have a look at this code: https://github.com/mailrocketsystems/AIComputerVision/blob/master/dwell_time_calculation.py
and maybe this video for explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn26XSinYfg
My suggestion is to calculated elapsed time for processing each captured frame and maintaining an accumulator to calculate the on-screen time for each person detected. The frame rate depends on the amount of processing you do, for this type of projects.

Create a timelapse from a normal video in iOS

I have two solutions to this problem:
Convert the asset to an AVMutableComposition.
For every second keep only one frame , by removing timing for all the other frames using removeTimeRange(...) method.
Use the AVAssetReader to extract all individual frames as an array of CMSampleBuffer
Write [CMSampleBuffer] back into a movie skipping every 20 frames or so as per requirement.
Convert the obtained video file to an AVMutableComposition and use scaleTimeRange(..) to reduce overall timeRange of video for timelapse effect.
The first solution is not suitable for full HD videos , the video freezes in multiple place and the seekbar shows inaccurate timing .
e.g. A 12 second timelapse might only be shown to have a duration of 5 seconds, so it keeps playing even when the seek has finished.
I mean the timing of the video gets all messed up for some reason.
The second solution is incredibly slow. For a 10 minute HD video the memory would run upto infinity since all execution is done in memory.
I am searching for a technique that can produce a timelapse for a video right away , without waiting time .Solution A kind of does that , but is unsuitable because of timing problems and stuttering.
Any suggestion would be great. Thanks!
You might want to experiment with the inbuilt thumbnail generation functions to see if they are fast/effecient enough for your needs.
They have the benefit of being optimised to generate images efficiently from a video stream.
Simply displaying a 'slide show' like view of the thumbnails one after another may give you the effect you are looking for.
There is iinfomrtaion on the key class, AVAssetImageGenerator, here including how to use it to generate multiple images:

iOS - How To Find Which Method Is Taking Up So Much Time

In my app, a user can "speed-read" text by having words flashed on the screen at a speed that they set. I have coded up this functionality in my UIViewController using a repeating NSTimer and updating the UILabel by displaying the next word index, but it's not going as fast as it should be.
For example, I tested it with 100 words at 1000 words per minute. Instead of taking 6 seconds like it should be, it takes 6.542045 to finish flashing all of the words. This is a big problem since I'm supposed to spit back to user user how long it took for them to read the text.
How do I find out what part of the code is taking so long? Is it the updating of the UILabel that's eating up 0.54~~ of the time?
My sample project can be viewed here: https://github.com/cnowak7/RSVPTesting
The flashText method that I have should be firing only 100 times. Well, 101 if we count the time when the method realizes there are no more words and terminates the NSTimer. In the console, at the end of reading, I can see that the method is being fired 111 times. I think I might be doing this the wrong way.
Your specific question seems to be: How do I find out what part of the code is taking so long? Is it the updating of the UILabel that's eating up 0.54~~ of the time?
Inside Instruments, provided with Xcode, is a Time Profiler tool.
You can run your code and watch this tool to see exactly how much time is being spent executing every part of your routines. It will break down exactly which method is taking the most time, by percentage of overall time and concrete time spans, giving you a precise understanding of where you should focus your efforts in shaving off those precious partial seconds through refactoring/optimizations.
I'm an Objective-C guy, so rather than try to muddle my way through a Swift example, I'll let this guy do the talking.
Whenever you want to know about time consumption in iOS you should always go for Instruments and select time profiler as shown in the image.
Time profiler will help you get to the code which is taking too much time.

Interpreting downward spikes in Time Profiler

I'd appreciate some help on how I should interpret some results I get from Time Profiler and Activity Monitor. I couldn't find anything on this on the site, probably because the question is rather specific. However, I imagine I'm not the only one not sure what to read into the spikes they get on the Time Profiler.
I'm trying to figure out why my game is having regular hiccups on the iPhone 4. I'm trying to run it at 60 FPS, so I know it's tricky on such an old device, but I know some other games manage that fine. I'm using Unity, but this is a more general question about interpreting Instruments results. I don't have enough reputation to post images, and I can only post two links, so I can't post everything I'd like.
Here is what I get running my game on Time Profiler:
Screenshot of Time Profiler running my game
As far as I understand (but please correct me if I'm wrong), this graph is showing how much CPU my game uses during each sample the Time Profiler takes (I've set the samples to be taken once per millisecond). As you can see, there are frequent downward spikes in that graph, which (based on looking at the game itself as it plays) coincide with the hiccups in the game.
Additionally, the spikes are more common while I touch the device, especially if I move my finger on it continuously (which is what I did while playing our game above). (I couldn't make a comparable non-touching version because my game requires touching, but see below for a comparison.)
What confuses me here is that the spikes are downward: If my code was inefficient, doing too many calculations on some frames, I'd expect to see upward spikes, now downward. So here are the theories I've managed to come up with:
1) The downward spikes represent something else stealing CPU time (like, a background task, or the CPU's speed itself varying, or something). Because less time is available for my processing, I get hiccups, and it also shows as my app using less CPU.
2) My code is in fact inefficient, causing spikes every now and then. Because the processing takes isn't finished in one frame, it continues onto the next, but only needs a little extra time. That means that on that second frame, it uses less CPU, resulting in a downward spike. (It is my understanding that iOS frames are always equal legnth, say, 1/60 s, and so the third frame cannot start early even if we spent just a little extra time on the second.)
3) This is just a sampling problem, caused by the fact that the sampling frequency is 1ms while the frame length is about 16ms.
Both theories would make sense to me, and would also explain why our game has hiccups but some lighter games don't. 1) Lighter games would not suffer so badly from CPU stolen, because they don't need that much CPU to begin with. 2) Lighter games don't have as many spikes of their own.
However, some other tests seem to go against each of these theories:
1) If frames always get stolen like this, I'd expect similar spikes to appear on other games too. However, testing with another game (from the App Store, also using Unity), I don't get them (I had an image to show that but unfortunately I cannot post it).
Note: This game has lots of hiccups while running in the Time Profiler as well, so hiccups don't seem to always mean downward spikes.
2) To test the hypothesis that my app is simply spiking, I wrote a program (again in Unity) that wastes a consistent amount of milliseconds per frame (by running a loop until the specified time has passed according to the system clock). Here's what I get on Time Profiler when I make it waste 8ms per frame:
Screenshot of Time Profiler running my time waster app
As you can see, the downward spikes are still there, even though the app really shouldn't be able to cause spikes. (You can also see the effect of touching here, as I didn't touch it for the first half of the visible graph, and touched it continuously for the second.)
3) If this was due to unsync between the framerate and the sampling, I'd expect there to be a lot more oscillation there. Surely, my app would use 100% of the milliseconds until it's done with a frame, then drop to zero?
So I'm pretty confused about what to make of this. I'd appreciate any insight you can provide into this, and if you can tell me how to fix it, all the better!
Best regards,
Tommi Horttana
Have you tried unity's profiler? Does it show simillar results? Note that unity3d has two profilers on ios:
editor profiler - pro only (but there is a 30 day trial)
internal profiler - you have to enable it in xcode project's source
Look at http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/MobileProfiling.html, maybe something will hint you.
If i had to guess, I'd check one of the most common source timing hickups - the mono garbage collector.
Try running it yourself in a set frequency (like every 250ms) and see if there is a difference in the pattern:
