Make a COUNT list - google-sheets

Good morning,
I have a dynamic list of all used words in a certain file.
When I type something D2, it scrapes new data.
This new data then gets =unique in F75:AH100.
This data then gets listed in Sheet B.
Next step would be to put a count of all the unique data in Sheet B. This so we can see the importance of a certain string with multiple scraped data points.
Can this be done with a formula or should I use a script?
Example file:
If there is anything unclear, please let me know and I will update this topic as soon as possible!
I know the formula used for Sheet B is dynamic and will change when new data is entered in A. I already have a script for that.
Thinking logically it should be something in the line of
"If cell is counted, then take that value as minimum, and then go on with normal count"

=INDEX(COUNTIFS(B3:B; B3:B; ROW(B3:B); "<="&ROW(B3:B)))


Align imported Data with manually added data

Example File:
We are filling Point 1 - 4 manually. The data in A,B,C is sorted through C and will change every now and then. The problem I am noticing now is that A,B,C is moving. But D:G will stay in the same column.
We want to use this file to fill in the data since its our main file. So using the initial =query to also take into account D:G is not an option.
Would there be any other way to "link" D:G to the corresponding values in A:C?
Looking at your sheet I noticed you try a VLOOKUP formula.
Please try the following formula
Of course your approach would cause problems. You're trying to map manual data to some data that is bound to change. You can't expect the manual data to move or change in sync when the imported data changes.
You could probably make it work at least if the imported data does not change in order, and instead gets any new data appended. Even then, it doesn't help you if any of the imported rows gets deleted.
There are only two ways I could see to make this work:
Map your manual data as part of the original sheet where your other data is imported from. In other words, make D:G part of the source of A:C, if possible. This is the best approach. Works even when some imported rows get deleted or changed.
Don't sort A:C at source. Simply append new rows, and import as is. Keep your Blad1 sheet as the local source sheet, and add your manual data to D:G here. Then create a new sheet for sorting or do any other thing you'd like, and use this new sheet to feed your Blad2 sheet. This doesn't work if some of the imported rows get deleted or changed.

I need to compare values between two sheets to find matching items

I need to compare two different sheets to find matching values between them.
In the first sheet, I have a list of order numbers and in the second one, I have a list that needs dispatching. Therefore, without scrolling through the sheet manually for the 1000+, I'd like to use a formula or conditional formatting in order to flag the values that are the same (or all of the different values) so I can simply copy and paste this into another sheet.
I have shared a link to a google sheet below if someone could help with this that would be very much appreciated.
Edit: The second sheet (on the google document) is the list of all orders and the first are the ones to be dispatched. I need to know which one's from the second sheet are missing from the first.
In second sheet in column B you could do:
IF the formula returns 0, it means that id number is not in your first sheet.

Google Forms changes cell reference on different sheet in Google Sheets

I'm building a spreadsheet to track my macronutrients and calories. I made a google form for inputting information and it populates a "responses" sheet on google sheets. I made a different sheet within the same spreadsheet to perform all the calculation and generate graphs.
But every time I enter a new response into the form, it creates a new row and changes all the cell references in the calculations sheet. For example, I reference cell A2 from the responses
='Form Responses'!A2
and when I actually fill out the form and it populates, A2 in the responses sheet is filled in but the reference in my calculations sheet has been changed to A3.
='Form Responses'!A3
I tried using $ but it did the same thing, automatically changes the cell that I referenced.
Any way to have my calcuations sheet reference the newly created rows automatically?
In a new tab use for example, = {'Form Responses'! A: Z} and use this data to do your calculations and you will have no problems!
To avoid the row value to change reference when adding a new response, you will need to add the $ next to the number instead of next to the column value (A):
='Form Responses'!A$2
Moreover, an easy way to reference your whole column is to reference a range instead such as:
='Form Responses'!A:A
And then just drag it through your column. If you want it to be more specific (select the range you want):
='Form Responses'!A2:A999
I hope this has helped you. Let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understood something. :)


In column B are listed IDs of Google Sheets. In column C are listed cells, from which I want to import data.
Screenshot of the table
In column D is shown the result of using IMPORTRANGE() by simply dragging it. e.g. for D1 it looks like:
for D2:
and so on.
In column E I want to display the same result but using ARRAYFORMULA that looks like:
but the function displays only the data from the first spreadsheet.
People complain about this permissions issue a lot, but it's not hard to solve. What I do is have a sheet which I name "Splash sheet" into which I paste the URLs of the documents I wish to link. To its right is a column headed "permit to connect" which contains IMPORTRANGE formulas importing a single cell from each sheet -- usually a cell containing a confirmation code, number or document name -- on a sheet also named "Splash Sheet." For example,
=IF(B3="enter URL",,CONCATENATE(IMPORTRANGE(B3,"Splash sheet!A1")," ",IMPORTRANGE(B3,"Splash sheet!B1")))
So, when you first connect a spreadsheet via its URL, you get those messages telling you you need to connect, you click the Permit Access, the confirmation code/number/document name appears in the second column, and voilá, your sheets are connected forevermore! Now all your other IMPORTRANGEs referencing that URL will work, and you can use IMPORTRANGE formulas that reference the URL-containing cells on the "splash sheet."
As for the OP's original question, I came here seeking an answer to the same problem, and after more research have realized that we are attempting the impossible here. No way to do this an ARRAYFORMULA. No way around writing formulas that reference every single cell a document's URL may go into.
Problem is you can't make arrays of arrays in spreadsheets; that would involve multiple dimensions, and the medium is inherently two-dimensional. This is what people use databases for.
ARRAYFORMULA doesn't work when importing data (I think it relates to permissions). You could use something like this, =IFERROR(IMPORTRANGE(B5:B7;C5:C7)) and pre-fill the column first, but still there would be the permissions issue. Each new imported sheet needs it's permissions granted by a user.
TLDR: If I understand your intention correctly when you say you would like to see
=ARRAYFORMULA(IMPORTRANGE(B2:B4,C2:C4)), I believe you can make that
happen using the following.
Use IMPORTRANGE with INDIRECT to create ranges inside ARRAYFORMULA
Call INDIRECT with the ADDRESS function
Call ADDRESS with the ROW and COLUMN functions since they take ranges via ARRAYFORMULA
IMPORTRANGE's two parameters are the spreadsheet url stored in B2:B4 for this example and the range (e.g. sheet!A1:B2) stored in C2:C4.
Since IMPORTRANGE doesn't take a range reference directly as you mentioned, you'll need to build it for each row with ARRAYFORMULA using the INDIRECT function.
INDIRECT can be used to compose a cell reference using A1 notation, for instance
will produce the same result as
Since this produces the same result, we now just have to find a way to make INDIRECT work with ARRAYFORMULA
Use ADDRESS to build the parameters for INDIRECT
Next you want to use ADDRESS to build the A1 reference for INDIRECT. For the current purposes, ADDRESS takes a numerical value for row and column as parameters
will produce the same result as
=INDIRECT("B" & 2)
Since these two are interchangeable, now we just need to find a way to get the numerical row and column values out of ARRAYFORMULA.
Call ADDRESS using the ROW and COLUMN functions
From there, you can get the row and column indexes from standard A1 notation using the ROW and COLUMN functions. While this may seem like we're pointlessly going in circles, the difference now is that ROW and COLUMN perform as expected with the ranges provided by ARRAYFORMULA. So given that ADDRESS will return $B$2 using using either method below
we now know that
will produce the following array of addresses
{ $B$2; $B$3; $B$4 }
Final Assembly
So when we put this all together, we get
where INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(B2:B4), COLUMN(B2:B4)) is more or less interchangeable with what you might expect from B2:B4 inside ARRAYFORMULA and represents the url parameter
and INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(C2:C4), COLUMN(C2:C4)) is roughly interchangeable with what you might expect from C2:C4 inside ARRAYFORMULA and represents the range parameter.
Suggestions on organization
I recommend using the indentation (Alt +Enter to create a new line ) above along with your indentation of choice to keep it easier to read. In the end it's just a bit more syntactic sugar and if spaces are used well it shouldn't be much harder to understand and make changes to 6 months later.
RE: Permissions - as mentioned by Atiq Zabinski, just placing a simple
IMPORTRANGE("http:/xxxx", "A1") somewhere on the sheet will provide a
means to know if the sheet is connected or not and the error message
should give you a context menu for connecting the sheet. You'll might
want to stay away from error handling in these scenarios as it will
slow down the process of connecting the sheets.

Reorganizing Google Sheets data dynamically

I'm currently working with Google Sheets to import data from Contact Form 7 in Wordpress. All the data is coming over fine, but I wanted to see about formatting it in more user friendly fashion. I've simplified the example a bit, but the gist of the form I have created allows the user to request multiple versions of a graphic file with different wording as needed, up to 5(my example has just 2 for simplicity sake).
All the data is imported using the CF7 variables and ideally I wanted to clean this up a bit. What I had thought of as a solution was creating a second sheet that pulls in this data submitted in the first sheet into a more user friendly format, as I intended to use this as a work form for a designer to create the requested graphic once the data is received. With each request the name/department/email/date all stay the same, but I'd like to display the version and line 1 and 2 data on another line. Is it possible to reorganize data like this on the fly, so when a new form is submitted and adds data to sheet 1, sheet 2 would then update with the properly formatted info?
Is this even possible to do? I did some looking online, but didn't anything that really related to this type of data manipulation.
Here's what ended up working for my example
},"select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4,Col5,Col6,Col7 where Col5<>'' order by Col8",1))
Yes, it's possible.
One way is to use arrays and the QUERY function.
For simplicity, let say that
Columns A and B have the general information of the order
Columns C and D have the data for version 1
Columns E and F have the data for version 2
Columns G and H have the data for version 3
On the output sheet, add the headers.
Below of them add a formula like the following:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY({A2:B,C2:D,ROW(A2:A);IFERROR(LEN(A2:B)/0),E2:F,ROW(A2:A);IFERROR(LEN(A2:B)/0),G2:H,ROW(A2:A)},"select Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4 where Col3<>'' order by Col5"))
References start on row 2 to skip the headers to avoid to include them on the output sheet.
ROW(A2:A) is used to keep the order
IFERROR(LEN(A2:B)/0) is a "trick" used to "hide" the order (general information) data for the second and following rows for the same order. On the select parameter of the QUERY function, it's referrey as Col5 on the order by clause.
It's assumed that lookup-choice-1 will never be empty.
If more columns were added, the column numbers should be updated accordingly
Don't use the order by clause to sort the result by the general information columns because the "trick" to hide the "labels". If you need to apply a sort, do it' before applying the above formula, you could do this by sorting the source range through the Data > Sort range... feature, so the data is sorted before it's transformed by the above formula.
See also
Sort and filter your data, an official help article describing Data > Sort range...
