I want to disable a single button from YouTube App - youtube

I want to disable a single button from YouTube Apk That is the shorts button Make it of no use or invisible.
Anything which is easy.
I can bypass signature verification.


How to add Button on the Apple Pass Card

I want to add a button on the passcard. I am using Laravel 8 to create a passcard. I can see that layout does not support doing so. Is there any way we can add a button on the passcard and that button will act as a clickable URL to route to some web link. Please help me to achieve this.
I am looking forward to hearing.
I think you cannot add button(s) on cards, maybe on Passes like boarding tickets, but the only link I can see on Passes is a image button (logo of the app) redirecting to the ios app linked.
Alternative for cards you can do:
Format your card with a text encouraging the user to press the dots button.
Then on card description you can add links

iMessage extension configure long press actionsheet

Is their a way to configure the long press on a message that was sent? For instance if you long press on text you have the ability to copy and tap more. Currently my app only displays more. Is their a way to add copy in the action sheet for custom apps as well?
Unfortunately the transcript of the conversation is not accessible to us. It's part of the iMessage app. For that reason you won't be able to custom the option menu.

Is it possible to automatically open the mic input on keyboard?

There is a little mic button on the keyboard that when pressed allows the users to vocally talk the text into a text view. Is it possible to automatically force this mic as soon as the text view is pressed? As to not have them go through the hassle of having to click on the mic button themselves? This is what I am talking about:this
After taking a look a the UITextInputTraits documentation, I see no way of showing the voice-input mode automatically.
This would also make sense, since there are a lot of languages which don't have this feature.

Activate the Speech to Text on UITableView

When the keyboard appears for UITextViews and UITextFields there is a microphone button that lets you do Speech to Text. Is there anyway for me to activate this functionality without having the user to click on the button?
Currently there is no public API to access that feature. You can do this using third party libraries like Nuance or OpenEars.

How can I disable scrolling when "touching" embedded iframe?

I'm making a mobile HTML5 app. I've disabled scrolling (and enabled it on certain parts) and it's all good and well, but the problem starts when I embed a Youtube video through an iFrame. It seems that when a user presses an iframe, the whole page scrolls and I can't seem to find a way around this. Adding event listeners does not work.
You really can't control what happens in the iframe.
But if you want to be a little clever you can put elements directly over the iframe, like a div or transparent canvas or whatever you want, that will catch all of the events so that the user simply cannot press the iframe.
Not the most ideal, it means users cant press the buttons on the youtube video, but its probably your only real option.
