Where to find legacy mbedtls documentation? - mbedtls

I am looking for the legacy mbedtls documentation.
It was available at tls.mbed.org before joining the trustedFirmware project. Now, sadly, it is not reachable anymore.

tls.mbed.org only had the latest version, and then it froze at some point and was showing an old version until it went down. I haven't found a site hosting multiple versions of the documentation.
You can typeset the documentation on a typical Unix-like system (e.g. Linux or macOS or WSL or Cygwin) by checking out the version you want from the GitHub repository. This has the advantage that you can typeset the documentation for your configuration: after setting mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h (mbedtls/config.h in Mbed TLS 2.x), run
make apidoc
and browse apidoc/modules.html or apidoc/files.html.
If you want the whole documentation including all compile-time options and features that may or may not be enabled in your build, run
Note that this overwrites mbedtls/mbedtls_config.h.


Is it possible to run a private Hex (Erlang) dependency manager (and if so how)?

I'm working in an Erlang environment. I'm looking to establish a dependency manager so that our build server can publish binaries for reuse instead of using source code dependencies. The Hexpm GitHub project implies that it is possible to run it outside of the hex.pm website, but I don't see any instructions for doing so. Specifically, I would like my build server to be able to publish packages either directly (via the filesystem) or via rebar3, and for subsequent rebar3 builds to be able to use those published packages
Is it possible to run Hex on my own server?
If so, where would I find some documentation on how to set it up (or provide the instructions directly)?
If you look at https://github.com/hexpm/hex_web there are instructions in the README.md for both installing and running it. It's a phoenix application, so it should all be relatively familiar ground if you've looked at the phoenix framework before.
As for getting rebar3 to work with your installation, there is documentation here as to the config values to use for setting the URLs to use for hex packages: http://www.rebar3.org/docs/hex-package-management.

Installing Ruby version 2.2.3 on windows - get config.yml

I am completely new to programming and am trying to install Ruby on Windows (64 bit). I get to the config.yml message and cannot set up a command to get past this to full set up.
I have been doing research online and find many people say ruby and Windows are not compatible.
Can anyone help advise/send a link that is a good workaround?
You can install Ruby on Windows. Probably the easiest way to get started with Ruby on Windows is to use Ruby Installer. They support up to Ruby 2.2.3 at the moment.
If you are looking for an alternative workflow, you might consider running a Vagrant machine on Windows. This workflow is described here.
The workflow involves using your native environment to launch a virtual machine that more closely matches the one typically used to deploy your code. You get the benefits of the windowing system tools (Sublime Text, RubyMine, Notepad++, etc) with the benefits of running specs and code in an environment closer to a production environment.
You can run Ruby on Windows, if you have the correct dependencies/libraries installed.
The best way to do this (if new) is to download a pre-compiled version of Ruby, from RubyInstaller:
EXE installer
ZIP file
Choose one of the above; they provide you the ability to put the Ruby.exe executable on your system, which (if installing with ZIP), needs to be added to your system PATH var.
I can explain more if required. If you want specific responses, you need to provide specific points (IE the full error message for config.yml etc)

How to install Torch on windows 8.1?

Torch is a scientific computing framework with wide support for machine learning algorithms. It is easy to use and efficient, thanks to an easy and fast scripting language, LuaJIT, and an underlying C/CUDA implementation.
Is there a way to install torch on MS Windows 8.1?
I got it installed and running on Windows (although not 8.1, but I don't expect the process to be different) following instructions in this repository; it's now deprecated, but wasn't deprecated few months ago when I built it. The new instructions point to torch/torch7 repository, but it has a different structure and I haven't been able to build it on Windows yet.
There are instructions on how to install Torch7 from luarocks, but you may run into issues on windows as well; I haven't tried this process. It seems like there is no official support for Windows yet, but some work is being done by contributors (there is a link to a pull request in that thread).
Based on my experience, compiling that deprecated repo may be your best option on Windows at the moment.
Update (7/9/2015): I've recently submitted several changes that fix compilation issues with mingw, so you may try the most recent version of torch7 and follow the build instructions in the ticket. Note that the changes only apply to the core lib and additional libraries may need similar changes.
This webpage hosted by New York University recommends installing a Linux virtual machine in order to run Torch7 on Windows through Linux. Another option would off course be to install a Linux dist in parallel with Windows 8.
Otherwise, if you don't mind running an older version of Torch, there is a Windows installer for Torch5 at SourceForge.
I think to use a GPU from inside the virtual machine, the processor and the motherboard should not only support VT-x , but VT-d should be supported too.
But the question is, if I use a CPU with VT-d supported, do you think there will be a significant loss in PCIe connections efficiency?
From what I understand,
VT-d is important if I want to give the virtual machines direct access to my hardware components (like PCI Express cards). Like directly attach graphics card to vm instead of host machine. Isn't that mean that the PCIe connections efficiency will be the same just like if it was the host?

How to set-up vicidial in local system?

I want to set-up vicidial in my local computer server any information or a document for that?
I googled but I can't find exact resource.
I googled below links.
Link 1
Link 2
Thanks in advance.
Vicidial is an Open Source Predictive AutoDialer based on Asterisk with PHP/MySQL/Perl coding.
Installation of Vicidial is only viable on a Linux machine.
There are several locations with Scratch Install instructions for Ubuntu and CentOS. In fact, the Vicidial Wiki has a list of a few of them: http://wiki.vicidial.org/index.php/VICI:Installation
Most are quite old except for the Goautodial.com which has instructions for CentOS installation by adding the goautodial repositories and then just upgrading the OS to get all the necessary packages.
If you're not using CentOS or Ubuntu and none of those instructions work for your purpose, beware that Vicidial installation is not easy. It is MUCH better to dedicate a machine to the purpose by installing from Vicibox.com's .iso image which will wipe the computer clean. The installation becomes easy and then you need only argue with configuration.
If you can not dedicate a machine to this purpose, you should take the earlier suggestion of a Virtual server (vSphere or Virtualbox both work for Vicibox.com's .iso installer), but beware that you'll only be able to have one or two agents on the virtual dialer at the most. Luckily, if you do get the virtual vicidial working, it is possible to backup the virtual server's database and install it on a hardware based server later to bring everything with you without having to do it all over.

Distribute CouchDB as part of a Rails app?

I am working on a Rails project and the Architect has asked me to investigate bundling CouchDB into to application so that it can be deployed by Capistrano across multiple platforms and managed by Rake.
My expectation was that I could set up the Erlang VM on the various environments and then distribute the CouchDB application with Capistrano. However I can't find any option to download CouchDB without the Erlang runtime. I can, however see an option to build CouchDB from source which I assume is platform dependent.
I am new to Erlang and CouchBD, am I missing something? Is there a way to bundle CouchDB into a Rails app and distribute it across multiple platforms?
Have a look at some of the tools for provisioning Rails services (such as passenger_stack). Passenger Stack will download, make and install the ancillary services for your Rails app ... might be something you can adapt or use as a base to install Erlang and CouchDB.
There are a bunch of alternatives to this as well. Deprec contains recipes for provisioning with Capistrano. Essential idea is the same though.
I think you will not find a silver bullet. Distributing Erlang is similar to distributing Ruby; however Ruby has the advantage of being included in many default OS installs.
I know ejabberd has pre-built binaries for many distros. You might investigate how they do it.
The correct solution probably depends on how many "multiple platforms" you are targeting. If it's "Ubuntu 8.04 plus Ubuntu 10.04" that is different from several Linux distros, plus OSX, plus FreeBSD. Typically only open source projects support those many platforms and ideally you can get patches from the community. For internal projects, I have seen teams standardize on a Linux build and use virtualization on Mac/Windows.
But back to your question:
Building from source is a reasonable option. You could build when you deploy, or pre-build for all platforms and then deploy the binaries. Both Erlang and CouchDB use Autoconf which means you can --prefix them to a dedicated location (more-or-less standalone apps). It will take some trial and error but your build script can
Platform-specific dependency setup: gcc, make, autoconf, everything you need. apt-get on Ubuntu, yum on RHEL, Macports, whatever you need to get a common platform on your development and deployment system
Compile and install the rest using the tools from step 1. Use configure --prefix=/opt/my_software to keep it all in one place. (You can totally uninstall with rm -rf.)
This is an medium-level challenge--mostly trial and error. If possible, work within a build framework such as Rake or Toby's suggestion passenger_stack. Good luck!
