Cloud Run Docker container - How to access DB on VM? - docker

I have a python application running in a docker container in Google Cloud Run.
I have a VM instance which hosts a MongoDB instance. I need my python application, which is running in a docker container to access the database in the VM.
So far, it only runs in a Connection refused error. I "probably" understand that this is because it is not able to recognize the outside IP address. How do I make the application in the docker container access the outside world?
Edit: The problem was not with container not being able to access the outside world. The problem was that the "internal IP address" was not reachable. The solution, as suggested by #guillaumeblaquiere was to create a Serverless VPC Connector.

Posting #guillaume blaquiere comment for visibility:
Use a serverless VPC connector and access to your VPC through it.
As stated in the edit:
The problem was not with container not being able to access the outside world. The problem was that the "internal IP address" was not reachable.
See also:
Connect to a VPC network
Configure private access to MongoDB Atlas with Serverless VPC Access


Connect to AWS DocumentDB from within a docker container

I have a docker container on EC2 attempting to connect to DocumentDB. DocuementDB needs to be within the vpc network.
When attempting to connect to DocumentDB in a none host mode the connection fails, but when I (hack and) mount the container to use host network mode it does work. But for simple deployments and replicating my containers it's a problem.
Any idea how to connect to DocumentDB (without ssh tunneling) from within docker hosted on EC2?
If I understand correctly, you are running the container in none networking mode. None means you want to disable all the networking for your container. Most frequent used modes are either bridge or host.
You can also refer the below post which talks how to run docker container in ECS and connect to documentdb.

How do you get the IP address of a Google Cloud Run server?

I have a K8s cluster that should whitelist a Cloud Run server, so I would like to know the IP address or IP range of the Cloud Run server.
As found here:
Is there a way to get static IP for outbound requests?
Currently not, since Cloud Run uses a dynamic serverless machine pool by Google and its IP addresses cannot be controlled by Cloud Run users.
However, there is a workaround to route the traffic through a Google Compute Engine instance by running a persistent SSH tunnel inside the container and making your applications use it.

IP of bosh instance - cloud foundry

Database service is running in specific org and space. Two apps are bound to this DB service.
To apply liquibase change from Jenkins to DB service, we need JDBC connection between Jenkins and bosh instance.
Jenkins is outside PCF
How to retrieve IP address of Database service host?
How to retrieve IP address of Database service host?
Load the hostname from VCAP_SERVICES and then resolve it. You can use jq to read VCAP_SERVICES and pull out the hostname. You can then use dig <hostname> or host <hostname> to resolve the hostname. Then you have the IP.
If you're trying to access a service from outside CF, make sure that you have network and firewall access to said service. Network access is often restricted/blocked outside of the CF environment.
Hope that helps!

Link between docker container and Minikube

Is is possible to link a docker container with a service running in minikube? I have a mysql container which I want to access using PMA pod in minikube. I have tried adding PMA_HOST is the yaml file while creating pod but getting an error on the PMA GUI page mentioning -
mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection refused
If I understand you correctly, you want to access a service (mysql) running outside kube cluster (minikube) from that kube cluster.
You have two ways to achieve this:
make sure your networking is configured in a way allowinf traffic passing both ways correctly. Then you should be able to access that mysql service directly by it's address or by creating external service inside kube cluster (create Service with no selector and manualy configure external Endpoints
Use something like ie. to expose localy developed service inside remote kubernetes cluster

How can I expose kubernetes services running within docker?

What I want to do is run kubernetes within docker and expose the kubernetes services externally. I followed the docs on getting kubernetes running within docker. As long as I connect from the localhost, I can access my services. However, connecting from a different computer doesn't work. If I spin up a docker image directly, then I can access it. Only things running within kubernetes aren't exposed. Is this possible?
Ensure your nodes have externally reachable IP addresses.
Then create a service of type NodePort:
And direct traffic to nodes at the allocated port.
