Azul Systems JRE 11.0.6 - bazel

Most of our systems are on Azul Systems JRE 11.0.6, which is causing a tremendous amount of vulnerabilities.
The recommended solution on fixing these issues is to upgrade to version 18 (latest version).
Is there any particular reason why a legacy version is still being used and not being upgraded? (ie dependancies)
Any follow up would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!


What's the current Vaadin LTS version?

My project has a bug. It currently uses v18.0.3. When I asked a question in another thread someone mentioned that I should better upgrade to v21, since that's an LTS version. I also recall having received news letters stating that v21 is supposed to be an LTS version.
If I looked at the Vaadin Roadmap ( today there is no word that v21 is an LTS-version.
Rather v14 is mentioned as last LTS and v23 is apparently to become the next LTS version.
Have plans changed?
The most recent versions can be found here
you'll see that 14 is the current LTS
You should definitely update from 18 to 21 even if 21 isn't an LTS version, because 18 is no longer supported. It'll also potentially make your update easier when the next LTS, 23, is released. With non-LTS versions, you should always update to the latest major to stay on a maintained version.

NVIDIA Nsight waring: OpenACC injection initialization failed. Is the PGI runtime version greater than 15.7?

I am trying to venture into accelerating my Fortran 2003 programs with OpenACC directives on my Ubuntu 18.04. workstation with Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 card. To that end, I have installed Nvidia HPC-SDK version 20.7 which should comes with compilers I need (Fortran 2003 from Portland Group and Nvidia (both are version 20.7-0)) as well as profilers (nvprof and Nvidia Nsight Sytems (2020.3.1)).
After a few post-installation glitches, and owing mostly to the help from Robert Cravella ( and Mat Colgrove ( I managed to get things going which made me very happy.
My workflow looks like this:
Compile my program:
pgfortran -acc -Minfo=accel -o my_program ./my_program.f90
I run it through profiler:
nsys profile ./my_program
And then import into nsight-sys with File -> Open and chose report1.qdrep
I believe this to be a proper workflow. However, while opening the report file, nsight-sys gives me the warning: "OpenACC injection initialization failed. Is the PGI runtime version greater than 15.7?" That's quite unfortunate, because I use OpenACC to accelerate my programs.
I am not quite sure what PGI runtime is, nor would I know how to check it or change it? I assume it is something with Portland Group (compiler), but I use the suite compilers shipped with Nvidia's HPC-SDK, so I wouldn't expect incompatibilities with the profiler tools shipped in the same package.
Is it an option, or possible at all, to update the PGI runtime thing?
And advice, please?
Same answer as your previous post. There's a know issue with Nsight-Systems version 2020.3 which may sometimes cause an injection error when profiling OpenACC. I've been told that this was fixed in version 2020.4, hence the work around would be download and install 2020.4 or use a prior release.
Version 2020.3 is what we shipped with the NVHPC 20.7 SDK. I'm not sure we have enough time to update to 2020.4 in our upcoming 20.9 release, but if not, we'll bundle it in a later release.
Thanks Mat,
In the meanwhile I managed to have everything running. I did as follows:
First installed CUDA toolkit, which came with the latest driver for my Nvidia RTX 2070 card, 11.1 to be precise. It needed a reboot, but that's OK. For CUDA toolkit to work, I had to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to its libraries.
Then I installed Nvidia HPC-SDK, which I needed for Fortran 2003 compiler.
HPC-SDK is built for CUDA version 11.0 and comes with its own libraries and LD_LIBRARY_PATH should point to its libraries different from CUDA toolkit.
But, I kept the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to CUDA toolkit ones, and then compilers and profilers work in perfect harmony :-)
Thanks again, you and Robert helped me big time to get things running.

How to install Delphi XE on Win7 64bit that has Delphi 2010 on it with least fuss

Any advice or gotchas that I should be aware of. I know to install in a NEW directory, and to have a backup. I will reread the readme file that included in the Delphi-XE installer.
I've never had problems installing a new release of Delphi with an older version also installed. I have heard that you shouldn't do the opposite (install an old version with a new one already installed) but as far as I know, installing "forwards" works just fine. And specifically installing XE with D2010 already present has never given me any trouble either at work on on my personal system.
Ive had a number of machines with multiple versions of delphi on without issue, however if you are that concerned, a further thought or consideration is to virtualise your development environments as then rather than reinstall you can "copy" .. Ive put mine into the XP mode machine on my windows 7 for that very reason.
I recommend not installing in Program Files (x86). I created a folder C:\DEVTOOLS which has my Borland, Codegear and Embarcadero folders (among others). This is definitely the 'least fuss' option.

How to setup eclipse with blackberry jde's already installed on Windows 7 machine?

I found many posts on the forum regarding this problem which navigates me to No Page found error.
Does any body know how can I add the Blackberry JDE's that already installed on my machine.
Any help is appreciable.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks zechariahs for the reply,
Actually, My main problem is that,
I am using Windows 7 machine which is 64 bit supported both OS as well as machine H/W.
I tried a lot to install the Blackberry in Eclipse - Hellios, Galilo of 32-bit and JDK 1.5
Also tried with same for 64 bit and JDK 1.6
but it is not at all getting installed.
By reading post, I tried with
h:\New\eclipse\eclipse -vm C:\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe command also,
but no success.
Any how I wanna run Blackberry program on My 64-bit Windows 7 Machine,
Can you please suggest any thing ?
The Blackberry eclipse plugin is for 32bit version of Eclipse and Java sdk.
You must install all 32bit version.

Snow Leopard install Ruby on Rails (with MySQL)

I've done a clean re-install of OS X Snow Leopard, so there's nothing on my system at all.
I've installed Xcode and I'm ready to install Rails.
However, my system is a MacBook (MacBook2,1) and apparently it doesn't support 64-bit by default. Apple is going to add this at a later date.
How would I go about installing Rails? Do I go about it the normal way?
How about MySQL, do I need the 64-bit binary?
Most of the time (maybe always, I'm not really sure) you can run binaries compiled for 32 bit even if your system is 64 bit. They just won't have any benefits of 64 bit (either storing bigger things or processing stuff faster).
If your macbook is a recent one it has 64 bit support (Core 2 Duo processor), if it is an older version (Core Duo) it is 32 bit. You can determine the processor type by checking 'About this Mac' in the Apple menu.
You can certainly install the 64-bit packages. They will be able to access the memory space and every advantage of running with 64bits. The only thing that won't boot in 64bit is the Kernel, but it's not something to be worrying about for the moment.
Check out the Hivelogic's guide for installing MySQL, Rails and Ruby on Snow Leopard:
Ruby, Rails
Your MacBook does support 64bit, but it cannot boot in 64bit mode. You should be able to install 64bit binary packages just fine.
You should definitely install the 64-bit binory packages such as mysql.
