Stored procedure "weird" result set with Power Tools EF Core 5 - stored-procedures

I have installed EF Core 5 Power Tools to Add a DB with stored procedure to an ASP.NET Core project. the models are successfully generated by Power Tools and the tables work fine; but when i try to retrieve a result set out of a stored procedure and store it to a ViewBag to display on the View, the value stored at Viewbag is weird and has nothing to do with a result set.
Here is the stored procedure code at db, which is pretty simple, just to test Power Tools:
public IActionResult Index()
schoolContext s = new schoolContext();
schoolContextProcedures sp = new schoolContextProcedures(s);
var t = sp.retTableAsync(20); // The built is perfectly done, but the value store instead of result set is weird
ViewBag.test = t;
return View();
and just added a #View.Bag to the view to make sure it's displayed, Though the app's built is done successfully without any error, This is what's displayed at the View instead of ViewBag value:
Tried to convert the result set to a list or something else but it's not working :|
Anyone know how to fix it?

The value stored in it is not "weird", its a Task.
Since your method is async, you should await for the result of the returned task, not the "return" itself, as this is only a reference to the task that is executed asynchronusly.
As martin smith mentions, just:
var t = await sp.retTableAsync(20);
Otherwise you are adding a task as the viewbag property, instead of the task result once completed


ServiceStack ORM Lite calling a stored procedure with more than one parameter

I am using ORM Lite's .SqlList method to call a stored procedure and map the results to my custom object. When I am using only one parameter, and calling the stored procedure as follow it works fine:
var results = conn.SqlList<CustomObject>("EXEC MyStoredProcedure #paramOne"), new { paramOne = "someParam" });
When I want to call a stored procedure with more than one parameter and I call it as shown bellow I get an error stating that "The given key was not present in the dictionary.".
var results = conn.SqlList<CustomObject>("EXEC MyStoredProcedure #paramOne, #paramTwo"), new { paramOne = "someParam", paramTwo = "someOtherParam" });
I had a look at the sql stored procedure test page on the ORM Lite Github repo but it does not show how to call stored procedures with more that one param.
I should add that the second parameter on the sql side is a custom table type, and I am sending in a DataTable type in C#.

Calling Stored Procedure From Entity Framework that returns table with variable columns

I am using ASP.NET MVC 3 and EF 4.x
I have a procedure that returns a result set but the columns are not fixed (it may return 25 columns or may be 40 or 50).
How can I call this stored procedure from Entity Framework?
When I use function import it asks for an Entity. But I cannot select it as none of the columns is fixed.
Entity Framework is not the right tool for this. It is good at statically defined data structures, not at dynamic ones.
There are better tools for this. I would recommend Dapper, created by Marc Gravell. It's easy as pie. Just get the NuGet package and type something like
using Dapper;
using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
var p = new DynamicParameters();
p.Add("#params", "Id=21");
var results = cnn.Query(sql:"GetMyData",
param: p,
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
foreach(IDictionary<string, object> result in results)
// Do something here.
Query is a Dapper extension method, result is a DapperRow, which is a private class that implements IDictionary<string, object>, so you can just access your data as a dictionary per record.
Aside from being easy to use, it's lightning fast too.

Entity Framework Optimistic Concurrency with Update stored procedure (Julie Lerman example)

I'm having some difficulties understanding the Concurrency problem using Update store procedures. I'm following Julie Lerman's Programming Entity Framework and she gives the following code in an example:
using (var context = new BAEntities())
var payment = context.Payments.First();
if (payment.PaymentDate != null)
payment.PaymentDate = payment.PaymentDate.Value.AddDays(1);
var origRowVersion = payment.RowVersion;
var newRowVersion = payment.RowVersion;
if (newRowVersion == origRowVersion)
Console.WriteLine("RowVersion not updated");
Console.WriteLine("RowVersion updated");
catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException)
Console.WriteLine("Concurrency Exception was thrown");
The Update SP looks like:
UPDATE payments
SET paymentdate=#date,reservationID=#reservationID,amount=#amount, modifieddate=#modifiedDate
paymentid=#paymentid AND ROWVERSION=#rowversion
SELECT RowVersion AS newTimeStamp FROM payments WHERE paymentid=#paymentid
and the "Use original value" checkbox is ticked in the mapping, which looks like this:
Now, when I try to:
run the code as it is, then the newRowVersion inspected in the debugger is same as origRowversion, but the app enters 'else' clause (why is it the same in the first place, I have just changed it? is it debugger issue?)
run the code, but in the BREAKPOINT #1 I update the payment object in Management Studio, the SaveChanges throws OptimisticConcurrencyException. I assume this is expected result.
Each time when I look in the SQL Profiler, the original version of timestamp is sent to the server.
Then, when I untick the "Use original value" in the SP mappings for the timestamp value, everything works the same way as described above... I don't get the idea of it. Am I testing it wrong? When is the app supposed to enter the 'if' clause?
Thanks in advance, cheers!
I added newTimeStamp as the return value for the Update SP mapping. Now I can see that the updated value of RowVersion is correctly taken from the DB. But I still cannot see the difference between having "Use original value" checked and unchecked...
I think I get it now.
When I try to manually change the rowversion (to a random byte[]) before calling savechanges then:
Use Original Value unchecked: the 'random byte[]' is sent to the DB and used in the update stored procedure (in WHERE clause), causing OptimisticConcurrencyException
Use Original Value checked: the value that rowversion had when it was originally downloaded from DB is sent and used in the update stored procedure (in WHERE clause)
I guess this is what Use Original Value is for... It just seems a little weird to me, who would change it manually in the same dbcontext?

BLToolkit Oracle SP support

Does BLT support Oracle stored procedures? I've tried numerous methods, described below to get it to work but no luck. The stored procedure updates a table with several values. This is the stored procedure, a small test procedure.
UPDATE Beta_Auto
SET RuleGuid = Rule,
Name = Nam,
Location = Loc
WHERE Id=AutoId;
Tried the following
DbManager.AddDataProvider(new OdpDataProvider());
DbManager OracleDb = new DbManager("BetaOracleDBConn");
Beta_Auto Betar = new Beta_Auto();
Betar.ID = 1;
Betar.Name = "Jim";
Betar.RuleGuid = "jlDKDKDKDKDKDKp";
Betar.Location = "LocDLDLDLDLDtor";
That didn't work.
Tried this
public abstract void Update(Beta_Auto Auto);
That didn't work.
Tried this:
public abstract void UpdateByParam(
[Direction.InputOutput("ID", "RuleGuid", "Name", "Location")] Beta_Auto Auto);
That didn't work.
public abstract void UpdateByParam(int Id, string RuleGuid, string Name, string Location);
Also tried this:
public abstract void UpdateByParam(int Id, string RuleGuid, string Name, string Location);
That didn't work.
Set the trace level on to 7. Saw that the call was being made, but couldn't see any parameters. Swapped out XE (thought it might have been a licensing problem as db was bigger that 5GB) for enterprise Oracle. Didn't work.
Create a new user, datafile, tablespace, and assigned all roles and privs, including Execute Any Procedure to the user. Didn't work.
I ran a standard (very long winded) to call the stored procedure via OracleCommand and it called perfectly and did the update.
I am stumped. All of the above work for SQL Server.
I'm doing it like
var parameters = OracleDb.GetSpParameters("BETA_AUTO_UPDATE", true, true);
parameters.SetParamValue("pParam1", param1);
parameters.SetParamValue("pParam2", param2);
OracleDb.SetSpCommand("BETA_AUTO_UPDATE", parameters).ExecuteNonQuery();
It's an extra round-trip, but since I'm only using stored procedures for a couple of big batch updates it doesn't really matter, (normal/simple updates are done with Linq DML operations)

Entity Framework CTP5 - Reading Multiple Record Sets From a Stored Procedure

In EF4, this was not easily possible. You either had to degrade to classic ADO.NET (DataReader), use ObjectContext.Translate or use the EFExtensions project.
Has this been implemented off the shelf in EF CTP5?
If not, what is the recommended way of doing this?
Do we have to cast the DbContext<T> as an IObjectContextAdapter and access the underlying ObjectContext in order to get to this method?
Can someone point me to a good article on doing this with EF CTP5?
So i got this working, here's what i have:
internal SomeInternalPOCOWrapper FindXXX(string xxx)
var someInternalPokey = new SomeInternalPOCOWrapper();
var ctx = (this as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
var con = new SqlConnection("xxxxx");
DbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "exec dbo.usp_XXX #xxxx";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("xxxx", xxx));
using (var rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
// -- RESULT SET #1
someInternalPokey.Prop1 = ctx.Translate<InternalPoco1>(rdr);
// -- RESULT SET #2
someInternalPokey.Prop2 = ctx.Translate<InternalPoco2>(rdr);
// -- RESULT SET #3
someInternalPokey.Prop3 = ctx.Translate<InternalPoco3>(rdr);
someInternalPokey.Prop4 = ctx.Translate<InternalPoco4>(rdr);
return someInternalPokey;
Essentially, it's basically like classic ADO.NET. You read the DbReader, advance to the next result set, etc.
But at least we have the Translate method which seemingly does a left-to-right between the result set fields and the supplied entity.
Note the method is internal.
My Repository calls this method, then hydrates the DTO into my domain objects.
I'm not 100% happy with it for 3 reasons:
We have to cast the DbContext as IObjectContextAdapter. The method Translate should be on DbContext<T> class IMO.
We have to use classic ADO.NET Objects. Why? Stored Procedures are a must have for any ORM. My main gripe with EF is the lack of the stored procedure support and this seems to not have been rectified with EF CTP5.
You have to open a new SqlConnection. Why can't it use the same connection as the one opened by the EF Context?
Hope this both helps someone and sends out a message to the EF team. We need multiple result support for SPROCS off the shelf. You can map a stored proc to a complex type, so why can't we map a stored proc to multiple complex types?
