How to use Single-scale retinex algorithm based on gabor filtering (SSR)? - image-processing

I Want to apply this is paper when I applied the left part from the diagram chart to use SSR based on the Gabor filter I always get values with negative and infinite, also I don't know how could it be applied? if it is based on replacing the gaussian kernel function with the Gabor filter or how could I apply it?
below attached code I found on Github where it did some transformation on the image after applying single Scale Retinex What does it do? and How can I find a reference for this transformation?
my main question is How to apply SSR based on the Gabor filter
def SSR(img):
img = np.float64(img) + 1.0
img_retinex = singleScaleRetinex(img)
for i in range(img_retinex.shape[2]):
unique, count = np.unique(np.int32(img_retinex[:, :, i] * 100), return_counts=True)
for u, c in zip(unique, count):
if u == 0:
zero_count = c
low_val = unique[0] / 100.0
high_val = unique[-1] / 100.0
for u, c in zip(unique, count):
if u < 0 and c < zero_count * 0.1:
low_val = u / 100.0
if u > 0 and c < zero_count * 0.1:
high_val = u / 100.0
img_retinex[:, :, i] = np.maximum(np.minimum(img_retinex[:, :, i], high_val), low_val)
img_retinex[:, :, i] = (img_retinex[:, :, i] - np.min(img_retinex[:, :, i])) / (np.max(img_retinex[:, :, i]) - np.min(img_retinex[:, :, i])) * 255
img_retinex = np.uint8(img_retinex)
return img_retinex


How to extract area of interest in the image while the boundary is not obvious

Are there ways to just extract the area of interest (the square light part in the red circle in the original image)? That means I need to get the coordinates of the edge and then masking the image outside the boundaries. I don't know how to do that. Could anyone help? Thanks!
#define horizontal and Vertical sobel kernels
Gx = np.array([[-1, 0, 1],[-2, 0, 2],[-1, 0, 1]])
Gy = np.array([[-1, -2, -1],[0, 0, 0],[1, 2, 1]])
#define kernal convolution function
# with image X and filter F
def convolve(X, F):
# height and width of the image
X_height = X.shape[0]
X_width = X.shape[3]
# height and width of the filter
F_height = F.shape[0]
F_width = F.shape[1]
H = (F_height - 1) // 2
W = (F_width - 1) // 2
#output numpy matrix with height and width
out = np.zeros((X_height, X_width))
#iterate over all the pixel of image X
for i in np.arange(H, X_height-H):
for j in np.arange(W, X_width-W):
sum = 0
#iterate over the filter
for k in np.arange(-H, H+1):
for l in np.arange(-W, W+1):
#get the corresponding value from image and filter
a = X[i+k, j+l]
w = F[H+k, W+l]
sum += (w * a)
out[i,j] = sum
#return convolution
return out
#normalizing the vectors
sob_x = convolve(image, Gx) / 8.0
sob_y = convolve(image, Gy) / 8.0
#calculate the gradient magnitude of vectors
sob_out = np.sqrt(np.power(sob_x, 2) + np.power(sob_y, 2))
# mapping values from 0 to 255
sob_out = (sob_out / np.max(sob_out)) * 255
plt.imshow(sob_out, cmap = 'gray', interpolation = 'bicubic')

Binarization for large directional gradient grayscale image

I am trying to binarize grayscale images with large gradients in one direction.
Apparently, normal methods including Otsu's are not good enough to do this job.
I tried to use Sobel gradients and the Bradley adaptive thresholding, by which I get OK results, but there are some issues as indicated in the attached picture.
From the section gradient curve, we could see the gradient difference is very big at the beginning, so I split the Sobel result and do the adaptive thresholding separately, and then fuse the two results together.
My question is:
Are there any other better methods to do this job? To better understand what I do, I post my sample python code here. Thanks for your attention.
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def bradley_threshold(inputMat,ddepth):
nRows = inputMat.shape[0]
nCols = inputMat.shape[1]
sumMat = cv.integral(inputMat, ddepth)
S = max(nRows, nCols) / 8
T = 0.15
s2 = int(S / 2)
outputMat = np.zeros(inputMat.shape, np.uint8)
for i in range(nRows):
y1 = i - s2
y2 = i + s2
if y1 < 0:
y1 = 0
if y2 >= nRows:
y2 = nRows - 1
for j in range(nCols):
# set the SxS region
x1 = j - s2
x2 = j + s2
if x1 < 0:
x1 = 0
if x2 >= nCols:
x2 = nCols - 1;
x1 += 1
x2 += 1
count = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
sum = sumMat[y2, x2]-sumMat[y1, x2]-sumMat[y2, x1]+sumMat[y1, x1]
if inputMat[i, j] * count <= sum * (1.0 - T):
outputMat[i, j] = 0
outputMat[i, j] = 255
return outputMat
if __name__ == '__main__':
gray = cv.imread('sample.png', cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
image = cv.cvtColor(gray,cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
blur = cv.medianBlur(gray, 3)
sobel = cv.Sobel(gray, cv.CV_32F, 1, 0, 1);
inverse = -sobel;
inverse[inverse < 0] = 0
thresh = bradley_threshold(inverse, cv.CV_32F)
splitter = 31
part1 = inverse[:,:31]
part2 = inverse[:,31:]
thresh1 = bradley_threshold(part1, cv.CV_32F)
thresh2 = bradley_threshold(part2, cv.CV_32F)
thresh_part = np.concatenate((thresh1, thresh2), axis=1)
plt.imshow(thresh, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(thresh_part, cmap='gray')
plt.plot(inverse[inverse.shape[0]-1, :])

Why simple logistic regression requires millions of iterations to converge?

The problem is extremely simple, there are just 5 samples.
But the Gradient Descent converges extremely slow, like couple of millions of iterations.
Why, is there a mistake in my algorithm?
P.S. The Julia code below:
X = [
1.0 34.6237 78.0247;
1.0 30.2867 43.895;
1.0 35.8474 72.9022;
1.0 60.1826 86.3086;
1.0 79.0327 75.3444
Y = [0 0 0 1 1]'
sigmoid(z) = 1 / (1 + e ^ -z)
# Cost function.
function costJ(Theta, X, Y)
m = length(Y)
H = map(z -> sigmoid(z), (Theta' * X')')
sum((-Y)'*log(H) - (1-Y)'*log(1 - H)) / m
# Gradient.
function gradient(Theta, X, Y)
m = length(Y)
H = map(z -> sigmoid(z), (Theta' * X')')
(((X'*H - X'*Y)') / m)'
# Gradient Descent.
function gradientDescent(X, Y, Theta, alpha, nIterations)
m = length(Y)
jHistory = Array(Float64, nIterations)
for i = 1:nIterations
jHistory[i] = costJ(Theta, X, Y)
Theta = Theta - alpha * gradient(Theta, X, Y)
Theta, jHistory
gradientDescent(X, Y, [0 0 0]', 0.0001, 1000)
I think #colinefang's comment may be the right diagnosis. Try plotting jHistory - does it always decrease?
Another thing you can do is add a simple linesearch on each iteration to make sure the cost always decreases, something like:
function linesearch(g, X, Y, Theta; alpha=1.0)
init_cost = costJ(Theta, X, Y)
while costJ(Theta - alpha*g, X, Y) > init_cost
alpha = alpha / 2.0 # or divide by some other constant >1
return alpha
Then modify the gradient descent function slightly to search over alpha on each iteration:
for i = 1:nIterations
g = gradient(Theta, X, Y)
alpha = linesearch(g,X,Y,Theta)
Theta = Theta - alpha * g
There are various performance enhancements you can make to the above code. I just wanted to show you the flavor.

Obtain sigma of gaussian blur between two images

Suppose I have an image A, I applied Gaussian Blur on it with Sigam=3 So I got another Image B. Is there a way to know the applied sigma if A,B is given?
Further clarification:
Image A:
Image B:
I want to write a function that take A,B and return Sigma:
double get_sigma(cv::Mat const& A,cv::Mat const& B);
Any suggestions?
EDIT1: The suggested approach doesn't work in practice in its original form(i.e. using only 9 equations for a 3 x 3 kernel), and I realized this later. See EDIT1 below for an explanation and EDIT2 for a method that works.
EDIT2: As suggested by Humam, I used the Least Squares Estimate (LSE) to find the coefficients.
I think you can estimate the filter kernel by solving a linear system of equations in this case. A linear filter weighs the pixels in a window by its coefficients, then take their sum and assign this value to the center pixel of the window in the result image. So, for a 3 x 3 filter like
the resulting pixel value in the filtered image
result_pix_value = h11 * a(y, x) + h12 * a(y, x+1) + h13 * a(y, x+2) +
h21 * a(y+1, x) + h22 * a(y+1, x+1) + h23 * a(y+1, x+2) +
h31 * a(y+2, x) + h32 * a(y+2, x+1) + h33 * a(y+2, x+2)
where a's are the pixel values within the window in the original image. Here, for the 3 x 3 filter you have 9 unknowns, so you need 9 equations. You can obtain those 9 equations using 9 pixels in the resulting image. Then you can form an Ax = b system and solve for x to obtain the filter coefficients. With the coefficients available, I think you can find the sigma.
In the following example I'm using non-overlapping windows as shown to obtain the equations.
You don't have to know the size of the filter. If you use a larger size, the coefficients that are not relevant will be close to zero.
Your result image size is different than the input image, so i didn't use that image for following calculation. I use your input image and apply my own filter.
I tested this in Octave. You can quickly run it if you have Octave/Matlab. For Octave, you need to load the image package.
I'm using the following kernel to blur the image:
h =
0.10963 0.11184 0.10963
0.11184 0.11410 0.11184
0.10963 0.11184 0.10963
When I estimate it using a window size 5, I get the following. As I said, the coefficients that are not relevant are close to zero.
g =
9.5787e-015 -3.1508e-014 1.2974e-015 -3.4897e-015 1.2739e-014
-3.7248e-014 1.0963e-001 1.1184e-001 1.0963e-001 1.8418e-015
4.1825e-014 1.1184e-001 1.1410e-001 1.1184e-001 -7.3554e-014
-2.4861e-014 1.0963e-001 1.1184e-001 1.0963e-001 9.7664e-014
1.3692e-014 4.6182e-016 -2.9215e-014 3.1305e-014 -4.4875e-014
First of all, my apologies.
This approach doesn't really work in the practice. I've used the filt = conv2(a, h, 'same'); in the code. The resulting image data type in this case is double, whereas in the actual image the data type is usually uint8, so there's loss of information, which we can think of as noise. I simulated this with the minor modification filt = floor(conv2(a, h, 'same'));, and then I don't get the expected results.
The sampling approach is not ideal, because it's possible that it results in a degenerated system. Better approach is to use random sampling, avoiding the borders and making sure the entries in the b vector are unique. In the ideal case, as in my code, we are making sure the system Ax = b has a unique solution this way.
One approach would be to reformulate this as Mv = 0 system and try to minimize the squared norm of Mv under the constraint squared-norm v = 1, which we can solve using SVD. I could be wrong here, and I haven't tried this.
Another approach is to use the symmetry of the Gaussian kernel. Then a 3x3 kernel will have only 3 unknowns instead of 9. I think, this way we impose additional constraints on v of the above paragraph.
I'll try these out and post the results, even if I don't get the expected results.
Using the LSE, we can find the filter coefficients as pinv(A'A)A'b. For completion, I'm adding a simple (and slow) LSE code.
Initial Octave Code:
clear all
im = double(imread('I2vxD.png'));
k = 5;
r = floor(k/2);
a = im(:, :, 1); % take the red channel
h = fspecial('gaussian', [3 3], 5); % filter with a 3x3 gaussian
filt = conv2(a, h, 'same');
% use non-overlapping windows to for the Ax = b syatem
% NOTE: boundry error checking isn't performed in the code below
s = floor(size(a)/2);
y = s(1);
x = s(2);
w = k*k;
y1 = s(1)-floor(w/2) + r;
y2 = s(1)+floor(w/2);
x1 = s(2)-floor(w/2) + r;
x2 = s(2)+floor(w/2);
b = [];
A = [];
for y = y1:k:y2
for x = x1:k:x2
b = [b; filt(y, x)];
f = a(y-r:y+r, x-r:x+r);
A = [A; f(:)'];
% estimated filter kernel
g = reshape(A\b, k, k)
LSE method:
clear all
im = double(imread('I2vxD.png'));
k = 5;
r = floor(k/2);
a = im(:, :, 1); % take the red channel
h = fspecial('gaussian', [3 3], 5); % filter with a 3x3 gaussian
filt = floor(conv2(a, h, 'same'));
s = size(a);
y1 = r+2; y2 = s(1)-r-2;
x1 = r+2; x2 = s(2)-r-2;
b = [];
A = [];
for y = y1:2:y2
for x = x1:2:x2
b = [b; filt(y, x)];
f = a(y-r:y+r, x-r:x+r);
f = f(:)';
A = [A; f];
g = reshape(A\b, k, k) % A\b returns the least squares solution
%g = reshape(pinv(A'*A)*A'*b, k, k)

Choosing Lines From Hough Lines

I'm using Hough Lines to do corner detection for this image. i plan to find the intersection of the lines as the corner.
This is the image.
Unfortunately, Hough return lots of lines for each line I expect
How do I tune the Hough Lines so there is only four lines each corresponds to actual line on the image?
OpenCVs hough transform really could use some better Non-Maximum Suppression. Without that, you get this phenomenon of duplicate lines. Unfortunately I know of no easy way to tune that, besides reimplementing your own hough transform. (Which is a valid option. Hough transform is fairly simple)
Fortunately it is easy to fix in post-processing:
For the non-probabilistic hough transform, OpenCv will return the lines in order of their confidence, with the strongest line first. So simply take the first four lines that differ strongly in either rho or theta.
so, add the first line found by HoughLines into a new List: strong_lines
for each line found by HoughLines:
test whether its rho and theta are close to any strong_line (e.g. rho is within 50 pixels and theta is within 10° of the other line)
if not, put it into the list of strong_lines
if you have found 4 strong_lines, break
I implemented the approach described by HugoRune and though I would share my code as an example of how I implemented this. I used a tolerance of 5 degrees and 10 pixels.
strong_lines = np.zeros([4,1,2])
minLineLength = 2
maxLineGap = 10
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edged,1,np.pi/180,10, minLineLength, maxLineGap)
n2 = 0
for n1 in range(0,len(lines)):
for rho,theta in lines[n1]:
if n1 == 0:
strong_lines[n2] = lines[n1]
n2 = n2 + 1
if rho < 0:
closeness_rho = np.isclose(rho,strong_lines[0:n2,0,0],atol = 10)
closeness_theta = np.isclose(theta,strong_lines[0:n2,0,1],atol = np.pi/36)
closeness = np.all([closeness_rho,closeness_theta],axis=0)
if not any(closeness) and n2 < 4:
strong_lines[n2] = lines[n1]
n2 = n2 + 1
EDIT: The code was updated to reflect the comment regarding a negative rho value
Collect the intersection of all line
for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < lines.size(); j++)
cv::Point2f pt = computeIntersectionOfTwoLine(lines[i], lines[j]);
if (pt.x >= 0 && pt.y >= 0 && pt.x < image.cols && pt.y < image.rows)
You can google the algorithm to find the intersection of two lines.
Once you collect all the intersection points you can easily determine the min max which will give you top-left and bottom right points. From these two points you can easily get the rectangle.
Here Sorting 2d point array to find out four corners & Refer these two links.
Here is a complete solution written in python 2.7.x using OpenCV 2.4.
It is based on ideas from this thread.
Method: Detect all lines. Assume that the Hough function returns highest ranked lines first. Filter the lines to keep those that are separated by some minimum distance and/or angle.
Image of all Hough lines:
Filtered lines:
Detect the best 4 lines for a rounded rectangle.
import numpy as np
import cv2
input_image = cv2.imread("image.jpg")
def drawLines(img, lines):
Draw lines on an image
for line in lines:
for rho,theta in line:
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a*rho
y0 = b*rho
x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))
cv2.line(img, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (0,0,255), 1)
input_image_grey = cv2.cvtColor(input_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
edged = input_image_grey
rho = 1 # 1 pixel
theta = 1.0*0.017 # 1 degree
threshold = 100
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edged, rho, theta, threshold)
# Fix negative angles
num_lines = lines.shape[1]
for i in range(0, num_lines):
line = lines[0,i,:]
rho = line[0]
theta = line[1]
if rho < 0:
rho *= -1.0
theta -= np.pi
line[0] = rho
line[1] = theta
# Draw all Hough lines in red
img_with_all_lines = np.copy(input_image)
drawLines(img_with_all_lines, lines)
cv2.imshow("Hough lines", img_with_all_lines)
cv2.imwrite("all_lines.jpg", img_with_all_lines)
# Find 4 lines with unique rho & theta:
num_lines_to_find = 4
filtered_lines = np.zeros([1, num_lines_to_find, 2])
if lines.shape[1] < num_lines_to_find:
print("ERROR: Not enough lines detected!")
# Save the first line
filtered_lines[0,0,:] = lines[0,0,:]
print("Line 1: rho = %.1f theta = %.3f" % (filtered_lines[0,0,0], filtered_lines[0,0,1]))
idx = 1 # Index to store the next unique line
# Initialize all rows the same
for i in range(1,num_lines_to_find):
filtered_lines[0,i,:] = filtered_lines[0,0,:]
# Filter the lines
num_lines = lines.shape[1]
for i in range(0, num_lines):
line = lines[0,i,:]
rho = line[0]
theta = line[1]
# For this line, check which of the existing 4 it is similar to.
closeness_rho = np.isclose(rho, filtered_lines[0,:,0], atol = 10.0) # 10 pixels
closeness_theta = np.isclose(theta, filtered_lines[0,:,1], atol = np.pi/36.0) # 10 degrees
similar_rho = np.any(closeness_rho)
similar_theta = np.any(closeness_theta)
similar = (similar_rho and similar_theta)
if not similar:
print("Found a unique line: %d rho = %.1f theta = %.3f" % (i, rho, theta))
filtered_lines[0,idx,:] = lines[0,i,:]
idx += 1
if idx >= num_lines_to_find:
print("Found %d unique lines!" % (num_lines_to_find))
# Draw filtered lines
img_with_filtered_lines = np.copy(input_image)
drawLines(img_with_filtered_lines, filtered_lines)
cv2.imshow("Filtered lines", img_with_filtered_lines)
cv2.imwrite("filtered_lines.jpg", img_with_filtered_lines)
The above approach (proposed by #HugoRune's and implemented by #Onamission21) is correct but has a little bug. cv2.HoughLines may return negative rho and theta upto pi. Notice for example that the line (r0,0) is very close to the line (-r0,pi-epsilon) but they would not be found in the above closeness test.
I simply treated negative rhos by applying rho*=-1, theta-=pi before closeness calculations.
