Set the volume AVAudioPlayer#play(at:time) - ios

I am using AVAudioPlayer in my app. I have a use case where user specifies the time in future for the sound to play. I can play the sound in background using background modes but I want to control the volume level and set it to max when the sound plays (this is a requirement of the client). After calling [self.player prepareToPlay];, I am setting the volume to max by calling [self.player setVolume: 1.0]; but it seems to have no effect. The sound plays with the device sound level. Any way I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance.

As per my knowledge it's not possible to change the device volume directly.
Do check Apple's documentation to cater this scenario using MPVolumeView -


How to play a BGM and know current playback time on in cocos2d ios?

I'm working on a IOS game based on music, and a strict synchronize between background music and global timer is necessary, so I'm looking for some way to play music AND at the same time knowing which exact position the music is playing on at each frame update.
the OALSimpleAudio Doesn't have such kind of interface. Are there any better solution? Thank you!
OALSimpleAudio Background-Music (OALAudioTrack) uses the AVAudioPlayer.
[[[[OALSimpleAudio sharedInstance] backgroundTrack] player] currentTime]

volume slider has no effect

I am creating a radio streaming app with play, pause and volume slider.
I have implemented volume slider using MPVolumeView but unfortunately it is not working.
Can any one please let me know the correct code so that the volume slider will work in my app. I have used MPMoviePlayerController, AVPlayer, AVAudioPlayer.
Sounds as if you missed an important part of Apple's documentation;
Working with Movies and iPod Music
I am suspecting that you are using both, AVAudioPlayer and MPMoviePlayerController together and that you have setup some audio session attributes to get that working properly. Now when doing so, you may want to tell MPMoviePlayerController to use that session / or not.
Using the Media Player Framework Exclusively
If your application is using a movie player only, or a music player
only—and you are not playing your own sounds—then you should not
configure an audio session.
If you are using a movie player exclusively, you must tell it to use
its own audio session, as follows:
myMoviePlayer.useApplicationAudioSession = NO
If you are using a movie
player and a music player, then you probably want to configure how the
two interact; for this, you must configure an audio session, even
though you are not playing application audio per se. Use the guidance
in Table 6-1.

Full-featured music player using AVPlayer

I'm writing a music player for iOS that needs to have all the features of the built-in Music app. My app needs to continue running in the background so I have to use the AVPlayer class.
Are there any open source implementations out there that I can use instead of writing the whole thing myself?
Just found this. It works great:
If you want to play tracks from your iTunes music library, and don't want to use the MPMusicPlayerController class, your best bet is to use AVPlayer or AVQueuePlayer (subclass of AVPlayer). You must establish the appropriate audio session and register to receive remote control events for the app to continue playing music in the background.
There are downsides to this method; you won't be able to play DRM-protected tracks and audiobooks purchased from the iTunes store. There's no way to instantiate an iTunes Match download with the AVPlayer class. Furthermore, you'll have a bit of work on your hands if you want to add gapless playback and equaliser settings (The closest you'll get to gapless playback is with the AVQueuePlayer subclass, though in theory, you could overlap AVPlayers with an NSTimer).
You'll also need to change 'Required Background Modes' in your Info.plist to 'App plays audio'
As for the rest of your app, I suggest you read up on UITabBarControllers and UITableViewControllers along with MPMediaQuerys.
See this solution for the audio part.

IOS 5 No audio when playing a video with Silent mode on with a buzztouch app

I have done several apps with buzztouch for Iphone and Ipads, here is a free one as an example :
I do not know code very much, I have very little basics that is why I designed my app using Buzztouch, which by the way is amazing !
The only one problem that I have is that the default behavior when you play a video (which was most of my apps are doing, playing tutorials) and if the silent mode is on either on Ipad or Iphone, there is no audio, even thought the volume slider is active, given the impressions to users that there is a bug, and I got some bad reviews due to that, I have also people writing me about it. I Then tell them all they have to do is to turn off the silent mode and they the audio is back, works everytime, but in the meantime I get complaits !
So here is my questions, is there a simple way I can located in the Buzztouch generated code a property that can easely be changed so that when a video is played, audio stays, despiste the silent mode being active.
I actually checked 4 or 5 other Iphones similar applications including the default youtube apple app, the default is that the audio plays even if the silent mode is turn on, giving my customer the impression that my app is bugged.
I'm not a programmer so please but as simple as possible in your answer.
Tku so much for the help.
What you are describing is the default behavior in iOS - when the ring/silent switch is in silent mode all audio from your app will be suppressed.
I don't know about implementing this from BuzzTouch, but here is a native solution I used to get around this for one of my apps that plays video:
MPMoviePlayerViewController *mpvc = [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:myVidURL];
... set up player ...
// prevent mute switch from switching off audio from movie player
NSError *_error = nil;
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setCategory: AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback error: &_error];
[self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:mpvc];
You will also need to include the AVFoundation framework for this to work.
Here's the link where I first found this tip:
Right from documentation - iOS has 6 audio session categories out of that 3 affects the behavior of Slient switch:
AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient or the equivalent kAudioSessionCategory_AmbientSound— Using this category, your audio is silenced by the Ring/Silent switch and when the screen locks. Used when we want our app audio with built-in app audio
AVAudioSessionCategorySoloAmbient or the equivalent kAudioSessionCategory_SoloAmbientSound—Use this category for an application whose audio you want silenced when the user switches the Ring/Silent switch to the “silent” position and when the screen locks. This is the default category
AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback or the equivalent kAudioSessionCategory_MediaPlayback—Use this category for an application whose audio playback is of primary importance. Your audio plays even with the screen locked and with the Ring/Silent switch set to silent.
Hint: Upload the audio file to your buzztouch account files. This is the only way Buzztouch will recognize the audio. next, add the audio file to your xcode bttouch sound folder and add all references. You should be fine!

Independent Volume control of AVAudioPlayer and MPMusicPlayerController in iOS App.

Within my application, I am playing downloaded audio using an AVAudioPlayer, while simultaneously playing audio from the user's iPod music library with an MPMusicPlayerController.
I need to be able to adjust the Volume of the AVAudioPlayer instance so that it's louder
than the audio coming from the MPMusicPlayerController.
The problem is, when I adjust the Volume property of the AVAudioPlayer, it also
adjusts the volume of the MPMusicPlayerController.
Is there any solution which would allow me to independently control the volume of
these two players?
If not, is there another technique I should use to do this? Any help is appreciated.
Take a look at the documentation for AVAudioSession. For example, in the AVAudioSession Programming Guide, says the following:
"Finally, you can enhance a category to automatically lower the volume of other audio when your audio is playing. This could be used, for example, in an exercise application. Say the user is exercising along to their iPod when your application wants to overlay a verbal message—for instance, “You’ve been rowing for 10 minutes.” To ensure that the message from your application is intelligible, apply the kAudioSessionProperty_OtherMixableAudioShouldDuck property to your audio session. When ducking takes place, all other audio on the device—apart from phone audio—lowers in volume."
I think it might solve your problem. The documentation on initializing an AVAudioSession and setting its categories and properties is pretty clear and easy to follow; you should have no trouble.
