I am having a problem consuming WSDL file - wsdl

I am trying to add a wsdl file as a service reference to my project in Visual Studio, but I keep having this problem:
Error: Cannot import wsdl:portType
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.DataContractSerializerMessageContractImporter
Error: Schema with target namespace 'Telegrafia.VektraExternalInterface' could not be found.
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='Telegrafia.VektraExternalInterface']/wsdl:portType[#name='TelemetryInterfaceService']
The wsdl file is version 1.1, but I was told it should not be the problem, although I do not believe that.. I also tried to consume the file using svcutil.exe, still didn't work though. Does anybody have any idea, what might cause these errors?
Also there are these import warnings in the wsdl file
Imported schema for namespace 'Telegrafia.ExternalInterface.Notification' was not resolved.
Thank you for your time


Open file from minifilter during the instance_setup

I am new in minifilter development and I am wondering if I can read some information from a xml/txt file in the instance_setup function. The idea is to pass information to the minifilter from a config file at startup.
fopen() is not working because my minifilter does not allow me to import this function. The compiler of my Visual Studio raises unresolved external symbol.
Is it not possible to open files from a minifilter? Am I missing something?
You may need to use FltCreateFile/FltReadFile or ZwCreateFile/ZwReadFile

vs2019 'SharpDX.Toolkit.Compiler' could not be found after Nuget package update

I have an old WPF/HelixToolkit/SharpDX project from 2016 that I started working with. I was having some viewport issues and thought they might be cured by updating HelixToolkit & SharpDX packages. Unfortunately, after the updates my project will no longer compile.
I tried Build->Clean and Rebuild All, but no joy. Still getting these errors:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error The "SharpDX.Toolkit.EffectCompilerTask" task could not be loaded from the assembly \SharpDX.Toolkit.CompilerTask.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\SharpDX.Toolkit.CompilerTask.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. MyWPFMagViewer2
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning The referenced component 'SharpDX.Toolkit.Compiler' could not be found. MyWPFMagViewer2
I'm really hoping it's something simple, but I don't have a clue what it might be. Can anyone help?
I never found an answer to this problem, but I was able to work around it by re-cloning my project from GitHub, and not updating SharpDX

Build failed - Check imports - Dart Angular Tutorial - angular_tour_of_heroes - part 2

While following tutorail - Angular-dart tutorial - Tour of Heroes - part 2
with using IntelliJ IDEA in Windows 10 while using chrome, I got following error(s) -
[SEVERE] build_web_compilers|entrypoint on web/main.dart (cached):
Unable to find modules for some sources, this is usually the result of either a
bad import, a missing dependency in a package (or possibly a dev_dependency
needs to move to a real dependency), or a build failure (if importing a
generated file).
Please check the following imports:
import 'package:angular_app/app_component.css.shim.dart' as import0; from angular_app|lib/app_component.template.dart at 12:1
[SEVERE] Failed after 1.3s
Serving web on http://localhost:53323
I have checked multiple times & I have replaced all - 5 files - namely
lib/app_component.css, lib/app_component.dart, lib/app_component.html, lib/src/hero.dart & lib/src/mock_heroes.dart from Review the app structure but I am still getting the above mentioned error & -
I could not find any app_component.template.dart
Nor could found any instance of imported package:angular_app/app_component.css.shim.dart or shim using IntelliJ Find in Path (Ctrl+Shift+F)
I have tried to delete build and rebuild.
I have also re-installed dart 2.1.0 using windows package manager & changed the location of dart-sdk accordingly in IntelliJ IDEA Settings/Dart, as for brief period I was getting dart-sdk error, but that is fixed.
This my first time asking question on stacksoverflow, but I have checked similar questions, could not resolve that issue.
the most likely reason for that build failure is due to the stylesUrls files not being found. This could be because the name in that array doesn't match the name in the file system or is not the expected place in the file system.
To confirm, I started from scratch, downloaded the quickstart-master.zip to get the project structure.
And followed the steps all the way through the step you were stuck on.
The only time I was able to generate that error while following the steps is when I added thestyleUrls: ['app_component.css'], to app_component.dart prior to creating the file.
I got the same:
[SEVERE] build_web_compilers|entrypoint on test/app_test.dart.browser_test.dart:
Unable to find modules for some sources, this is usually the result of either a
bad import, a missing dependency in a package (or possibly a dev_dependency
needs to move to a real dependency), or a build failure (if importing a
generated file).
Please check the following imports:
import 'package:angular_app/app_components.css.shim.dart' as import0; from angular_app|lib/app_component.template.dart at 12:1
Once i created the css file, the error went away and everything worked fine.
I completed the entire step you were up to and my app was working fine.
I then did as you did and copied each file from the step and replaced my work with it, still worked.
So confirm my hunch, i changed the name of the css file, and received the same error.
regarding app_component.template.dart that file is auto generated by dart and can be found in your project under .dart_tool/build/generated/angular_app/lib
I had a very similar problem. I ran webdev build and then webdev serve and it fixed it right up.

Dart intl library resolving with incorrect path

I've only just started a Dart application (using AngularDart). When I import the AngularDart package I see a console error in Dartium.
import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
If I comment out the AngularDart import then I don't see the error.
It appears as though the intl library is being resolved from my web directory as its root. (e.g. web/packages/intl/src/temporary_debugging.dart instead of packages/intl/src/temporary_debugging.dart).
I also see this same error with an untouched version of the AngularDart tutorial so I'm wondering if this is a bug. I've played around with this tutorial before and I haven't seen this error until now.
In describing this error I found that in using the built in server in WebStrom 8 (EAP) I see this error, but when using WebStorm 7 the error doesn't occur. I'm going to file a bug with IntelliJ.

Error preverifying class oauth.signpost.commonshttp.CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer

I am trying to preverify "signpost-commonshttp4-" file to use it in BlackBerry project
Here is the command im trying. Since it also needs "signpost-core-" to classpath which is already preverified.
preverify.exe -classpath
0.0.25\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\jre\lib\
Here i have added classpath of net_rim_api.jar, rt.jar & signpost-core-
It throws below Error
Error preverifying class
VERIFIER ERROR oauth/signpost/commonshttp/CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer.wrap(Ljava/lang/Object;)Loauth/signpost/http/HttpRequest;:
Illegal type in constant pool
If you mean signpost, with source code hosted on github by kaeppler, then it appears to be a Java-SE library. BlackBerry is a Java-ME device, so you will need to find a Java-ME compliant library. The preverifier errors you are seeing are the first indication that the Java-SE code won't work on BlackBerry.
