Updating a docker container from image; leaves old images on server - docker

My process for updating a docker image to production (a docker swarm) is as follows:
On dev environment:
docker-compose build
docker push myrepo/name
Then on the prod server, which is a docker swarm:
docker pull myrepo/name
docker service update --image myrepo/name --with-registry-auth containername
This works perfectly; the swarm is updated with the latest image.
However, it always leaves the old image on the live servers and I'm left with something like this:
docker image ls
myrepo/name latest abcdef 14 minutes ago 1.15GB
myrepo/name <none> bcdefg 4 days ago 1.22GB
myrepo/name <none> cdefgh 6 days ago 1.22GB
Which, over time results in a heap of disk space being unnecessarily used.
I've read that docker system prune is not safe to run on production especially in a swarm.
So, I am having to regularly, manually remove old images e.g.
docker image rm bcdefg cdefgh
Am I missing a step in my update process, or is it 'normal' that old images are left over to be manually removed?
Thanks in advance

since you are using docker swarm and probably multi node setup you could deploy a global service which would do the cleanup for you. We are using Bret Fisher's approach on it:
version: '3.9'
image: internal-image-registry.org/proxy-cache/library/docker:20.10
command: sh -c "while true; do docker image prune -af --filter \"until=4h\"; sleep 14400; done"
- bridge
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
mode: global
- "env=devops"
- "application=cleanup-image-prune"
external: true
name: bridge
When adding new hosts it gets deployed automatically on it with our own base docker image and then does the cleanup job for us.
We are still missing some time to inspect newer docker service types which are scheduled on their own. It would probably be wise to move cleanup jobs to the global service replicated jobs provided by docker instead of an infinite loop in a script. It just works for us so we did not make it high priority enough to swap over to it. More info on the replicated jobs


docker stack deploy does not update config

Trying to set up a zero-downtime deployment using docker stack deploy, docker swarm one node localhost environment.
After building image demo:latest, the first deployment using the command docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml demo able to see 4 replicas running and can access nginx default home page on port 8080 on my local machine. Now updating index.html, building image with the same name and tag running docker stack deplopy command causing below error and changes are not reflected.
Deleting the deployment and recreating will work, but I am trying to see how can updates rolled in without downtime. Please help here.
Updating service demo_demo (id: wh5jcgirsdw27k0v1u5wla0x8)
image demo:latest could not be accessed on a registry to record
its digest. Each node will access demo:latest independently,
possibly leading to different nodes running different
versions of the image.
FROM nginx:1.19-alpine
ADD index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/
version: "3.7"
image: demo:latest
- "8080:80"
replicas: 4
parallelism: 2
order: start-first
failure_action: rollback
delay: 10s
parallelism: 0
order: stop-first
TLDR: push your image to a registry after you build it
Docker swarm doesn't really work without a public or private docker registry. Basically all the nodes need to get their images from the same place, and the registry is the mechanism by which that information is shared. There are other ways to get images loaded on each node in the swarm, but it involves executing the same commands on every node one at a time to load in the image, which isn't great.
Alternatively you could use docker configs for your configuration data and not rebuild the image every time. That would work passably well without a registry, and you can swap out the config data with little-no downtime:
Rotate Configs

Docker container keeps coming back

I have installed gitlab-ce on my server with the following docker.compose.yml :
image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest'
hostname: 'gitlab.devhunt.eu'
restart: 'always'
# ...
- '/var/lib/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab'
- '/var/lib/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab'
- '/var/lib/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab'
I used it for a while and now I want to remove it. I noticed that when I did docker stop gitlab (which is the container name), it kept coming back so I figured it was because of the restart: always. Thus the struggle begins :
I tried docker update --restart=no gitlab before docker stop gitlab. Still coming back.
I did docker stop gitlab && docker rm gitlab. It got deleted but came back soon after
I went to change the docker-compose.yml to restart: no, did docker-compose down. The container got stopped and deleted but came back soon after
I did docker-compose up to apply the change in the compose file, checked that it was successfully taken into account with docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.RestartPolicy }}" gitlab. The response was {no 0}. I did docker-compose down. Again, it got stopped and deleted but came back soon after
I did docker stop gitlab && docker rm gitlab && docker image rm fcc1e4187c43 (the image hash I had for docker-ce). The container got stopped, deleted and the image got deleted. And it seemed that I had finally managed to kill the beast... one hour later, gitlab container was reinstalled with another image hash (3cc8e8a0764d) and the container was starting.
I would stop the docker daemon but I have production websites and databases running and I would like to avoid downtime if possible. Any idea what I can do ?
you-ve set the restart policy to always, set it to unless-stoped.
check the docs https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/start-containers-automatically/

Docker compose, two services using same image: first fails with "no such image", second runs normally

TL;DR: I have two almost identical services in my compose file except for the name of the service and the published ports. When deploying with docker stack deploy..., why does the first service fail with a no such image error, while the second service using the same image runs perfectly fine?
Full: I have a docker-compose file with two Apache Tomcat services pulling the same image from my private git repository. The only difference between the two services in my docker-compose.yml is the name of the service (*_dev vs. *_prod) and the published ports. I deploy this docker-compose file on my swarm using the Gitlab CI with the gitlab-ci.yml. For the deployment of my docker-compose in this gitlab-ci.yml I use two commands:
- docker pull $REGISTRY:$TAG
- docker stack deploy -c docker-commpose.yml webapp1 --with registry-auth
(I use a docker pull [image] command to have the image on the right node, since my --with-registry-auth is not working properly, but this is not my problem currently).
Now the strange thing is that for the first service, I obtain a No such image: error and the service is stopped, while for the second service everything seems to run perfectly fine. Both services are on the same worker node. This is what I get if I docker ps:
:~$ docker service ps webapp1_tomcat_dev
xxx1 webapp1_tomcat_dev.1 url/repo:tag worker1 node Shutdown Rejected 10 minutes ago "No such image: url/repo:tag#xxx…"
xxx2 \_ webapp1_tomcat_dev.1 url/repo:tag worker1 node Shutdown Rejected 10 minutes ago "No such image: url/repo:tag#xxx…"
:~$ docker service ps webapp1_tomcat_prod
xxx3 webapp1_tomcat_prod.1 url/repo:tag worker1 node Running Running 13 minutes ago
I have used the --no-trunc obtain to see that the IMAGE used by *_prod and *_dev is identical.
The restart_policy in my docker-compose explains why the first service fails three minutes after the second service started. Here is my docker-compose:
version: '3.2'
image: url/repo:tag
condition: on-failure
delay: 60s
window: 120s
max_attempts: 1
- "8282:8080"
image: url/repo:tag
condition: on-failure
delay: 60s
window: 120s
max_attempts: 1
- "8283:8080"
Why does the first service fail with a no such image error? Is it for example just not possible to have two services, that use the same image, work on the same worker node?
(I cannot simply scale-up one service, since I need to upload files to the webapp which are different for production and development - e.g. dev vs prod licenses - and hence I need two distinct services)
EDIT: Second service works because it is created first:
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml webapp1 --with-registry-auth
Creating service webapp1_tomcat_prod
Creating service webapp1_tomcat_dev
I found a workaround by separating my services over two different docker compose files (docker-compose-prod.yml and docker-compose-dev.yml) and perform the docker stack deploy command in my gitlab-ci.yml twice:
- docker pull $REGISTRY:$TAG
- docker stack deploy -c docker-commpose-prod.yml webapp1 --with registry-auth
- docker pull $REGISTRY:$TAG
- docker stack deploy -c docker-commpose-dev.yml webapp1 --with registry-auth
My gut says my restart_policy in my docker-compose was too strict as well (had a max_attempts: 1) and may be due to this the image couldn't be used in time / within one restart (as suggested by #Ludo21South). Hence I allowed more attempts, but since I already separated the services over two files (which worked already) I have not checked if this hypothesis is true.

How to determine the number of replicas of scaled service

I have a docker-compose file that exposes 2 services, a master service and a slave service. I want to be able to scale the slave service to some number of instances using
docker-compose up --scale slave=N
However, one of the options I must specify on command run in the master service is the number of slave instances to expect. E.g. If I scale slave=10, I need to set --num-slaves=10 in the command on the master service.
Is there a way to determine the number of instances of a given service either from the docker-compose file itself, or from a customized entrypoint shellscript?
The problem I'm facing is that since there is no way I've yet found to specify the number of scaled instances from within the docker-compose file format itself, I'm relying on the person running the command to enter the scale factor consistently and to have that value align with the value I need to tell the master node to expect. And trusting users to do the right thing is a recipe for disaster. If I could continue to let the user specify the scale value on the command line, I need a way to determine what that value is at runtime.
scale is not added to up from compose version 3 but you may use replicas:
version: "3.7"
image: redis:latest
replicas: 1
and run it using:
docker-compose --compatibility up -d
docker-compose 1.20.0 introduces a new --compatibility flag designed
to help developers transition to version 3 more easily. When enabled,
docker-compose reads the deploy section of each service’s definition
and attempts to translate it into the equivalent version 2 parameter.
Currently, the following deploy keys are translated:
resources limits and memory reservations
restart_policy condition and max_attempts
Do not use this in production!
We recommend against using --compatibility mode in production. Because
the resulting configuration is only an approximate using non-Swarm
mode properties, it may produce unexpected results.
see this
Docker container names must be unique you cannot scale a service beyond 1 container if you have specified a
custom name. Attempting to do so results in an error.
Unfortunately there is no way to define replicas for docker compose. IT ONLY WORKS FOR DOCKER SWARM The documentation specifies it link
Tip: Alternatively, in Compose file version 3.x, you can specify replicas under the deploy key as part of a service configuration for Swarm mode. The deploy key and its sub-options (including replicas) only works with the docker stack deploy command, not docker-compose up or docker-compose run.
So if you have the deploy section in the yaml, but run it with docker-compose, then it will not take any effect.
version: "3.3"
image: alpine
container_name: alpine1
command: ["/bin/sleep", "10000"]
replicas: 4
image: alpine
container_name: alpine2
command: ["/bin/sleep", "10000"]
replicas: 2
So the only way to scale up in docker compose is by running the scale command manually.
docker-compose scale alpine1=3
Note I had a job in which they loved docker-compose so we had bash scripts to perform operations such as the ones you describe. So for example we would have something like ./controller-app.sh scale test_service=10 and it would run docker-compose scale test_service=10
To check the number of replicas you can mount the docker socket into your container. Then run docker ps --format {{ .Names }} | grep $YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME.
Here is how you would mount the socket.
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -it alpine sh
Install docker
apk update
apk add docker

Number of replicas in swarm doesn't start in worker node (1/4)

I started a flask API service onto docker swarm cluster with 1 master and 3 worker node. I have deployed task using the following docker compose file,
version: '3'
image: xgboost-model-api
- "5000:5000"
mode: global
- xgboost-net
I deployed the task using the following docker swarm command,
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml xgboost-swarm
However, the task was started only on my master node and not on any worker node.
$ docker service ls
pgd8cktr4foz viz replicated 1/1
twrpr4av4c7f xgboost-swarm_xgboost-model-api global 1/4 xgboost-model-api
xxrfn1w7eqw6 dockercloud-server-proxy global 1/1 dockercloud/server-proxy
Dockerfile being used is here. Any thoughts on why this behavior occurs would be appreciated.
As stated in this thread (duplicate?):
If you are using a private registry its important to share the login and credentials with the worker nodes by using
docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth
From your compose file it doesn't look like you are using a private registry. Generally speaking if containers can't start successfuly on the workers they will end up on the manager.
Some possible reasons for this are:
Can't access private registry (fix with --with-registry-auth)
Application requires some change on the host to run (like elasticSearch requires vm.max_map_count=262144)
HealthCheck fails on other node because of poorly written helthcheck
Network setting issues preventing pulling an image
Try removing your stack and running it again. Then do docker service ps --no-trunc {serviceName} this might show you tasks that should run the service on another node and why it failed.
Check out this SO thread for more troubleshooting tips.
