Xamarin app does not start after update in Apple App Store - ios

I released version 1.1 of my app in App Store a few days ago. In this version I added a splash screen and shell and changed the name of the app bundle to info.plist. With this, the name of the app is displayed differently than version 1.0. Also i added a support e-mail button to send the user email to me. Before releasing the update app, I tested it on physical iphone and simulators. Everything worked wonderfully. Now the app update is published in the store and when I update the app and start it, the splash screen loads but nothing more. The app just crashes and I can't see why. My question:
How can I find out why the app crashes? Are there logs from App store? Does someone have an idea where the reason can be?
Many Thanks


How long does it take after app has released for Dynamic Link to open in App Store?

It’s been a few days since my app has released in the App Store. I have updated the App ID in the project settings.
But when clicking on the the Dynamic Link, the app preview does not work.
It still shows an empty App Preview with an Open button that doesn't actually show the app in the App Store.
Within 24 hours of app approval, dynamic links start opening in AppStore.
Please check if you have implemented everything correctly.
Looks like the issue was caused because I changed Bundle ID in the middle of development and this creates different certifications in GCP.
More information here: iOS app lacks App ID Prefix. UniversalLinks is not enabled for the app. Where to enter the App ID?

iOS app has bugs when updated it on iTunes Connect

I have a strange problem with my app. I have finished the design and I am ready to update it on the store however, when I do that and I test my app using test flight the app is completely different from the version installed from xcode.
Some colors are different the are bugs that are not present when testing it on xcode and even the status bar that I have hidden is now visible..
I have other apps on the store and i never experienced this isuues and I am sure that I am uploading them right version of their app..
What could be going wrong?

Making Ipad only app to universal without resubmitting

I have submitted my app for iPad only on app store. Is it possible to revert it to universal allowing to downloads on iPad as well as iPhone without resubmitting.
I did some googling but couldn't find anything useful.
FYI: It an app created using meteorJs
No, you will need to submit an update to your app in the App Store as the app type is embedded in the file you submit.
Apple will need to review your changes (i.e. Validate that it works correctly on iPhone).

iOS 8 enterprise apps are stuck in limbo inside the device

In trying to release a new update to one of my enterprise iOS apps, I'm finding that the OTA download is failing. It will give me the "Would you like to install 'xxx'" alert, and tapping 'Install' is about as far as it will go. There's no indication that anything is happening. This occurs on my iPhone 6 and iPad both running the most recent release of iOS 8.
Running the devices on the iPhone Configuration Utility, it shows the list of installed apps, and the one app that is refusing to install has an "Install" button where all the others have "Uninstall." In the screen cap below you'll see the renamed bundle and the original bundle.
When I click the "Install" button, the iPhone Configuration Utility crashes.
I managed to get it to work using a workaround that I found elsewhere on StackOverflow, which requires renaming the app's Bundle Identifier, but it still seems like a pi$$-poor way to do it.
It seems clear that the app is somehow stuck in limbo, showing up on the app list but not showing up on the iPhone screen, and also is refusing to be overwritten. My question is, is there a way to purge the old app from the iPhone's memory, and possibly reload it using the original Bundle Identifier?
Apple still hasn't fixed this correctly in even the latest versions. There are several manifestations: the app does download, but the device doesn't quit the calling app, so you don't know if the app downloads or not. If the app was never on your device before, it usually downloads. If it was there before, and was deleted, it doesn't download. If the downloaded app is already running in the background, or you're doing in-app downloading, it often doesn't download because it doesn't want to replace a running app. I usually start the download, then switch immediately to the springboard to watch it download. If I see the clock dial on the app icon, then I know it's downloading. Changing the bundle is not a good thing, not to mention not giving any user feedback when you tap "Install."
As far as updating the app from the in app prompt.
It's a problem with apple/ios8. They aren't exiting the app after the install. If you quickly tap the home button after you hit install. Occasionally you will get a successful download.
For future use you could find out a way to use exit which will kill the app but apple warns against using exit due to poor user experience. But if apple isn't providing a good user experience in the first place for this process I think this warrants the use imho.

IPhone App Submission Issues

Ive submitted my first app and it has been approved. But I have a few issues that i'd like to ask what I should do about.
One of my images/icons that I have in my app showed correctly in my distributed binary at my end (running it in debug simulator from xcode) but on the app downloaded from the app store it is not showing at all?
IPads cannot see my app in their search of the app store?
IOS 4 is needed to run my app. How do i change it so that it can be run on IOS 3 aswell? And if i make it IOS 3 compatible does this mean that it cannot be run in the background at all (i.e. when the close out of my app and go back into it will it restart the entire app)
Also does anyone know whether submitting an update is quicker in the review process than submitting a entirely new app?
Thanks in advance for your help
Thats a QA issue. The simulator is just that and if you want to be sure that your App runs as you expect on hardware then you need to check it on hardware. There are instances of images that decode on simulator but not on hardware.
iPad only runs iOS 3.2 at the mo so if your app runs on 4.0 it wont show up for iPad.
See 2 and no you dont have multitasking in 3.2 so you need to make sure your app state persists across atomic launches. You'll need to remove/conditionally compile any 4.0 only API in your App. If thats a problem wait until November-ish.
Maybe, depends, probably no. Lead time on update/new submission is around 8 days +/- YMMV.
