Can Canvas App read User Location in background when bundled the APP using WRAP in PowerApps? - geolocation

Recently I came to know about the WRAP in PowerApps which converts/bundles the canvas app as a native mobile app.
Initially I was trying to develop an app using PowerApps to read user's geo-location. After doing some researches, I have stopped my POC as PowerApps will not run in background.
As Microsoft introduced WRAP to use PowerApps as a native app, Can I read user's current location in background to track his/her location?
Will be really helpful for me to check whether user enters the office premise or not?


How to get statistical data of app usage of other applications on IOS using react native?

I've been trying to see if it's possible to get information about app usage on IOS. For example, how much time a user spends on his/hers Facebook or Safari applications. How could one go about doing this within a react native application? Is it possible to do it with any framework?
No, it’s not possible. Apple is very strict about this.
An app cannot access other apps' sandboxes, for any reason. Everything an app can do is restricted to its own sandbox, and in no way can other sandboxes be accessed.
User security is very important for Apple.
If the app you are trying to get the data about has an SDK that can be integrated in your react native app, and the SDK has APIs to provide information about usage analytics for the user(which I don't think is possible with FB SDK), you could ask the user for authorization via the SDK and show them the usage analytics information. Although, chances of these APIs being in an SDK are slim, this might be the only way.

How to monitor and interact with login forms without a foreground process in iOS app development?

Is there a way to run a perpetual task from an iPhone application that monitors the view for login forms?
This is apparently possible given apps like dashlane, lastpass, etc. which recognize login forms and offer options to interact with them, however according to most documentation, apple doesn't seem to allow this type of continuous service.
How are these other apps accomplishing perpetual background processes in iOS applications?

Record audio in mobile Safari

I need to create an iOS app that just displays a website. The site allows users to record audio. The purpose is to let mobile Safari users to record audio (which is currently not supported). Are there any decent solutions for this or am I going to have to hack my way through? So far I have the following two ideas:
1) Build a native application that contains a WKWebView of the site. If the website detects mobile Safari it will launch some JavaScript that the app can respond to (or it will try to bring the user to the App Store using Universal Links). The native app will then record the audio and send it back to the website somehow (either through an external server, or perhaps through JavaScript, not sure how much data can be passed, but it could be up to 1MB).
2) Use an existing solution using perhaps Cordova/PhoneGap.
Hope to get some tips!
Build an hybrid application based on cordova/PhoneGap seems to be the best in my opinion. In addition you can build for iOS and Android (if you need later).
You can easily use this plugin to achieve your app.

iOS: Is it possible to access foreground/background and on/off events of third-party apps from another app?

I am currently making an iOS app that can track events such as when another third-party app is opened, is in the foreground, is in the background, and is closed.
The only way I see this possible is to use kernel API hooks to intercept event messages between the other third-party apps and the system, but is it feasible?
EDIT: Most preferably to use technology and methods that would allow the app to be published on the iTunes store and does not infringe Apple terms of use (eg. jailbreaking).

Access DropBox or Google Drive API from a Web app

Apologies if this is a rubbish question, but it's something I've never had to give much thought and I'm short on time. I have a Web App which is required to run offline and on iOS. This Web App has a lot of content consisting mainly of videos. One solution we are thinking of is to utilise DropBox's or Google Drive's API's to download the content and access it.
The main issue with this is whether you can access a native app (DropBox or Google Drive) from a browser or Web App. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Ideas so far are:
Access Drop Box or Google Drive native app from a web app (not sure if this is possible and is the current question)
Wrap up the web app to make it a hybrid native app using something like Phone Gap (this is plan B but will have its own issues)
Convert to a Google Chrome App to get improved access to Google Drive API (not sure how this would function on iOS)
Start from scratch and build a native iOS app (a longer term solution)
Late, but maybe helpful:
It's a useful Javascript library to access the Dropbox and Google Drive API
We ended up making a hybrid app using PhoneGap for iOS.
