I am unable to find some of the features in covalent/core version 4 for Angular 12 which are found in version 3 - angular7

I am using covalent/core version 4 in my Angular 12 project and unable to find the covalent/core/loading, covalent/core/media and few more libraries which are available in the covalent/core version 3 or below. The problem is the version 3 doesn't support Angular 12 and version 4 doesn't have the libraries present in version 3 which is necessary in my project. How do I handle this? Is there any alternative library which is similar to covalent/core that supports Angular 12?


How to make an Angular app load on on old iOS versions?

I have an Angular app which doesn't load on older iOS version (14 & lower). Angular documentation on browser support mentions that the support is only available for latest 2 versions.
I am assuming polyfill is the solution to support older versions; but I am not able to figure out which polyfill to use and where to download it from.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The browsers you support are defined in your browserlist.src you can see which browsers are supported by running the command npx browserslist. You can play around with your browserlist in here browserlist playground. If you edit your browserlist the polyfills will be automatically added on build.

Using highcharts-more with highcharts version 5

I am using version 5 of highcharts and unfortunately upgrading to version 8 is not an option. I also using highcharts-more and highcharts-3d, both deprecated at the moment. My question is, even using version 5 can I remove "more" and "3d" from my dependencies and reference the ones on highcharts folder?

Unsupported Swift Version 3.x in Xcode 10.3

I keep downloading sample codes and many times it says "Unsupported Swift Version 3.x...Use Xcode 10.1 to migrate the code to Swift 4".
Why is it not possible to migrate to Swift 4 using Xcode 10.3 or Xcode 11 beta?
More importantly, I am using Swift 4.2 in my own Project that has several dependancies as well through Pods. If I don't upgrade to Swift 5.1 or later, it seems my own project would start getting such errors in Xcode 12 or so, correct? While I can convert my own code to Swift 5.1, I have no idea if dependencies such as SwiftyDropbox would migrate to Swift 5.1 so easily. What implications it would have for my project in future and what could I do to future proof my project in that case?
Ask Apple. The company has decided – certainly for good reasons – to migrate files only to the Current Swift Syntax. Feel free to create legacy system partitions with older versions of Xcode to migrate code step by step.
The grace period to update the Swift version is long enough to ensure a smooth transition. At least Xcode allows to use the 3 most recent Swift versions in the same project. However you are responsible to maintain the version control. Check the dependencies periodically for updates. If a dependency is not able to release an update within the grace period it's not much good.

Using Swift 3 in Xcode 10.2 - Command /Library/Developer/Toolchains/swift-3.0-RELEASE.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

My goal is to get the new Xcode 10.2 compile and run our projects that are build using Swift 3 and 4.2 (some cocoapods too) and since Xcode 10.2 comes with Swift 5, an unsupported swift error came up when trying to run the projects out of the box (this is expected):
The solution here is to use an older toolchain as stated on blogs like this, which i did.
All good so far. However, after installing the Swift 3 toolchain from Swift.org, compiling the project will bring the following error:
failed with exit code 1
I already deleted Derived Data folder, cleanup pods (my podfile) and reinstalled them, restarted Xcode and Mac multiple times.
Running xcrun -f swift and swift --version will indeed print the correct swift 3.0 toolchain
Yes, I know I could just stay with Xcode 10.1 and don't have these issues. Code migration to Swift 4 is also an option but we don't have the time at hand for now so I'm trying to workout this walkaround.
Please help me to resolve this issue, I'm completely stuck. Thanks in advance.
Xcode10.2 Release Notes
Swift 5 no longer supports the Swift 3 Package.swift tools-version.
Packages still on the Swift 3 Package.swift tools-version should
update to a newer tools-version. (41974124)
Swift 5.0
Source Compatibility As with Swift 4.2, the vast majority of sources
that built with the Swift 4.2 compiler should compile with the Swift
5.0 compiler.
However, the Swift 3 compatibility mode will not be supported in the
Swift 5 compiler. Swift 4.2 is the last release of Swift to support
Swift 3 mode. There are important changes to both the surface of the
language and the interior of its implementation in the releases
following Swift 3 that will be the basis of future (and lasting)
source and binary stability.
Using Swift 4.2.1 toolchain work for me.
But https://swift.org/download/#using-downloads tips:
To submit to the App Store you must build your app using the version of Swift that comes included within Xcode.
Upload to apple connect probably reject by apple.

Swift 4 - CocoaMQTT not compatible anymore?

I completed a few months ago a project with CocoaMQTT.
Now I want to do a new project and I created the files like the one before.
Now I get this error-codes.
When I click the button to update the Code, I get new error-codes.
Got someone the same problem or know a solution?
You are mixing Swift 3 and Swift 4 in your project. Because Swift 3 and Swift 4 are not source-compatible, this can not work. You need to either use Swift 3 for everything, or Swift 4 for everything.
For CocoaMQTT there is a Swift 4.2 version available since Oct 12, 2018.
SwiftyTimer looks abandoned, and there is no Swift 4 version of it yet (Oct 2018). It has been used by CocoaMQTT previously, but they have dropped that dependency with the new version. So there should be no problem once you upgrade CocoaMQTT, unless you are using SwiftyTimer yourself.
You will need to support Swift 4 eventually (if not now, then in 1 year maybe). Maybe you can get away with staying with Swift 3 for now..
