Check numer of elements in Flux using StepVerifier? - project-reactor

I would like to verify if Flux contains any elements. Currently, I need to call hasElements() as second validation:
val myFlux = myFluxProvider.provideFlux()
.thenConsumeWhile {
// some assertions go here
Is there a more straightforward way?


How to find requirements by keywords using DOORS DXL

I have identified 3-5 keywords for every requirement in module-A. Each keyword is separated by a comma. Now I want to search every requirement in module-B to see which of them have words that match each of the key words.
Not sure exactly what you're looking for. You might have to specify if none of these solutions I'm about to propose are exactly what you're looking for.
If you're trying to create a filter which displays only objects with those keywords in your current view, you can create an advanced filter by first going to filter (Tools > Filter > Define) and then select the Advanced button on the bottom left of the filter menu that appears.
At this point you can create custom rules for the filter. I would just create an individual rule for each word with the following definition:
Attribute: Object Text
Condition: contains
Value: <insert word here>
Match Case: uncheck
Regular Expression: uncheck
Then select the Add button to add the rule to the list of available rules in the Advanced Options.
At this point you can select multiple rules in the list of available rules and you can AND/OR these rules together to create a custom filter for the view that you want.
So that's for if you're trying to create a custom view with just objects containing specific words.
If you're talking about writing DXL code to automatically spit out requirements that have a particular word in it. You can use the something that looks like this:
Object o
String s
int offset, len
for o in entire (current Module) do
if (isDeleted(o)) continue
s = o."Object Text"""
if findPlainText(s, "<insert word here>", offset, len, false)
print identifier(o) // or replace this line with however you want to display object
Hope this is helpful. Cheers!
To perform actions on a comma separated list, one at a time, you can use a while loop with some sort of search function that cuts off words one at a time.
void processWord (string someWord, Module mTarget, Object oSource)
Object oTarget
string objID = identifier(oSource)
for oTarget in mTarget do
if (<someWord in oTarget Object Text>) // edit function as necessary to do this
if (oTarget."Exists""" == "")
oTarget."Exists" = objID
oTarget."Exists" = oTarget."Exists" "," objID
int offset, len
string searchCriteria
Module mSource = read("<path of source module>", true)
Module mTarget = edit("<path of target module>", true)
Object oSource
for oSource in mSource do // can use "for object in entire(m)" for all objects
if (oSource != rqmt) continue // create conditions specific to your module here
searchCriteria = oSource."Search Criteria"""
while (findPlainText(searchCriteria, ",", offset, len, false))
processWord(searchCriteria[0:offset-1], mTarget, oSource)
searchCriteria = searchCriteria[offset+1:]
processWord(searchCriteria, mTarget, oSource) // for last value in comma separated list

Repast: how to get a particular agent set based on the specific conditions?

I am previously working with Netlogo and there are some very good built-in methods that allow me to filter and control the desired agents from the total population. (see: For instance, I could very easily to command the different class of people agent in a simulation with simple codes like:
ask peoples with [wealth_type = "rich"] [donate money...]
ask peoples with [wealth_type = "poor"] [get money from rich people...]
In Repast, are there list of methods specifically built for easy controlling of agent set?
The equivalent in Repast Simphony Java is to use a Query. Queries apply a predicate to each agent in the Context and returns those that evaluate to true in an iterator. The PropertyEquals query evaluates an agent's property w/r to some value (e.g. "wealth_type" and "rich"). Note that "property" here refers to a Java property, i.e., a getter type method:
String getWealthType() {
return wealthType;
where "wealthType" is the name of the property.
As an example, in the JZombies example model, we can query Humans whose energy is equal to 5.
Query<Object> query = new PropertyEquals<Object>(context, "energy", 5);
for (Object o : query.query()) {
Human h = (Human)o;
The query() iterator returns all the humans whose energy is equal to 5.
You can get a bit more complicated in the equivalence test by providing your own predicate. For example,
PropertyEqualsPredicate<Integer, Integer> pep = (a, b) -> {
return a * 2 == b;
Query<Object> query2 = new PropertyEquals<Object>(context, "energy", 8, pep);
for (Object o : query2.query()) {
Human h = (Human)o;
Here, we are checking if the energy * 2 == 8. The predicate is passed the agent's property value in the first parameter and the value to compare against in the second parameter. Given that the predicate returns a boolean, you could also test for inequality, greater than etc.
Simphony has a variety of queries available. See,
for more info.
You can also do this in Simphony's ReLogo dialect:
ask (turtles()){
if (wealth_type == "rich") {
if (wealth_type == "poor") {
If you want to just collect the richTurtles you can do (where "it" is the default method to access the individual turtle that is iterated over with findAll):
richTurtles = turtles().findAll{
it.wealth_type == "rich"
or with an explicit closure argument:
richTurtles = turtles().findAll{x->
x.wealth_type == "rich"

How to eliminate duplicates in xtext

'Hai' name=ID*;
This is the parser rule.For this can we eliminate duplicates i.e., hai all all.
all is repeating many times .Now is there any way to eliminate duplicates in xtext
If you want to check duplicates in the local file you can adapt and rerun the workflow as follows
validator = {
composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.NamesAreUniqueValidator"
or write a manual validation (pseudo code, only one of 1000 possible variants)
public static val DUP_NAME = 'dupName'
def checkGreetingStartsWithCapital(Model model) {
val names = newHashSet
for (g : model.greetings) {
if (names.add( {
error("duplicate" , g, MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING__NAME, DUP_NAME)

What is the difference between withCriteria and CreateCriteria in Grails?

What is their difference and why and where we need to use them,i think it seems like they have no difference at all to me ?
withCriteria { ... } is essentially shorthand for createCriteria().list { ... }. If you need to use any of the other criteria methods (get, count, ...) or pass pagination parameters to list then you have to use the long-hand form.
SomeDomain.createCriteria().list(max:10, offset:50) {
// ...
It's worth adding what I just came across in the grails documentation for createCriteria().
Because that query includes pagination parameters (max and offset), this will return a PagedResultList which has a getTotalCount() method to return the total number of matching records for pagination. Two queries are still run, but they are run for you and the results and total count are combined in the PagedResultList.
This means you can use getTotalCount() without having to initiate the call (it's made for you). This is very helpful. The example documentation shows:
def c = Account.createCriteria()
def results = c.list (max: 10, offset: 10) {
like("holderFirstName", "Fred%")
and {
between("balance", 500, 1000)
eq("branch", "London")
order("holderLastName", "desc")
println "Rendering ${results.size()} Accounts of ${results.totalCount}"
This capability is not available when using withCriteria().
Example of createCriteria():
def criteria = OfferCredit.createCriteria {
offer {
eq('status', LeverageUtils.ACTIVE_STATUS)
ge('expirationDate', new Date())
user {
eq('userId', userId)
eq('status', LeverageUtils.ACTIVE_STATUS)
order('creationDate', 'asc')
Example of withCriteria():
List<Supermarket> results = Supermarket.withCriteria {
like("sp_street", params.street)
productSupermarket {
product {
// or just eq('product', someProduct)
withCriteria executes and returns the list. It provides a closure using which you can customize the criteria before it gets executed.
createCriteria just creates a criteria object which you can modify and then explicitly call the list method to execute.
If criteria is simple or if it is defined in a single place it is better to use withCriteria.
If you need to pass the criteria around (create it in one function and pass it to others) createCriteria would be better. I think withCriteria support is limited.
withCriteria ->
Purpose -> Allows inline execution of Criteria queries.
If no matching records are found, an empty List is returned.
If a projection is specified:
returns a single value if it only contains one field
a List in case there are multiple fields in the projection

Grails: ArrayList - Retrieval Speed

I'm working on speed issues with a currently working method that finds a specific attribute collection within an ArrayList. Depending on the size, it can take longer than 7 seconds to find the value in the list.
I need to speed up this process, so I can deal with larger volumes of data. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Here is my example;
public ArrayList getIntegrationTag(String attribute) {
return crmMapping?.findAll { it.get("ATTRIBUTE") == attribute }?.collect{
}//end getIntegrationTag(String attribute)
crmMapping content
"[{ATTRIBUTE=AcademicIndex, INTEGRATION_TAG=Contact~nAcademic_Index},
the findAll loops over each record, then the collect loops over each record, then unique loops over each record again.
Set result = [] as Set
for(element in crmMapping) {
if(element.get("ATTRIBUTE") == attribute) {
result << element.INTEGRATION_TAG
return (result as ArrayList)
This will only loop once it it will be unique as it was added to a Set
Do the following once
def crmMappingMap = crmMapping.groupBy({ it.ATTRIBUTE })
Then you have a map of all same attribute instances and can access it using crmMappingMap[attribute].INTEGRATION_TAG, which will return the desired array, like this:
public ArrayList getIntegrationTag(String attribute) {
Always keep a map, then speed of access will be fast enough.
