Problem by adjusting x-axis in GaussianMixture Plot - histogram

I want to ask if anyone could support me in adjusting the x-axis of a gaussian mixture analysis plot using the ax.hist function.
I tried to adjust the x-axis using: range=[0, 1500000], but this does not work for in changing the bins of different datasets
Following you could find the code:
ax.hist(X, 30, density=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.4)
ax.plot(x, pdf, '-k')
ax.plot(x, pdf_individual, '--k')
ax.text(0.44, 0.96, "Best-fit Mixture",
ha='left', va='top', transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.set_xlabel('$fluorescence intensity [-]$')
ax.set_ylabel('$p(x) $')
BIC = BIC - min(BIC)
prob = BIC
for i in range(len(N)):
prob[i] = math.exp(-BIC[i]/2)
prob = prob/sum(prob)*100
# plot 2: AIC and BIC
ax = fig.add_subplot(132)
ax.plot(N, prob, '-k')#, label=None)
ax.set_xlabel('number of components')
#plt.savefig('Gaussian P_TH_3_2.png')`


How to split image of table at vertical lines into three images?

I want to split an image of a table at the vertical lines into three images as shown below. Is it possible? The width of each column is variable. And the sad thing is that the left vertical line is drawn down from the header as you can see.
Input image (input.png)
Output image (output1.png)
Output image (output2.png)
Output image (output3.png)
Update 1
And the sad thing is that the left vertical line is drawn down from the header as you can see.
It means I guess the following image B is easier to split. But my case is A.
Update 2
I am trying to do the way #HansHirse gave me. My expectation is sub_image_1.png, sub_image_2.png and sub_image_3.png are stored in the out folder. But no luck so far. I'm looking into it.
$ git clone
$ cd ocr
$ git checkout 16fd0ec9a2c7d2e26279ec53947fe7fbab9f526d
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -it ocr /bin/bash
$ python3
Since your table is perfectly aligned, you can inverse binary threshold your image, and count (white) pixels along the y-axis to detect the vertical lines:
You'll need to clean the peaks, since you might get plateaus for the thicker lines.
That'd be my idea in Python OpenCV:
import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage import io # Only needed for web reading images
# Web read image via scikit-image; convert to OpenCV's BGR color ordering
img = cv2.cvtColor(io.imread(''), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# Inverse binary threshold grayscale version of image
img_thr = cv2.threshold(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), 128, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)[1]
# Count pixels along the y-axis, find peaks
thr_y = 200
y_sum = np.count_nonzero(img_thr, axis=0)
peaks = np.where(y_sum > thr_y)[0]
# Clean peaks
thr_x = 50
temp = np.diff(peaks).squeeze()
idx = np.where(temp > thr_x)[0]
peaks = np.concatenate(([0], peaks[idx+1]), axis=0) + 1
# Save sub-images
for i in np.arange(peaks.shape[0] - 1):
cv2.imwrite('sub_image_' + str(i) + '.png', img[:, peaks[i]:peaks[i+1]])
I get the following three images:
As you can see, you might want to modify the selection by +/- 1 pixel, if an actual line is only 1 pixel wide.
Hope that helps!
System information
Platform: Windows-10-10.0.16299-SP0
Python: 3.8.1
NumPy: 1.18.1
OpenCV: 4.2.0
OpenCV has a line detection function:
You can filter the lines that are returned by passing min_theta and max_theta. For vertical lines you can specify maybe : 88 and 92 respectively for margin.
This is a edited sample taken from openCV documentation:
import sys
import math
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
def main(argv):
default_file = 'img.png'
filename = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else default_file
# Loads an image
src = cv.imread(cv.samples.findFile(filename), cv.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
#some preparation of the photo
dst = cv.Canny(src, 50, 200, None, 3)
# Copy edges to the images that will display the results in BGR
cdst = cv.cvtColor(dst, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
cdstP = np.copy(cdst)
lines = cv.HoughLines(dst, 1, np.pi / 180, 150, None, 88, 92) #min and max theta
You can get the x, y coordinate of the line and draw them by using the following code.
if lines is not None:
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
rho = lines[i][0][0]
theta = lines[i][0][2]
a = math.cos(theta)
b = math.sin(theta)
x0 = a * rho
y0 = b * rho
pt1 = (int(x0 + 1000*(-b)), int(y0 + 1000*(a)))
pt2 = (int(x0 - 1000*(-b)), int(y0 - 1000*(a)))
cv.line(cdst, pt1, pt2, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
Alternatively you can also use HoughLinesP as this allows you to specify a minimum length, which will help your filtering. Also the lines are returned as x,y pairs for each end making it easier to work with.
linesP = cv.HoughLinesP(dst, 1, np.pi / 180, 50, None, 50, 10)
if linesP is not None:
for i in range(0, len(linesP)):
l = linesP[i][0]
cv.line(cdstP, (l[0], l[2]), (l[2], l[3]), (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
cv.imshow("Source", src)
cv.imshow("Detected Lines (in red) - Standard Hough Line Transform", cdst)
cv.imshow("Detected Lines (in red) - Probabilistic Line Transform", cdstP)
return 0
To crop your image you can take the x coordinates of the lines you detected and use numpy slicing.
for i in range(0, len(linesP) - 1):
l = linesP[i][0]
xcoords = l[0], linesP[i+1][0][0]
slice = img[:xcoords[0],xcoords[1]]
cv.imshow('slice', slice)

Implementing a custom objective function in Keras

I am trying to implement a custom Keras objective function:
in 'Direct Intrinsics: Learning Albedo-Shading Decomposition by Convolutional Regression', Narihira et al.
This is the sum of equations (4) and (6) from the previous picture. Y* is the ground truth, Y a prediction map and y = Y* - Y.
This is my code:
def custom_objective(y_true, y_pred):
#Eq. (4) Scale invariant L2 loss
y = y_true - y_pred
h = 0.5 # lambda
term1 = K.mean(K.sum(K.square(y)))
term2 = K.square(K.mean(K.sum(y)))
sca = term1-h*term2
#Eq. (6) Gradient L2 loss
gra = K.mean(K.sum((K.square(K.gradients(K.sum(y[:,1]), y)) + K.square(K.gradients(K.sum(y[1,:]), y)))))
return (sca + gra)
However, I suspect that the equation (6) is not correctly implemented because the results are not good. Am I computing this right?
Thank you!
I am trying to approximate (6) convolving with Prewitt filters. It works when my input is a chunk of images i.e. y[batch_size, channels, row, cols], but not with y_true and y_pred (which are of type TensorType(float32, 4D)).
My code:
def cconv(image, g_kernel, batch_size):
g_kernel = theano.shared(g_kernel)
M = T.dtensor3()
conv = theano.function(
outputs=conv2d(M, g_kernel, border_mode='full'),
accum = 0
for curr_batch in range (batch_size):
accum = accum + conv(image[curr_batch])
return accum/batch_size
def gradient_loss(y_true, y_pred):
y = y_true - y_pred
batch_size = 40
# Direction i
pw_x = np.array([[-1,0,1],[-1,0,1],[-1,0,1]]).astype(np.float64)
g_x = cconv(y, pw_x, batch_size)
# Direction j
pw_y = np.array([[-1,-1,-1],[0,0,0],[1,1,1]]).astype(np.float64)
g_y = cconv(y, pw_y, batch_size)
gra_l2_loss = K.mean(K.square(g_x) + K.square(g_y))
return (gra_l2_loss)
The crash is produced in:
accum = accum + conv(image[curr_batch])
...and error description is the following one:
*** TypeError: ('Bad input argument to theano function with name "" at index 0 (0-based)', 'Expected an array-like
object, but found a Variable: maybe you are trying to call a function
on a (possibly shared) variable instead of a numeric array?')
How can I use y (y_true - y_pred) as a numpy array, or how can I solve this issue?
term1 = K.mean(K.square(y))
term2 = K.square(K.mean(y))
One mistake spread across the code was that when you see (1/n * sum()) in the equations, it is a mean. Not the mean of a sum.
After reading your comment and giving it more thought, I think there is a confusion about the gradient. At least I got confused.
There are two ways of interpreting the gradient symbol:
The gradient of a vector where y should be differentiated with respect to the parameters of your model (usually the weights of the neural net). In previous edits I started to write in this direction because that's the sort of approach used to trained the model (eg. gradient descent). But I think I was wrong.
The pixel intensity gradient in a picture, as you mentioned in your comment. The diff of each pixel with its neighbor in each direction. In which case I guess you have to translate the example you gave into Keras.
To sum up, K.gradients() and numpy.gradient() are not used in the same way. Because numpy implicitly considers (i, j) (the row and column indices) as the two input variables, while when you feed a 2D image to a neural net, every single pixel is an input variable. Hope I'm clear.

Image not segmenting properly using DBSCAN

I am trying to use DBSCAN from scikitlearn to segment an image based on color. The results I'm getting are . As you can see there are 3 clusters. My goal is to separate the buoys in the picture into different clusters. But obviously they are showing up as the same cluster. I've tried a wide range of eps values and min_samples but those two things always cluster together. My code is:
img= cv2.imread("buoy1.jpg)
labimg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
n = 0
labimg = cv2.pyrDown(labimg)
n = n+1
feature_image=np.reshape(labimg, [-1, 3])
rows, cols, chs = labimg.shape
db = DBSCAN(eps=5, min_samples=50, metric = 'euclidean',algorithm ='auto')
labels = db.labels_
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.imshow(np.reshape(labels, [rows, cols]))
I assume this is taking the euclidean distance and since its in lab space euclidean distance would be different between different colors. If anyone can give me guidance on this I'd really appreciate it.
The below answer works. Since DBSCAN requires an array with no more then 2 dimensions I concatenated the columns to the original image and reshaped to produce a n x 5 matrix where n is the x dimension times the y dimension. This seems to work for me.
indices = np.dstack(np.indices(img.shape[:2]))
xycolors = np.concatenate((img, indices), axis=-1)
np.reshape(xycolors, [-1,5])
You need to use both color and position.
Right now, you are using colors only.
Could you please add the enitre code in the answer? Im not able to understand where do I add the those 3 lines which have worked for you – user8306074 Sep 4 at 8:58
Let me answer for you, and here is the full version of the code:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
img= cv2.imread('your image')
labimg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2LAB)
n = 0
labimg = cv2.pyrDown(labimg)
n = n+1
feature_image=np.reshape(labimg, [-1, 3])
rows, cols, chs = labimg.shape
db = DBSCAN(eps=5, min_samples=50, metric = 'euclidean',algorithm ='auto')
labels = db.labels_
indices = np.dstack(np.indices(labimg.shape[:2]))
xycolors = np.concatenate((labimg, indices), axis=-1)
feature_image2 = np.reshape(xycolors, [-1,5])
labels2 = db.labels_
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
# plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
# plt.imshow(np.reshape(labels, [rows, cols]))
# plt.axis('off')
plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.imshow(np.reshape(labels2, [rows, cols]))

Generating a spectrogram for a sequence of 2D movie frames

I have some data that consists of a sequence of video frames which represent changes in luminance over time relative to a moving baseline. In these videos there are two kinds of 'event' that can occur - 'localised' events, which consist of luminance changes in small groups of clustered pixels, and contaminating 'diffuse' events, which affect most of the pixels in the frame:
I'd like to be able to isolate local changes in luminance from diffuse events. I'm planning on doing this by subtracting an appropriately low-pass filtered version of each frame. In order to design an optimal filter, I'd like to know which spatial frequencies of my frames are modulated during diffuse and local events, i.e. I'd like to generate a spectrogram of my movie over time.
I can find lots of information about generating spectrograms for 1D data (e.g. audio), but I haven't come across much on generating spectrograms for 2D data. What I've tried so far is to generate a 2D power spectrum from the Fourier transform of the frame, then perform a polar transformation about the DC component and then average across angles to get a 1D power spectrum:
I then apply this to every frame in my movie, and generate a raster plot of spectral power over time:
Does this seem like a sensible approach to take? Is there a more 'standard' approach to doing spectral analysis on 2D data?
Here's my code:
import numpy as np
# from pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fftpack import fft2, fftshift, fftfreq
from scipy.fftpack import fft2, fftshift, fftfreq
from matplotlib import pyplot as pp
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from scipy.signal import windows
from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import map_coordinates
def compute_2d_psd(img, doplot=True, winfun=windows.hamming, winfunargs={}):
nr, nc = img.shape
win = make2DWindow((nr, nc), winfun, **winfunargs)
f2 = fftshift(fft2(img*win))
psd = np.abs(f2*f2)
pol_psd = polar_transform(psd, centre=(nr//2, nc//2))
mpow = np.nanmean(pol_psd, 0)
stdpow = np.nanstd(pol_psd, 0)
freq_r = fftshift(fftfreq(nr))
freq_c = fftshift(fftfreq(nc))
pos_freq = np.linspace(0, np.hypot(freq_r[-1], freq_c[-1]),
if doplot:
fig,ax = pp.subplots(2,2)
im0 = ax[0,0].imshow(img*win,
ax[0,0].set_title('Windowed image')
lnorm = LogNorm(vmin=psd.min(), vmax=psd.max())
im1 = ax[0,1].imshow(psd, extent=(freq_c[0], freq_c[-1],
freq_r[0], freq_r[-1]), aspect='auto',, norm=lnorm)
# cb1 = pp.colorbar(im1, ax=ax[0,1], use_gridspec=True)
# cb1.set_label('Power (A.U.)')
ax[0,1].set_title('2D power spectrum')
im2 = ax[1,0].imshow(pol_psd,, norm=lnorm,
ax[1,0].set_ylabel('Angle (deg)')
ax[1,0].set_xlabel('Frequency (cycles/px)')
# cb2 = pp.colorbar(im2, ax=(ax[0,1],ax[1,1]), use_gridspec=True)
# cb2.set_label('Power (A.U.)')
ax[1,0].set_title('Polar-transformed power spectrum')
# ax[1,1].fill_between(pos_freq, mpow - stdpow, mpow + stdpow,
# color='r', alpha=0.3)
ax[1,1].axvline(0, c='k', ls='--', alpha=0.3)
ax[1,1].plot(pos_freq, mpow, lw=3, c='r')
ax[1,1].set_xlabel('Frequency (cycles/px)')
ax[1,1].set_ylabel('Power (A.U.)')
ax[1,1].set_xlim(-0.05, None)
ax[1,1].set_title('1D power spectrum')
return mpow, stdpow, pos_freq
def make2DWindow(shape,winfunc,*args,**kwargs):
assert callable(winfunc)
r,c = shape
rvec = winfunc(r,*args,**kwargs)
cvec = winfunc(c,*args,**kwargs)
return np.outer(rvec,cvec)
def polar_transform(image, centre=(0,0), n_angles=None, n_radii=None):
Polar transformation of an image about the specified centre coordinate
shape = image.shape
if n_angles is None:
n_angles = shape[0]
if n_radii is None:
n_radii = shape[1]
theta = -np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n_angles, endpoint=False).reshape(-1,1)
d = np.hypot(shape[0]-centre[0], shape[1]-centre[1])
radius = np.linspace(0, d, n_radii).reshape(1,-1)
x = radius * np.sin(theta) + centre[0]
y = radius * np.cos(theta) + centre[1]
# nb: map_coordinates can give crazy negative values using higher order
# interpolation, which introduce nans when you take the log later on
output = map_coordinates(image, [x, y], order=1, cval=np.nan,
return output
I believe that the approach you describe is in general the best way to do this analysis.
However, i did spot an error in your code. as:
is not the PSD of complex array f2, you need to multiply f2 by it's complex conjugate instead of itself (|f2^2| is not the same as |f2|^2).
Instead you should do something like
Or, more cleanly:
The oscillations in the 2D power-spectrum are a tell-tale sign of this kind of error (I've done this before myself!)

combine time series plot by using R

I wanna combine three graphics on one graph. The data from inside of R which is " nottem ". Can someone help me to write code to put a seasonal mean and harmonic (cosine model) and its time series plots together by using different colors? I already wrote model code just don't know how to combine them together to compare.
Code :library(TSA)
plot(nottem,type="l",ylab="Average monthly temperature at Nottingham castle")
points(y=nottem,x=time(nottem), pch=as.vector(season(nottem)))
Just put your time series inside a matrix:
x = cbind(serie1 = ts(cumsum(rnorm(100)), freq = 12, start = c(2013, 2)),
serie2 = ts(cumsum(rnorm(100)), freq = 12, start = c(2013, 2)))
Or configure the plot region:
par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) # 2 rows, 1 column
serie1 = ts(cumsum(rnorm(100)), freq = 12, start = c(2013, 2))
serie2 = ts(cumsum(rnorm(100)), freq = 12, start = c(2013, 2))
lines(rollapply(serie1, width = 10, FUN = mean), col = 'red')
lines(rollapply(serie2, width = 10, FUN = mean), col = 'blue')
hope it helps.
PS.: zoo package is not needed in this example, you could use the filter function.
You can extract the seasonal mean with:
s.mean = tapply(serie, cycle(serie), mean)
# January, assuming serie is monthly data
This graph is pretty hard to read, because your three sets of values are so similar. Still, if you want to simply want to graph all of these on the sample plot, you can do it pretty easily by using the coefficients generated by your models.
Step 1: Plot the raw data. This comes from your original code.
plot(nottem,type="l",ylab="Average monthly temperature at Nottingham castle")
Step 2: Set up x-values for the mean and cosine plots.
x <- seq(1920, (1940 - 1/12), by=1/12)
Step 3: Plot the seasonal means by repeating the coefficients from the first model.
lines(x=x, y=rep(model$coefficients, 20), col="blue")
Step 4: Calculate the y-values for the cosine function using the coefficients from the second model, and then plot.
y <- model1$coefficients[2] * cos(2 * pi * x) + model1$coefficients[1]
lines(x=x, y=y, col="red")
ggplot variant: If you decide to switch to the popular 'ggplot2' package for your plot, you would do it like so:
x <- seq(1920, (1940 - 1/12), by=1/12)
y.seas.mean <- rep(model$coefficients, 20)
y.har.cos <- model1$coefficients[2] * cos(2 * pi * x) + model1$coefficients[1]
plot_Data <- melt(data.frame(x=x, temp=nottem, seas.mean=y.seas.mean, har.cos=y.har.cos), id="x")
ggplot(plot_Data, aes(x=x, y=value, col=variable)) + geom_line()
