How to Using Xcode, Appium to Test App on iPhone from MacBook - ios

I have a question regarding the title above. I try surfing the internet for almost 2 weeks, but my issues were not solved.
I have an iPhone (iOS 15) and MacBook (macOS 13.6.1), want use XCode 13 to test the app. I got instructions from the Leapwork guy, to list how to do it. My colleague wants to test an app on iPhone, and she asks me to setup it up for her.
But I am facing a few errors which I don't know what are and how to solve because this is my first time playing it.
Here link to the document I manage success following the step from 1 to 8. I’m afraid to step 9 I did something wrong because it asked me to change a few things may I miss out.
iOS Instruction
The error that I have on XCode is
Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'RoutingHTTPServer.framework' was build for iOS + iOS Simulator
'assign' property of object type may become a dangling reference; consider using 'unsafe_unretained'
Double-quoted include "HTTPConnection.h" in framework header, expected angle-bracketed instead.
Could not build module 'RoutingHTTPServer'
I'm running Appium but not sure need to configure it or not.
I hope anyone knows about this or has been through a similar situation, please help and guide me on the correct path. I think I already lost. :(


Internal API error

Since few days, every time I try to run my app on my iPhone, I get get this error message "There was an internal API error".
I'm getting this error just with one application only on my iPhone. In fact, there's no problem with the same app on simulator or on my iPad. No problem too with other apps on my iPhone...
I've tried many things mentioned in those threads:
"There was an internal API error." while running an app on any iPhone/iPod-touch device
Xcode 4.4 - There was an internal API error
like remove/re-run the app, reboot iPhone/mac, clear cache, check plist, check profiles, check build settings, restore iPhone.
I'm using xCode 7.1.1 and iOS 7.1.2
Can someone point me on what I forget to check please ?
As per my work and research I got a solution. Since I was preparing the build in manual way from product. In that case my was copying in folder from which I have to create a build, that app was not copied properly and I prepared the build and installed in my device, in that case I got this error.
I again clean the Xcode prepare the build properly and installed it, it works.
When I rename my project and delete the special character "ç", xCode success to run the app on my iPhone. It might be related to xCode 7, before there was no problem for compiling.
I also had this problem. The way I solved it was by removing the special characters from the Product Name (in Build Settings) - I had an 'æ'. Indeed, it looks related to Xcode 7, because it used to work on previous versions of Xcode.

unable to verify mobile app on IOS9 using Xcode 7

I have been trying to take advantage of Xcode now allowing developers to test on devices without being enrolled on the developer program.
This was working just a few weeks ago, no problems at all
however, for no apparent reason, I am getting this error message whenever i try to run my app on the iPhone:
after some googling a website led me to this page in the settings app:
From what i can gather on google, The problem is that the app isn't verified. However when i click verify nothing changes. The text at the top of the screen changes very briefly (i assume it's saying loading)
I have tried deleting the provisioning profile, that Xcode had created, and clicking fix when Xcode tells me it can't find the profile. Nothing changed
so my question is: does anybody know what the problem is here and how to fix it?
I've never seen a problem with that before but with x-code there are usually 3 really annoying but normally foolproof steps to solving a problem such as this.
1) Update your IOS and make sure you are on the most recent version
2) Reinstall X-code
3) Recreate the app
Like I said those 3 steps can normally solve any non code related problem.
Hope that helps!

Very weird issues with xcode 7 and cloudkit

I have an app using CloudKit. After upgrading to iOS 9 it continued to work as it did previously with no issues. However, a couple days ago, I upgraded from Xcode 6 to 7. Xcode 7 broke some things visually...alignments, collectionview cell edge insets were changed, etc...definitely annoying, but it's probably some autolayout issues I needed to fix anyway. The real issue is beyond anything I've ever seen before. All of the sudden, my CK data will not get returned unless I'm connected to wifi AND a power source. At first I thought it had to be connected to the laptop and running from Xcode to the device. I tested it by disconnecting from the laptop and plugging into the wall and CK data was returned and CV cells got rendered. And whether or not it's connected to a power source, if I'm on cellular connection I just get the spinner (data loading) and it just sits there. And if it's running from Xcode, I don't see any logging happening either. But if i switch to wifi even while the app is running, then I see the logging of the CK results returned followed by the custom cell views being trigged and finally the cells get rendered on the device.
Just to be clear, I didn't make any coding changes around this happening...just upgraded to Xcode 7 (not the GM version). I did notice the below difference in info.plist when comparing in source control.
xcode 7:
xcode 6:
I replaced the actual product name with the "xxxx..." just for this post in case it's something I shouldn't be showing publicly. I did use the xcode 6 value just to see if that was the issue and got the exact same behavior. Didn't make it worse, but didn't make it any better. Also, I've changed the deployment target to everything between iOS 7.1 - 9.0 and no differences.
Anyone experiencing anything like this? Any idea on how to solve this?
UPDATE: Downloaded Xcode 6.4, discarded changes in the storyboard and info.plist files and recompiled and all issues resolved, so it's definitely some issue with Xcode 7. Still running iOS 9...will need to find out why the issue is happening on with Xcode 7 since I'll need to have the app iOS 9 certified before submitting. May need to open a ticket with Apple.
Thank you!
Apple has changed the behavior of the qualityOfService setting and the way data is fetched. In my opinion this is a CloudKit bug. For more information see:
iOS 9 CloudKit: query does not return anything while connected to cellular network
Please also make a bug report of this at

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when trying to run Unity game on iOS simulator

I'm usually not a Mac/Xcode user, please forgive me for incorrect terms or understandings.
I have a 2D Unity game which I can successfully build and run on Android and Windows Phone devices/emulators. When building for iOS, I can successfully create the Xcode project, open it and build the app in there. The only change in the iOS-specific player settings I made was to set SDK Version to Simulator SDK.
However, when trying to run it inside the simulator, the splash screen appears, then Xcode pauses on something that looks like an assemby file with an error message: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x4).
As I had no idea on what to do, I started stripping down my project (in Unity) until I had no more gameObjects but the camera left on the start scene. Also, I removed all other scenes from the build. The only thing that changed was that above error message now seems to appear on another assembly file.
What could be the issue here? How should I investigate further?
This is the stacktrace:
Update 2
I've created a new blank Unity project, and I get the exactly same error there. The problem seems to be related to Unity or my machine, not the app itself.
After days of researching, I still couldn't resolve the issue and finally built for a real devices instead of the simulator. Since I don't own one, I "blindly" submitted the result to the app store, and it got accepted.
For me, that's the proof that the issue is solely related to the combination of Unity and the iOS simulator, i.e. that those two don't work together reliably.
On the other hand, it seems relatively safe to assume that an app will work on iOS if it's been successfully tested on Android, Windows Phone and the default player. Of course, unless iOS-specific features are implemented.
I only know one reason, that leads to this behaviour (device builds work, but simulator builds won't).
=> This could happen, when using native iOS code / plugins
To fix that, you'll have to modify the <path-to-xcode-project>/Libraries/RegisterMonoModules.cpp file, cause somehow Unity does not register those classes/methods for the simulator.
Just look for #if !(TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR) defines and shift them to have all your plugins included, also in the simulator. There will be some move mono_dl_register_symbol() that you'll need.

Xcode 4.4 No such file found launching executable

Before anyone just assumes what I am saying here, please read what I have to say.
I have read the hundreds of posts on this topic and have tried pretty much all the suggested resolutions, in no particular order:
Quitting Xcode
Deleting the derived data folder
Cleaning the project
Hard resetting iPhone
Resetting Mac
Tried a second iPhone
Different USB port
All these in 'special' order
Checked code signing attributes
"Validate Settings" returns no problems
Validation returns no problems
I am stumped when it comes to this. The only thing I can think of is actually resetting my phone, but don't see how this could help when it doesn't work on the second phone either.
Are there any other suggestions, tips, ideas on what could be causing this rather annoying bug?
UPDATE: The exact error:
Error launching remote program: No such file or directory (/Users/Username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ProjectName-dnfacjtdklqktcazrpfyupofdryp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
To get the error, I do any combination of the listed steps above, then click Run on "My Device" (an iPhone 4). Application never installs to the phone and Xcode reports the application has finished running then shows the above error.
My problem was cause by me accidently changing the "Deployment Target" (ios version) to a version higher than what was on the phone I tried to run the code on.
Change the deployment target to below or equal to the ios software version on your phone.
(this answer wasn't on your list) :)
