Binding all textures on one huge descriptor set - binding

I have some design qustion for a vulkan game engine:
In my game engine i bound all "static" textures resources on one huge descriptor-set(256k descriptors), and my shaders access those samplers by an dynamic indexing.
[For example when i want to sample a some normals-map that belong to a currtain gameobject i add an new uint into the material's ubo that represent the index of the object's normals-map descriptor inside the huge descriptor set, then i sample it and compute the final object color.]
I wondered whether this way to access objects textures is efficient compare to the idia to bind each object's texture on his per-object descriptor set(alongside the material ubo).
Does the size of an descriptor-set can drastically affect on the texel access speed?
or my idia is suck?
Again, sorry about my English.

There are no performance issues with indexing from an array of sampler descriptors. The only real reason not to do things this way is that implementations may not let you dynamically index such arrays. But if you're requiring that from the implementation (all desktop implementations allow it), then just keep doing it; it's a common technique for reducing the number of state changes you have to issue on the CPU.


When to use setVertexBytes/setVertexBuffer when dealing with small data in Metal?

The documentation for setVertexBytes says:
Use this method for single-use data smaller than 4 KB. Create a MTLBuffer object if your data exceeds 4 KB in length or persists for multiple uses.
What exactly does single-use mean?
For example, if I have a uniforms struct which is less than 4KB(and is updated every frame), is it better to use a triple buffer technique or simply use setVertexBytes?
From what I understand using setVertexBytes would copy the data every time into a MTLBuffer that Metal manages. This sounds slower than using triple buffering.
But then if I have different objects, each with its own uniforms, I would have to triple buffer everything, since it's dynamically updated.
And if I have a material that updates rarely but is passed to the shader every frame, would it be better to keep it in a buffer or pass it as a pointer using setVertexBytes?
It's not necessarily the case that Metal manages a distinct resource into which this data is written. As user Columbo notes in their comment, some hardware allows constant data to be recorded directly into command buffer memory, from which it can be subsequently read by a shader.
As always, you should profile in order to find the difference between the two approaches on your target hardware, but if the amount of data you're pushing per draw call is small, you might very well find that using setVertexBytes:... is faster than writing into a buffer and calling setVertexBuffer:....
For data that doesn't vary every frame (your slow-varying material use case), it may indeed be more efficient to keep that data in a buffer (double- or triple-buffered) rather than using setVertexBytes:....

Vulkan texture rendering on multiple meshes

I am in the middle of rendering different textures on multiple meshes of a model, but I do not have much clues about the procedures. Someone suggested for each mesh, create its own descriptor sets and call vkCmdBindDescriptorSets() and vkCmdDrawIndexed() for rendering like this:
// Pipeline with descriptor set layout that matches the shared descriptor sets
// Mesh A
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(...&meshA.descriptorSet... );
// Mesh B
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(...&meshB.descriptorSet... );
However, the above approach is quite different from the chopper sample and vulkan's samples that makes me have no idea where to start the change. I really appreciate any help to guide me to a correct direction.
You have a conceptual object which is made of multiple meshes which have different texturing needs. The general ways to deal with this are:
Change descriptor sets between parts of the object. Painful, but it works on all Vulkan-capable hardware.
Employ array textures. Each individual mesh fetches its data from a particular layer in the array texture. Of course, this restricts you to having each sub-mesh use textures of the same size. But it works on all Vulkan-capable hardware (up to 128 array elements, minimum). The array layer for a particular mesh can be provided as a push-constant, or a base instance if that's available.
Note that if you manage to be able to do it by base instance, then you can render the entire object with a multi-draw indirect command. Though it's not clear that a short multi-draw indirect would be faster than just baking a short sequence of drawing commands into a command buffer.
Employ sampler arrays, as Sascha Willems suggests. Presumably, the array index for the sub-mesh is provided as a push-constant or a multi-draw's draw index. The problem is that, regardless of how that array index is provided, it will have to be a dynamically uniform expression. And Vulkan implementations are not required to allow you to index a sampler array with a dynamically uniform expression. The base requirement is just a constant expression.
This limits you to hardware that supports the shaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing feature. So you have to ask for that, and if it's not available, then you've got to work around that with #1 or #2. Or just don't run on that hardware. But the last one means that you can't run on any mobile hardware, since most of them don't support this feature as of yet.
Note that I am not saying you shouldn't use this method. I just want you to be aware that there are costs. There's a lot of hardware out there that can't do this. So you need to plan for that.
The person that suggested the above code fragment was me I guess ;)
This is only one way of doing it. You don't necessarily have to create one descriptor set per mesh or per texture. If your mesh e.g. uses 4 different textures, you could bind all of them at once to different binding points and select them in the shader.
And if you a take a look at NVIDIA's chopper sample, they do it pretty much the same way only with some more abstraction.
The example also sets up descriptor sets for the textures used :
VkDescriptorSet *textureDescriptors = m_renderer->getTextureDescriptorSets();
binds them a few lines later :
VkDescriptorSet sets[3] = { sceneDescriptor, textureDescriptors[0], m_transform_descriptor_set };
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(m_draw_command[inCommandIndex], VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, layout, 0, 3, sets, 0, NULL);
and then renders the mesh with the bound descriptor sets :
vkCmdDrawIndexedIndirect(m_draw_command[inCommandIndex], sceneIndirectBuffer, 0, inCount, sizeof(VkDrawIndexedIndirectCommand));
vkCmdDraw(m_draw_command[inCommandIndex], 1, 1, 0, 0);
If you take a look at initDescriptorSets you can see that they also create separate descriptor sets for the cubemap, the terrain, etc.
The LunarG examples should work similar, though if I'm not mistaken they never use more than one texture?

WebGL one-to-many data processing

Is there any scheme using WebGL which allows to process one data record to an previously unknown number of records?
Using OpenGL for example, a geometry program can be used to multiply vertices depending on their attributes, and thus output data of unknown length.
Is there any trick to use WebGL in a likewise fashion, or is this only possible on the JavaScript side?
Yup, there is no Geometry Shader in WebGL (just Vertex and Fragment).
So, yes, something multiplicative needs to be implemented on the JS side, by making more data or more calls to gl.drawTriangles/gl.drawElements.
One approach that might be applicable, is to have lots of data (triangles, say), and use the Fragment Shader to algorithmicly throw-away some or all of them. Kind of the opposite of multiplying. But if you keep the same triangles, and change their processing with uniforms, or perhaps smaller data in textures, you can at least save the hit of sending up lots of different data.
To "Throw away" a vertex, need to put it outside the NDC (the -1 to +1 unit cube), for all three vertices of a triangle.

Can I reference an texture unit besides the previous and current in a combiner?

The PowerVR SGX platform, for example, supports 8 texture units (TEXTURE0...TEXTURE7), which can be accessed directly without shaders.
Using texture combiners, I can access values from the previous texture stage (GL_PREVIOUS) or the currently bound texture (GL_TEXTURE), etc. Is there a way to access anything from any stage before the immediately-previous one?
E.g. if I want to set up essentially multiple independent threads of processing and then combine the ultimate result for output, is this possible? Or am I restricted to flowing data from n to n+1 only?
No, the flow is restricted from n to n+1. The Combiner API hasn't been touched in years, it's modern replacement (Shaders) are much more flexible.

Game Terrain Database Model

I am developing a game for the web. The map of this game will be a minimum of 2000km by 2000km. I want to be able to encode elevation and terrain type at some level of granularity - 100m X 100m for example.
For a 2000km by 2000km map storing this information in 100m2 buckets would mean 20000 by 20000 elements or a total of 400,000,000 records in a database.
Is there some other way of storing this type of information?
The map itself will not ever be displayed in its entirety. Units will be moved on the map in a turn based fashion and the players will get feedback on where they are located and what the local area looks like. Terrain will dictate speed and prohibition of movement.
I guess I am trying to say that the map will be used for the game and not necessarily for a graphical or display purposes.
It depends on how you want to generate your terrain.
For example, you could procedurally generate it all (using interpolation of a low resolution terrain/height map - stored as two "bitmaps" - with random interpolation seeded from the xy coords to ensure that terrain didn't morph), and use minimal storage.
If you wanted areas of terrain that were completely defined, you could store these separately and use them where appropriate, randomly generating the rest.)
If you want completely defined terrain, then you're going to need to look into some kind of compression/streaming technique to only pull terrain you are currently interested in.
I would treat it differently, by separating terrain type and elevation.
Terrain type, I assume, does not change as rapidly as elevation - there are probably sectors of the same type of terrain that stretch over much longer than the lowest level of granularity. I would map those sectors into database records or some kind of hash table, depending on performance, memory and other requirements.
Elevation I would assume is semi-contiuous, as it changes gradually for the most part. I would try to map the values into set of continuous functions (different sets between parts that are not continues, as in sudden change in elevation). For any set of coordinates for which the terrain is the same elevation or can be described by a simple function, you just need to define the range this function covers. This should reduce much the amount of information you need to record to describe the elevation at each point in the terrain.
So basically I would break down the map into different sectors which compose of (x,y) ranges, once for terrain type and once for terrain elevation, and build a hash table for each which can return the appropriate value as needed.
If you want the kind of granularity that you are looking for, then there is no obvious way of doing it.
You could try a 2-dimensional wavelet transform, but that's pretty complex. Something like a Fourier transform would do quite nicely. Plus, you probably wouldn't go about storing the terrain with a one-record-per-piece-of-land way; it makes more sense to have some sort of database field which can store an encoded matrix.
I think the usual solution is to break your domain up into "tiles" of manageable sizes. You'll have to add a little bit of logic to load the appropriate tiles at any given time, but not too bad.
You shouldn't need to access all that info at once--even if each 100m2 bucket occupied a single pixel on the screen, no screen I know of could show 20k x 20k pixels at once.
Also, I wouldn't use a database--look into height mapping--effectively using a black & white image whose pixel values represent heights.
Good luck!
That will be awfully lot of information no matter which way you look at it. 400,000,000 grid cells will take their toll.
I see two ways of going around this. Firstly, since it is a web-based game, you might be able to get a server with a decently sized HDD and store the 400M records in it just as you would normally. Or more likely create some sort of your own storage mechanism for efficiency. Then you would only have to devise a way to access the data efficiently, which could be done by taking into account the fact that you doubtfully will need to use it all at once. ;)
The other way would be some kind of compression. You have to be careful with this though. Most out-of-the-box compression algorithms won't allow you to decompress an arbitrary location in the stream. Perhaps your terrain data has some patterns in it you can use? I doubt it will be completely random. More likely I predict large areas with the same data. Perhaps those can be encoded as such?
