I have a powerapp integrated form from a sharepoint list. (went to the list and chose the integrate / powerapps/ integrate form).
This is not a canvas app, it is a powerapp integrated form.
I am creating a link that goes to users and would like to add a parameter that power app integrated form can read.
the parameter I am trying to create is uploadCRM
the link I am sending is
unfortunately I can't access my parameter.
I created a label in powerapps and set its text to
"uploadCRM: " & Param( "uploadCRM" )
but it is not getting the value of uploadCRM.
the label simply reads
We have created a utility that scans the SharePoint document library, checks applied sensitivity labels against predefined rules and if needed it applies a new (higher label).
Everything works fine except when a label with protection/encryption is to be replaced with another label. In such a case, we can download the file, apply the new label but we get an error when trying to upload the file, saying:
Code: accessDenied
Message: You do not have authorization to access the file.
The error occurs only when the tool authenticates requesting app-only access, i.e. using ClientID and ClientSecret or a Certificate but it works fine when authenticated using a delegated access, i.e. on behalf of an existing user. Also replacing a label without protection/encryption works fine.
We are using Microsoft Graph API to download/upload files and MIP SDK to apply labels.
Is there any way how to replace a label with protection/encryption without requesting the user’s credentials?
I have followed some articles, but all are not clear as google oauth interface is changed.
Verified some articles, and understood something. With this understanding in mind, followed below steps:
Opned URL: console.developers.google.com
Created new project with name: My Super App
Clicked on Google+ API under Overview section, and Enabled the same.
Here is my doubt whether I am doing correct or not
Selected OAuth ClientID option under Credentials section.
Configured Consent screen With email address, and Product name.
Under Create Client ID section, provided below details:
Application type: Web Application
Name: My Super Client App
Authorized Javascript origins: http://localhost:44300/ - sometimes, I have used this option. Later on, now, I am not using this option. Please suggest me if it is mandatory.
Authorized redirect URIs: http://localhost:44300/signin-google
ClientID, ClientSecret have been generated. Used in My MVC app.
But, I am unable to use Google OAuth.
Please suggest me where I'm doing wrong.
Go to your Project properties and under the Web tab you'll see the Project URL. In place of the https://localhost:44300/ given in the article replace it with the one specified in Project URL or, if you've overridden that one, use the one specified in the Override application root URL.
In other words, you shall change the URL here:
Just a suggestion but perhaps you need to enable the api on your google developer console. I did a quick google and this covers it - http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/how-to-configure-google-sign-in-for-Asp-Net-mvc-5-part-sixt/
please follow Asp.net/mvc :MVC5 :Google OpenAuth from where the below steps are taken:
Creating a Google app for OAuth 2 and connecting the app to the project
Navigate to the Google Developers Console.
Click the Create Project
button and enter a project name and ID (you can use the default
values). In a few seconds the new project will be created and your
browser will display the new projects page.
In the left tab, click
APIs & auth, and then > Credentials.
Click the Create New Client ID
under OAuth. In the Create Client ID dialog, keep the default Web
application for the application type.
Set the Authorized JavaScript
origins to the SSL URL you used above (https://localhost:44300/
unless you've created other SSL projects) Set the Authorized
redirect URI to:
Click the Consent screen menu item, then set your email address and product name. When you
have completed the form click Save.
Click the APIs menu item, scroll
down and switch on Google+ API.
Copy and paste the AppId and App Secret into the UseGoogleAuthentication method. The AppId and App Secret values shown below are samples and will not work.
I am Trying to create a new free Object Storage Service for testing - and I am getting error:
Service broker error: {"description"=>"Failed to create cloud account."}
I have other Bluxmix services created, and can remove/create other services.
I am only receiving this error while trying to add the IBM Object Storage
The object storage service has some issue. You can see the service's status on status page here: http://ibm.biz/bluemixstatus
You can also be alerted of any notifications by subscribing to the RSS feed for the Bluemix Status page. This approach provides a way for you to get updates without having to regularly consult the status page.
Use the Support Widget to open a ticket. It is available from the user avatar in the upper right corner of the main Bluemix UI. After opening the support widget panel, select Get Help > Get In Touch, select the type of assistance you need, and then fill out the support form.
Use the Support Site 'Get Help' form. This form is available on a separate site that is made available for ticket submission when you cannot log into Bluemix and access the Support Widget. Go to http://ibm.biz/bluemixsupport and fill in the support request form.
I was seeing the same error with Object Storage. I contacted Bluemix support and they told me this error was occurring because "my name had raised a false flag against the U.S. debarred parties list." They said this is very rare, and the only way to fix the problem is to contact support with a request.
To contact support:
Login to Bluemix
Open the account tray by clicking the avatar in the top right
Click “Get Help”
Click “Get In Touch”
I'm now able to provision Object Storage.
So I'm weighing up the pros/cons of the different auth mechanisims for a SalesForce Canvas application.
First, a little background. I've got an existing web app - let's call it "myapp". I setup a VisualForce tab containing a VisualForce page which embeds my canvas app by the following approach:
<apex:canvasApp applicationName="___________" />
I first implemented access via the signed request method, which was great, as the user only had to accept my app's permissions on first access, and subsequent attempts to access my canvas app could jump right in to myapp homepage.
From reading this article about packaging canvas apps for different SalesForce editions, signed request method has a limitation:
Most typical Group and Professional Edition customers are not going tobe able to use your Signed Request Connected App unless they upgrade to EE or higher or purchase these features as an add-on.
So I decided to switch to the oauth workflows.
Looking at the user agent oauth flow documentation, it says:
The user must always approve access for this authentication flow. After approving access, the application receives the callback from Salesforce.
This is also not desirable, however the web server oauth flow does not have that requirement - once a user accepts the app's permission requirements, they don't need to be prompted to do that again. It also makes things like adding a "Login with SalesForce" option on myapp's login page super easy to add in.
So I setup the web server oauth flow, and have everything functioning well, and as an added benefit added a "Login with SalesForce" option to my login page - great.
Next step was to set the canvas app in the VisualForce tab up to kick off the web server oauth flow.
The problem I want to solve:
I want to use the web server oauth flow to gain access to the homepage of myapp from that VisualForce tab, with as few user interactions as possible in the process.
Base setup
To initiate the oauth flow, I've setup a URL with the following logic in there to make it simple to craft links that kick off the process from elsewhere. This is used from each of the below examples, and is referenced by links to /salesforce/oauth/......
// Allow links to this page to specify "state" and "prompt" paramaters.
$state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : 'login';
$prompt = isset($_GET['prompt']) ? $_GET['prompt'] : '';
// Canvas app contextual information provides the right SalesForce endpoint domain, so provide a way for that to be passed in here, or fallback to standard login.salesforce.com for other workflows.
$authDomain = isset($_GET['authDomain']) ? $_GET['authDomain'] : 'https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/authorize';
$url = $authDomain.'?'.http_build_query(array(
'response_type' => 'code',
'client_id' => 'XXXXXXX_MY_APP_CLIENT_ID',
'redirect_uri' => 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/salesforce/authorize/',
'state' => $state,
'prompt' => $prompt,
header('Location: '.$url);
Failed attempt 1
Using the javascript canvas sdk, redirect the canvas app to initiate my web server oauth flow:
location.href = '/salesforce/oauth?authUrl='+encodeURIComponent(Sfdc.canvas.oauth.loginUrl())+'&state=canvas';
I ran into two problems with this approach:
The canvas app looses the contextual information provided by the #query fragment in it's URL.
X-Frame-Options header of the SalesForce page which has the accept/decline permissions prevent it from displaying within an iframe, even on SalesForce domains.
I feel this would be the best way to accomplish my goal if these issues could be overcome.
I actually did an experiment which resolves issue #1 by loading that URL in another iframe, within my canvas app, and if I'd already accepted myapps permission requirements that worked flawlessly, however I was still stuck with issue #2 when the permissions screen popped up and the whole process failed to complete.
Current solution
I've made the initial canvas app page include a button to click, which opens the web server oauth flow in a new window where it completes successfully. Upon completion, the canvas app iframe is redirected to my app homepage.
I'm unhappy with this, because every time I click on my VisualForce tab, there's a step in there requiring the user to click a button, and a new window pops up to run the oauth workflow. It closes itself automatically with no extra user interaction if the user had already accepted the app permissions in the past, or prompts them to accept if they hadn't yet, and then closes itself.
If I'm stuck with this solution it's not the end of the world - we'll make that button into a splash screen with some marketing crap in there and a big obnoxious "Continue to MyApp" button somewhere.
The question (...finally)
Is there some way I can remove that necessary step of clicking the button every single time the canvas app is loaded, but continue using the web server oauth flow here? (remembering I don't want to use the user agent oauth flow because that has a similar requirement of accepting the permissions every time the user accesses it anyway).
That extra step is particularly annoying when the canvas app is being embedded within a SalesForce account or contact screen - as it stops my app from loading and displaying data to my users until the user clicks on the button.
Either I don't get it, or that's really simple. You need to use oAuth immediate parameter:
immediate — Determines whether the user should be prompted for login and approval. This parameter is optional. The value must be true or false if specified. Default value is false. Note the following:
If set to true, and if the user is currently logged in and has previously approved the client_id, Salesforce skips the approval step.
If set to true and the user is not logged in or has not previously approved the client, Salesforce immediately terminates with the immediate_unsuccessful error code.
Source: 1, 2
The only catch is the last part: you will receive error if user hasn't authorized your app yet. In my experience with oAuth it's really easier to use Javascript to run your requests from the client's browser itself. You can fire off immediate = true request, and right after it immediate = false in case first one failed. Then you send the access_token to your app by creating third request – to your own server.
I'm building a facebook app which uses open graph to publish stories. I can successfully publish the stories but what I want to do is to customize the app link in the story(circled in the given image).
Currently my link to "posted via APP_NAME" is referring to the Facebook appcenter page of my app. All I want to do is to customize the link and make it refer to my personal website. How can I do that?
Do I have to specify any extra parameters while making a POST request to facebook??
As far as I know this link leads to one of:
Canvas URL if you have a canvas app
Site URL if you have no canvas app just website with fb login
You can set both in App Settings (https://developers.facebook.com/apps/)
Looking through the logs it's impossible to distinguish it from people just accessing the app.
Add a canvas application with an address of page with this code:
<script>top.location.href = 'http://your-website.com'</script>