Lua up-value issue for function in table - lua

I am trying to create parts of tables many times but with different arguments. To do so, I have created a new function that takes a parameter, which is then used in a function in the table. My IDE shows the use of the parameter value inside the function as an "Up-value" problem.
Is there any way I can achieve this functionality without that issue?
function createTable(value)
myTable = {
name = 'Table',
args = {
time = 0,
score = {
return value / 2
return myTable


Lua: Passing index of nested tables as function arguments?

Is it possible to have a function that can access arbitrarily nested entries of a table?
The following example is just for one table. But in my real application I need the function to check several different tables for the given (nested) index.
local table1 = {
value1 = "test1",
subtable1 = {
subvalue1 = "subvalue1",
local function myAccess(index)
return table1[index]
-- This is fine:
print (myAccess("value1"))
-- But how do I access subtable1.subvalue1?
print (myAccess("subtable1.subvalue1???"))
You won't be able to do this using a string unless you use load to treat it as Lua code or make a function to walk on a table.
You can make a function which will split your string by . to get each key and then go one by one.
You can do this using gmatch + one local above gmatch with current table.
#Spar: Is this what you were suggesting? It works anyway, so thanks!
local table1 = {
value1 = "test1",
subtable1 = {
subvalue1 = "subvalue1",
local function myAccess(index)
local returnValue = table1
for key in string.gmatch(index, "[^.]+") do
if returnValue[key] then
returnValue = returnValue[key]
return nil
return returnValue
-- This is fine:
print (myAccess("value1"))
-- So is this:
print (myAccess("subtable1.subvalue1"))

How to pass a function to angular ui-grid column total

I'm using angular ui-grid (no ng-grid) and want to pass a function to calculate a column's total value. In the documentation they explicitly say it is possible; it is just that I canĀ“t find how to do it.
This is how I'm showing a total (sum) for another columns:
aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum,
aggregationHideLabel: true,
footerCellFilter: 'currencyFilter',
footerCellClass: 'ui-grid-centerCell'
Now, instead of using uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum, I want to pass a function to calculate the value.
Many thanks and bye ...
My Idea is to Create a method in your Controller like
$scope.sum = function(row){
var sum1 = row.entity.sum1 + row.entity.sum2;
console.log('Sum of Value is = ',sum1);
Note : sum1 and sum2 is columnDefs of Field value like
$scope.gridsOptions = {
columnDefs : [
field : 'sum1',
name :'xx'
field : 'sum2',
name : 'xxx'
You can also solve this by adding custom tree aggregation.
treeCustomAggregations: {
sum: {
aggregationFn: stats.aggregator.sumSquareErr, finalizerFn: function (aggregation) {
//Do rest of your calculations here
var total = $scope.gridApi.grid.columns[column_number].getAggregationValue() ;
aggregation.value = total ;
aggregation.rendered = (aggregation.value).toFixed(1);
Or you can refer this question for custom aggregate template and calling your custom function from it.

Obtain values from embedded tables Lua

I am new to Lua and I am trying to learn how to make a function with embedded tables. I am stuck trying to figure out a way to make the function meet specific values in the table.
Here is an example of a table:
TestTable = {destGUID1 = {catagory1 = {A=1,B=5,C=3},catagory2 = {A=5,B=3,C=2}},destGUID2 = {catagory1 = {A=1,B=5,C=3},catagory2 = {A=5,B=3,C=2}}}
Now I want to make a function for this table that pulls values only from the specific destGUID. Like:
function CatInfo(GUID,Cat)
for i=1, #TestTable do
if TestTable[i] == GUID then
for j=1, TestTable[i][GUID] do
if TestTable[i][GUID][j] == Cat then
return TestTable[i][GUID][Cat].A -- returns value "A"
So that when I use this function, I can do something like this:
CatInfo(destGUID2,catagory1) -- returns "1"
Given your table structure, you don't need to do any looping; you can simply return the value from the table based on GUID and the category:
TestTable = {
destGUID1 = {catagory1 = {A=1,B=5,C=3},catagory2 = {A=5,B=3,C=2}},
destGUID2 = {catagory1 = {A=1,B=5,C=3},catagory2 = {A=5,B=3,C=2}}
function CatInfo(GUID,Cat)
return TestTable[GUID][Cat].A
This will print 1. Note that destGUID2 and catagory1 need to be in quotes as those are strings.

jqTreeView - getting selected node's value in select event

Following is how I populate my jqTreeView.
new JQTreeView
DataUrl = Url.Action("RenderTree"),
Height = Unit.Pixel(500),
Width = Unit.Pixel(150),
HoverOnMouseOver = false,
MultipleSelect = false,
ClientSideEvents = new TreeViewClientSideEvents()
function spawnTabAction(args, event) {
public JsonResult RenderTree()
var tree = new JQTreeView();
List<JQTreeNode> nodes = new List<JQTreeNode>();
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Products", Value="Product/Product/Index" });
FolderNode fNode = new FolderNode { Text = "Customers" };
fNode.Nodes.Add(new LeafNode() { Text = "Today's Customers", Value = "Customer/Customer/Today" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Suppliers", Value = "Supplier/Supplier/Index" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Employees", Value = "Employee/Employee/Index" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Orders", Value = "Order/Order/Index" });
return tree.DataBind(nodes);
What I want to do is spawn a tab based on the Value of the selected node. I tried a lot but couldn't get hold of the selected node's value.
Later I checked the DOM of rendered page and found that the value is nowhere added to the node but magically when I select the node the value appears in a hidden control by the name treeview_selectedState (treeview being the id of the control). I even traced all ajax calls but couldn't find anything.
1) Where does it keep the Values of tree nodes?
2) How do I get the Selected Node's value in select event?
I even tried to get the treeview_selectedState control's value in select event but it returned [].
Then I added a button the view and hooked that onto a js function and found the value there. It makes me think that the value is not available in select event, am I right in thinking that?
I don't think getting selected node's value should be a this big deal? Am I missing something very obvious?
After trying so many things , I checked their demo and found the hints there (I shouldve done this as the first thing).
It was actually pretty straight forward
function spawnTabAction(args, event) {

how do i iterate the tables parameters which is present under the main table?

In lua ,im calling a function which returns a table variable that contains many parameter internally..but when i get that value i couldnt access the paramter which is present in the table. I can see the tables parameter in the original function in the form of
str = "hello"
width = 180
str1 = "world"
it shows like this.but when it returns once i can able to get the top address of table like [[table:0x0989]]..when i tried acessing the tables which is present inside the main is showing a nil do i call that ?? can anyone help me??
If I'm reading it correctly you're doing this:
function my_function ()
--do something
return ({a=1, b=2, c=3})
From that you should be able to do this:
my_table = my_function()
print(my_table.a) --=> 1
print(my_table.b) --=> 2
print(my_table.c) --=> 3
