Parsing twilio transcription GET request within studio flow? - twilio

EDIT: My question is similar to Twilio - Studio - HTTP Request except that the response I get is in xml rather than JSON. So is there a way i can specify a particular xml tag using liquid?
I have designed a studio flow which is as follows
On Incoming call:
Plays message telling caller to leave a voicemail
Records voicemail
Upon hangup, retrieves the transcription of the voicemail using the 'Make HTTP Request' widget using "GET{AccountSid}/Recordings/{RecordingSid}/Transcriptions/ "
Sends that response to a phone number via SMS by putting "{{widget.http_request.body}}" in the message box of the "send_message" widget.
Now I'm so close to that goal however I am having trouble on step 4. I need the response to be turned into just the tag within the xml response. Instead I get the entirety of it which looks like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Transcriptions end="0" firstpageuri="/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC8275ec8e6fb8c37d6b2a5eca99f0dae6/Recordings/RE1595c7b8bc2b8850401ba44fba0dd24d/Transcriptions?PageSize=50&Page=0" nextpageuri="" page="0" pagesize="50" previouspageuri="" start="0" uri="/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC8275ec8e6fb8c37d6b2a5eca99f0dae6/Recordings/RE1595c7b8bc2b8850401ba44fba0dd24d/Transcriptions?PageSize=50&Page=0">
<DateCreated>Wed, 17 Aug 2022 19:27:18 +0000</DateCreated>
<DateUpdated>Wed, 17 Aug 2022 19:27:42 +0000</DateUpdated>
<TranscriptionText>Hello. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello. Hello.</TranscriptionText>
As you can see, I only need the content between the "TranscriptionText" tags, but currently my HTTP_Request widget returns all of the above. How can I do this within studio? I am trying to keep everything contained in Twilio so any solutions involving outside servers are not desired.
Thank you!

Try adding .json to the end, like below, to get a JSON response Studio can parse.


AWS Lambda Serverless endpoint exits without executing function

We have a POST endpoint in our serverless api which listens to a Magento 2 integration activation callback and processes the payload. The Content-Type of this callback request is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. However, when we try to get the callback, the lambda function finishes execution immediately, skipping the entire function body. What we see in the Cloudwatch logs is only this. Not even console.logs are printed. (the endpoint only prints a string to the console. No async operations are in place. Yet this problem persists)
2020-12-12T12:24:47.012+05:30 START RequestId: 4afba03d-54ef-4b5e-bd44-157b0b7a9f9b Version: $LATEST
2020-12-12T12:24:47.050+05:30 END RequestId: 4afba03d-54ef-4b5e-bd44-157b0b7a9f9b
2020-12-12T12:24:47.050+05:30 REPORT RequestId: 4afba03d-54ef-4b5e-bd44-157b0b7a9f9b Duration: 37.83 ms Billed Duration: 38 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 109 MB Init Duration: 893.79 ms
When we try to hit the same endpoint from POSTMAN with Content-Type: application/json, the endpoint works as expected.
Therefore we thought that the problem might be the Content-Type header and read somewhere that adding request mapping templated would solve this problem. Therefore, we even added a mapping template for content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded in the integration request of the lambda method with following content, time to time. But our problem was not solved unfortunately.
"{ "body": "$util.base64Decode($input.body)" }"
"formparams" : $input.json('$')
"body" : $input.json('$')
My question is: How we can set the endpoint to print the POST request payload, preventing it from immediate exiting?
We have been searching for a solution to this problem since a week. It would be a great help, if someone can input their helpful, valuable suggestions to solve this problem. Thanks in advance
Since the Content-Type of the Magento 2 Integration activation callback is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the lambda event for that POST request was something like this.
console.log(event) -> {body: "a=var&b=other_var&c=another_var"}
The endpoint didn't even print anything because I had put console.log(JSON.parse(event. body)). This results in a JSON parse error and the endpoint immediately finishes execution.
When I started parsing the query parameter event body instead of JSON.parse(), the problem was solved.

HTTP POST returns 21201 - No 'To' Number Specified - MS Flow

Looking to send an HTTP POST through Microsoft Flow/Power Automate to make a voice call in Twilio. I feel like I've tried every iteration possible, but keep getting the error 21201:
"code": 21201,
"message": "No 'To' number is specified",
"more_info": "",
"status": 400
Screenshot of Power Automate HTTP Action
I've seen other vids of people using Azure Functions with C# and it feels like I should be able to do what I need, really close. But I'm not a dev, so maybe I'm way off. Would appreciate any direction on this.
The issue appears to be you are sending a content type of application/json where Twilio requires application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Creating or Updating Resources with the HTTP POST and PUT Methods
Also found this:
Custom connector action with x-www-form-urlencoded content-type

Microsoft Graph NextLink Not Working

I'm having problems using the server-side paging, utilizing the #odata.nextlink to fetch the next page of data from Microsoft Graph, based on the information in this page. I'm using raw GETs, with the authorization token set in the header (ie, I'm not using a language API, I'm trying this from Powershell using curl). I've scrubbed sensitive data from the following snippets, replacing them with x's, but hopefully the problematic info comes across.
For the first GET, I query with!Gxxxxx-xxxxxxge/root:/ReallyBigFolder:/children?top=200
and I get a response with 200 items, as expected. The #odata.nextlink field in this response is!Gxxxxx-xxxxxxge/root/children?top=200&$skiptoken=Paged%3dTRUE%26p_SortBehavior%3d0%26p_FileLeafRef%3d279%252ezip%26p_ID%3d208%26p_FileDirRef%3dMaintenance%2520Department%252fReallyBigFolder%26RootFolder%3dMaintenance%2520Department%252fReallyBigFolder
For the examples in the Microsoft Graph documentation linked above, the $skiptoken=... part has random-looking numbers, but mine has $skiptoken=Paged=TRUE&etc. Perhaps the API has changed the response since the documentation was written, or mine is completely incorrect.
My understanding from the documentation is that I should be able to use this URL as an opaque value, and GET it from the Graph API (with auth token of course) without modification. However, when I do this, the response is
Where I'm expecting to get another 200 files listed, there are no files returned at all, and it appears the path is gone, pointing to the root rather than the subfolder like it should have been.
I've also tried this in Graph Explorer with both the /beta and /v1.0 endpoints, and it fails in the same way there as well.
Where am I going wrong?
Edit with details for debugging: Note: Graph Explorer doesn't seem to display the Date field from headers, so I'm using Postman Chrome Plugin for these values.
First GET request is to
With response headers
Cache-Control →private
Content-Encoding →gzip
Content-Type →application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true;IEEE754Compatible=false;charset=utf-8
Date →Fri, 26 May 2017 19:07:54 GMT
Duration →2033.3889
OData-Version →4.0
Transfer-Encoding →chunked
Vary →Accept-Encoding
client-request-id →6faf5d1d-a291-410a-b269-f4667187d7cb
request-id →6faf5d1d-a291-410a-b269-f4667187d7cb
x-ms-ags-diagnostic →{"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"North Central US","Slice":"SliceB","ScaleUnit":"002","Host":"AGSFE_IN_11","ADSiteName":"CHI"}}
and nextLink (obfuscated slightly for security)!xxx-xxxge/root/children?$skiptoken=Paged%3dTRUE%26p_SortBehavior%3d0%26p_FileLeafRef%3d279%252ezip%26p_ID%3d208%26p_FileDirRef%3dGSH%2520Test%252fMaintenance%2520Department%252fReally%2520Big%2520Folder%252fReallyBigFolder%26RootFolder%3d%252fGSH%2520Test%252fMaintenance%2520Department%252fReally%2520Big%2520Folder%252fReallyBigFolder
Following the nextLink produces headers (unchanged headers omitted):
Date →Fri, 26 May 2017 19:15:17 GMT
Duration →512.9537
client-request-id →6ba61712-a423-4bc8-9376-cc62bf854329
request-id →6ba61712-a423-4bc8-9376-cc62bf854329
x-ms-ags-diagnostic →{"ServerInfo":{"DataCenter":"North Central US","Slice":"SliceA","ScaleUnit":"001","Host":"AGSFE_IN_7","ADSiteName":"CHI"}}
and resulting body:
"#odata.context": "$metadata#drives('b%21xxxx-xxxxge')/root/children",
"value": []
You are correct that the nextLink should be an opaque URL that returns you the next set of results. The format of that string may change over time, so you should not try to parse or otherwise interpret the string, but the usage should be the same.
The response that you are getting back is consistent with an empty result -- meaning that there are no additional files to list.
How many results do you have in ReallyBigFolder? What happens if you set top to a different value (say, 5? 1000?)
Note that the #odata.context describes the result, but is not necessarily the same as the request URL. Is the #odata.context that you get back from nextLink different than that you got back from the initial request? It should be the same...

twilio Message tag not working

Why is this failing?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Body>Store Location: 123 Easy St.</Body>
I am receiving the following error:
Warning: 12200 - Schema validation warning
Parse error found on line 1 of the Raw Response
I did a diff with the original example, and it's EXACTLY the same!
Original example is listed here:
I looks like you are building your application with Twilio as a Voice call application instead a SMS Message application.
The url suggested that you are accesing your application as a voice call application, if not it would be{some other id}.

Fault calling SAP web service with generated SUDZC proxy: CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT

Trying to call a SAP SOAP Web Service from a generated sudzc app shows errors I don't know:
SudzCExamples[5192:f803] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope
xmlns:soap="" xmlns="urn:sap-
SudzCExamples[5192:f803] <soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-
xml:lang="en">CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT:XSLT exception.System expected element
exception.System expected element 'IYear'</Exception_Text></ChainedException>
<Exception_Name>CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT</Exception_Name><Exception_Text>System expected
element 'IYear': Main Program:/1BCDWB/WSS825E06E4DEC40F9171D|
Program:/1BCDWB/WSS825E06E4DEC40F9171D| Line: 18| Valid:X</Exception_Text>
2012-03-11 20:09:30.631 SudzCExamples[5192:f803] soap-env:Server CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT:XSLT
exception.System expected element 'IYear'
The strange thing is that it seems as if the request has the IYear element. Can someone tell me where to search the problem?
I ran into this same problem yesterday and discovered the solution after some experimentation. First thing I did was use my SoapUI client to make the request successfully. SoapUI comes with a free trial and even if you do not use the free trial you can still use it to make accesses to the web service without registering it. I used the xml from the successful request I made to compare against the request that SudzC was making. They differ in several ways, and the way that SudzC forms the request is not sufficient.
My suggestion to you is to compare the two requests and change SudzC's request to match the SoapUI request. You can do this by editing the Soap source code that SudzC gives to you, this source code is found particularly in the Soap.m file in the createEnvelope function.
Also, if your requests have an empty header SudzC does not include the header part of the request. Hard code in an empty header after the namespace portion of the envelope. Doing all this fixed this exact issue for me.
