VS 2019 takes a long time unloading projects in a solution - visual-studio-2019

I have a solution with 60 projects and Visual Studio 2019 - Version 16.11.17 takes around 4-5 mins unloading all of them when I try to exit VS or do File -> Close Solution.
Here I show a solution with just 3 projects but the process is same with more too.
I did not notice this with earlier versions of VS.
Thanks in advance.


How do I stop visual studio 2022 and 2019 from sharing recent projects list

When visual studio starts it shows a recents list (and has one on the file menu).
Our team has VS2022 and VS2019 installed in parallel because we're migrating some solutions to .net 6 and want to leave the legacy projects maintainable on their own branches until we can release the migrated solution.
Unfortunately they show the same recent list which means that 2019 solutions are in the 2022 list and 2022 solutions are appearing in the 2019 list.
How can I stop them sharing the recents list?
Had the same issue with VS2019 and VS2022.
Found a working solution that does not require any plugin.
In your VS2022 settings disable the "Synchronize Visual Studio..." setting seen in the screenshot below (Tools -> Options -> Accounts).
In VS2019 there is a similar setting but disabling this only in VS2022 was enough for me.
Not sure what other behavior disabling this setting causes. But so far I haven't noticed any problems.
I tried the suggestion from this Microsoft forum, but removing a project from recent list syncs the change on both VS versions. At first I thought it worked but after several seconds, up to a minute, the change is synced.
This post suggest to use a plugin for customizing the Start page of Visual Studio, but it is only for 2019 and not updated since 2019, I choose not to try it, but can be useful to someone.
There is also an option to create a custom Start page, but this seems overly complicated for me.
I did not found the issue logged in https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/.

Trouble running specflow tests with VS2015 and resharper?

I'm using SpecFlow with Visual Studio 2013 without issue with Resharper 8.2. If I try running the tests in Visual Studio 2015 with Resharper 10 I get a "Not implemented" error if I right click a scenario and choose Run Unit Tests (worked in 2013 this way) and if I choose the Run SpecFlow Scenario option instead the project seems to build but the test never runs.
Has anyone else run into this? I tried uninstalling resharper, but it tells me no tests are found if I do that and "Run SpecFlow Scenarios" inside my feature file.
In my case the only thing I had to change is the follwoing setting fdrom Auto to Resharper - and it worked:
Its a known issue with Resharper 10 (And some versions of 9) and Specflow (The bindings)
I spent many hours last week banging my head against a wall with it (Someone decided to upgrade to R# 10 and all hell breaks loose with testing)
After many hours of playing around I worked out that certain versions work with certain versions of specflow (Currently)..
Image of versions grid (Selenium to Resharper version combinations that work) http://i.stack.imgur.com/Zxh9G.png (Text as I cant post more than 2 links -_-)
This is hopefully a short term issue (For VS 2013/2015 anyways) as there is what looks like a fix in progress. Here for these two versions of visual studio (Specflow wise). Those links have more info in them (Than my short explanation)
For anyone still using VS 2010 or 2012 whether the Specflow plugin will ever be updated for these versions I don't know... (That being that version 1.9.2 of specflow) for those versions of VS has not been updated since 2013... (Could be updated I don't know however keep that in mind...)
The issue is basically Resharper test hooks have been changed again by the looks of it in R# 9.2+ (In some way). Which is why SpecFlow is not playing ball any more with higher versions! (Basically a waiting on a updated version) which for VS 2010 and 2012 may never come :(
I am using VS2015 / ReSharper Ultimate 2016.1.2 and was able to run after installing SpecRun.Runner v1.5.2 from NuGet / restarting VS2015. (As a side note I also have the "SpecFlow for Visual Studio 2015" extension installed).

Add View Context Menu in VS 2015 is Painfully Slow

In my Visual Studio 2015 MVC project, when I right-click a menu under the Views folder
and select Add -> View... the dialog is painfully slow to appear (about 60 seconds slow).
Some contextual information that might be helpful:
Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition
Running on a Parallels VM w/8GB (so it probably shouldn't be this slow)
The project I'm working in has been upgraded from MVC 3 -> 4 -> 5.
ReSharper 10.0.1
I reinstall my operate system, the problem seems resolved. But it came again when my project rewrite the router in MVC5. So I guess the problem is in MVC Router.
If you build a new project, the problem will resolve. So check you MVC project, Especially if you have override your Router in MVC5.

Why is visual studio 2013 loading suddenly so long, when ending debugging?

Visual studio suddenly needs 10x more time to end my debugging session then last week.
I had the issue some month ago and I cleared it by re-installing VS 2013. But in my mind it´s not a proper solution to re-install it every half year.
Any ideas?

speed up visual studio 2010 build asp.net mvc

Right now our team's ASP.NET MVC 2.0 web project takes about 4 minutes to do build on debug. We have the following things included on our project:
t4MVC templates
compiling the asp.net mvc's views on all builds
My work pc is a
Intel core 2 duo T7250 # 2.00 Mhz.
Windows 7 32 bit ultimate
4 gb ram
I am also getting the same build times, on my desktop
Intel core 2 Duo E6550 Conroe 2.33GHz
6gb ram
ocz ssd drive
I do not see any difference between my desktop and laptop? I am guessing that it CPU bound? I may need to upgrade my box?
I did set this to false, and the build times went from 3 minutes before now down to 5 seconds.
I believe the problem is the compiling the asp.net mvc views. I am still need to see why it takes so long?
Have you tried building the project with msbuild instead of from visual studio? this may give you a clue where the bottlenecks are.
See also:
How to troubleshoot long builds in Visual Studio?
Very long build time in Visual Studio.
I had tried all of the options given too me. I upgrade my machine # home and can build under 15 seconds with true. I am guessing that it is a CPU bound problem.
