Nixos 22.05 system build fails when referencing channel "file 'nixos-2111' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)" - nix

When running sudo nixos-rebuild --upgrade boot I run into an error of:
error: file 'nixos-2111' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)
at /etc/nixos/chris.nix:30:23:
29| };
30| nixos-2111 = import <nixos-2111> {
| ^
31| config = config.nixpkgs.config;
This only occurred after I updated the nixos channel with sudo nix-channel --add nixos (for the purpose of upgrading my Nixos system). This config built correctly previously (which is on 20.09).
What might be the cause of this issue? How can I diagnose this further? That channel definitely exists according to:
sudo nix-channel --list
nix repl '<nixos-2111>'
Welcome to Nix version 2.3.11. Type :? for help.
Loading '<nixos-2111>'...
Added 15491 variables.
My only suspicion is the new nix version of 2.8 from the prior 2.3.11 - perhaps it uses an different set of channels?
Update: Just removed the references to this channel (and the associated packages), and it built successfully. Which is weird as there were other channels referenced in this exact format so maybe something specifically to do with 21.11...


Ghostscript installed but not found RGhost::Config::GS[:path]='/path/to/my/gs'

I've been trying for a few hours now solve this problem and I looked everywhere for a solution and I did not find one. I'm trying to run a spec test for my project and I have the following error coming up:
Ghostscript not found in your system environment (linux-gnu).
Install it and set the variable RGhost::Config::GS[:path] with the executable.
Example: RGhost::Config::GS[:path]='/path/to/my/gs' #unix-style
RGhost::Config::GS[:path]="C:\\gs\\bin\\gswin32c.exe" #windows-style
And I do try to put RGhost::Config::GS[:path]='/usr/local/bin/gs' and it returns:
bash: RGhost::Config::GS[:path]=/usr/local/bin/gs: No such file or directory
but ghostscript is installed, I did everything (make, sudo make install, etc etc) and when I run gs -v it returns:
GPL Ghostscript 9.26 (2018-11-20)
Copyright (C) 2018 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
When I use the user interface and search for "gs" in the "Files" application, it is found in /home/marcelle/projects/ghostscript-9.26/bin/gs and I also tried:
and it returns the same error:
bash: RGhost::Config::GS[:path]=/home/marcelle/projects/ghostscript-9.26/bin/gs: No such file or directory
I also tried to delete ghostscript from my notebook with autoremove and purge and installed it again using what I mentioned before (./configure, make, sudo make install), restarted the notebook, the terminal and nothing.
PS: I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.
I managed to figure out a solution. Looking for the code for the Rghost, what I saw in its spec is that the path expected was different than the path the ghostscript really is.
When I run whereis or which on my terminal, it returns:
which gs
So I was trying to point to this path. But seeing the spec test for Rghost which I found on github for Rghost, we can see that it expects /usr/bin/gs:
it 'should detect linux env properly' do
RGhost::Config::GS[:path].should == '/usr/bin/gs'
So it expects /usr/bin and not /usr/local/bin.
Then I just copied to that path and the spec ran with no problems anymore:
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/gs /usr/bin
I've no experience with Ruby at all, but I also got this error when using asciidoctor, which uses rghost for the PDF generation.
The command RGhost::Config::GS[:path]='/path/to/my/gs' mentioned in the error is not a shell command, which is why bash couldn't handle it. However, to me it wasn't immediately clear what to do with this command either. I expected an easy way to set this variable somewhere, but couldn't find it.
What worked for me was searching the rghost.rb file, which is where this variable is set and can be changed. In Windows, it was located in C:\Ruby30-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.0.0\gems\rghost-0.9.7\lib\rghost.rb.
In this file, I added the following line, which solved the problem:
RGhost::Config::GS[:path]="C:\\Program Files\\gs\\gs9.55.0\\bin\\gswin64c.exe"
NB: the mentioned paths can be different for everyone, so make sure to use that paths that are valid for your system.

How can I reset my nix environment to the original user profile?

I believe I ran nix-env -if example.nix which changed my nix environment.
How can I undo this action?
I'm trying to run a application that is specified in my nixos config (/etc/nixos/*), however it no longer seems available (within the $PATH).
Seems it might be nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/default (according to ?
I run nix-env -e '*' to remove all packages from my profile installed via nix-env regularly and move anything I want to use into environment.systemPackages so all my packages are tracked in my nixos configuration declaratively. As for debugging why the application specified in your configuration.nix isn't in your path, an application specified in your configuration.nix should be symlinked to /run/current-system/sw/bin, so the first thing would be to check that the binary you're looking for is listed in there and second that is in your $PATH.

Anyone else get this error "Error: invalid option: --with-passenger"

Can not get NGINX to install with passenger
Following the steps you are supposed to...
brew install passenger
Then you run the following command...
brew install nginx --with-passenger
But I get:
Error: invalid option: --with-passenger
Could not find any resources about this online, so asking here.
$ brew install nginx --with-passenger
Usage: brew install [options] formula
Install formula.
formula is usually the name of the formula to install, but it can be specified
in several different ways.
-d, --debug If brewing fails, open an interactive
debugging session with access to IRB or a
shell inside the temporary build directory
--env If std is passed, use the standard build
environment instead of superenv.If super
is passed, use superenv even if the formula
specifies the standard build environment.
--ignore-dependencies Skip installing any dependencies of any
kind. If they are not already present, the
formula will probably fail to install.
--only-dependencies Install the dependencies with specified
options but do not install the specified
--cc Attempt to compile using provided
compiler. compiler should be the name
of the compiler's executable, for instance
gcc-7 for GCC 7. In order to use LLVM's
clang, use llvm_clang. To specify the
Apple-provided clang, use clang. This
parameter will only accept compilers that
are provided by Homebrew or bundled with
macOS. Please do not file issues if you
encounter errors while using this flag.
-s, --build-from-source Compile the specified formula from source
even if a bottle is provided. Dependencies
will still be installed from bottles if
they are available.
--force-bottle Install from a bottle if it exists for the
current or newest version of macOS, even if
it would not normally be used for
--include-test Install testing dependencies required to
run brew test.
--devel If formula defines it, install the
development version.
--HEAD If formula defines it, install the HEAD
version, aka. master, trunk, unstable.
--fetch-HEAD Fetch the upstream repository to detect if
the HEAD installation of the formula is
outdated. Otherwise, the repository's HEAD
will be checked for updates when a new
stable or development version has been
--keep-tmp Don't delete the temporary files created
during installation.
--build-bottle Prepare the formula for eventual bottling
during installation.
-f, --force Install without checking for previously
installed keg-only or non-migrated
-v, --verbose Print the verification and postinstall
--display-times Print install times for each formula at the
end of the run.
-i, --interactive Download and patch formula, then open a
shell. This allows the user to run
./configure --help and otherwise
determine how to turn the software package
into a Homebrew package.
-g, --git Create a Git repository, useful for
creating patches to the software.
-h, --help Show this message.
Error: invalid option: --with-passenger
This is supposed to work... so yeah.
A late answer. Obviously the documentation on the passenger site is outdated at time of this writing.
According to phusion's github site
the config option --nginx-with-passenger is not valid anymore.
Instead do:
brew install nginx passenger
When using google search for results currently the old page comes up at the top of the list. Here's the currently maintained page with the accurate information:

`docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH

After the latest updates to gcloud and docker I'm unable to access images on my google container repository. Locally when I run: gcloud auth configure-docker as per the instructions after updating gcloud, I get the following message:
WARNING: `docker-credential-gcloud` not in system PATH.
gcloud's Docker credential helper can be configured but it will not work until this is corrected.
gcloud credential helpers already registered correctly.
Running which docker-credential-gcloud returns docker-credential-gcloud not found.
I have no other gcloud-related path issues and for the life of me can't figure out how to install/add docker-credential-gcloud to path. Here's what I have installed (shown via gcloud version):
Google Cloud SDK 197.0.0
beta 2017.09.15
bq 2.0.31
core 2018.04.06
gsutil 4.30
I also have Docker CE Version 18.03.0-ce-mac60 (23751).
Here's my $PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
I also ran source /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/ on original gcloud install.
Notice: All docker-credential-gcr below can be replaced with docker-credential-gcloud. I think it is just different versions of gcloud, I might be wrong.
I used Homebrew Cask to install gcloud too. I installed docker-credential-gcr with
$ gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr
And then like you said, which docker-credential-gcr doesn't gave you anything.
So I ran which gcloud to find there is a symlink to gcloud in /usr/local/bin. This symlink is created by Homebrew when you installed gcloud at first place. Now docker-credential-gcr wasn't installed by Homebrew but by gcloud itself, so there isn't a symlink.
I called readlink /usr/local/bin/gcloud and found out gcloud is installed in /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/bin/.
$ ls /usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/bin
There you should see docker-credential-gcr listed there.
I simply linked it to /usr/local/bin:
$ ln -s \
/usr/local/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr \
Then run:
$ docker-credential-gcr configure-docker
It should succeed.
Just had the same issue on Windows, running Docker with Linux containers, Docker engine v19.03.8. Using docker compose. I do not use gcloud for my dockerfiles...
DT1001 dockerpycreds.errors.InitializationError:
docker-credential-gcloud not installed or not available in PATH
Option 1: Edit the docker configuration file and remove all gcloud entries from there.
Windows c:/Users/<your account>/.docker/config.json
Linux & MacOS ~/.docker/config.json
Option 2: Go to Troubleshoot -> Reset to factory defaults.
After this my docker compose was creating containers and running the images without any issues.
On MacOS
Step 1:
Install gcloud and docker-credential-gcr,
following this tutorial
Step 2:
$ ln -s /usr/local/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-gcloud
Step 3:
$ rm -rf ~/.docker
Step 4:
$ docker-compose build --pull
Never found a way to directly resolve the docker-credential-gcloud issue, but the following got me up and running again. WARNING: the following will delete all your existing docker images and install a bunch of gcloud utilities:
gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr,
Restart the terminal completely
docker-credential-gcr configure-docker.
screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
umount /var/lib/docker/overlay2
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
Restart the terminal completely.
The new version of google-cloud-sdk has only docker-credential-gcr but not docker-credential-gcloud anymore. On the other hand one of my python packages always requested docker-credential-gcloud.
The solution was to symlink docker-credential-gcloud to docker-credential-gcr:
ln -s /path/to/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-gcloud
ls -l /usr/local/bin | grep docker should now print:
docker-credential-gcloud -> /path/to/google-cloud-sdk/bin/docker-credential-gcr
Usually, this error indicates that your $PATH variable has been clobbered by a package or program you have recently installed so that the Google Cloud SDK can't be found.
$PATH is altered by many programs when they install by altering ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc or their non-bash equivalents. With a bad $PATH, Google Cloud SDK is configured in docker but can't be seen as executables so we get this error. This assumes you have used the Google Cloud SDK in the past, but if gcloud is configured with your docker then you probably have. Don't reinstall gcloud or disable it, you already have it on your system and that is fine.
The solution then is to fix your $PATH, not to install anything.
echo $PATH
This should be a pretty long : delimited list of directories that your files are in. Do you see a google-cloud-sdk/bin in the string? Is the string way too short given all the trouble you've gotten into in your life on this computer? You use NVM but it is missing? Use Homebrew but it is missing? Try brew from the command line, does it work?
If the answer is "no" to any of the above, inspect the files above to see if there are any new entries at the bottom of each that might have broken things. Did you just install anything new?
Something is clobbering your $PATH and you need to figure out what that is. For me it is usually something to do with Anaconda Python via the conda init command. For you it might be nvm or something else. Figure out what it is and fix the problem. Don't start over with a new $PATH and install the same stuff over again or disable gcloud authentication.
It really seems to be something with the Homebrew Cask. I uninstalled the cask and then reinstalled the Google Cloud SDK by manually downloading the tar ball and running the packaged install script as described there.
Now docker-credential-gcloud is in my path:
$ which docker-credential-gcloud
I can't figure out what Google is trying to achieve here. On Linux there is docker-credential-gcloud and on Windows there is docker-credential-gcr.exe, and then there is docker-credential-gcloud.cmd which calls gcloud auth docker-helper. This is kind of a nightmare if you're trying to write portable build scripts or gradle rules because not everything seems capable of finding and calling docker-credential-gcloud.cmd when you exec docker-credential-gcloud... it might work from the dos prompt, but in general doesn't work.
After a ton of fooling around with .bat scripts, cygwin scripts, .cmd scripts and so forth, I found the best solution was to go into the gcloud installation and just copy docker-credential-gcr.exe docker-credential-gcloud.exe ... not a very satisfying solution, but is the only thing I found that would do the trick.
I got the issue when I tried to SSH from Google Cloud Build into an Engine VM Instance, so I had
- name: ''
args: ['compute', 'ssh',
'--project', '$PROJECT_ID',
'--zone', 'asia-southeast1-b',
'--command' ,'sh'
echo "Started: $(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
docker pull
echo "Finished: $(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
The issue was How to set PATH when running a ssh command?
So I just faced the same problem where I am trying to pull an image from GCR to an GCP instance and want to share my solution.
I ran gcloud auth configure-docker and got the warning:
WARNING: `docker-credential-gcloud\` not in system PATH.
gcloud's Docker credential helper can be configured but it will not work until this is corrected.
I applied the accepted answer for this thread and ran gcloud components install docker-credential-gcr and got a long error:
ERROR: (gcloud.components.install) You cannot perform this action because this Cloud SDK installation is managed by an external package manager.
Please consider using a separate installation of the Cloud SDK created through the default mechanism described at:
When no solution was working, I uninstalled the Google provided google-cloud-sdk package that was installed via snap and instlled with distro specifice package manager, for me that is apt-get as instructed in the Installing Google Cloud SDK: Installation options page and re-ran the gcloud auth configure-docker and this time it solved my problem.
In my case the problem was due to how WSL 1 works with Docker on Windows. At first I only installed and initialized gcloud in WSL Ubuntu, not in Windows. However as Docker daemon is actually run by Windows, you need to install gcloud for Windows as well (and don't forget to run all of the inits and authorizations there).
On Windows 10/11, you need to ensure that C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\ is added to your system $PATH environment variable. It may not have been added if the Google Cloud SDK was not able to add it during GCloud installation. So add it manually like this:
Windows Task Bar ➔ Press the search icon 🔍 or the search bar
Type "environment" ➔ and click on "Edit the System Environment Variables" (ensure that you have Administrator access)
At the bottom of the dialog, click the Environment Variables... button
System Variables ➔ click Path ➔ Edit... ➔ New ➔ paste in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\ (replace "USERNAME" with your username)
Close and restart any open Command Prompt windows.
Then verify on the Git Bash for Windows console:
Optional: Note that the AppData folder is hidden by default, so you may want to unhide AppData first, to see its contents.
Restart the Git Bash Terminal window
echo $PATH ➔ This should print a long string that contains: :/c/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin
where docker-credential-gcloud ➔ This should print C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\docker-credential-gcloud.cmd

command-not-found not working because programs.sqlite is missing

I'm on the unstable nix channel:
# nix-channel --list
# nix-channel --update
downloading Nix expressions from ‘’...
downloading ‘’... [ [6192/6921 KiB, 6143.1 KiB/s]
unpacking channels...
For some reason, command-not-found doesn't work:
$ command-not-found
/home/fabian command-not-found
DBI connect('dbname=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite','',...) failed: unable to open database file at /run/current-system/sw/bin/command-not-found line 13.
cannot open database `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite' at /run/current-system/sw/bin/command-not-found line 13.
Indeed, /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/programs.sqlite doesn't exist. What could be the reason for this?
FWIW, it seems nixos-install doesn't properly generate programs.sqlite.
I was seeing the same error on a fresh 17.03 install, even though it's working on other systems I have that are also on 17.03.
Manually running nix-channel --update was all that was needed to fix it for me. (I didn't run nixos-rebuild or anything that would have changed the versions of command-not-found.)
Apparently it's removed in the most recent channels/nixos builds and awaiting a replacement - refs (1) (2)
