How can i addFlag to activity window on Jetpack Compose? - android-jetpack-compose

i want to addFlag to activity window.If i call this function before setContent method in Activity that's works but when i call this function in any Composable function that's not working.
I read all message writed before related this but not working in my case


Have Stimulus wait for Dom changes using MutationObserver custom event listener before continuing

I am writing a Stimulus controller that has a function which needs wot wait for DOM changes before it can continue (As a Turbo Stream response needs to update a frame). Before the DOM change, it can't find the target, but it should be able to AFTER the DOM change.
I have successfully enabled MutationObserver, which is able to tell me that the child element was added--but this happens after the function/action is looking for it.
Therefore I found this article on how to use Mutation Observer to add a custom Event Listener.
I've gotten it to work as far as until the last step, where we code the Promise.
When I run the code, I get
undefined is not an object (evaluating "el.innerText.includes(text)
I tried changing it to
But that returned that it's not a function.
The instantiation of the MutationObserver is inside my connect() method:
connect() {
const observer = new MutationObserver( list => {
const evt = new CustomEvent('dom-changed', {detail: list});
observer.observe(document.body, {attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true});
the waitforText(el, text, maxWait=5000) function is a controller action currently.
I then run this.waitForText("h1", "Settings for") inside the function I need it to wait. I'm merely using a h1 for testing before I put it on an element that is within the same frame as that h1.

DCEF4 virtual keyboard is not showing up

I am using CEF4Delphi from
I am editing PopupBrowser2 example. There is Chromium1 component. I have added event, that is supposed to notify when keyboard is requested:
procedure TForm1.Chromium1VirtualKeyboardRequested(Sender: TObject; const browser: ICefBrowser;
input_mode: TCefTextInpuMode);
caption := 'kbd';
Sadly, when example loads google page, I click on search edit box and event is not called. How can I make event to be called?
TChromium.OnVirtualKeyboardRequested is one of the events of ICefRenderHandler and that handler is only used by browsers in off-screen mode (OSR mode).
The PopupBrowser2 demo uses browsers in normal mode (a.k.a. "windowed mode") which means that none of the ICefRenderHandler events will be triggered.
With PopupBrowser2 you will have to use a different event called GlobalCEFApp.OnFocusedNodeChanged
Check the with the HTML tag names that should show the virtual keyboard like "input" or "textarea" inside GlobalCEFApp.OnFocusedNodeChanged.
That event is executed in the render process and you will have to send a process message to the main browser process to show the keyboard.
The DOMVisitor demo shows you how to send that process message with the some parameters if you need them :
The browser process will receive that message in the TChromium.OnProcessMessageReceived event as you can see here :
Notice that TCefProcessMessageRef is created by the "New" function with a name. When you implement TChromium.OnProcessMessageReceived in your application you'll have to compare that has the same name value before handling it.

How to get text from alertbox in spectron-mocha-webdiverio

I am testing my electron app using spectron.
I am trying to get text from alertbox but getting an error.
I want to get the text from alert and if that is expected then accept it.
Test :
it('Check alert message', function() {
.waitForExist('#associates', 20000).should.eventually.equal(true)
.alertText().should.eventually.equal("You have to select any one")
I am getting the following error
no alert open
Error: An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open.
But I can see the alert.
As discussed with the WebDriverio community it is difficult to handle the default alert() function. They suggested to implement my own alert() like function. So using I implemented my own alert and the test is working fine.
Community discussion :
Spectron issue :

Alert dialog not working in Lua

I am using Lua with Gideros and having alert box to show up when back button is pressed.According to Gideros documentation, when first button is pressed, it returns index 1 but it does not really seem to work this way.I tested the app on my android phone.I realized the oncomplete function is not getting called at all, since I tried using a print statement and even it was not executed, so any idea why is is not getting called?
local function onKeyDown(event)
if event.keyCode == KeyCode.BACK then
local alertDialog ="Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to exit?", "Cancel", "Yes")
stage:addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, oncomplete)
function oncomplete(e)
if e.buttonIndex == 1 then
stage:addEventListener(Event.APPLICATION_SUSPEND, suspend)
application: exit()
function suspend()
application: exit()
-- key events are dispatched to all Sprite instances on the scene tree (similar to mouse and touch events)
stage:addEventListener(Event.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown)
As per the conversation the issue was that the event listener for the alert box close event was being attached to the stage instead of the alert dialog.
stage:addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, oncomplete)
instead of
alertDialog:addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, oncomplete)

jquery mobile trigger('create') callback function

I am using jquery mobile and using the $().trigger('create') function to initiate it. I need a callback after this function is done modifying the html with the new styling. Is this possible?
I need this because i need the new dimensions of the screen after an ajax load of new content.
I would use TriggerHandler(). You can bind to your custom event...
See the DEMO at the bottom of the link:
I found that the "updatelayout" event gets fired when I do a x$.trigger("create"). This from some js using Backbone...
var content$ = this.$el.find("#somediv");
content$.on('updatelayout', function () { alert("woo hoo"); });
content$.trigger("create"); // add some JQM magic, wait for the 'woo hoo'
From the jQuery api:
"This event is triggered by components within the framework that dynamically show/hide content, and is meant as a generic mechanism to notify other components that they may need to update their size or position."
It turns out that there is a devil in the detail. Not all triggered JQM content leads to a JQ "updatelayout" event. I had to add a wrapper div with 'data-role="controlgroup" in another case to get it to fire. More digging required...
