How can i trim URLs to root domain? i'm using notepad++ - url

I have a list of domain name with parameters
I need to find other parts with domain and I have to replace those parts.
Finally my result should look as follows. Expected result:
How can I attain this result?

Hi you can create a CNAME in the DNS setting with the pointing to
and same for the rest

In whatever programming language you use (which you don't disclose), find the relevant library handling URLs and use it to mutate them. DO NOT attempt to do that by string manipulation.


Why use "?" instead of ":" in URL?

We can use
'PATCH /companies/:id' : 'CompanyController.find'
to update data.
One suggested me that I can use the alternative way:
'PATCH /companies/find?key=Value'
But I do not know what it works. Please explain me why we prefer ? mark than : mark in search path.
You can use either or. The biggest reason most people chose one or the other is just how they want to present the URL to the user.
Using a path variable (:) can symbolize you're accessing a defined resource, like a user ID, where as an argument (?) can symbolize you're are dynamically changing/searching something within a defined resource, like a token or search term.
From what I can tell that's the general practice I see:
If we are firing GET request, ? symbol is used to let the server know the url parameter variables starts from there. And this is commonly used. I didn't used : symbol instead of ?
You are probably messing the things up:
According to your example, :id indicates a variable that must me replaced by an actual value in some frameworks such as Express. See the documentation for details.
And ? indicates the beginning of the query string component according to the RFC 3986.
It's a rule to design rest api
you can find 'how to design a rest api'
Assuming below code is Sails.js
'PATCH /companies/:id' : 'CompanyController.find'
It will makes REST API that be mapped onto 'CompanyController.find' by using PathParam. Like this
Second one will makes REST API by using QueryParam.
It also be mapped onto 'CompanyController.find'
But the API format is different. Like this
PathParam or QueryParam is fine to make REST API.
If the Key is primary for company entity,
I think PathParam is more proper than QueryParam.

Using Python RegEx in Zapier Formatter Extract Pattern

I have a field in an RSS item that includes a URL such as:,1
I'm trying to setup a Zap in Zapier using the Formatter tool to essentially extract the root domain without the .com. So:
I have no clue how to use the Formatter Extract Pattern tool though. Can't figure out the syntax.
Best case scenario, it can look at any URL and extract the name of the site (e.g. facebook/google/yelp). If that's too complicated, then I could provide a finite list of what terms to look for and have it return the first (and only) one found. So it would check if the URL contained facebook or google or yelp and if so return that name as a value.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
This is totally possible. The input is the text you want to search (the full url) and the pattern is your regular expression.
In your case, you want to find the word between www. and .com. Use the regular expression www\.(\w+)\.com.
That worked for me, and pulled out yelp.
You can see each part of the regex explained here:
​Let me know if you've got any other questions! url rewriting, without CNAME

I have to use URL filtering in one of my sites.
Take for example the site:
and I wish I could add something to the URL and filter based on that.
In writing this I would like to retrieve the "foo" and can use it.
This URL filtering should be done without CNAME (ie dynamic).
PS: Note that I do not want but
You may take a look at the following article which illustrates how you could define domain routes.

how to remove sitecore folder name in the url?

I created a sitecore year/month/day folder structure in the content tree, when i view each article under the folder node, the url could be http://local/landing/year/month/day/article1.aspx, how could I make the url like this: http://local/landing/article1.aspx?
just remove the year/month/day structure in the url.
Is there some function in sitecore like remove or hide special templates in the frontend url ?
Any help , Thanks .
You can do it in 2 ways:
Use IIS 7 Url rewrite module to change the url. This way the url will be rewritten before it gets to sitecore and you don't need to change any code. You can find more info at the iis website
You can create a custom Item resolver and add it to the RequestBegin sitecore pipeline. Alex Shyba wrote about it here.
It sounds like you may have thousands of these items, but even so, you may want to use the built in functionality of Sitecore and consider creating aliases for each of these items. Programmatically creating an the alias on an ItemSaved event or ItemCreated is probably easiest.
As #marto and #seth have said, you can use URL rewriting or aliases to solve this.
There is, however, a drawback to doing this, irrespective of how you choose to do it.
If you have very many items (your structure makes it sound like you may do) then either method will require that the URL is unique. Removing the date structure from the URL means that all items in your landing section will require unique URLs (whether inherited from their item names or by some other means). This can impact on SEO for your site, as authors may have difficulty finding an unused name that is also human readable and good for SEO. It's unlikely you want to use ugly GUIDs in your URLs.
2 options
Change Bucket configuration and the set the required folder structure, bucket configuration can be found in Sitecore.Buckets.config file
Extend GetFromRouteValue Item Resolver and overwrite the ResolveItem() method to get the bucket item.
The default GetFromRouteValue class reference can be found in Sitecore.MVC.config file and replace this with your own customized implementation.
We have implemented with customized routing and getting the exact item if the route path matches.

Extend Url Route to apply Url Encoding for each parameter

I am facing a problem that one of my fields need to be shown in the url contains special character (/, \, :).
The stupid way to handle this generate action links by using UrlEncode(). Then UrlDecode is used before consuming in controller. But I think it really stupid because too many places need to be adapted.
So, my problem is there any way to extend the url route or just write my own one to achieve it?
You can extend the System.Web.Routing.Route object to create a custom route and override the GetRouteData and GetVirtualPath methods. These are called to resolve a route's values and create a URL from given route values, respectively. However, I don't think URLs can contain URL encoded values for / (%2f) within the path portion of a URL though it is ok in a query string.
