Is there any way that we can create an export button that ask user download route and filename in AntD - antd

I just started to use Antd framework. I need an export button that it propt user to save it a route and filename.
Is there any way to make it?

You could use either
Modal or
imo both of them are suitable for that kind of task


Download file from server with save dialog electronjs

I am developing electron app. I am looking for way in which when user clicks on button then user can download the file from server at specific location ( save dialog).
I have tried various ways but none of them worked. I am looking for code. Thanks
Here's a minimal Gist example, openable from Electron Fiddle.
The crux of the code is that you should be using the dialog.showSaveDialog API to let the user choose a path for your file, and then use your preferred JavaScript method to write the file from the server to your filesystem.
IPC is used such that the button can tell the main process (which triggers the dialog and handles the filesystem operation) to do begin its work.
A good option would be using Electron-dl ( They present several options according to your usage.

Start a dowload from external link in Rails

I'm trying to write code in my controller download to start a download from some external url say So far I have built it this way:
def download
redirect_to ''
It works but the problem is that it opens a video in the same tab. What I want is that it should start a download in the browser of this video.
I searched about it in forums but couldn't find any solution. All I found was a way to download the video first using the URL and then provide it as download but that's not what I want. I want the download to start directly from the external URL.
I think this might help you: Download from a link with HTML5
In your case it would be:
download me
That way, from the same webpage you are, when the user clicks on it, it will start the download and you don't go throught the controller, but in case you want to go throught the controller "download" and then just render a page with some kind of information saying that is downloading or something else, then put that link I wrote above somewhere in that page (and if you want, you can give it a class name and with css hide that class so that link is not visible but it is there) and at the end a Javascript function that calls itself when it is loaded and performs the action of clicking to that link:
I should clarify that $('#whateverIdYouGiveToTheLink').click(); is jQuery and not pure Javascript, but since you are using Rails I assume the project has jQuery (by default Rails comes with jQuery).

Add-on for Submitting File from Clipboard

Is There A Browser-Add-on That Can Create A Temporary Txt File From My Clipboard And Populate The File Submit Dialog?
Guide for firefox:
Get the data from your clipboard with this: paste data from clipboard using document.execCommand("paste"); within firefox extension
Now you can either create a temporary file with something like OS.File:
Or create a object with something like window.createObjectUrl.
Then assuming the file submit dialog is prompted by a html5 uploader, then you should just set value of that html5 dialog box there are other ways though too, like mozSetDataAt, mozSetFileArray etc, search github for these keywords shows excellent examples:
You might need to use the mimeType of application/x-moz-file not sure. Definitely experiement with it and share your solution, and ask for help along the way. This is fun stuff.
There are probably other smarter ways to attach into a input type=file, i was trying to do it the other week. I would also be interested if someone else could share some solutions to actually trick the file input element to think the native file dialog was actually used, maybe using XPCOM.

How can I delete old translations?

I have noticed that when I change a word on a new action before submitting it to Facebook, it generates new translations. How can I delete old translations so that I don't need to translate them ?
Thank you,
In the translation tool view for your app, go to the “Dashboard”. There on the right side it should have a link saying something like “delete and re-import all strings/literals”.

How to hide 'Attach Files' option in Sharepoint 2007

I am creating lists in WSS 3.0 and I can hide most of the columns by default, like "Title" e.t.c, but I need to hide the 'Attach File' option, and I cannot find the way to do this.
Can anyone help me?
Go to the list settings page and choose advanced settings. You can disable attachments there.
You're going to need to create a custom Edit Form for your list(s) that doesn't contain the file attachment option. It will replace the metadata edit form that users see when they upload or edit metadata properties for list items in the given list(s).
Here is a nice tutorial on how to create and deploy a basic edit form replacement.
