How to set the graph learner id in mlr3pipelines? - mlr3

I construct a benchmark with 4 graph learners on 1 dataset. The learner_id of the result of the benchmark is so long because I have some preprocessings. How can I set the learner id so that it wouldn't too long.
Here's my code:
# step 1 the task
all_plays <- readRDS("../000files/all_plays.rds")
pbp_task <- as_task_classif(all_plays, target="play_type")
split_task <- partition(pbp_task, ratio=0.75)
task_train <- pbp_task$clone()$filter(split_task$train)
task_test <- pbp_task$clone()$filter(split_task$test)
# step 2 the preprocess
pbp_prep <- po("select",
selector = selector_invert(
) %>>%
affect_columns = selector_name(c("posteam","defteam")),
applicator = as.factor) %>>%
filter = mlr3filters::flt("find_correlation"), filter.cutoff=0.3) %>>%
po("scale", scale = F) %>>%
# step 3 learners
rf_glr <- as_learner(pbp_prep %>>% lrn("classif.ranger", predict_type="prob"))
log_glr <-as_learner(pbp_prep %>>% lrn("classif.log_reg", predict_type="prob"))
tree_glr <- as_learner(pbp_prep %>>% lrn("classif.rpart", predict_type="prob"))
kknn_glr <- as_learner(pbp_prep %>>% lrn("classif.kknn", predict_type="prob"))
# step 4 benckmark grid
cv <- rsmp("cv",folds=10)
design <- benchmark_grid(
tasks = task_train,
learners = list(rf_glr,log_glr,tree_glr,kknn_glr),
resampling = cv
# step 5 benchmark
bmr <- benchmark(design,store_models = T)
# learner_id toooo long...
<BenchmarkResult> of 40 rows with 4 resampling runs
nr task_id learner_id resampling_id
1 all_plays select.colapply.find_correlation.scale.removeconstants.randomForest cv
2 all_plays select.colapply.find_correlation.scale.removeconstants.logistic cv
3 all_plays select.colapply.find_correlation.scale.removeconstants.decisionTree cv
4 all_plays select.colapply.find_correlation.scale.removeconstants.kknn cv
iters warnings errors
10 0 0
10 0 0
10 0 0
10 0 0
The learner_id is too long in this result and it's also bad for autoplot(bmr). How can I set the learner_id to make it short?
Thank you very much.

You can do:
#> Loading required package: mlr3
learner = as_learner(po("pca") %>>% po("learner", lrn("regr.rpart")))
learner$id = "my_id"
#> <GraphLearner:my_id>
#> * Model: -
#> * Parameters: regr.rpart.xval=0
#> * Packages: mlr3, mlr3pipelines, rpart
#> * Predict Types: [response], se, distr
#> * Feature Types: logical, integer, numeric, character, factor, ordered,
#> POSIXct
#> * Properties: featureless, hotstart_backward, hotstart_forward,
#> importance, loglik, missings, oob_error, selected_features, weights
Created on 2022-07-22 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


Clustered resampling for inner layer of Caret recursive feature elimination

I have data where IDs are contained within clusters.
I would like to perform recursive feature elimination using Caret's rfe function which performs the following procedure:
Clustered resampling for the outer layer (line 2.1) is straightforward, using the index parameter.
However, within each outer resample, I would like to tune tuning parameters using cluster-based cross-validation (inner resampling) (line 2.9). Model tuning in the inner layer is possible by specifying a tuneGrid in rfe and having an appropriate trControl. It is this trControl that I would like to change to allow clustered resampling.
The outer resampling is specified in the rfeControl parameter of rfe.
The inner resampling is specified by trControl of rfe which is passed to train.
The trouble I am having is that I can't seem to specify any inner indices, because after the outer resampling, those indices are no longer valid or no longer present in the outer-resampled data.
I am looking for a way to tell train to take an outer resample (which will be missing a cluster against which to validate), and to tune the model using inner resampling by based on folds of the remaining clusters.
The MWE is as minimal as possible:
range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
### Create some random data, 10 features, with some influence over a binomial outcome
id <- 1:1000
cluster <- rep(1:10, each = 100)
dat <- data.frame(id, cluster, replicate(10,rnorm(n = 1000, mean = runif(1, 0,100)+cluster, sd = runif(1, 0,20))))
dat <- dat %>% mutate(temp = rowSums(across(X1:X10)), prob = range01(temp), outcome = rbinom(n = nrow(dat), size = 1, prob = prob))
dat$outcome <- as.factor(dat$outcome)
levels(dat$outcome) <- c("control", "case")
dat$outcome <- factor(dat$outcome, levels=rev(levels(dat$outcome)))
### Manual outer folds-based cluster ###
for(i in 1:10) {
assign(paste0("index", i), which(dat$cluster!=i))
unit_indices <- list(index1, index2, index3, index4, index5, index6, index7, index8, index9, index10)
### Inner resampling method (THIS IS WHAT I'D LIKE TO CHANGE) ###
cv5 <- trainControl(classProbs = TRUE, method = "cv", number = 5, allowParallel = F) ## Is there a way to have inner cluster-based resampling WITHIN the outer cluster-based resampling?
caret_rfe_functions <- list(summary = twoClassSummary,
fit = function (x, y, first, last, ...) {
train(x, y, ...)
pred = caretFuncs$pred,
rank = function(object, x, y) {
vimp <- varImp(object)$importance
vimp <- vimp[order(vimp$Overall,decreasing = TRUE),,drop = FALSE]
vimp$var <- rownames(vimp)
selectSize = function (x, metric = "ROC", tol = 1, maximize = TRUE)
if (!maximize) {
best <- min(x[, metric])
perf <- (x[, metric] - best)/best * 100
flag <- perf <= tol
else {
best <- max(x[, metric])
perf <- (best - x[, metric])/best * 100
flag <- perf <= tol
min(x[flag, "Variables"])
selectVar = caretFuncs$selectVar)
caret_rfe_ctrl <- rfeControl(
functions = caret_rfe_functions,
saveDetails = TRUE,
index = unit_indices,
indexOut = NULL,
returnResamp = "all",
allowParallel = T, ### change this if you don't want to / can't go parallel
verbose = TRUE
#### Feature selection ####
cl <- makePSOCKcluster(10) ### for parallel processing if available
rfe_profile_nnet <- rfe(
form = outcome ~
X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 + X10,
data = dat,
sizes = seq(2,10,1),
rfeControl = caret_rfe_ctrl,
## pass options to train()
method = "nnet",
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
metric = "ROC",
tuneGrid = expand.grid(size = c(1:5), decay = 5),
trControl = cv5) ### I would like to change this to allow inner cluster-based resampling
Presumably the inner cluster-based resampling would be achieved by specifying a new trainControl containing some dynamic inner index based on the outer resample that is selected at the time:
inner_cluster_tune <- trainControl(classProbs = TRUE,
index = {insert magic here}, ### This is the important bit
returnResamp = "all",
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
allowParallel = F) ### especially if the outer resample is parallelised
If you try with the original cluster indices e.g.
inner_cluster_tune <- trainControl(classProbs = TRUE,
index = unit_indices,
returnResamp = "all",
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary,
allowParallel = F)
There are various warnings about missing data in the resamples, and things like 24: In [<*tmp*, , object$method$center, value = structure(list( ... : provided 81 variables to replace 9 variables.
All help greatly appreciated.
As a postscript question , you can see which parameters were used within your rfe like so:
> rfe_profile_nnet$fit
Neural Network
1000 samples
8 predictor
2 classes: 'case', 'control'
Pre-processing: centered (8), scaled (8)
Resampling: Cross-Validated (5 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 800, 800, 800, 800, 800
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
size Accuracy Kappa
1 0.616 0.1605071
2 0.616 0.1686937
3 0.620 0.1820503
4 0.618 0.1788491
5 0.618 0.1788063
Tuning parameter 'decay' was held constant at a value of 5
Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final values used for the model were size = 3 and decay = 5.
But does anyone know if this refers to one, or all of the outer resamples? Presumably the same tuning parameters won't necessarily be chosen across all outer resamples

sklearn oneclass svm KeyError

My Dataset is a set of system calls for both malware and benign, I preprocessed it and now it looks like this
Now I'm using tfidf to extract the features and then use ngram to make a sequence of them
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from time import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import svm, datasets
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM
nGRAM1 = 8
nGRAM2 = 10
weight = 4
main_corpus_MAL = []
main_corpus_target_MAL = []
main_corpus_BEN = []
main_corpus_target_BEN = []
my_categories = ['benign', 'malware']
# feeding corpus the testing data
print("Loading system call database for categories:")
print(my_categories if my_categories else "all")
import glob
import os
malCOUNT = 0
benCOUNT = 0
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join('C:\\Users\\alika\\Documents\\testingSVM\\sysMAL', '*.txt')):
fMAL = open(filename, "r")
aggregate = ""
for line in fMAL:
linea = line[:(len(line)-1)]
aggregate += " " + linea
malCOUNT += 1
for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join('C:\\Users\\alika\\Documents\\testingSVM\\sysBEN', '*.txt')):
fBEN = open(filename, "r")
aggregate = ""
for line in fBEN:
linea = line[:(len(line) - 1)]
aggregate += " " + linea
benCOUNT += 1
# weight as determined in the top of the code
train_corpus = main_corpus_BEN[:(weight*len(main_corpus_BEN)//(weight+1))]
train_corpus_target = main_corpus_target_BEN[:(weight*len(main_corpus_BEN)//(weight+1))]
test_corpus = main_corpus_MAL[(len(main_corpus_MAL)-(len(main_corpus_MAL)//(weight+1))):]
test_corpus_target = main_corpus_target_MAL[(len(main_corpus_MAL)-len(main_corpus_MAL)//(weight+1)):]
def size_mb(docs):
return sum(len(s.encode('utf-8')) for s in docs) / 1e6
# size of datasets
train_corpus_size_mb = size_mb(train_corpus)
test_corpus_size_mb = size_mb(test_corpus)
print("%d documents - %0.3fMB (training set)" % (
len(train_corpus_target), train_corpus_size_mb))
print("%d documents - %0.3fMB (test set)" % (
len(test_corpus_target), test_corpus_size_mb))
print("%d categories" % len(my_categories))
print("Benign Traces: "+str(benCOUNT)+" traces")
print("Malicious Traces: "+str(malCOUNT)+" traces")
print("Extracting features from the training data using a sparse vectorizer...")
t0 = time()
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(ngram_range=(nGRAM1, nGRAM2), min_df=1, use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True) ##############
analyze = vectorizer.build_analyzer()
X_train = vectorizer.fit_transform(train_corpus)
duration = time() - t0
print("done in %fs at %0.3fMB/s" % (duration, train_corpus_size_mb / duration))
print("n_samples: %d, n_features: %d" % X_train.shape)
print("Extracting features from the test data using the same vectorizer...")
t0 = time()
X_test = vectorizer.transform(test_corpus)
duration = time() - t0
print("done in %fs at %0.3fMB/s" % (duration, test_corpus_size_mb / duration))
print("n_samples: %d, n_features: %d" % X_test.shape)
The output is:
Loading system call database for categories:
['benign', 'malware']
177 documents - 45.926MB (training set)
44 documents - 12.982MB (test set)
2 categories
Benign Traces: 72 traces
Malicious Traces: 150 traces
Extracting features from the training data using a sparse vectorizer...
done in 7.831695s at 5.864MB/s
n_samples: 177, n_features: 603170
Extracting features from the test data using the same vectorizer...
done in 1.624100s at 7.993MB/s
n_samples: 44, n_features: 603170
Now for the learning section I'm trying to use sklearn OneClassSVM:
print("Training: ")
classifier = OneClassSVM(kernel='linear', gamma='auto')
fraud_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)
unique, counts = np.unique(fraud_pred, return_counts=True)
print (np.asarray((unique, counts)).T)
fraud_pred = pd.DataFrame(fraud_pred)
fraud_pred= fraud_pred.rename(columns={0: 'prediction'})
main_corpus_target = pd.DataFrame(main_corpus_target)
main_corpus_target= main_corpus_target.rename(columns={0: 'Category'})
this the output to fraud_pred and main_corpus_target
0 1
1 -1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 -1
6 1
7 -1
30 rows * 1 column
0 1
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
217 0
218 0
219 0
220 0
221 0
222 rows * 1 column
but when i try to calculate TP,TN,FP,FN:
##Performance check of the model
TP = FN = FP = TN = 0
for j in range(len(main_corpus_target)):
if main_corpus_target['Category'][j]== 0 and fraud_pred['prediction'][j] == 1:
TP = TP+1
elif main_corpus_target['Category'][j]== 0 and fraud_pred['prediction'][j] == -1:
FN = FN+1
elif main_corpus_target['Category'][j]== 1 and fraud_pred['prediction'][j] == 1:
FP = FP+1
TN = TN +1
print (TP, FN, FP, TN)
I get this error:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-1046cc75ba83> in <module>
7 elif main_corpus_target['Category'][j]== 0 and fraud_pred['prediction'][j] == -1:
8 FN = FN+1
----> 9 elif main_corpus_target['Category'][j]== 1 and fraud_pred['prediction'][j] == 1:
10 FP = FP+1
11 else:
c:\users\alika\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in __getitem__(self, key)
1069 key = com.apply_if_callable(key, self)
1070 try:
-> 1071 result = self.index.get_value(self, key)
1073 if not is_scalar(result):
c:\users\alika\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexes\ in get_value(self, series, key)
4728 k = self._convert_scalar_indexer(k, kind="getitem")
4729 try:
-> 4730 return self._engine.get_value(s, k, tz=getattr(series.dtype, "tz", None))
4731 except KeyError as e1:
4732 if len(self) > 0 and (self.holds_integer() or self.is_boolean()):
pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_value()
pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_value()
pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()
pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.Int64HashTable.get_item()
pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.Int64HashTable.get_item()
KeyError: 30
1) I know the error is because it's trying to access a key that isn’t in a dictionary, but i can't just insert some numbers in the fraud_pred to handle this issue, any suggestions??
2) Am i doing anything wrong that they don't match?
3) I want to compare the results to other one class classification algorithms, Due to my method, what are the best ones that i can use??
Edit: Before calculating the metrics:
You could change your fit and predict functions to:
fraud_pred = classifier.fit_predict(X_test)
Also, your main_corpus_target and X_test should have the same length, can you put the code where you create main_corpus_target please?
its created it right after the benCOUNT += 1:
main_corpus_target = main_corpus_target_MAL main_corpus_target.extend(main_corpus_target_BEN)
This means that you are creating a main_corpus_target that includes MAL and BEN, and the error you get is:
ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [30, 222]
The number of samples of fraud_pred is 30, so you should evaluate them with an array of 30. main_corpus_target contains 222.
Watching your code, I see that you want to evaluate the X_test, which is related to test_corpus X_test = vectorizer.transform(test_corpus). It would be better to compare your results to test_corpus_target, which is the target variable of your dataset and also has a length of 30.
These two lines that you have should output the same length:
test_corpus = main_corpus_MAL[(len(main_corpus_MAL)-(len(main_corpus_MAL)//(weight+1))):]
test_corpus_target = main_corpus_target_MAL[(len(main_corpus_MAL)-len(main_corpus_MAL)//(weight+1)):]
May I ask why are you calculating the TP, TN... by yourself?
You have a faster option:
Transform the fraud_pred series, replacing the -1 to 0.
Use the confusion matrix function that sklearn offers.
Use ravel to extract the values of the confusion matrix.
An example, after transforming the -1 to 0:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(fraud_pred, main_corpus_target['Category'].values).ravel()
Also, if you are using the last pandas version:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(fraud_pred, main_corpus_target['Category'].to_numpy()).ravel()

How to refer to previous targets in drake?

I would like to use the wildcard to generate a bunch of targets, and then have another set of targets that refers to those original targets. I think this example represents my idea:
plan <- drake_plan(
sub_task = runif(1000, min = mean__, max = 50),
full_task = sub_task * 2
step <- 1:4
full_plan <- evaluate_plan(
rules = list(
mean__ = step
So what I get now is 5 targets, 4 sub_tasks and a single final_task. What I'm looking for is to get 8 targets. The 4 sub_tasks (that are good), and 4 more that are based on those 4 good sub_tasks.
This question comes up regularly, and I like how you phrased it.
More about the problem
For onlookers, I will print out the plan and the graph of the current (problematic) workflow.
plan <- drake_plan(
sub_task = runif(1000, min = mean__, max = 50),
full_task = sub_task * 2
step <- 1:4
full_plan <- evaluate_plan(
rules = list(
mean__ = step
#> # A tibble: 5 x 2
#> target command
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 sub_task_1 runif(1000, min = 1, max = 50)
#> 2 sub_task_2 runif(1000, min = 2, max = 50)
#> 3 sub_task_3 runif(1000, min = 3, max = 50)
#> 4 sub_task_4 runif(1000, min = 4, max = 50)
#> 5 full_task sub_task * 2
config <- drake_config(full_plan)
Created on 2018-12-18 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
As you say, we want full_task_* targets that depend on their corresponding single_task_* targets. to accomplish this, we need to use the mean__ wildcard in the full_task_* commands as well. Wildcards are an early-days interface based on text replacement, so they do not need to be independent variable names in their own right.
plan <- drake_plan(
sub_task = runif(1000, min = mean__, max = 50),
full_task = sub_task_mean__ * 2
step <- 1:4
full_plan <- evaluate_plan(
rules = list(
mean__ = step
#> # A tibble: 8 x 2
#> target command
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 sub_task_1 runif(1000, min = 1, max = 50)
#> 2 sub_task_2 runif(1000, min = 2, max = 50)
#> 3 sub_task_3 runif(1000, min = 3, max = 50)
#> 4 sub_task_4 runif(1000, min = 4, max = 50)
#> 5 full_task_1 sub_task_1 * 2
#> 6 full_task_2 sub_task_2 * 2
#> 7 full_task_3 sub_task_3 * 2
#> 8 full_task_4 sub_task_4 * 2
config <- drake_config(full_plan)
Created on 2018-12-18 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

How to train a RNN with LSTM cells for time series prediction

I'm currently trying to build a simple model for predicting time series. The goal would be to train the model with a sequence so that the model is able to predict future values.
I'm using tensorflow and lstm cells to do so. The model is trained with truncated backpropagation through time. My question is how to structure the data for training.
For example let's assume we want to learn the given sequence:
And we unroll the network for num_steps=4.
Option 1
input data label
1,2,3,4 2,3,4,5
5,6,7,8 6,7,8,9
9,10,11,12 10,11,12,13
Option 2
input data label
1,2,3,4 2,3,4,5
2,3,4,5 3,4,5,6
3,4,5,6 4,5,6,7
Option 3
input data label
1,2,3,4 5
2,3,4,5 6
3,4,5,6 7
Option 4
input data label
1,2,3,4 5
5,6,7,8 9
9,10,11,12 13
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm just about to learn LSTMs in TensorFlow and try to implement an example which (luckily) tries to predict some time-series / number-series genereated by a simple math-fuction.
But I'm using a different way to structure the data for training, motivated by Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using LSTMs:
LSTM Future Predictor Model
Option 5:
input data label
1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8
2,3,4,5 6,7,8,9
3,4,5,6 7,8,9,10
Beside this paper, I (tried) to take inspiration by the given TensorFlow RNN examples. My current complete solution looks like this:
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
MAX_STEPS = 1000
def ground_truth_func(i, j, t):
return i * math.pow(t, 2) + j
def get_batch(batch_size):
seq = np.zeros([batch_size, NUM_T_STEPS, 1], dtype=np.float32)
tgt = np.zeros([batch_size, NUM_T_STEPS], dtype=np.float32)
for b in xrange(batch_size):
i = float(random.randint(-25, 25))
j = float(random.randint(-100, 100))
for t in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
value = ground_truth_func(i, j, t)
seq[b, t, 0] = value
for t in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
tgt[b, t] = ground_truth_func(i, j, t + NUM_T_STEPS)
return seq, tgt
# Placeholder for the inputs in a given iteration
sequence = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [BATCH_SIZE, NUM_T_STEPS, 1])
target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [BATCH_SIZE, NUM_T_STEPS])
fc1_weight = tf.get_variable('w1', [LSTM_SIZE, 1], initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0))
fc1_bias = tf.get_variable('b1', [1], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.1))
with tf.variable_scope('ENC_LSTM'):
lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(LSTM_SIZE)
multi_lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm] * LSTM_LAYERS)
initial_state = multi_lstm.zero_state(BATCH_SIZE, tf.float32)
state = initial_state
for t_step in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
if t_step > 0:
# state value is updated after processing each batch of sequences
output, state = multi_lstm(sequence[:, t_step, :], state)
learned_representation = state
with tf.variable_scope('DEC_LSTM'):
lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(LSTM_SIZE)
multi_lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([lstm] * LSTM_LAYERS)
state = learned_representation
logits_stacked = None
loss = 0.0
for t_step in xrange(NUM_T_STEPS):
if t_step > 0:
# state value is updated after processing each batch of sequences
output, state = multi_lstm(sequence[:, t_step, :], state)
# output can be used to make next number prediction
logits = tf.matmul(output, fc1_weight) + fc1_bias
if logits_stacked is None:
logits_stacked = logits
logits_stacked = tf.concat(1, [logits_stacked, logits])
loss += tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(logits - target[:, t_step])) / BATCH_SIZE
reg_loss = loss + LAMBDA_REG * (tf.nn.l2_loss(fc1_weight) + tf.nn.l2_loss(fc1_bias))
train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(reg_loss)
with tf.Session() as sess:
total_loss = 0.0
for step in xrange(MAX_STEPS):
seq_batch, target_batch = get_batch(BATCH_SIZE)
feed = {sequence: seq_batch, target: target_batch}
_, current_loss =[train, reg_loss], feed)
if step % 10 == 0:
print("#{}: {}".format(step, current_loss))
total_loss += current_loss
print('Total loss:', total_loss)
print('### SIMPLE EVAL: ###')
seq_batch, target_batch = get_batch(BATCH_SIZE)
feed = {sequence: seq_batch, target: target_batch}
prediction =[logits_stacked], feed)
for b in xrange(BATCH_SIZE):
print("{} -> {})".format(str(seq_batch[b, :, 0]), target_batch[b, :]))
print(" `-> Prediction: {}".format(prediction[0][b]))
Sample output of this looks like this:
### SIMPLE EVAL: ###
# [input seq] -> [target prediction]
# `-> Prediction: [model prediction]
[ 33. 53. 113. 213.] -> [ 353. 533. 753. 1013.])
`-> Prediction: [ 19.74548721 28.3149128 33.11489105 35.06603241]
[ -17. -32. -77. -152.] -> [-257. -392. -557. -752.])
`-> Prediction: [-16.38951683 -24.3657589 -29.49801064 -31.58583832]
[ -7. -4. 5. 20.] -> [ 41. 68. 101. 140.])
`-> Prediction: [ 14.14126873 22.74848557 31.29668617 36.73633194]
The model is a LSTM-autoencoder having 2 layers each.
Unfortunately, as you can see in the results, this model does not learn the sequence properly. I might be the case that I'm just doing a bad mistake somewhere, or that 1000-10000 training steps is just way to few for a LSTM. As I said, I'm also just starting to understand/use LSTMs properly.
But hopefully this can give you some inspiration regarding the implementation.
After reading several LSTM introduction blogs e.g. Jakob Aungiers', option 3 seems to be the right one for stateless LSTM.
If your LSTMs need to remember data longer ago than your num_steps, your can train in a stateful way - for a Keras example see Philippe Remy's blog post "Stateful LSTM in Keras". Philippe does not show an example for batch size greater than one, however. I guess that in your case a batch size of four with stateful LSTM could be used with the following data (written as input -> label):
batch #0:
1,2,3,4 -> 5
2,3,4,5 -> 6
3,4,5,6 -> 7
4,5,6,7 -> 8
batch #1:
5,6,7,8 -> 9
6,7,8,9 -> 10
7,8,9,10 -> 11
8,9,10,11 -> 12
batch #2:
9,10,11,12 -> 13
By this, the state of e.g. the 2nd sample in batch #0 is correctly reused to continue training with the 2nd sample of batch #1.
This is somehow similar to your option 4, however you are not using all available labels there.
In extension to my suggestion where batch_size equals the num_steps, Alexis Huet gives an answer for the case of batch_size being a divisor of num_steps, which can be used for larger num_steps. He describes it nicely on his blog.
I believe Option 1 is closest to the reference implementation in /tensorflow/models/rnn/ptb/
def ptb_iterator(raw_data, batch_size, num_steps):
"""Iterate on the raw PTB data.
This generates batch_size pointers into the raw PTB data, and allows
minibatch iteration along these pointers.
raw_data: one of the raw data outputs from ptb_raw_data.
batch_size: int, the batch size.
num_steps: int, the number of unrolls.
Pairs of the batched data, each a matrix of shape [batch_size, num_steps].
The second element of the tuple is the same data time-shifted to the
right by one.
ValueError: if batch_size or num_steps are too high.
raw_data = np.array(raw_data, dtype=np.int32)
data_len = len(raw_data)
batch_len = data_len // batch_size
data = np.zeros([batch_size, batch_len], dtype=np.int32)
for i in range(batch_size):
data[i] = raw_data[batch_len * i:batch_len * (i + 1)]
epoch_size = (batch_len - 1) // num_steps
if epoch_size == 0:
raise ValueError("epoch_size == 0, decrease batch_size or num_steps")
for i in range(epoch_size):
x = data[:, i*num_steps:(i+1)*num_steps]
y = data[:, i*num_steps+1:(i+1)*num_steps+1]
yield (x, y)
However, another Option is to select a pointer into your data array randomly for each training sequence.

Tuning parameters in caret error despite assigning grids and as.factor

Any help appreciated. Been at this for weeks. :(
install.packages("klaR", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("caret", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("e1071", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("gmodels", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("gbm", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("foreach", dependencies=TRUE)
Load Grading Data
grading <- read.csv("~/PA_DataFinal/GradingData160315.csv")
create stratified sample # 1%
dfstrat <- stratified(grading, "FailPass", .01)
save(dfstrat, file = "c:/Users/gillisn/Documents/PA_DataFinal/RResults/GradingRResults/iteration 1/dfstrat.rda")
split data into train and test #75:25. FailPass is the responseVble
inTrainingSet <- createDataPartition(dfstrat$FailPass, p = .75, list = FALSE)
trainSet <- dfstrat[inTrainingSet,]
testSet <- dfstrat[-inTrainingSet, ]
set predictors and labels
There are 48 labels and its the last one that want to train on.
Take all the predictors 1-47
x,y is training data
x <- trainSet[,-48]
y <- as.factor(trainSet$FailPass)
i,j is test data
i <- testSet[,-48,]
j <- as.factor(testSet$FailPass)
Set Training control parameters
Bootstrapping itself around in 25 times.
bootControl <- trainControl(number = 25)
The grid is for the decision tree
gbmGrid <- expand.grid(.interaction.depth = (1:5) * 2, .n.trees = (1:10)*25, .shrinkage = .1)
nbGrid <- expand.grid(.fL=0, .usekernel=FALSE)
svmGrid >- expandGrid(.sigma=, .c=)
Train the models
naive bayes
nbFit <- train(x,y,method='nb',tuneGrid="nbGrid")
svmFit <- train(x, y,method = "svmRadial", tuneLength = 10,trControl = bootControl, scaled = FALSE)
gbmFit <- train(x, y,method = "gbm", trControl = bootControl, verbose = FALSE, bag.fraction = 0.5, tuneGrid = gbmGrid)
predict the models on training data
models <- list(svm = svmFit, nb = nbFit, gbm = gbmFit)
