How to SUMIF identical data spread out on multiple columns - google-sheets

I using excel to organize my cut list for a panel board. I have a table created like so, and i need help creating a formula that adds the number of pieces of panels of identical dimension and material, regardless of which panel it belongs
I have done formulas before where the datas where in a single column and there was only 1 criteria to check using UNIQUE and SUMIF formulas. I can already extract all the unique dimensions using
but that all that i got for now.

={"Material", "Dimension", "Pcs";
QUERY({A2:C9; A2:A9, D2:E9; A2:A9, F2:G9},
"select Col1,Col2,sum(Col3) where Col1 is not null
group by Col1,Col2 label sum(Col3)''", 0)}


Only apply complex arrayformula() to rows with certain value in dataset

I have a quite complext formula (i mean that is complex to me) that Tom Sharpe helped me building to aggregate values and ordering them by months in a row(you can find the details in the original post but i think you'll only need the final formula which is:
=ArrayFormula(mmult(sequence(1,counta(A2:A),1,0), if((C2:index(C:C,counta(C:C))<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:index(D:D,counta(D:D))>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:index(E:E,counta(E:E)),0)))
and here is the result -> [J1:U1]
Now, what i would need to do as the final step is to be able to group data by a certain label (John or Jane in the example) on separate rows, but mantaining the order/aggregate by month on the row. On the example, this would mean having one row with only 'John' data and below, one with 'Jane' values.
I am struggling to understand how to adapt the formula to do so.
I have tried:
Using another array to first return a list of these labels with query(unique()) or something like that, but then i struggle looping in it with the other formula.
A bit more simplistic but it could work after all: on the 1st row (the cell next to where the data will be returned) writing 'John', on row 2 'Jane' and then using filter() to only pull data that matches. The 'John, Jane' value is for the example but the real labels won't be that many, the list of labels don't need to be dynamic.
The thing with these solutions is that they work when used separately, but i can't figure out how to nest this in the first arrayformula() that Tom helped me with...As i am just beginning with the google sheets queries.
I don't really need necessarily the complete formula/code but maybe just directions or tips to visualize the way i could solve this.
Thanks to all who might contribute
With hindsight I might have done better to go down the route of using a query to calculate the sums on my previous answer rather than Mmult.
This uses the same method as before to create a 2d array of amounts vs dates (going across) and individuals (going down). Then it uses Textjoin to generate a query to group by name with the required number of columns.
=ArrayFormula(query({A2:A,if((C2:C<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:D>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:E,0)},
"select Col1,sum(Col"&textjoin("),sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2))&") where Col1 is not null group by Col1"))
This is the generated query
select Col1,sum(Col2),sum(Col3),sum(Col4),sum(Col5),sum(Col6),sum(Col7),sum(Col8),sum(Col9),sum(Col10),sum(Col11),sum(Col12),sum(Col13) where Col1 is not null group by Col1
Ideally there should be an extra section saying label sum(Col2) '' etc. to suppress the 'Sum' headers.
=ArrayFormula(query({A2:A,if((C2:C<=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0)))* (D2:D>=eomonth(G2,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,0))),E2:E,0)},
"select Col1,sum(Col"&textjoin("),sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2))&") where Col1 is not null group by Col1 label sum(Col" & textjoin(") '', sum(Col",,sequence(1,datedif(G2,H2,"M")+1,2)) & ") ''"))

How can I combine multiple columns into one column in Google Sheets?

(Note: Please simply look at the Google sheet for the quickest understanding of what I'm describing in the below bulletpoints)
My data has rows which each represent an order
Each order (row) can consist of multiple products
For each product in an order (row) there is another set of columns in the same row
I need this data to convert into only one set of columns per row (i.e. one product per row)
The products (new rows) need to remain next to eachother so the columns can't just be added to the bottom of the array (which is more simple)
Can you please take a look at the example below and help me achieve this?
Example Sheet
Screenshot of linked sheet
Try this in another sheet
=SORT({query({Reference!$A5:$A,Reference!B5:F},"select * where Col2 is not null ");query({Reference!$A5:$A,Reference!G5:K},"select * where Col2 is not null ");query({Reference!$A5:$A,Reference!L5:P},"select * where Col2 is not null ")})

How to add extra text to Query results?

I have a sheet with data that a Google Form is continually adding data to. Once the data is added, there is a subset that I need to have sectioned off to another sheet.
I'm transposing the data so it sorts vertically for each Form's data, and the problem I'm running into is that I want each vertical selection to be individually labeled with the same consistent labels and I don't think I can make CONCATENATE work in this case (I would love to be proven wrong!).
Here's a link to the sheet:
Here's the formula I currently have in A1 on the 'Credential Request Form' sheet:
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY('Onboarding Form Responses'!A2:J,"Select F,B,C,D,G,A where A is not null order by A desc"))
This presents the data I want and in the order I want it, but without labels before the data (sorry, "label" might be the wrong word here). I've included an example of how I'd like the data to present in cells A9:A13 on the same sheet.
Is it possible to add those labels without a substantial amount of scripting?
No scripting needed.
You can use a similar formula for your needs:
=TRANSPOSE(query(ARRAYFORMULA({"Employee Name: "&'Onboarding Form Responses'!B2:B,
"Store Number: "&'Onboarding Form Responses'!F2:F,
"Parking Space: "&'Onboarding Form Responses'!G2:G}),
"Select Col1, Col2, Col3 where Col1 is not null order by Col1 desc"))
Notice that we use "Employee Name: "&'Onboarding Form Responses'!B2:B etc. for our ranges and then Col1, Col2, etc.

Query particular row + remove X columns + and sum the rest in one formula?

I have a CSV file that I'm pulling from a database. It's in an awkward layout so I need to reorganise it and display the result in a separate sheet.
Here is a dummy example of the data structure I get.
It looks like that. The database grows every day by date and sometimes countries so I need to account to that in my formula.
I need to pull data per each country and display it by date.
I don't need data from Column A, C and D. And when there are multiple states I need to sum them up in one column.
It should look like this and keep growing downwards. I'm gonna use this table for a graph chart
What I've tried so far
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("url_to_a_separate_sheet_where_I_importing_a_row_csv_file", "CSV-source-sheet!A1:500"), "SELECT * WHERE Col2='Germany'"))
This works, kinda. But pulls in unnecessary columns and I can't figure out how to sum countries with multiple states. When I add select sum(*) it gives me a big and long error. I assume it might be because of unnecessary columns that the formula cant sum up and I don't know how to omit them. I'm stuck
I tried offset and skipping no luck. Any ideas?
"select Col1,"&TEXTJOIN(",", 1,
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1
label Col1'Date'", 1)))
spreadsheet demo

Add column with cell values to tables merged using Query

I use this Query formula in Google Spreadsheet to merge tables from many source sheets into one table:
=query({Data1!A4:B;Data2!A4:B;Data3!A4:B}; "select * where Col1 is not null")
To distinguish original tables in the merged table, I need to add new column to the merged table with their identification. The indentification string is in cells on every source sheet. How to do it?
This is example spreadsheet I prepared for tests. Copy it to your Google Drive to make changes please.
I suspect the simplest way is the "long-winded" add a column in each sheet (say a new "A") and populate that with the sheet name, so then a query like so:
=query({Data1!A4:C;Data2!A4:C;Data3!A4:C}; "select * where Col2 is not null")
Edit re Comment:
Not the layout required but at least differentiates the source without adding anything to the sources:
={query(Data1!A4:B,"select * where A is not NULL label A '"&Data1!B1&"'");query(Data2!A4:B,"select * where A is not NULL label A '"&Data2!B1&"'");query(Data3!A4:B,"where A is not NULL label A '"&Data3!B1&"'")}
