ARKit: Tracking VisonCoreML detected object - ios

I'm new to iOS and I am currently refactoring a code I got from a tutorial on VisionCoreML and ARKit that adds a node to the detected object.
currently, if the I move the object the node does not move and follow the object. I can see from Apple's sample code for Recognizing Objects in Live Capture they use layers and repositions this each time Vision detects the object at a new position which is what I was hoping to replicate with an ARObject.
Is there a way I can achieve this with ARKit?
Any help around this would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Working code with solution
#IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!
private var viewportSize: CGSize!
private var previousAnchor: ARAnchor?
private var trackingNode: SCNNode!
lazy var objectDetectionRequest: VNCoreMLRequest = {
do {
let model = try VNCoreMLModel(for: yolov5s(configuration: MLModelConfiguration()).model)
let request = VNCoreMLRequest(model: model) { [weak self] request, error in
self?.processDetections(for: request, error: error)
return request
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to load Vision ML model.")
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, willRenderScene scene: SCNScene, atTime time: TimeInterval) {
guard let capturedImage = sceneView.session.currentFrame?.capturedImage
else { return }
let imageRequestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cvPixelBuffer: capturedImage, orientation: .leftMirrored, options: [:])
do {
try imageRequestHandler.perform([objectDetectionRequest])
} catch {
print("Failed to perform image request.")
func processDetections(for request: VNRequest, error: Error?) {
guard error == nil else {
print("Object detection error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
guard let results = request.results else { return }
for observation in results where observation is VNRecognizedObjectObservation {
let objectObservation = observation as! VNRecognizedObjectObservation
let topLabelObservation = objectObservation.labels.first
print(topLabelObservation!.identifier + " " + "\(Int(topLabelObservation!.confidence * 100))%")
guard recognisedObject(topLabelObservation!.identifier) && topLabelObservation!.confidence > 0.9
else { continue }
let rect = VNImageRectForNormalizedRect(
let midPoint = CGPoint(x: rect.midX, y: rect.midY)
let raycastQuery = self.sceneView.raycastQuery(from: midPoint,
allowing: .estimatedPlane,
alignment: .any)
let raycastArray = self.sceneView.session.raycast(raycastQuery!)
guard let raycastResult = raycastArray.first else { return }
let position = SCNVector3(raycastResult.worldTransform.columns.3.x,
if let _ = trackingNode {
trackingNode!.worldPosition = position
} else {
trackingNode = createNode()
trackingNode!.worldPosition = position
private func recognisedObject(_ identifier: String) -> Bool {
return identifier == "remote" || identifier == "mouse"
private func createNode() -> SCNNode {
let sphereNode = SCNNode(geometry: SCNSphere(radius: 0.01))
sphereNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIColor.purple
return sphereNode
private func loadSession() {
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
configuration.planeDetection = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
sceneView.delegate = self
viewportSize = sceneView.frame.size
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

To be honest, the technologies you're using here cannot do that out of the box. YOLO (and any other object detection model you swapped out for it) have no built in concept of tracking the same object in a video. They look for objects in a 2D bitmap, and return 2D bounding boxes for them. As either the camera or object moves, and you pass in the next capturedImage buffer, it will give you a new bounding box in the correct position, but it has no way of knowing whether or not it's the same instance of the object detected in a previous frame.
To make this work, you'll need to do some post processing of those Vision results to determine whether or not it's the same object, and if so, manually move the anchor/mesh to match the new position. If you're confident there should only be one object in view at any given time, then it's pretty straightforward. If there will be multiple objects, you're venturing into complex (but still achievable) territory.
You could try to incorporate Vision Tracking, which might work though would depend on the nature and behavior of the tracked object.
Also, sceneView.hitTest() is deprecated. You should probably port that over to use ARSession.raycast()


Number text recognition not highlighting/recognizing text

I am following the apple phone number recognition sample. Normally it creates a red outline around the recognized text. Mine does not seem to do recognizing the text and creating the red outline even though I used their code. The only difference is my view controller class is called "TextScanViewController" where their's is just "ViewController". I went through and made sure that any "ViewControllers" were changed to "TextScanViewController". Am I missing something else that I should change?
Here is what it should look like (when I use the original Apple project) compared to what it is doing (should have red outlines but is not showing them even if the text is perfectly in the center of the rectangle)
Should look like:
Looks like:
There are 5 different swift files I am using (PreviewView, TextScanViewController, VisionViewController, StringUtils, AppDelegate)
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import Vision
class TextScanViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: - UI objects
#IBOutlet weak var previewView: PreviewView!
#IBOutlet weak var cutoutView: UIView!
#IBOutlet weak var numberView: UILabel!
var maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
// Device orientation. Updated whenever the orientation changes to a
// different supported orientation.
var currentOrientation = UIDeviceOrientation.portrait
// MARK: - Capture related objects
private let captureSession = AVCaptureSession()
let captureSessionQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
var captureDevice: AVCaptureDevice?
var videoDataOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
let videoDataOutputQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
// MARK: - Region of interest (ROI) and text orientation
// Region of video data output buffer that recognition should be run on.
// Gets recalculated once the bounds of the preview layer are known.
var regionOfInterest = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 1, height: 1)
// Orientation of text to search for in the region of interest.
var textOrientation = CGImagePropertyOrientation.up
// MARK: - Coordinate transforms
var bufferAspectRatio: Double!
// Transform from UI orientation to buffer orientation.
var uiRotationTransform = CGAffineTransform.identity
// Transform bottom-left coordinates to top-left.
var bottomToTopTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: -1).translatedBy(x: 0, y: -1)
// Transform coordinates in ROI to global coordinates (still normalized).
var roiToGlobalTransform = CGAffineTransform.identity
// Vision -> AVF coordinate transform.
var visionToAVFTransform = CGAffineTransform.identity
// MARK: - View controller methods
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set up preview view.
previewView.session = captureSession
// Set up cutout view.
cutoutView.backgroundColor = UIColor.gray.withAlphaComponent(0.5)
maskLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
maskLayer.fillRule = .evenOdd
cutoutView.layer.mask = maskLayer
// Starting the capture session is a blocking call. Perform setup using
// a dedicated serial dispatch queue to prevent blocking the main thread.
captureSessionQueue.async {
// Calculate region of interest now that the camera is setup.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Figure out initial ROI.
override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
// Only change the current orientation if the new one is landscape or
// portrait. You can't really do anything about flat or unknown.
let deviceOrientation = UIDevice.current.orientation
if deviceOrientation.isPortrait || deviceOrientation.isLandscape {
currentOrientation = deviceOrientation
// Handle device orientation in the preview layer.
if let videoPreviewLayerConnection = previewView.videoPreviewLayer.connection {
if let newVideoOrientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientation(deviceOrientation: deviceOrientation) {
videoPreviewLayerConnection.videoOrientation = newVideoOrientation
// Orientation changed: figure out new region of interest (ROI).
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
// MARK: - Setup
func calculateRegionOfInterest() {
// In landscape orientation the desired ROI is specified as the ratio of
// buffer width to height. When the UI is rotated to portrait, keep the
// vertical size the same (in buffer pixels). Also try to keep the
// horizontal size the same up to a maximum ratio.
let desiredHeightRatio = 0.15
let desiredWidthRatio = 0.6
let maxPortraitWidth = 0.8
// Figure out size of ROI.
let size: CGSize
if currentOrientation.isPortrait || currentOrientation == .unknown {
size = CGSize(width: min(desiredWidthRatio * bufferAspectRatio, maxPortraitWidth), height: desiredHeightRatio / bufferAspectRatio)
} else {
size = CGSize(width: desiredWidthRatio, height: desiredHeightRatio)
// Make it centered.
regionOfInterest.origin = CGPoint(x: (1 - size.width) / 2, y: (1 - size.height) / 2)
regionOfInterest.size = size
// ROI changed, update transform.
// Update the cutout to match the new ROI.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Wait for the next run cycle before updating the cutout. This
// ensures that the preview layer already has its new orientation.
func updateCutout() {
// Figure out where the cutout ends up in layer coordinates.
let roiRectTransform = bottomToTopTransform.concatenating(uiRotationTransform)
let cutout = previewView.videoPreviewLayer.layerRectConverted(fromMetadataOutputRect: regionOfInterest.applying(roiRectTransform))
// Create the mask.
let path = UIBezierPath(rect: cutoutView.frame)
path.append(UIBezierPath(rect: cutout))
maskLayer.path = path.cgPath
// Move the number view down to under cutout.
var numFrame = cutout
numFrame.origin.y += numFrame.size.height
numberView.frame = numFrame
func setupOrientationAndTransform() {
// Recalculate the affine transform between Vision coordinates and AVF coordinates.
// Compensate for region of interest.
let roi = regionOfInterest
roiToGlobalTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: roi.origin.x, y: roi.origin.y).scaledBy(x: roi.width, y: roi.height)
// Compensate for orientation (buffers always come in the same orientation).
switch currentOrientation {
case .landscapeLeft:
textOrientation = CGImagePropertyOrientation.up
uiRotationTransform = CGAffineTransform.identity
case .landscapeRight:
textOrientation = CGImagePropertyOrientation.down
uiRotationTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 1, y: 1).rotated(by: CGFloat.pi)
case .portraitUpsideDown:
textOrientation = CGImagePropertyOrientation.left
uiRotationTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 1, y: 0).rotated(by: CGFloat.pi / 2)
default: // We default everything else to .portraitUp
textOrientation = CGImagePropertyOrientation.right
uiRotationTransform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: 1).rotated(by: -CGFloat.pi / 2)
// Full Vision ROI to AVF transform.
visionToAVFTransform = roiToGlobalTransform.concatenating(bottomToTopTransform).concatenating(uiRotationTransform)
func setupCamera() {
guard let captureDevice = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for:, position: .back) else {
print("Could not create capture device.")
self.captureDevice = captureDevice
// NOTE:
// Requesting 4k buffers allows recognition of smaller text but will
// consume more power. Use the smallest buffer size necessary to keep
// down battery usage.
if captureDevice.supportsSessionPreset(.hd4K3840x2160) {
captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.Preset.hd4K3840x2160
bufferAspectRatio = 3840.0 / 2160.0
} else {
captureSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSession.Preset.hd1920x1080
bufferAspectRatio = 1920.0 / 1080.0
guard let deviceInput = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: captureDevice) else {
print("Could not create device input.")
if captureSession.canAddInput(deviceInput) {
// Configure video data output.
videoDataOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames = true
videoDataOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: videoDataOutputQueue)
videoDataOutput.videoSettings = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as String: kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange]
if captureSession.canAddOutput(videoDataOutput) {
// NOTE:
// There is a trade-off to be made here. Enabling stabilization will
// give temporally more stable results and should help the recognizer
// converge. But if it's enabled the VideoDataOutput buffers don't
// match what's displayed on screen, which makes drawing bounding
// boxes very hard. Disable it in this app to allow drawing detected
// bounding boxes on screen.
videoDataOutput.connection(with: = .off
} else {
print("Could not add VDO output")
// Set zoom and autofocus to help focus on very small text.
do {
try captureDevice.lockForConfiguration()
captureDevice.videoZoomFactor = 2
captureDevice.autoFocusRangeRestriction = .near
} catch {
print("Could not set zoom level due to error: \(error)")
// MARK: - UI drawing and interaction
func showString(string: String) {
// Found a definite number.
// Stop the camera synchronously to ensure that no further buffers are
// received. Then update the number view asynchronously.
captureSessionQueue.sync {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.numberView.text = string
self.numberView.isHidden = false
#IBAction func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
captureSessionQueue.async {
if !self.captureSession.isRunning {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.numberView.isHidden = true
// MARK: - AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate
extension TextScanViewController: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
// This is implemented in VisionViewController.
// MARK: - Utility extensions
extension AVCaptureVideoOrientation {
init?(deviceOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation) {
switch deviceOrientation {
case .portrait: self = .portrait
case .portraitUpsideDown: self = .portraitUpsideDown
case .landscapeLeft: self = .landscapeRight
case .landscapeRight: self = .landscapeLeft
default: return nil
import Foundation
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class PreviewView: UIView {
var videoPreviewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer {
guard let layer = layer as? AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer else {
fatalError("Expected `AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer` type for layer. Check PreviewView.layerClass implementation.")
return layer
var session: AVCaptureSession? {
get {
return videoPreviewLayer.session
set {
videoPreviewLayer.session = newValue
// MARK: UIView
override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
return AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.self
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
import Vision
class VisionViewController: TextScanViewController {
var request: VNRecognizeTextRequest!
// Temporal string tracker
let numberTracker = StringTracker()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Set up vision request before letting ViewController set up the camera
// so that it exists when the first buffer is received.
request = VNRecognizeTextRequest(completionHandler: recognizeTextHandler)
// MARK: - Text recognition
// Vision recognition handler.
func recognizeTextHandler(request: VNRequest, error: Error?) {
var numbers = [String]()
var redBoxes = [CGRect]() // Shows all recognized text lines
var greenBoxes = [CGRect]() // Shows words that might be serials
guard let results = request.results as? [VNRecognizedTextObservation] else {
let maximumCandidates = 1
for visionResult in results {
guard let candidate = visionResult.topCandidates(maximumCandidates).first else { continue }
// Draw red boxes around any detected text, and green boxes around
// any detected phone numbers. The phone number may be a substring
// of the visionResult. If a substring, draw a green box around the
// number and a red box around the full string. If the number covers
// the full result only draw the green box.
var numberIsSubstring = true
if let result = candidate.string.extractPhoneNumber() {
let (range, number) = result
// Number may not cover full visionResult. Extract bounding box
// of substring.
if let box = try? candidate.boundingBox(for: range)?.boundingBox {
numberIsSubstring = !(range.lowerBound == candidate.string.startIndex && range.upperBound == candidate.string.endIndex)
if numberIsSubstring {
// Log any found numbers.
numberTracker.logFrame(strings: numbers)
show(boxGroups: [(color:, boxes: redBoxes), (color:, boxes: greenBoxes)])
// Check if we have any temporally stable numbers.
if let sureNumber = numberTracker.getStableString() {
showString(string: sureNumber)
numberTracker.reset(string: sureNumber)
override func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
if let pixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) {
// Configure for running in real-time.
request.recognitionLevel = .fast
// Language correction won't help recognizing phone numbers. It also
// makes recognition slower.
request.usesLanguageCorrection = false
// Only run on the region of interest for maximum speed.
request.regionOfInterest = regionOfInterest
let requestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer, orientation: textOrientation, options: [:])
do {
try requestHandler.perform([request])
} catch {
// MARK: - Bounding box drawing
// Draw a box on screen. Must be called from main queue.
var boxLayer = [CAShapeLayer]()
func draw(rect: CGRect, color: CGColor) {
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.opacity = 0.5
layer.borderColor = color
layer.borderWidth = 2
layer.frame = rect
previewView.videoPreviewLayer.insertSublayer(layer, at: 1)
// Remove all drawn boxes. Must be called on main queue.
func removeBoxes() {
for layer in boxLayer {
typealias ColoredBoxGroup = (color: CGColor, boxes: [CGRect])
// Draws groups of colored boxes.
func show(boxGroups: [ColoredBoxGroup]) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let layer = self.previewView.videoPreviewLayer
for boxGroup in boxGroups {
let color = boxGroup.color
for box in boxGroup.boxes {
let rect = layer.layerRectConverted(fromMetadataOutputRect: box.applying(self.visionToAVFTransform))
self.draw(rect: rect, color: color)
import Foundation
extension Character {
// Given a list of allowed characters, try to convert self to those in list
// if not already in it. This handles some common misclassifications for
// characters that are visually similar and can only be correctly recognized
// with more context and/or domain knowledge. Some examples (should be read
// in Menlo or some other font that has different symbols for all characters):
// 1 and l are the same character in Times New Roman
// I and l are the same character in Helvetica
// 0 and O are extremely similar in many fonts
// oO, wW, cC, sS, pP and others only differ by size in many fonts
func getSimilarCharacterIfNotIn(allowedChars: String) -> Character {
let conversionTable = [
"s": "S",
"S": "5",
"5": "S",
"o": "O",
"Q": "O",
"O": "0",
"0": "O",
"l": "I",
"I": "1",
"1": "I",
"B": "8",
"8": "B"
// Allow a maximum of two substitutions to handle 's' -> 'S' -> '5'.
let maxSubstitutions = 2
var current = String(self)
var counter = 0
while !allowedChars.contains(current) && counter < maxSubstitutions {
if let altChar = conversionTable[current] {
current = altChar
counter += 1
} else {
// Doesn't match anything in our table. Give up.
return current.first!
extension String {
// Extracts the first US-style phone number found in the string, returning
// the range of the number and the number itself as a tuple.
// Returns nil if no number is found.
func extractPhoneNumber() -> (Range<String.Index>, String)? {
// Do a first pass to find any substring that could be a US phone
// number. This will match the following common patterns and more:
// xxx-xxx-xxxx
// xxx xxx xxxx
// (xxx) xxx-xxxx
// (xxx)xxx-xxxx
// xxx xxx-xxxx
// xxx/xxx.xxxx
// +1-xxx-xxx-xxxx
// Note that this doesn't only look for digits since some digits look
// very similar to letters. This is handled later.
let pattern = #"""
(?x) # Verbose regex, allows comments
(?:\+1-?)? # Potential international prefix, may have -
[(]? # Potential opening (
\b(\w{3}) # Capture xxx
[)]? # Potential closing )
[\ -./]? # Potential separator
(\w{3}) # Capture xxx
[\ -./]? # Potential separator
(\w{4})\b # Capture xxxx
guard let range = self.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression, range: nil, locale: nil) else {
// No phone number found.
return nil
// Potential number found. Strip out punctuation, whitespace and country
// prefix.
var phoneNumberDigits = ""
let substring = String(self[range])
let nsrange = NSRange(substring.startIndex..., in: substring)
do {
// Extract the characters from the substring.
let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: [])
if let match = regex.firstMatch(in: substring, options: [], range: nsrange) {
for rangeInd in 1 ..< match.numberOfRanges {
let range = match.range(at: rangeInd)
let matchString = (substring as NSString).substring(with: range)
phoneNumberDigits += matchString as String
} catch {
print("Error \(error) when creating pattern")
// Must be exactly 10 digits.
guard phoneNumberDigits.count == 10 else {
return nil
// Substitute commonly misrecognized characters, for example: 'S' -> '5' or 'l' -> '1'
var result = ""
let allowedChars = "0123456789"
for var char in phoneNumberDigits {
char = char.getSimilarCharacterIfNotIn(allowedChars: allowedChars)
guard allowedChars.contains(char) else {
return nil
return (range, result)
class StringTracker {
var frameIndex: Int64 = 0
typealias StringObservation = (lastSeen: Int64, count: Int64)
// Dictionary of seen strings. Used to get stable recognition before
// displaying anything.
var seenStrings = [String: StringObservation]()
var bestCount = Int64(0)
var bestString = ""
func logFrame(strings: [String]) {
for string in strings {
if seenStrings[string] == nil {
seenStrings[string] = (lastSeen: Int64(0), count: Int64(-1))
seenStrings[string]?.lastSeen = frameIndex
seenStrings[string]?.count += 1
print("Seen \(string) \(seenStrings[string]?.count ?? 0) times")
var obsoleteStrings = [String]()
// Go through strings and prune any that have not been seen in while.
// Also find the (non-pruned) string with the greatest count.
for (string, obs) in seenStrings {
// Remove previously seen text after 30 frames (~1s).
if obs.lastSeen < frameIndex - 30 {
// Find the string with the greatest count.
let count = obs.count
if !obsoleteStrings.contains(string) && count > bestCount {
bestCount = Int64(count)
bestString = string
// Remove old strings.
for string in obsoleteStrings {
seenStrings.removeValue(forKey: string)
frameIndex += 1
func getStableString() -> String? {
// Require the recognizer to see the same string at least 10 times.
if bestCount >= 10 {
return bestString
} else {
return nil
func reset(string: String) {
seenStrings.removeValue(forKey: string)
bestCount = 0
bestString = ""
import UIKit
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
I was using the wrong class on the view controller.. instead of it being TextScanViewController it should have been set to Visionviewcontroller... it was skipping a whole class. I didn't realize how classes are inherited and that there was an important order to them. I have a lot to learn but learning a lot! :)

Using ARKit, loading of 3D object is not anchored to the specific latitude longitude location

I tried Apple ARGeotracking for loading 3D model which is of a house.I provided the latitude and the longitude location so as to load the object at that specific location. But the object is not anchored to the specific lat long location. Also the object tends to move as the user moves.
code for horizontal surface detection
// Create a new AR Scene View.
sceneView = ARSCNView(frame: view.bounds)
sceneView.delegate = self
// Show statistics such as fps and timing information
sceneView.showsStatistics = true
//configure scene view session to detect horizontal planes
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
configuration.planeDetection = .horizontal
//uncomment to see feature points
sceneView.debugOptions = [ARSCNDebugOptions.showFeaturePoints]
// Responds to a user tap on the AR view.
func handleTapOnARView(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
addGeoAnchor(at: projectLocation2D)
Adding ARGeoAnchor and providing latitude location location in params
func addGeoAnchor(at location: CLLocationCoordinate2D, altitude: CLLocationDistance? = nil) {
var geoAnchor: ARGeoAnchor!
if let altitude = altitude {
geoAnchor = ARGeoAnchor(coordinate: location, altitude: altitude)
} else {
geoAnchor = ARGeoAnchor(coordinate: location)
func addGeoAnchor(_ geoAnchor: ARGeoAnchor) {
// Don't add a geo anchor if Core Location isn't sure yet where the user is.
guard isGeoTrackingLocalized else {
alertUser(withTitle: "Cannot add geo anchor", message: "Unable to add geo anchor because geo tracking has not yet localized.")
arView.session.add(anchor: geoAnchor)
var isGeoTrackingLocalized: Bool {
if let status = arView.session.currentFrame?.geoTrackingStatus, status.state == .localized {
return true
return false
func distanceFromDevice(_ coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> Double {
if let devicePosition = locationManager.location?.coordinate {
return MKMapPoint(coordinate).distance(to: MKMapPoint(devicePosition))
} else {
return 0
// MARK: - ARSessionDelegate
func session(_ session: ARSession, didAdd anchors: [ARAnchor]) {
for geoAnchor in anchors.compactMap({ $0 as? ARGeoAnchor }) {
// Effect a spatial-based delay to avoid blocking the main thread.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + (distanceFromDevice(geoAnchor.coordinate) / 10)) {
// Add an AR placemark visualization for the geo anchor.
self.arView.scene.addAnchor(Entity.placemarkEntity(for: geoAnchor))
// Add a visualization for the geo anchor in the map view.
let anchorIndicator = AnchorIndicator(center: geoAnchor.coordinate)
// Remember the geo anchor we just added
let anchorInfo = GeoAnchorWithAssociatedData(geoAnchor: geoAnchor, mapOverlay: anchorIndicator)
didAdd anchor method is called and here I have provided the url to load the model as I was using EchoAR sdk to load model into our app. The models loads but it is not anchored to the specific geographic location.Here the value of modelURL is coming fro echoAR sdk that I have used. It return model in .usdz format.
extension Entity {
static func placemarkEntity(for arAnchor: ARAnchor) -> AnchorEntity {
let placemarkAnchor = AnchorEntity(anchor: arAnchor)
if modelURL != nil{
let entity = (try? Entity.load(contentsOf: modelURL!))!
Utilities.sharedInstance.showError(message: "8C. ===Unable to render AR Model===")
return placemarkAnchor

How to apply MPSImageGuidedFilter in Swift

I applied OpenCV guided filter for my project in Python successfully and now I have to carry this function to my iOS application. I searched Apple developer website and found out a filter called MPSImageGuidedFilter. I suppose it works in a similar way as OpenCV guided filter. However, my limited knowledge of iOS programming does not let me figure out how to use it. Unfortunately, I could not find a sample code on the web too. Is there anyone who used this filter before? I really appreciate the help. Or a sample code using any filter under MPS would be helpful to figure out.
After a few days of hard work, I managed to make MPSImageGUidedFilter. Please see below the code who wants to work on:
import UIKit
import MetalPerformanceShaders
import MetalKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
public var texIn: MTLTexture!
public var coefficient: MTLTexture!
public var context: CIContext!
let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!
var queue: MTLCommandQueue!
var Metalview: MTKView { return view as! MTKView }
override func viewDidLoad() {
Metalview.drawableSize.height = 412
Metalview.drawableSize.width = 326
Metalview.framebufferOnly = false
Metalview.device = device
Metalview.delegate = self
queue = device.makeCommandQueue()
let textureLoader = MTKTextureLoader(device: device)
let urlCoeff = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "mask", withExtension: "png")
do {
coefficient = try textureLoader.newTexture(URL: urlCoeff!, options: [:])
} catch {
fatalError("coefficient file not uploaded")
let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "guide", withExtension: "png")
do {
texIn = try textureLoader.newTexture(URL: url!, options: [:])
} catch {
fatalError("resource file not uploaded")
extension ViewController: MTKViewDelegate {
func mtkView(_ view: MTKView, drawableSizeWillChange size: CGSize) {}
func draw(in view: MTKView) {
guard let commandBuffer = queue.makeCommandBuffer(),
let drawable = view.currentDrawable else {
let shader = MPSImageGuidedFilter(device: device, kernelDiameter: 5)
shader.epsilon = 0.001
let textOut = drawable.texture
shader.encodeReconstruction(to: commandBuffer, guidanceTexture: texIn, coefficientsTexture: coefficient, destinationTexture: textOut)

How to attach a struct or class object to a SCNNode

I'm trying to create a scene where different users can display different cars. When the user first signs into the app they get uid, username etc. When they choose a car the car model has the type of car and a user object that identifies them.
I can create a car and implement the hitTest to find which car was tapped. What I can't figure out is how do I assign a data model to the car that was tapped so that I know who's who?
The only property I found on the node so far is the, I can attach the userId to it and just go through an array of users to find out who's who but that doesn;t seem practical if I have a lot of users. I also need that property when removing a node:
sceneView.scene.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes { (node, _) in
// this would actually remove all the ferraries on the scene but this is just an example
if == "ferrari" {
How can I attach a data model to a SCNNode?
class User {
var userId: String?
var username: String?
class RaceCar {
var user: User?
var type: String?
// user creates an account and picks a ferrari
let raceCar = RaceCar()
let type = raceCar.type!
switch type {
case "ferrari":
case "bmw":
func createFerrariAndAddItToScene(_ raceCar: RaceCar) {
let image = art.scnassests/"\(raceCar.typ!e).jpg"
let material = SCNMaterial()
material.diffuse.contents = image
let plane = SCNPlane(width: 0.1, height: 0.1)
plane.materials = [material]
let node = SCNNode() = raceCar.type!
node.geometry = plane
node.position = SCNVector(0.0, 0.0, -0.2)
#objc func nodeWasTapped(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
guard let sceneView = sender.view as? ARSCNView else { return }
let touchLocation = sender.location(in: sceneView)
let hitResults = sceneView.hitTest(touchLocation, options: [:])
if !hitResults.isEmpty {
guard let hitResult = hitResults.first else { return }
let node = hitResult.node
print( // I need to get some info from the dataModel here like node.raceCar.user.username or node.raceCar.user.userId
You can subclass SCNNode and add any data model you need to it:
class CarNode: SCNNode {
var raceCar: RaceCar?
init(raceCar: RaceCar, geometry: SCNGeometry) {
self.geometry = geometry
self.raceCar = raceCar
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
To create new node simply use this new class:
func createFerrariAndAddItToScene(_ raceCar: RaceCar) {
let node = CarNode(raceCar: raceCar, geometry: plane)
To access your data model you can do like so:
#objc func nodeWasTapped(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
if let node = hitResult.node as? CarNode {
I had some luck using setValue:ForKey:
node.setValue(tile, forKey: "tile")
if let tile = node.value(forKey: "tile") as? Tile {

SpriteKit Shop Scene in game

Any idea how I could implement a shop in my spriteKit game that users could buy different players with coins they have earned in game? any tutorials out there?
This is a multi-step project that took me about 500 loc (more without using .SKS) Here is the link to github finished project:
Note, I am using a macOS SpriteKit project because it launches much faster on my computer. Simply change mouseDown() to touchesBegan() to get this to run on iOS.
First edit your GameScene.sks to look like this: (saves a bunch of time coding labels)
Make sure that you name everything EXACTLY as we need this to detect touch:
"entershop", "getcoins", "coinlabel", "levellabel"
This is the main "gameplay" scene and as you click coins++ you get levels and can move around. Clicking the shop will enter the shop.
Here is our GameScene.swift which matches this SKS:
import SpriteKit
class GameScene: SKScene {
let player = Player(costume: Costume.defaultCostume)
lazy var enterNode: SKLabelNode = { return (self.childNode(withName: "entershop") as! SKLabelNode) }()
lazy var coinNode: SKLabelNode = { return (self.childNode(withName: "getcoins" ) as! SKLabelNode) }()
lazy var coinLabel: SKLabelNode = { return (self.childNode(withName: "coinlabel") as! SKLabelNode) }()
lazy var levelLabel: SKLabelNode = { return (self.childNode(withName: "levellabel") as! SKLabelNode) }()
override func didMove(to view: SKView) { = "player"
if player.scene == nil { addChild(player) }
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
let location = event.location(in: self)
if let name = atPoint(location).name {
switch name {
case "entershop": view!.presentScene(ShopScene(previousGameScene: self))
case "getcoins": player.getCoins(1)
default: ()
else { location, duration: 1))
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {
func levelUp(_ level: Int) {
player.levelsCompleted = level
levelLabel.text = "Level: \(player.levelsCompleted)"
switch player.coins {
case 10: levelUp(2)
case 20: levelUp(3)
case 30: levelUp(4)
default: ()
Here you can see that we have a few other things going on not yet introduced: Player and Costume
Player is a spritenode subclass (it doubles as a data model and a UI element). Our player is just a colored square that gets moved around when you click the screen
The player wears something of Costume type, which is just a model that keeps track of data such as price, name, and the texture for the player to display.
Here is Costume.swift:
import SpriteKit
/// This is just a test method should be deleted when you have actual texture assets:
private func makeTestTexture() -> (SKTexture, SKTexture, SKTexture, SKTexture) {
func texit(_ sprite: SKSpriteNode) -> SKTexture { return SKView().texture(from: sprite)! }
let size = CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)
return (
texit(SKSpriteNode(color: .gray, size: size)),
texit(SKSpriteNode(color: .red, size: size)),
texit(SKSpriteNode(color: .blue, size: size)),
texit(SKSpriteNode(color: .green, size: size))
/// The items that are for sale in our shop:
struct Costume {
static var allCostumes: [Costume] = []
let name: String
let texture: SKTexture
let price: Int
init(name: String, texture: SKTexture, price: Int) { = name; self.texture = texture; self.price = price
// This init simply adds all costumes to a master list for easy sorting later on.
private static let (tex1, tex2, tex3, tex4) = makeTestTexture() // Just a test needed to be deleted when you have actual assets.
static let list = (
// Hard-code any new costumes you create here (this is a "master list" of costumes)
// (make sure all of your costumes have a unique name, or the program will not work properly)
gray: Costume(name: "Gray Shirt", texture: tex1 /*SKTexture(imageNamed: "grayshirt")*/, price: 0),
red: Costume(name: "Red Shirt", texture: tex2 /*SKTexture(imageNamed: "redshirt")*/, price: 5),
blue: Costume(name: "Blue Shirt", texture: tex3 /*SKTexture(imageNamed: "blueshirt")*/, price: 25),
green: Costume(name: "Green Shirt", texture: tex4 /*SKTexture(imageNamed: "greenshirt")*/, price: 50)
static let defaultCostume = list.gray
func == (lhs: Costume, rhs: Costume) -> Bool {
// The reason why you need unique names:
if == { return true }
else { return false }
The design of this struct is twofold.. first is to be a blueprint for a Costume object (which holds the name, price, and texture of a costume), and second it serves as a repository for all of your costumes via a hard-coded static master list property.
The function at the top makeTestTextures() is just an example for this project. I did this just so that way you can copy and paste instead of having to download image files to use.
Here is the Player.swift, which can wear the costumes in the list:
final class Player: SKSpriteNode {
var coins = 0
var costume: Costume
var levelsCompleted = 0
var ownedCostumes: [Costume] = [Costume.list.gray] // FIXME: This should be a Set, but too lazy to do Hashable.
init(costume: Costume) {
self.costume = costume
super.init(texture: costume.texture, color: .clear, size: costume.texture.size())
func getCoins(_ amount: Int) {
guard let scene = self.scene as? GameScene else { // This is very specific code just for this example.
fatalError("only call this func after scene has been set up")
coins += amount
scene.coinLabel.text = "Coins: \(coins)"
func loseCoins(_ amount: Int) {
guard let scene = self.scene as? GameScene else { // This is very specific code just for this example.
fatalError("only call this func after scene has been set up")
coins -= amount
scene.coinLabel.text = "Coins: \(coins)"
func hasCostume(_ costume: Costume) -> Bool {
if ownedCostumes.contains(where: {$ ==}) { return true }
else { return false }
func getCostume(_ costume: Costume) {
if hasCostume(costume) { fatalError("trying to get costume already owned") }
else { ownedCostumes.append(costume) }
func wearCostume(_ costume: Costume) {
guard hasCostume(costume) else { fatalError("trying to wear a costume you don't own") }
self.costume = costume
self.texture = costume.texture
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError() }
Player has a lot of functions, but they all could be handled elsewhere in the code. I just went for this design decision, but don't feel like you need to load up your classes with 2 line methods.
Now we are getting to the more nitty-gritty stuff, since we have set up our:
Base scene
Costume list
Player object
The last two things we really need are:
1. A shop model to keep track of inventory
2. A shop scene to display inventory, UI elements, and handle the logic of whether or not you can buy items
Here is Shop.swift:
/// Our model class to be used inside of our ShopScene:
final class Shop {
weak private(set) var scene: ShopScene! // The scene in which this shop will be called from.
var player: Player { return scene.player }
var availableCostumes: [Costume] = [,] // (The green shirt wont become available until the player has cleared 2 levels).
// var soldCostumes: [Costume] = [Costume.defaultCostume] // Implement something with this if you want to exclude previously bought items from the store.
func canSellCostume(_ costume: Costume) -> Bool {
if player.coins < costume.price { return false }
else if player.hasCostume(costume) { return false }
else if player.costume == costume { return false }
else { return true }
/// Only call this after checking canBuyCostume(), or you likely will have errors:
func sellCostume(_ costume: Costume) {
func newCostumeBecomesAvailable(_ costume: Costume) {
if availableCostumes.contains(where: {$ ==}) /*|| soldCostumes.contains(costume)*/ {
fatalError("trying to add a costume that is already available (or sold!)")
else { availableCostumes.append(costume) }
init(shopScene: ShopScene) {
self.scene = shopScene
deinit { print("shop: if you don't see this message when exiting shop then you have a retain cycle") }
The idea was to have the fourth costume only be available at a certain level, but I've run out of time to implement this feature, but most of the supporting methods are there (you just need to implement the logic).
Also, Shop can pretty much just be a struct, but I feel that it's more flexible as a class for now.
Now, before jumping into ShopScene, our biggest file, let me tell you about a couple of design decisions.
First, I'm using to handle touches / clicks. This lets me use the .SKS and the regular SKNode types quickly and easily. Normally, I like to subclass SKNodes and then override their own touchesBegan method to handle clicks. You can do it either way.
Now, in ShopScene you have buttons for "buy", "exit" which I have used as just regular SKLabelNodes; but for the actual nodes that display the costume, I have created a subclass called CostumeNode.
I made CostumeNode so that way it could handle nodes for displaying the costume's name, price, and doing some animations. CostumeNode is just a visual element (unlike Player).
Here is CostumeNode.swift:
/// Just a UI representation, does not manipulate any models.
final class CostumeNode: SKSpriteNode {
let costume: Costume
weak private(set) var player: Player!
private(set) var
backgroundNode = SKSpriteNode(),
nameNode = SKLabelNode(),
priceNode = SKLabelNode()
private func label(text: String, size: CGSize) -> SKLabelNode {
let label = SKLabelNode(text: text)
label.fontName = "Chalkduster"
// FIXME: deform label to fit size and offset
return label
init(costume: Costume, player: Player) {
func setupNodes(with size: CGSize) {
let circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: size.width)
circle.fillColor = .yellow
let bkg = SKSpriteNode(texture: SKView().texture(from: circle))
bkg.zPosition -= 1
let name = label(text: "\(", size: size)
name.position.y = frame.maxY + name.frame.size.height
let price = label(text: "\(costume.price)", size: size)
price.position.y = frame.minY - price.frame.size.height
addChildrenBehind([bkg, name, price])
(backgroundNode, nameNode, priceNode) = (bkg, name, price)
self.player = player
self.costume = costume
let size = costume.texture.size()
super.init(texture: costume.texture, color: .clear, size: size)
name = // Name is needed for sorting and detecting touches.
setupNodes(with: size)
private func setPriceText() { // Updates the color and text of price labels
func playerCanAfford() {
priceNode.text = "\(costume.price)"
priceNode.fontColor = .white
func playerCantAfford() {
priceNode.text = "\(costume.price)"
priceNode.fontColor = .red
func playerOwns() {
priceNode.text = ""
priceNode.fontColor = .white
if player.hasCostume(self.costume) { playerOwns() }
else if player.coins < self.costume.price { playerCantAfford() }
else if player.coins >= self.costume.price { playerCanAfford() }
else { fatalError() }
func becomesSelected() { // For animation / sound purposes (could also just be handled by the ShopScene). 0.75, duration: 0.25))
// insert sound if desired.
func becomesUnselected() { 0, duration: 0.10))
// insert sound if desired.
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError() }
deinit { print("costumenode: if you don't see this then you have a retain cycle") }
Finally we have ShopScene, which is the behemoth file. It handles the data and logic for not only showing UI elements, but also for updating the Shop and Player models.
import SpriteKit
// Helpers:
extension SKNode {
func addChildren(_ nodes: [SKNode]) { for node in nodes { addChild(node) } }
func addChildrenBehind(_ nodes: [SKNode]) { for node in nodes {
node.zPosition -= 2
func halfHeight(_ node: SKNode) -> CGFloat { return node.frame.size.height/2 }
func halfWidth (_ node: SKNode) -> CGFloat { return node.frame.size.width/2 }
// MARK: -
/// The scene in which we can interact with our shop and player:
class ShopScene: SKScene {
lazy private(set) var shop: Shop = { return Shop(shopScene: self) }()
let previousGameScene: GameScene
var player: Player { return self.previousGameScene.player } // The player is actually still in the other scene, not this one.
private var costumeNodes = [CostumeNode]() // All costume textures will be node-ified here.
lazy private(set) var selectedNode: CostumeNode? = {
return self.costumeNodes.first!
private let
buyNode = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Chalkduster"),
coinNode = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Chalkduster"),
exitNode = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "Chalkduster")
// MARK: - Node setup:
private func setUpNodes() {
buyNode.text = "Buy Costume" = "buynode"
buyNode.position.y = frame.minY + halfHeight(buyNode)
coinNode.text = "Coins: \(player.coins)" = "coinnode"
coinNode.position = CGPoint(x: frame.minX + halfWidth(coinNode), y: frame.minY + halfHeight(coinNode))
exitNode.text = "Leave Shop" = "exitnode"
exitNode.position.y = frame.maxY - buyNode.frame.height
setupCostumeNodes: do {
guard Costume.allCostumes.count > 1 else {
fatalError("must have at least two costumes (for while loop)")
for costume in Costume.allCostumes {
costumeNodes.append(CostumeNode(costume: costume, player: player))
guard costumeNodes.count == Costume.allCostumes.count else {
fatalError("duplicate nodes found, or nodes are missing")
let offset = CGFloat(150)
func findStartingPosition(offset: CGFloat, yPos: CGFloat) -> CGPoint { // Find the correct position to have all costumes centered on screen.
count = CGFloat(costumeNodes.count),
totalOffsets = (count - 1) * offset,
textureWidth = Costume.list.gray.texture.size().width, // All textures must be same width for centering to work.
totalWidth = (textureWidth * count) + totalOffsets
let measurementNode = SKShapeNode(rectOf: CGSize(width: totalWidth, height: 0))
return CGPoint(x: measurementNode.frame.minX + textureWidth/2, y: yPos)
costumeNodes.first!.position = findStartingPosition(offset: offset, yPos: self.frame.midY)
var counter = 1
let finalIndex = costumeNodes.count - 1
// Place nodes from left to right:
while counter <= finalIndex {
let thisNode = costumeNodes[counter]
let prevNode = costumeNodes[counter - 1]
thisNode.position.x = prevNode.frame.maxX + halfWidth(thisNode) + offset
counter += 1
addChildren([buyNode, coinNode, exitNode])
// MARK: - Init:
init(previousGameScene: GameScene) {
self.previousGameScene = previousGameScene
super.init(size: previousGameScene.size)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")}
deinit { print("shopscene: if you don't see this message when exiting shop then you have a retain cycle") }
// MARK: - Game loop:
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
select(costumeNodes.first!) // Default selection.
for node in costumeNodes {
if node.costume == player.costume { select(node) }
// MARK: - Touch / Click handling:
private func unselect(_ costumeNode: CostumeNode) {
selectedNode = nil
private func select(_ costumeNode: CostumeNode) {
selectedNode = costumeNode
if player.hasCostume(costumeNode.costume) { // Wear selected costume if owned.
player.costume = costumeNode.costume
buyNode.text = "Bought Costume"
buyNode.alpha = 1
else if player.coins < costumeNode.costume.price { // Can't afford costume.
buyNode.text = "Buy Costume"
buyNode.alpha = 0.5
else { // Player can buy costume.
buyNode.text = "Buy Costume"
buyNode.alpha = 1
// I'm choosing to have the buttons activated by searching for name here. You can also
// subclass a node and have them do actions on their own when clicked.
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
guard let selectedNode = selectedNode else { fatalError() }
let location = event.location(in: self)
let clickedNode = atPoint(location)
switch clickedNode {
// Clicked empty space:
case is ShopScene:
// Clicked Buy / Leave:
case is SKLabelNode:
if == "exitnode" { view!.presentScene(previousGameScene) }
if == "buynode" {
// guard let shop = shop else { fatalError("where did the shop go?") }
if shop.canSellCostume(selectedNode.costume) {
coinNode.text = "Coins: \(player.coins)"
buyNode.text = "Bought"
// Clicked a costume:
case let clickedCostume as CostumeNode:
for node in costumeNodes {
if == {
default: ()
There's a lot to digest here, but pretty much everything happens in mouseDown() (or touchesBegan for iOS). I had no need for update() or other every-frame methods.
So how did I make this? The first step was planning, and I knew there were several design decisions to make (which may not have been the best ones).
I knew that I needed a certain set of data for my player and shop inventory, and that those two things would also need UI elements.
I chose to combine the data + UI for Player by making it a Sprite subclass.
For the shop, I knew that the data and UI elements would be pretty intense, so I separated them (Shop.swift handling the inventory, Costume.swift being a blueprint, and CostumeNode.swift handling most of the UI)
Then, I needed to link the data to the UI elements, which meant that I needed a lot of logic, so I decided to make a whole new scene to handle logic pertaining just to entering and interacting with the shop (it handles some graphics stuff too).
This all works together like this:
Player has a costume and coins
GameScene is where you collect new coins (and levels)
ShopScene handles most of the logic for determining which UI elements to display, while CostumeNode has the functions for animating the UI.
ShopScene also provides the logic for updating the Player's texture (costume) and coins through Shop.
Shop just manages the player inventory, and has the data with which to populate more CostumeNodes
When you are done with the shop, your GameScene instance is immediately resumed where you left off prior to entering
So the question you may have is, "how do I use this in my game??"
Well, you aren't going to be able to just copy and paste it. A lot of refactoring will likely be needed. The takeaway here is to learn the basic system of the different types of data, logic, and actions that you will need to create, present, and interact with a shop.
Here is the github again:
