How to use DependencyInjection in BenchmarkDotNet? - dependency-injection

I'd like to use BenchmarkDotNet on some legacy code I'm working with right now. It is written in C# Net462.
It is a big, old and complex system and I'd like to Benchmark some methods inside some specific class. Those classes use dependency injection and I'm not sure how I could do it. All the examples I've seen so far are not using any dependency injection.
Does anyone have any ideas or examples I could have a look?
Thank you very much.

You need to create the dependency injection container in the ctor or a method with [GlobalSetup] attribute, resolve the type that you want to benchmark and store it in a field. Then use it in a benchmark and dispose the DI container in a [GlobalCleanup] method.
public class BenchmarksDI
private IMyInterface _underTest;
private IDependencyContainer _container;
public void Setup()
_container = CallYourCodeThatBuildsDIContainer();
_underTest = _container.Resolve<IMyInterface>();
public void MethodA() => _underTest.MethodA();
public void Cleanup() => _container.Dispose();


Need Clarification about Dependency Inversion Example

Im trying to understand Dependency Injection.
I have created a sample example for this .
Can any one please tell ,is this example correct or not
public interface IEngine
void Start();
void SayHelloFromEngine();
public class Engine :IEngine
public Engine(){
public void Start()
Console.Write ("Hey it is started");
public void SayHelloFromEngine()
Console.Write ("Hello from Engine");
public class Car
private readonly IEngine _engine;
public Car(IEngine engine){
_engine.SayHelloFromEngine ();
and my object creation would be
Car car2 = new Car (new Engine ());
Please guide me on what steps i'm doing wrong.
You example looks good to me. That's pretty much how I tend to structure things.
There is a good stack overflow thread here with some useful links and posts.
The thing to work on I guess, is how you create the implementations and managing your dependencies. You can create your own factory classes/methods to do it, or use an existing framework, something like Ninject.
It's common to add a guard clause to your constructors that take dependencies, so that you can throw an exception immediately if someone tries to pass in a null dependency.
public class Car
private readonly IEngine _engine;
public Car(IEngine engine)
if (engine == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("engine");
_engine.SayHelloFromEngine ();
A big part of dependency injection is how you create your dependencies. When you say Car car2 = new Car (new Engine ());, you're hard coding your dependency, which is kind of defeating the purpose of dependency injection. You should have a single composition root where all of your dependencies are defined. If you're not sure whether you're doing something correctly, a good rule of thumb is that you should not be newing any of your dependencies anywhere.
One more thing; when you're composing your dependencies, make sure you don't fall into the trap of making a service locator.

Manual resolve Unity dependency

Is possible make a Resolve<> inside a method instead inject the dependency in the constructor or in a property of the class?
public void Foo()
if (...)
var context = Unity.Resolve<Context>();
The idea is a conditional dependency resolve that uses the Unity to manage the lifetime of the object created as in the usual DI usage. The DI is set in a Web Api project so the MVC DependencyResolver.Current will not work.
While this is considered a bad pattern by some, you can implement a form of simple static Service Locator pattern like this:
public static class Unity
private static IUnityContainer _container;
public static void SetAppContainer(IUnityContainer container)
_container = container;
public static T Resolve<T>()
return _container.Resolve<T>();
That's not a good idea. The only part of your application that should have knowledge of your container is the composition root. This is an example of a service locator which is an anti-pattern, because dependencies aren't explicitly declared.
It sounds like you want to introduce a factory type that can be injected via constructor injection.

Default values for constructor arguments in a library project

I am writing a library that will provide a collection of public types to its consumers.
I want to make types from this library dependency injection friendly. This means that every class needs to have a constructor through which it is possible to specify every single dependency of the object being initialized. I also want the library to adhere to the convention over configuration principle. This means that if a consumer wants the default behavior, he may use a parameterless constructor and the object will somehow construct the dependencies for itself.
In example (C#):
public class Samurai {
private readonly IWeapon _weapon;
// consumers will use this constructor most of the time
public Samurai() {
_weapon = ??? // get an instance of the default weapon somehow
// consumers will use this constructor if they want to explicitly
// configure dependencies for this instance
public Samurai(IWeapon weapon) {
_weapon = weapon;
My first solution would be to use the service locator pattern.
The code would look like this:
public Samurai() {
_weapon = ServiceLocator.Instance.Get<IWeapon>();
I have a problem with this, though. Service locator has been flagged as an anti-pattern (link) and I completely agree with these arguments. On the other hand, Martin Fowler advocates use of the service locator pattern exactly in this situation (library projects) (link). I want to be careful and eliminate the possible necessity to rewrite the library after it shows up that service locator really was a bad idea.
So in conclusion - do you think that service locator is fine in this scenario? Should I solve my problem in a completely different way? Any thought is welcome...
If you want to make life easier for users who are not using a DI container, you can provide default instances via a dedicated Defaults class which has methods like this:
public virtual Samurai CreateDefaultSamurai()
return new Samurai(CreateDefaultWeapon());
public virtual IWeapon CreateDefaultWeapon()
return new Shuriken();
This way you don't need to pollute the classes themselves with default constructors, and your users aren't at risk of using those default constructors unintentionally.
There is an alternative, that is injecting a specific provider, let's say a WeaponProvider in your case into your class so it can do the lookup for you:
public interface IWeaponProvider
IWeapon GetWeapon();
public class Samurai
private readonly IWeapon _weapon;
public Samurai(IWeaponProvider provider)
_weapon = provider.GetWeapon();
Now you can provide a local default provider for a weapon:
public class DefaultWeaponProvider : IWeaponProvider
public IWeapon GetWeapon()
return new Sword();
And since this is a local default (as opposed to one from a different assembly, so it's not a "bastard injection"), you can use it as part of your Samurai class as well:
public class Samurai
private readonly IWeapon _weapon;
public Samurai() : this(new DefaultWeaponProvider())
public Samurai(IWeaponProvider provider)
_weapon = provider.GetWeapon();
I have used the following approach in my C# project. The goal was to achieve dependency injection (for unit / mock testing) whilst not crippling the implementation of the code for a "normal use case" (i.e. having a large amount of new()'s that are cascaded through the execution flow).
public sealed class QueueProcessor : IQueueProcessor
private IVbfInventory vbfInventory;
private IVbfRetryList vbfRetryList;
public QueueProcessor(IVbfInventory vbfInventory = null, IVbfRetryList vbfRetryList = null)
this.vbfInventory = vbfInventory ?? new VbfInventory();
this.vbfRetryList = vbfRetryList ?? new VbfRetryList();
This allows DI but also means any consumer doesn't have to worry about what the "default instance flow" should be.

Creating objects with dependencies - dependency injection

Let's say we have class:
public class WithDependencies
public WithDependencies(IAmDependencyOne first, IAmDependencyTwo second)
// ...
Now the question. How do you create objects of WithDependencies class in an application?
I know there are many ways.
new WithDependencies(new DependencyOne(), new DependencyTwo());
new WithDependencies(IoC.Resolve(IDependencyOne), IoC.Resolve(IDependencyTwo());
// register IDependencyOne, IDependencyTwo implementations at app start
// register IDependencyOne, IDependencyTwo implementations at app start
// isolate ourselves from concrete IoC Container
and so on...
What do you think is the way to do it?
Because I don't get answers or I don't understand them I'll try to ask again. Let's say that on some event (button, timer, whatever) I need new object WithDependencies(). How do I create it? Assume IoC container is already configured.
It depends on the context, so it's impossible to provide a single answer. Conceptually you'd be doing something like this from the Composition Root:
var wd = new WithDependencies(new DependencyOne(), new DependencyTwo());
However, even in the absence of a DI Container, the above code isn't always unambiguously the correct answer. In some cases, you might want to share the same dependency among several consumers, like this:
var dep1 = new DependencyOne();
var wd = new WithDependencies(dep1, new DependencyTwo());
var another = AnotherWithDependencies(dep1, new DependencyThree());
In other cases, you might not want to share dependencies, in which case the first option is more correct.
This is just a small glimpse of an entire dimension of DI concerned with Lifetime Management. Many DI Containers can take care of that for you, which is one excellent argument to prefer a DI Container over Poor Man's DI.
Once you start using a DI Container, you should follow the Register Resolve Release pattern when resolving types, letting Auto-wiring take care of the actual composition:
var wd = container.Resolve<WithDependencies>();
The above example assumes that the container is already correctly configured.
If you need to create a dependency which has its own dependencies, you can either A) do it yourself, or B) ask something else to do it for you. Option A negates the benefits of dependency injection (decoupling, etc.), so I would say option B is a better starting point. Now, we have chosen to use the factory pattern, no matter whether it takes the form of a service locator (i.e. IoC.Resolve), a static factory, or an instance factory. The point is that we have delegated that responsibility to an external authority.
There are a number of trade-offs required for static accessors. (I went over them in another answer, so I won't repeat them here.) In order to avoid introducing a dependency on the infrastructure or the container, a solid option is to accept a factory for creating WithDependencies when we need an instance somewhere else:
public class NeedsWithDependencies
private readonly IWithDependenciesFactory _withDependenciesFactory;
public NeedsWithDependencies(IWithDependenciesFactory withDependenciesFactory)
_withDependenciesFactory = withDependenciesFactory;
public void Foo()
var withDependencies = _withDependenciesFactory.Create();
...Use the instance...
Next, we can create a container-specific implementation of the factory:
public class WithDependenciesFactory : IWithDependenciesFactory
private readonly IContainer _container;
public WithDependenciesFactory(IContainer container)
_container = container
public WithDependencies Create()
return _container.Resolve<WithDependencies>();
Now NeedsWithDependencies is completely isolated from any knowledge of how WithDependencies gets created; it also exposes all its dependencies in its constructor, instead of hiding dependencies on static accessors, making it easy to reuse and test.
Defining all those factories can get a little cumbersome, though. I like Autofac's factory relationship type, which will detect parameters of the form Func<TDependency> and automatically inject a function which serves the same purpose as the hand-coded factory above:
public class NeedsWithDependencies
private readonly Func<WithDependencies> _withDependenciesFactory;
public NeedsWithDependencies(Func<WithDependencies> withDependenciesFactory)
_withDependenciesFactory = withDependenciesFactory;
public void Foo()
var withDependencies = _withDependenciesFactory();
...Use the instance...
It also works great with runtime parameters:
public class NeedsWithDependencies
private readonly Func<int, WithDependencies> _withDependenciesFactory;
public NeedsWithDependencies(Func<int, WithDependencies> withDependenciesFactory)
_withDependenciesFactory = withDependenciesFactory;
public void Foo(int x)
var withDependencies = _withDependenciesFactory(x);
...Use the instance...
Sometimes I try to get rid of factories or at least not depend directly on them, so Dependency Injection (without factories) is useful of course.
Therefore I use Google Juice, cause its a small little framework using Java Annotations and you can quickly change your injections / dependencies. Just take a look at it:

How to test Ninject ConstructorArguments using MOQ objects?

I have been doing my first Test Driven Development project recently and have been learning Ninject and MOQ. This is my first attempt at all this. I've found the TDD approach has been thought provoking, and Ninject and MOQ have been great. The project I am working on has not particularly been the best fit for Ninject as it is a highly configurable C# program that is designed to test the use of a web service interface.
I have broken it up into modules and have interfaces all over the shop, but I am still finding that I am having to use lots of constructor arguments when getting an implementation of a service from the Ninject kernel. For example;
In my Ninject module;
My DirEnum class;
public class DirEnum : IDirEnum
public DirEnum(string filePath, string fileFilter,
bool includeSubDirs)
In my Configurator class (this is the main entry point) that hooks all the services together;
class Configurator
public ConfigureServices(string[] args)
ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser(args);
IDirEnum dirEnum = kernel.Get<IDirEnum>(
new ConstructorArgument("filePath", argParser.filePath),
new ConstructorArgument("fileFilter", argParser.fileFilter),
new ConstructorArgument("includeSubDirs", argParser.subDirs)
filePath, fileFilter and includeSubDirs are command line options to the program. So far so good. However, being a conscientious kind of guy, I have a test covering this bit of code. I'd like to use a MOQ object. I have created a Ninject module for my tests;
public class TestNinjectModule : NinjectModule
internal IDirEnum mockDirEnum {set;get};
And in my test I use it like this;
public void Test()
// Arrange
TestNinjectModule testmodule = new TestNinjectModule();
Mock<IDirEnum> mockDirEnum = new Mock<IDirEnum>();
testModule.mockDirEnum = mockDirEnum;
// Act
Configurator configurator = new Configurator();
// Assert
here lies my problem! How do I test what values were passed to the
constructor arguments???
So the above shows my problem. How can I test what arguments were passed to the ConstructorArguments of the mock object? My guess is that Ninject is dispensing of the ConstuctorArguments in this case as the Bind does not require them? Can I test this with a MOQ object or do I need to hand code a mock object that implements DirEnum and accepts and 'records' the constructor arguments?
n.b. this code is 'example' code, i.e. I have not reproduced my code verbatim, but I think I have expressed enough to hopefully convey the issues? If you need more context, please ask!
Thanks for looking. Be gentle, this is my first time ;-)
There are a few problems with the way you designed your application. First of all, you are calling the Ninject kernel directly from within your code. This is called the Service Locator pattern and it is considered an anti-pattern. It makes testing your application much harder and you are already experiencing this. You are trying to mock the Ninject container in your unit test, which complicates things tremendously.
Next, you are injecting primitive types (string, bool) in the constructor of your DirEnum type. I like how MNrydengren states it in the comments:
take "compile-time" dependencies
through constructor parameters and
"run-time" dependencies through method
It's hard for me to guess what that class should do, but since you are injecting these variables that change at run-time into the DirEnum constructor, you end up with a hard to test application.
There are multiple ways to fix this. Two that come in mind are the use of method injection and the use of a factory. Which one is feasible is up to you.
Using method injection, your Configurator class will look like this:
class Configurator
private readonly IDirEnum dirEnum;
// Injecting IDirEnum through the constructor
public Configurator(IDirEnum dirEnum)
this.dirEnum = dirEnum;
public ConfigureServices(string[] args)
var parser = new ArgParser(args);
// Inject the arguments into a method
Using a factory, you would need to define a factory that knows how to create new IDirEnum types:
interface IDirEnumFactory
IDirEnum CreateDirEnum(string filePath, string fileFilter,
bool includeSubDirs);
Your Configuration class can now depend on the IDirEnumFactory interface:
class Configurator
private readonly IDirEnumFactory dirFactory;
// Injecting the factory through the constructor
public Configurator(IDirEnumFactory dirFactory)
this.dirFactory = dirFactory;
public ConfigureServices(string[] args)
var parser = new ArgParser(args);
// Creating a new IDirEnum using the factory
var dirEnum = this.dirFactory.CreateDirEnum(
See how in both examples the dependencies get injected into the Configurator class. This is called the Dependency Injection pattern, opposed to the Service Locator pattern, where the Configurator asks for its dependencies by calling into the Ninject kernel.
Now, since your Configurator is completely free from any IoC container what so ever, you can now easily test this class, by injecting a mocked version of the dependency it expects.
What is left is to configure the Ninject container in the top of your application (in DI terminology: the composition root). With the method injection example, your container configuration would stay the same, with the factory example, you will need to replace the Bind<IDirEnum>().To<DirEnum>() line with something as follows:
public static void Bootstrap()
Of course, you will need to create the DirEnumFactory:
class DirEnumFactory : IDirEnumFactory
IDirEnum CreateDirEnum(string filePath, string fileFilter,
bool includeSubDirs)
return new DirEnum(filePath, fileFilter, includeSubDirs);
WARNING: Do note that factory abstractions are in most cases not the best design, as explained here.
The last thing you need to do is to create a new Configurator instance. You can simply do this as follows:
public static Configurator CreateConfigurator()
return kernel.Get<Configurator>();
public static void Main(string[] args)
var configurator = CreateConfigurator();
Here we call the kernel. Although calling the container directly should be prevented, there will always at least be one place in your application where you call the container, simply because it must wire everything up. However, we try to minimize the number of times the container is called directly, because it improves -among other things- the testability of our code.
See how I didn't really answer your question, but showed a way to work around the problem very effectively.
You might still want to test your DI configuration. That's very valid IMO. I do this in my applications. But for this, you often don't need the DI container, or even if your do, this doesn't mean that all your tests should have a dependency on the container. This relationship should only exist for the tests that test the DI configuration itself. Here is a test:
public void DependencyConfiguration_IsConfiguredCorrectly()
// Arrange
// Act
var configurator = Program.CreateConfigurator();
// Assert
This test indirectly depends on Ninject and it will fail when Ninject is not able to construct a new Configurator instance. When you keep your constructors clean from any logic and only use it for storing the taken dependencies in private fields, you can run this, without the risk of calling out to a database, web service or what so ever.
I hope this helps.
