how to do signal power detection then save the original IQ signal in GNUradio? - signal-processing

I'm getting signals in IQ format, and I'm trying to monitor the power level for a length of samples, if the average power level above certain threshold, then save the interesting signals in original IQ format(this is important!). How can I achieve this goal using GNU radio?


ESP32: Store and Send data via BLE frequently

I'm developing a sensor based on the ESP32-DevKit board where I sense vibration from an accelerometer. The application/sensor goal is to store the accelerometer data for 20s and then send all the data through BLE.
I'm currently using the ESP32 ADC (12 bit) for a fast sampling rate (10-100KHz) to get an accurate signal. The next step is to store this signal, but it will take as size almost 2MB, so I don't know if I can store it in the ESP32 and send it later via BLE (packet by packet), therefore a lot of tasks will end up degrading the process time and Energy.
The main points are :
Fast sampling rate / accurate signal.
Sending data to phone with the lowest energy possible.
using ESP32-S2 to Store 2MB data and resend it to Phone app.
Is there any possibility of doing what I want to?
When storing the signal, have you considered compressing the data? If the accelerometer readings are very similar to the previous reading, then just storing the difference might save a lot of space, especially if you use a variable length format.
I have a project where I save GPS data, but because it is comparatively slow moving boats, the difference between two coordinates (every second or so) will be very small, so no point storing the full coordinates.

Fast-fourier transform for low-frequency signals in the WebAudio API / javascript

I have a single-channel wave coming in at an 8000 Hz sampling rate.
I need to analyze frequencies that are between 5 Hz and 300 Hz in real-time, with emphasis on signals from 10 to 60 Hz.
My thought initially is to run the 8000 Hz sample into a buffer, collecting about 32000 samples. Then, run a 32000 window-sized fourier transform on it.
The reasoning here is that for lower-frequency signals, you need a larger window size (right?)
However, if I'm trying to display this signal in real-time, it seems like the AudioAnalyserNode might not be a good choice here. I know the WebAudio API would allow me to get the raw data, but ideally the AudioAnalyserNode would be able to run a new fft based on the previous 32000 samples, even if a smaller amount of samples have become newly available. At this point, it seems like the fft data is only updating once every four seconds.
Do I have to create a special "running bin" so that the display updates more frequently than once every 4 seconds? Or, what's the smallest window size I can use to still get reasonable values in this range? Is 32000 a large enough window size?
I am using the WebAudio API analyser node in javascript, but if I have to get the raw data, I'm also willing to change libraries to another one in javascript.
Using an AnalyserNode, you can call getFloatFrequencyData as often as you like. This will return the FFT of the last fftSize samples. These get smoothed together. For full details, see AnalyserNode Interface
Also, the WebAudio spec allows you to construct an AudioContext with a user-selectable sample rate. You could set your sample rate to 8000 Hz. Then your FFTs can have finer resolution with less complexity.
However, I don't think any browser has implemented this capability yet.
An alternative would be to get a supported audio card that allows a sample rate of 8000 Hz and set up your system to use that as the default audio output device, Then the audio context will have a sample rate of 8000 Hz.

IR receiver powered by AndroidThings

Is it possible to implement IR receiver on android-things?
1st idea:
Use GPIO as input and try to buffer changes and then parse the buffer to decode a message.
GPIO listener mechanism is too slow to observe IR signal.
Another way is to read GPIO infinite loop. But all IR protocols strongly depend on time and java(dalvik) in this case is to less accurate.
2nd idea
It seems to be possible to adjust baud rate to observe all bits of a message but UART API require to setup quantity of start bits etc. and this is a problem because IR protocols do not fit that schema.
IMHO at the moment, UART is the only path but it would be a huge workaround.
The overarching problem (as you've discovered) is that any non-realtime system will have difficulty parsing this input directly because of the timing constraints. This is a job best suited to a microcontroller where you can access a timer interrupt. Grab an inexpensive tinyAVR or PIC to manage the sensor for you.
You will also want to use a dedicated receiver sensor (you might already be doing this) to simplify parsing the signal. These sensors include a demodulator, which means you don't have to deal with 38kHz pulse signal and the input is converted into a more standard PWM wave.
I believe you can't process the IR signal in Java because the reading pulses would be quicker than the reading resolution-at least in a raspberry pi. To get faster gpio readings I'm confident you can do in c++ with ndk with the raspberry. Though it's not officially supported there's some tricks to enable it. See How to do GPIO on Android Things bypassing Java on how to write to gpio in c. From there it should be trivial to read in a tight loop. Though I would still try to hook the trigger from Java since so far I have no clear easy idea on how to write/install interrupts in c.

How does a gnuradio source block know how many samples to output?

I'm trying to understand how gnuradio source blocks work. I know how to make a simple one that outputs a constant and I understand what sample rate means, but I'm not sure how (or where) to combine the two.
Is the source block in charge of regulating the amount of data to output? Or does the amount that it outputs depend upon other blocks in the flow graph and how much they consume? Some source blocks take sample_rate as an input, which makes me think it's the former. But other blocks don't, which makes me think it's the later.
If a source block is in charge of its sample rate, how does it regulate it? Do they check the system clock and output samples based upon that?
Do they check the system clock and output samples based upon that?
Definitely not. All GNU Radio blocks operate at the maximum speed the processor can give.
However, GNU Radio relies on the fact that each flowgraph may have a source and/or sink device (e.g USRP, other SDR device, sound card) that produces/consumes samples in a constant rate. Consequently, the flowgraph is throttled at the rate of the hardware.
In order to avoid CPU saturation, if none of these hardware devices exist, GNU Radio provides the Throttle block that tries (it is not so accurate) to throttle the samples per second at the given rate, by sleeping for suitable amount of time between each sample that passes through the Throttle block.
As far the sample_rate parameter concerns, excluding the Throttle and device specific blocks, it is used only for graphical representation or internal calculations.

calculate the latency between Erlang and C program

I am using Erlang for driving robot using wireless serial communication. I want to use the robot in safety critical systems so I need to calculate the latency between Erlang and C program. Can anybody tell me how to calculate latency between 2 program communicating with each other?
Thanks in advance.... :
You would need a high-resolution timer and it MAY be easier to calculate round-trip times rather than one-way latency. To measure RTT you record the value of the timer, send off a message, then wait for the reply to come in and check the timer again. The RTT is the time elapsed from just before sending the message to receiving the reply.
If you want to do it one-way, it may work, if both programs are running on the same machine. You'd need to save the timer value in the message, then on receiving it check the timer.
