The ecs driver for docker compose converts a docker-compose.yml into equivalent CloudFormation directives and deploys that. It also supports inlining Cloudformation directly inline to access features that docker compose does not support, or to create resources that docker compose does not support.
However, outside of limited references to loadbalancers, there is no mention in the documentation on how CloudFormation directives can !Ref docker compose resources, or visa versa.
In this example I am just trying to deploy a containerized dotnet app that wants to communicate with a RabbitMQ. This means I am going to need to reference the GetAtt RabbitMQ.AmqpEndpoints from docker to pass it to dotnet. And also !Ref the ECS Service so I can add it to a Security Group that is assigned to the AmazonMQ with ingress permission. I can't see any way to create either link.
Type: AWS::...
SomeProperty: !Ref DockerService? # <<-- need to ref the docker services etc to add them to security groups etc.
Type: "AWS::AmazonMQ::Broker"
BrokerName: RabbitMQ
image: ...
RABBITMQ_ENDPOINTS: !GetAtt RabbitMQBroker.AmqpEndpoints # <<-- need to link to CF Resources from the docker side
How can I pass all common environment variables in a single domain to docker swarm services at once?
Is there any third party application, docker image or service for this?
I have to give environment variables to docker swarm services one by one. It would be great if there was only one system and all its services would automatically get their environment variables from there.
You can use the docker secrets command to manage secrets for your services.
For example, to create a secret called my_secret:
$ docker secret create my_secret my_secret_value
To pass the secret to a service, you can specify it in the service's definition:
services: my_service: secrets: - my_secret
The secret will be made available to the service as an environment variable called MY_SECRET.
There are a lot of applications which I launch on my workstation using docker-compose up.
They don't have an installer, or I don't want to use it
They require a dedicated storage engine to be present
They require a build process step
They are created by me and I want them to be easily launched on any workstation
So what I usually end up with the following file-structure:
- docker-compose.yml
- Dockerfile (not always)
- someConfigFile
And my docker-compose.yml is something like this:
(It can contain 2 or 3 services, but I provide the simplest form that I use)
version: '3.7'
image: mysql:5.7.29
restart: always
- ./mysqld.cnf:/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
- 3306:3306
Then when I need to launch the application I just perform:
docker-compose up # (or with --build)
Recently I tried to add:
cpus: '0.50'
memory: 200M
and got a message:
Some services (mysql) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use docker stack deploy to deploy to a swarm.
So I tried:
docker stack deploy mystack --compose-file docker-compose.yml
and got message:
Ignoring unsupported options: restart
this node is not a swarm manager. Use "docker swarm init" or "docker swarm join" to connect this node to swarm and try again
This seems more complex that docker-compose up.
I saw that I can use --compatibility flag e.g.
docker-compose --compatibility up
But the word compatibility means to me that I should soon switch to a new way of launching my apps locally.
My question is: What is the new procedure that I should follow for launching apps on my workstation using a docker and a descriptor file, in order to support options present in Compose file v3?
If you want to specify memory limits and similar constraints for local containers, you need to use a version 2 Compose file. This is called out in the documentation for the deploy: resources: section. docker/compose#4513 has some reasonably clear statements that Compose file version 2 is more targeted at local setups and version 3 more at Swarm installations, and that Docker intends to keep supporting both file versions.
Docker has put many options and functions specific to their Swarm cluster-installation mode into the core product. Anything that mentions a "stack", for example, is specific to a Swarm setup. One consequence of Swarm and plain-Docker things being combined together is that the deploy: Docker Compose options only have an effect in Swarm mode. The documentation for the deploy: key notes:
This only takes effect when deploying to a swarm with docker stack deploy, and is ignored by docker-compose up and docker-compose run.
My question is: What is the new procedure that I should follow for launching apps on my workstation using a docker and a descriptor file, in order to support options present in Compose file v3?
Docker compose V3 is meant to be used with Docker Swarm deployments, therefore you need to run your Docker in Swarm mode, otherwise just keep using the V2 and it's simpler interface for localhost developments.
For example restart is ignored because that responsibility belongs now to the Docker Swarm, not to Docker itself.
Using the compatibility flag it's kind of converting at runtime your V3 compose file into a V2 compose file.
So in short just use V3 if you want to run Docker in Swarm mode to take advantage of all its new features, aka it's kind of a Kubernetes in Docker land.
I am migrating away from Docker Cloud to pure Docker Swarm setup. One thing that I am missing is the nice way of how the containers got the hostname set as $SERVICE_NAME-$SLOT_NUMBER.
Is it possible to dynamically set the hostname/container name in a swarm stack service?
In your stack/compose file, use this format:
hostname: "{{.Service.Name}}-{{.Task.Slot}}"
Link to documentation for available template variables:
I have project with docker-compose file and want to migrate to V3, but when deploy with
docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml vertx
It does not understand build path, links, container names...
My file locate d here
version: '3'
image: eureka-node
build: ./eureka-node
container_name: eureka-node
- '8761:8761'
- vertx-network
image: postgres-node
build: ./postgres-node
container_name: postgres-node
- '5432:5432'
- vertx-network
image: vertx-node
build: ./vertx-node
container_name: vertx-node
- postgres-node
- eureka-node
- '8585:8585'
- vertx-network
driver: overlay
when I run docker-compose up, it is working, but with
stack deploy not.
How to define path for docker file?
docker stack deploy works only on images, not on builds.
This means that you will have to push your images to an image registry (created with the build process), later docker stack deploy will download the images and execute them.
here you have an example of how was it done for a php application.
You have to pay attention to the parts 1, 3 and 4.
The articles are about php, but can easily be applied to any other language.
The swarm mode "docker service" interface has a few fundamental differences in how it manages containers. You are no longer directly running containers like with "docker run", and it is assumed that you will be doing this in a distributed environment more often than not.
I'll break down the answer by these specific things you listed.
It does not understand build path, links, container names...
The link option has been deprecated for quite some time in favor of the network service discovery feature introduced alongside the "docker network" feature. You no longer need to specify specific links to/from containers. Instead, you simply need to ensure that all containers are on the same network and then they can discovery eachother by the container name or "network alias"
docker-compose will put all your containers into the same network by default, and it sets up the compose service name as an alias. That means if you have a service called 'postgres-node', you can reach it via dns by the name 'postgres-node'.
Container Names
The "docker service" interface allows you to declare a desired state. "I want x number of identical services". Since the interface must support x number of instances of a service, it doesn't allow you to choose the specific container name. Instead, you get to choose the service name. In the case of 'docker stack deploy', the service name defined under the services key in your docker-compose.yml file will be used, but it will also prepend the stack name to the service name.
In most cases, I would argue that overriding the container name in a docker-compose.yml file is unnecessary, even when using regular containers via docker-compose up.
If you need a different name for network service discovery purposes, add a different alias or use the service name alias that you get when using docker-compose or docker stack deploy.
build path
Because swarm mode was built to be a distributed system, building an image in place locally isn't something that "docker stack deploy" was meant to do. Instead, you should build and push your image to a registry that all nodes in your cluster can access.
In the case where you are using a single node swarm "cluster", you should be able to use the docker-compose build option to get the images built locally, and then use docker stack deploy.
Version 3.1 of the docker-compose.yml specification introduces support for secrets.
I tried this:
version: '3.1'
image: tutum/hello-world
password: the_password
image: tutum/hello-world
$ docker-compose up returns:
Unsupported config option for services.secret: 'password'
How can we use the secrets feature in practice?
You can read the corresponding section from the official documentation.
To use secrets you need to add two things into your docker-compose.yml file. First, a top-level secrets: block that defines all of the secrets. Then, another secrets: block under each service that specifies which secrets the service should receive.
As an example, create the two types of secrets that Docker will understand: external secrets and file secrets.
1. Create an 'external' secret using docker secret create
First thing: to use secrets with Docker, the node you are on must be part of a swarm.
$ docker swarm init
Next, create an 'external' secret:
$ echo "This is an external secret" | docker secret create my_external_secret -
(Make sure to include the final dash, -. It's easy to miss.)
2. Write another secret into a file
$ echo "This is a file secret." > my_file_secret.txt
3. Create a docker-compose.yml file that uses both secrets
Now that both types of secrets are created, here is the docker-compose.yml file that will read both of those and write them to the web service:
version: '3.1'
image: nginxdemos/hello
secrets: # secrets block only for 'web' service
- my_external_secret
- my_file_secret
secrets: # top level secrets block
external: true
file: my_file_secret.txt
Docker can read secrets either from its own database (e.g. secrets made with docker secret create) or from a file. The above shows both examples.
4. Deploy your test stack
Deploy the stack using:
$ docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml secret_test
This will create one instance of the web service, named secret_test_web.
5. Verify that the container created by the service has both secrets
Use docker exec -ti [container] /bin/sh to verify that the secrets exist.
(Note: in the below docker exec command, the m2jgac... portion will be different on your machine. Run docker ps to find your container name.)
$ docker exec -ti secret_test_web.1.m2jgacogzsiaqhgq1z0yrwekd /bin/sh
# Now inside secret_test_web; secrets are contained in /run/secrets/
root#secret_test_web:~$ cd /run/secrets/
root#secret_test_web:/run/secrets$ ls
my_external_secret my_file_secret
root#secret_test_web:/run/secrets$ cat my_external_secret
This is an external secret
root#secret_test_web:/run/secrets$ cat my_file_secret
This is a file secret.
If all is well, the two secrets we created in steps 1 and 2 should be inside the web container that was created when we deployed our stack.
Given you have a service myapp and a secrets file secrets.yml:
Create a compose file:
version: '3.1'
build: .
Provision a secret using this command:
docker secret create secrets_yaml secrets.yml
Deploy your service using this command:
docker deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml myappstack
Now your app can access the secret file at /run/secrets/secrets_yaml. You can either hardcode this path in your application or create a symbolic link.
The different question
This answer is probably to the question "how do you provision your secrets to your docker swarm cluster".
The original question "how do you manage secret values with docker compose" implies that the docker-compose file contains secret values. It doesn't.
There's a different question: "Where do you store the canonical source of the secrets.yml file". This is up to you. You can store it in your head, print on a sheet of paper, use a password manager, use a dedicated secrets application/database. Heck, you can even use a git repository if it's safely secured itself. Of course, never store it inside the system you're securing with it :)
I would recommend vault. To store a secret:
# create a temporary secret file
cat secrets.yml | vault write secret/myappsecrets -
To retrieve a secret and put it into your docker swarm:
vault read -field=value secret/myappsecrets | docker secret create secrets_yaml -
Of course, you can use docker cluster itself as a single source of truth for you secrets, but if your docker cluster breaks, you'd lost your secrets. So make sure to have a backup elsewhere.
The question nobody asked
The third question (that nobody asked) is how to provision secrets to developers' machines. It might be needed when there's an external service which is impossible to mock locally or a large database which is impossible to copy.
Again, docker has nothing to do with it (yet). It doesn't have access control lists which specify which developers have access to which secrets. Nor does it have any authentication mechanism.
The ideal solution appears to be this:
A developer opens some web application.
Authenticates using some single sign on mechanism.
Copies some long list of docker secret create commands and executes them in the terminal.
We have yet to see if such an application pops up.
You can also specify secrets stored locally in a file using file: key in secrets object. Then you don't have to docker secret create them yourself, Compose / docker stack deploy will do it for you.
version: '3.1'
file: ./password
image: alpine
- password
Reference: Compose file version 3 reference: Secrets
One question was raised here in the comments, why should I initialize a swarm if I only need secrets? And my answer is that secrets is created for the swarm, where you have more than one node and you want to manage and share secrets in a secure way. But if you have one node, this will not (almost) add any extra security if someone can access your host machine where you have the one node swarm, as secrets can be retrieved from the running containers, or directly on the host if the secret is created from a file, like a private key.
Check this blog:
And read the comments:
"Thank you very much for the introductory article. The steps are mentioned to view the contents of secrets in container will not work when the redis container is created on a worker node."
Is that the exact indentation of your docker-compose.yml file? I think secret secrets should be nested under a (i.e. one of the services), not directly under services section.
I guess the keyword is secrets not secret. That is at least what I understand from reading the schema.
The keyword is secrets instead of secret.
It should also properly indented under service a.