Why is pthread_cond_wait a big portion of total perf samples in my program? - pthreads

I use perf to do performance profiling, and get the following flame graph. Notice that a big portion of the total samples is pthread_cond_wait. I used boost::asio but not sure where is pthread_cond_wait is called. Can anyone give me some clue why this is happening. Thanks.

That means you have a lot of lock contention. Without code there's little useful we can say, except generalities:
keep locks short
use atomics where possible
minimize resource sharing, so there is less need for synchronization of any kind, locking or otherwise
e.g. moving resources with their tasks is a good pattern to remove sharing
you might have too many threads; above a point you risk performance degradation due to increased lock contention
Going from the flame-graph alone I will add the tip that it is possible to optimize Asio in the case of single threaded application. See Concurrency Hint.


Memory Profiler tool to get an estimation of improvement enabling NUMA

I work on a low latency application that in my opinion would greatly benefit from the enabling of NUMA (or improving the memory locality anyway).
Is there a profiling tool that would give me an estimation on what could be the improvement, maybe in terms of percent/factor of reduction of execution time?
I was considering using cachegrind. I would expect a lot of LL cache miss, but still I wouldn't have an idea of the expected improvement.
Thanks a lot.
The goal here is trying to reduce the latency. Currently, there is a thread that works on startup and do all the allocations. A better implementation, I believe, would be to pin the threads to cpu cores, and make every threads to make the allocation it needs. Before to do that i'd like to have, somehow, an estimation of the benefit in terms of latency.

Is "Running Time", "CPU Usage" a useful metric under Instruments to draw any conclusions?

Have profiled an app on an iPhone 4 using "Time Profiler" and "CPU Monitor" and trying to make sense of it.
Given that execution time is 8 minutes, CPU "Running Time" is around 2 minutes.
About 67% of that is on the main thread, out of which 52% is coming from "own code".
Now, I can see the majority of time being spent in enumerating over arrays (and associated work), UIKit operations, etc.
The problem is, how do I draw any meaningful conclusions out of this data? i.e. there is something wrong going on here that needs fixing.
I can see a lot of CPU load over that running time (median at 70%) that isn't "justifiable" given the nature of the app.
Having said that, there are some things that do stand out. Parsing HTTP responses on the main thread, creating objects eagerly (backed up by memory profiling as well).
However, what I am looking for here is offending code along with useful conclusions solely based on CPU running time. i.e. spending "too much" time here.
Let me try and elaborate in order to give a better picture.
Based on the functional requirements of this app, I can't see why it shouldn't be able to run on an iPhone 3G. A median CPU usage of around 70%, with a peak of 97% only looks like a red flag on an iPhone 4.
The most obvious response to this is to investigate the code and draw conclusions from that.
What I am hoping for is a categorical answer of the following form
if you spend anywhere between 25% - 50% of your time on CA, there is something wrong with your animations
if you spend 1000ms on anything related to UIKit, better check your processing
Then again, maybe there aren't any answers only indications of things being off when it comes to running time and CPU usage.
Answer for question "is there something wrong going on here that needs fixing" is simple: do you see the problem while using application? If yes (you see glitches in animation, or app hang for a while), you probably want to fix it. If not, you may be looking for premature optimization.
Nonetheless, parsing http responses in main thread, may be a bad idea.
In dev presentations Apple have pointed out that whilst CPU usage is not an accurate indicator in the simulator it is something to hold stock of when profiling on device. Personally I would consider any thread that takes significant CPU time without good reason a problem that needs to be resolved.
Find the time sinks, prioritise by percentage, and start working through them. These may not be visible problems now but they will begin to, if they have not already, degrade the user's experience of the app and potentially the device too.
Check out their documentation on how to effectively use CPU profiling for some handy hints.
If enumeration of arrays is taking a lot of time then I would suggest that dictionaries or other more effective caches could be appropriate, assuming you can spare some memory to ease CPU.
An effective approach may be to remove all business logic from the main thread (a given) and make a good boundary layer between the app and the parsing / business logic. From here you can better hook in some test suites that could better tell you if the code is at fault or if it's simply the significant requirements of the app UI itself...
Eight minutes?
Without beating around the bush, you want to make your application faster, right?
Forget looking at CPU load and wondering if it's the right amount.
Forget guessing if it's HTTP parsing. Maybe it is, but guessing won't tell you.
Forget rummaging around in the code timing things in hopes that you will find the problem(s).
You can find out directly why it is spending so much time.
Here's the method I use,
and here's an (amateurish) video of it.
Here's what will happen if you do that.
First you will find something you would never have guessed, and when you fix it you will lop a big chunk off that 8 minutes, like maybe down to 6 minutes.
Then you do it again, and lop off another big chunk.
You repeat until you can't find anything to fix, and then it will be much faster than your 8 minutes.
OK, now the ball is in your court.

Reasons of sub-linear speedup in parallel programs

What are the reasons a parallelized program doesn't achieve the ideal speedup?
For example, I have thought about data dependencies, the cost of data transfer between threads (or actors), synchronisation for access to the same data structures, any other ideas (or subcategories of the reasons i mentioned)?
I'm particularly interested for problems occurring in the erlang actor model but any other issues are welcomed.
A few in no particular order:
Cache line sharing - multiple variables on the same cache-line can incur overhead between processors, even if the theoretical model says they should be independent.
Context switch overhead - if you have more threads than cores, there will be overhead in context switching.
Kernel scalability issues: kernels may be fine at say 4 cores, but less efficient at 8.
Lock conveying
Amdahl's law - The limit of the parallel speed up of a program is the proportion of the program that can parallelized.
One reason is that parallelizing a program is often more difficult than one imagines and there are many subtle problems which can occur. For a very good discussion on this see Amdahl's Law.
The main problem in the Erlang Actor model is that each process has its own heap of memory and messages passed are copied around. Contrast with the usual way of using shared memory where you can pass a pointer to a structure between processes.
In a shared memory environment, it is up to the programmer to ensure that only a single process/thread operates on a piece of memory at a time. That is, some process is designated as it and has responsibility for doing the right thing on that memory area. Not so much in Erlang: One process can't by design rummage in other processes memory areas and you must copy values to other processes. This is tremendously powerful when we consider robustness of programs, but not so much if we consider the speed by which the program executes. On the other hand, if we want a distributed environment of multiple computers, copying reigns king and is the only way to transfer data between machines.
Amdahl's law comes into play because parts of your program may be impossible to spread out over multiple cores. There are some problems which are inherently serial in nature: You have no hope of ever speeding them up. Usually they are iterative where each new iteration is dependent on the former and you can't make a guess at the new one.

Should a process always consume the same amount of memory if executed in the same way?

Hi folks and thanks for your time in advance.
I'm currently extending our C# test framework to monitor the memory consumed by our application. The intention being that a bug is potentially raised if the memory consumption significantly jumps on a new build as resources are always tight.
I'm using System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessByName and then checking the PrivateMemorySize64 value.
During developing the new test, when using the same build of the application for consistency, I've seen it consume differing amounts of memory despite supposedly executing exactly the same code.
So my question is, if once an application has launched, fully loaded and in this case in it's idle state, hence in an identical state from run to run, can I expect the private bytes consumed to be identical from run to run?
I need to clarify that I can expect memory usage to be consistent as any degree of varience starts to reduce the effectiveness of the test as a degree of tolerance would need to be introduced, something I'd like to avoid.
1) Should the memory usage be 100% consistent presuming the application is behaving consistenly? This was my expectation.
2) Is there is any degree of variance in the private byte usage returned by windows or in the memory it allocates when requested by an app?
Currently, if the answer is memory consumed should be consistent as I was expecteding, the issue lies in our app actually requesting a differing amount of memory.
Many thanks
Almost everything in .NET uses the runtime's garbage collector, and when exactly it runs and how much memory it frees depends on a lot of factors, many of which are out of your hands. For example, when another program needs a lot of memory, and you have a lot of collectable memory at hand, the GC might decide to free it now, whereas when your program is the only one running, the GC heuristics might decide it's more efficient to let collectable memory accumulate a bit longer. So, short answer: No, memory usage is not going to be 100% consistent.
OTOH, if you have really big differences between runs (say, a few megabytes on one run vs. half a gigabyte on another), you should get suspicious.
If the program is deterministic (like all embedded programs should be), then yes. In an OS environment you are very unlikely to get the same figures due to memory fragmentation and numerous other factors.
Just noted this a C# app, so no, but the numbers should be relatively close (+/- 10% or less).

cooperative memory usage across threads?

I have an application that has multiple threads processing work from a todo queue. I have no influence over what gets into the queue and in what order (it is fed externally by the user). A single work item from the queue may take anywhere between a couple of seconds to several hours of runtime and should not be interrupted while processing. Also, a single work item may consume between a couple of megabytes to around 2GBs of memory. The memory consumption is my problem. I'm running as a 64bit process on a 8GB machine with 8 parallel threads. If each of them hits a worst case work item at the same time I run out of memory. I'm wondering about the best way to work around this.
plan conservatively and run 4 threads only. The worst case shouldn't be a problem anymore, but we waste a lot of parallelism, making the average case a lot slower.
make each thread check available memory (or rather total allocated memory by all threads) before starting with a new item. Only start when more than 2GB memory are left. Recheck periodically, hoping that other threads will finish their memory hogs and we may start eventually.
try to predict how much memory items from the queue will need (hard) and plan accordingly. We could reorder the queue (overriding user choice) or simply adjust the number of running worker threads.
more ideas?
I'm currently tending towards number 2 because it seems simple to implement and solve most cases. However, I'm still wondering what standard ways of handling situations like this exist? The operating system must do something very similar on a process level after all...
So your current worst-case memory usage is 16GB. With only 8GB of RAM, you'd be lucky to have 6 or 7GB left after the OS and system processes take their share. So on average you're already going to be thrashing memory on a moderately loaded system. How many cores does the machine have? Do you have 8 worker threads because it is an 8-core machine?
Basically you can either reduce memory consumption, or increase available memory. Your option 1, running only 4 threads, under-utilitises the CPU resources, which could halve your throughput - definitely sub-optimal.
Option 2 is possible, but risky. Memory management is very complex, and querying for available memory is no guarantee that you will be able to go ahead and allocate that amount (without causing paging). A burst of disk I/O could cause the system to increase the cache size, a background process could start up and swap in its working set, and any number of other factors. For these reasons, the smaller the available memory, the less you can rely on it. Also, over time memory fragmentation can cause problems too.
Option 3 is interesting, but could easily lead to under-loading the CPU. If you have a run of jobs that have high memory requirements, you could end up running only a few threads, and be in the same situation as option 1, where you are under-loading the cores.
So taking the "reduce consumption" strategy, do you actually need to have the entire data set in memory at once? Depending on the algorithm and the data access pattern (eg. random versus sequential) you could progressively load the data. More esoteric approaches might involve compression, depending on your data and the algorithm (but really, it's probably a waste of effort).
Then there's "increase available memory". In terms of price/performance, you should seriously consider simply purchasing more RAM. Sometimes, investing in more hardware is cheaper than the development time to achieve the same end result. For example, you could put in 32GB of RAM for a few hundred dollars, and this would immediately improve performance without adding any complexity to the solution. With the performance pressure off, you could profile the application to see just where you can make the software more efficient.
I have continued the discussion on Herb Sutter's blog and provoced some very helpful reader comments. Head over to Sutter's Mill if you are interested.
Thanks for all the suggestions so far!
Difficult to propose solutions without knowing exactly what you're doing, but how about considering:
See if your processing algorithm can access the data in smaller sections without loading the whole work item into memory.
Consider developing a service-based solution so that the work is carried out by another process (possibly a web service). This way you could scale the solution to run over multiple servers, perhaps using a load balancer to distribute the work.
Are you persisting the incoming work items to disk before processing them? If not, they probably should be anyway, particularly if it may be some time before the processor gets to them.
Is the memory usage proportional to the size of the incoming work item, or otherwise easy to calculate? Knowing this would help to decide how to schedule processing.
Hope that helps?!
