Optional positional parameter in Dart - dart

I'm studying recursion and I wrote this method to calculate the N° number of the Fibonacci series:
fibonacci(int n, Map memo) {
if (memo.containsKey(n)) return memo[n]; // Memo check
if (n <= 2) return 1; // base case
// calculation
memo[n] = fibonacci(n - 1, memo) + fibonacci((n - 2), memo);
return memo[n];
I think it doesn't need to be explained, my problem is just how to call this function from the main, avoiding providing an empty Map.
this is how I call the function now:
fibonacci(n, {});
But I would rather prefer to call it just like this:

The canonical approach is to make memo optional, and use a fresh map if the memo argument is omitted. Because you want to change and update the map, you can't use a default value for the parameter, because default values must be constant, and constant maps are not mutable.
So, written very concisely:
int fibonacci(int n, [Map<int, int>? memo]) {
if (n <= 2) return 1;
return (memo ??= {})[n] ??= fibonacci(n - 1, memo) + fibonacci(n - 2, memo);
The ??= operator assigns to the right-hand side if the value is null.
It's used both to initialize memo to a new map if the argument was omitted,
and to update the map if a cached value wasn't present.
I'd actually reconsider using a map. We know that the Fibonacci computation will compute a value for every prior number down to 1, so I'd just use a list instead:
int fibonacci(int n, [List<int?>? memo]) {
if (n <= 2) return 1;
return (memo ??= List<int?>.filled(n - 2))[n - 3] ??=
fibonacci(n - 1, memo) + fibonacci(n - 2, memo);
That should work just like the map.
(I subtract 3 from n when doing the lookup because no value below 3 needs the list - it's handled by the prior if).

There are multiple ways to do it. This is my personal favorite, because it also limits the function that is only used for internal means and it doesn't have the need to check every recursion, as you already know there is a map provided:
int fibonacci(int n) {
return _fibonacci(n, {});
int _fibonacci(int n, Map<int, int> memo) {
if (n <= 2) return 1; // base case
final previouslyCalculated = memo[n]; // Memo check
if(previouslyCalculated != null) {
return previouslyCalculated;
// calculation
final next = _fibonacci(n - 1, memo) + _fibonacci((n - 2), memo);
memo[n] = next;
return next;
void main() {
As Dart does not support overloading, if you actually need both versions to be publicly available (or want both private) you would have to pick different names.
Please note that I added proper types to your methods and cleaned them up a bit for everything that would not compile once proper types are used. Make sure you always use proper types and don't rely on dynamic to somehow works it's magic. The compiler can only help you, if you are explicit about what you want to do. Otherwise they can only nod and let you run into any mistake you may have made. Be smart, let your compiler help, it will catch a lot of errors for you at compile time that you would otherwise have to spent countless hours on debugging.

This is the solution I've found so far but looks very verbose and inelegant:
fibonacci(int n, [Map<int, int>? memo]) {
memo == null ? memo = {} : null; // null check
if (memo.containsKey(n)) return memo[n];
if (n <= 2) return 1;
memo[n] = fibonacci(n - 1, memo) + fibonacci((n - 2), memo);
return memo[n];
In this way I can call just:


Destructured iteration over variadic arguments like a tuple sequence in D

Let's say I want to process a variadic function which alternately gets passed start and end values of 1 or more intervals and it should return a range of random values in those intervals. You can imagine the input to be a flattened sequence of tuples, all tuple elements spread over one single range.
import std.meta; //variadic template predicates
import std.traits : isFloatingPoint;
import std.range;
auto randomIntervals(T = U[0], U...)(U intervals)
if (U.length/2 > 0 && isFloatingPoint!T && NoDuplicates!U.length == 1) {
import std.random : uniform01;
T[U.length/2] randomValues;
// split and iterate over subranges of size 2
foreach(i, T start, T end; intervals.chunks(2)) { //= intervals.slide(2,2)
randomValues[i] = uniform01 * (end - start) + start,
return randomValues.dup;
The example is not important, I only use it for explanation. The chunk size could be any finite positive size_t, not only 2 and changing the chunk size should only require changing the number of loop-variables in the foreach loop.
In this form above it will not compile since it would only expect one argument (a range) to the foreach loop. What I would like is something which rather automatically uses or infers a sliding-window as a tuple, derived from the number of given loop-variables, and fills the additional variables with next elements of the range/array + allows for an additional index, optionally. According to the documentation a range of tuples allows destructuring of the tuple elements in place into foreach-loop-variables so the first thing, I thought about, is turning a range into a sequence of tuples but didn't find a convenience function for this.
Is there a simple way to loop over destructured subranges (with such a simplicity as shown in my example code) together with the index? Or is there a (standard library) function which does this job of splitting a range into enumerated tuples of equal size? How to easily turn the range of subranges into a range of tuples?
Is it possible with std.algorithm.iteration.map in this case (EDIT: with a simple function argument to map and without accessing tuple elements)?
EDIT: I want to ignore the last chunk which doesn't fit into the entire tuple. It just is not iterated over.
EDIT: It's not, that I couldn't program this myself, I only hope for a simple notation because this use case of looping over multiple elements is quite useful. If there is something like a "spread" or "rest" operator in D like in JavaScript, please let me know!
Thank you.
(Added as a separate answer because it's significantly different from my previous answer, and wouldn't fit in a comment)
After reading your comments and the discussion on the answers thus far, it seems to me what you seek is something like the below staticChunks function:
unittest {
import std.range : enumerate;
size_t index = 0;
foreach (i, a, b, c; [1,2,3,1,2,3].staticChunks!3.enumerate) {
assert(a == 1);
assert(b == 2);
assert(c == 3);
assert(i == index);
import std.range : isInputRange;
auto staticChunks(size_t n, R)(R r) if (isInputRange!R) {
import std.range : chunks;
import std.algorithm : map, filter;
return r.chunks(n).filter!(a => a.length == n).map!(a => a.tuplify!n);
auto tuplify(size_t n, R)(R r) if (isInputRange!R) {
import std.meta : Repeat;
import std.range : ElementType;
import std.typecons : Tuple;
import std.array : front, popFront, empty;
Tuple!(Repeat!(n, ElementType!R)) result;
static foreach (i; 0..n) {
result[i] = r.front;
return result;
Note that this also deals with the last chunk being a different size, if only by silently throwing it away. If this behavior is undesirable, remove the filter, and deal with it inside tuplify (or don't, and watch the exceptions roll in).
chunks and slide return Ranges, not tuples. Their last element can contain less than the specified size, whereas tuples have a fixed compile time size.
If you need destructuring, you have to implement your own chunks/slide that return tuples. To explicitly add an index to the tuple, use enumerate. Here is an example:
import std.typecons, std.stdio, std.range;
Tuple!(int, int)[] pairs(){
return [
tuple(1, 3),
tuple(2, 4),
tuple(3, 5)
void main(){
foreach(size_t i, int start, int end; pairs.enumerate){
writeln(i, ' ', start, ' ', end);
As BioTronic said using map is also possible:
foreach(i, start, end; intervals
.map!(a => tuple(a[0], a[1]))
Your question has me a little confused, so I'm sorry if I've misunderstood. What you're basically asking is if foreach(a, b; [1,2,3,4].chunks(2)) could work, right?
The simple solution here is to, as you say, map from chunk to tuple:
import std.typecons : tuple;
import std.algorithm : map;
import std.range : chunks;
import std.stdio : writeln;
unittest {
pragma(msg, typeof([1,2].chunks(2).front));
foreach(a, b; [1,2,3,4].chunks(2).map!(a => tuple(a[0], a[1]))) {
writeln(a, ", ", b);
At the same time with BioTronic, I tried to code some own solution to this problem (tested on DMD). My solution works for slices (BUT NOT fixed-size arrays) and avoids a call to filter:
import std.range : chunks, isInputRange, enumerate;
import std.range : isRandomAccessRange; //changed from "hasSlicing" to "isRandomAccessRange" thanks to BioTronics
import std.traits : isIterable;
/** turns chunks into tuples */
template byTuples(size_t N, M)
if (isRandomAccessRange!M) { //EDITED
import std.meta : Repeat;
import std.typecons : Tuple;
import std.traits : ForeachType;
alias VariableGroup = Tuple!(Repeat!(N, ForeachType!M)); //Tuple of N repititions of M's Foreach-iterated Type
/** turns N consecutive array elements into a Variable Group */
auto toTuple (Chunk)(Chunk subArray) #nogc #safe pure nothrow
if (isInputRange!Chunk) { //Chunk must be indexable
VariableGroup nextLoopVariables; //fill the tuple with static foreach loop
static foreach(index; 0 .. N) {
static if ( isRandomAccessRange!Chunk ) { // add cases for other ranges here
nextLoopVariables[index] = subArray[index];
} else {
nextLoopVariables[index] = subArray.popFront();
return nextLoopVariables;
/** returns a range of VariableGroups */
auto byTuples(M array) #safe pure nothrow {
import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
static if(!isInputRange!M) {
static assert(0, "Cannot call map() on fixed-size array.");
// auto varGroups = array[].chunks(N); //fixed-size arrays aren't slices by default and cannot be treated like ranges
//WARNING! invoking "map" on a chunk range from fixed-size array will fail and access wrong memory with no warning or exception despite #safe!
} else {
auto varGroups = array.chunks(N);
//remove last group if incomplete
if (varGroups.back.length < N) varGroups.popBack();
//NOTE! I don't know why but `map!toTuple` DOES NOT COMPILE! And will cause a template compilation mess.
return varGroups.map!(chunk => toTuple(chunk)); //don't know if it uses GC
void main() {
testArrayToTuples([1, 3, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9]);
// Order of template parameters is relevant.
// You must define parameters implicitly at first to be associated with a template specialization
void testArrayToTuples(U : V[], V)(U arr) {
double[] randomNumbers = new double[arr.length / 2];
// generate random numbers
foreach(i, double x, double y; byTuples!2(arr).enumerate ) { //cannot use UFCS with "byTuples"
import std.random : uniform01;
randomNumbers[i] = (uniform01 * (y - x) + x);
foreach(n; randomNumbers) { //'n' apparently works despite shadowing a template parameter
import std.stdio : writeln;
Using elementwise operations with the slice operator would not work here because uniform01 in uniform01 * (ends[] - starts[]) + starts[] would only be called once and not multiple times.
EDIT: I also tested some online compilers for D for this code and it's weird that they behave differently for the same code. For compilation of D I can recommend
https://run.dlang.io/ (I would be very surprised if this one wouldn't work)
https://www.mycompiler.io/new/d (but a bit slow)
https://ideone.com (it works but it makes your code public! Don't use with protected code.)
but those didn't work for me:
https://tio.run/#d2 (didn't finish compilation in one case, otherwise wrong results on execution even when using dynamic array for the test)
https://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_d_online.php (doesn't compile the static foreach)

Search for sequence in Uint8List

Is there a fast (native) method to search for a sequence in a Uint8List?
/// Return index of first occurrence of seq in list
int indexOfSeq(Uint8List list, Uint8List seq) {
EDIT: Changed List<int> into Uint8List
No. There is no built-in way to search for a sequence of elements in a list.
I am also not aware of any dart:ffi based implementations.
The simplest approach would be:
extension IndexOfElements<T> on List<T> {
int indexOfElements(List<T> elements, [int start = 0]) {
if (elements.isEmpty) return start;
var end = length - elements.length;
if (start > end) return -1;
var first = elements.first;
var pos = start;
while (true) {
pos = indexOf(first, pos);
if (pos < 0 || pos > end) return -1;
for (var i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (this[pos + i] != elements[i]) {
return pos;
This has worst-case time complexity O(length*elements.length). There are several more algorithms with better worst-case complexity, but they also have larger constant factors and more expensive pre-computations (KMP, BMH). Unless you search for the same long list several times, or do so in a very, very long list, they're unlikely to be faster in practice (and they'd probably have an API where you compile the pattern first, then search with it.)
You could use dart:ffi to bind to memmem from string.h as you suggested.
We do the same with binding to malloc from stdlib.h in package:ffi (source).
final DynamicLibrary stdlib = Platform.isWindows
? DynamicLibrary.open('kernel32.dll')
: DynamicLibrary.process();
final PosixMalloc posixMalloc =
stdlib.lookupFunction<Pointer Function(IntPtr), Pointer Function(int)>('malloc');
Edit: as lrn pointed out, we cannot expose the inner data pointer of a Uint8List at the moment, because the GC might relocate it.
One could use dart_api.h and use the FFI to pass TypedData through the FFI trampoline as Dart_Handle and use Dart_TypedDataAcquireData from the dart_api.h to access the inner data pointer.
(If you want to use this in Flutter, we would need to expose Dart_TypedDataAcquireData and Dart_TypedDataReleaseData in dart_api_dl.h https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/40607 I've filed https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/44442 to track this.)
Alternatively, could address https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/36707 so that we could just expose the inner data pointer of a Uint8List directly in the FFI trampoline.

Null aware in dart list element

I was working on a project and wanted to check if a list element was null. Example
List<int> i = [1, 2, 3];
print(i[1]); // this prints 2
But what if I want to print out a list element and if it does not exist print out a default number using dart null-aware. Example
List<int> i = [1, 2, 3];
print(i[10] ?? 15);
// Also tried
print(i?.elementAt(10) ?? 15);
I want it to print out 15 since the element at index 10 does not exist. Unfortunately, the above code gives me an error.
How can I check if a list element does not exist and return a default value
There's no elegant way of doing it, as you are trying to. You will have to check the list length first, because in the moment that the program evaluates i.elementAt(10) it inmediately throws the RangeError exception.
Example solution 1:
if (i.length > 9) {
} else {
Example solution 2 (a more elegant way):
print(i.length > 9 ? i?.elementAt(10) : 15);
One solution to have this kind of functionality is to wrap your list with a custom class that catches the inner exception and returns null instead.
I wrote this wrapper bellow and called it XList:
class XList<E> {
List<E> list;
E operator [](int position) {
try {
return list[position];
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundException) {
return null;
Now your code works like this:
final list = [1, 2, 3];
final a = XList(list);
print(a[10] ?? 15);
// prints 15
You can create an extension on Iterable to easily have a method that returns null if the provided index is out of bounds:
extension SafeAccess<T> on Iterable<T> {
T? safeElementAt(int index) => this.length <= index ? null : this.elementAt(index);
you can put this in a general-purpose file like lib/extensions/iterable_extensions.dart in your codebase and then import it whenever you need it.

Reactive way of implementing 'standard pagination'

I am just starting with Spring Reactor and want to implement something that I would call 'standard pagination', don't know if there is technical term for this. Basically no matter what start and end date is passed to method, I want to return same amound of data, evenly distributed.
This will be used for some chart drawing in the future.
I figured out rough copy with algorithm that does exactly that, unfortunatelly before I can filter results I need to either count() or take last index() and block to get this number.
This block is surelly not the reactive way to do this, also it makes flux to call DB twice for data (or am I missing something?)
Is there any operator than can help me and get result from count() somehow down the stream for further usage, it would need to compute anyway before stream can be processed, but to get rid of calling DB two times?
I am using mongoDB reactive driver.
Flux<StandardEntity> results = Flux.from(
.find( and(gte("lastUpdated", begin), lte("lastUpdated", end))))
.map(d -> new StandardEntity(d.getString("price"), d.getString("lastUpdated")));
Long lastIndex = results
final double standardPage = 10.0D;
final double step = lastIndex / standardPage;
final double[] counter = {0.0D};
.filter(e -> {
if (lastIndex > standardPage)
if (counter[0] >= step) {
counter[0] = counter[0] - step + 1;
return true;
} else {
counter[0] = counter[0] + 1;
return false;
return true;

I cannot understand the effectiveness of an algorithm in the Dart SDK

I cannot understand the effectiveness of an algorithm in the Dart SDK.
Here is the algorithm (List factory in dart:core, file list.dart)
factory List.from(Iterable other, { bool growable: true }) {
List<E> list = new List<E>();
for (E e in other) {
if (growable) return list;
int length = list.length;
List<E> fixedList = new List<E>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i ) {
fixedList[i] = list[i];
return fixedList;
If growable is false then both lists will be created.
List<E> list = new List<E>();
List<E> fixedList = new List<E>(length);
But the creation of list #1 in this case is redundant because it's a duplicate of Iterable other. It just wastes CPU time and memory.
In this case this algorithm will be more efficient because it wont create an unnecessary list # 1 (growable is false).
factory List.from(Iterable other, { bool growable: true }) {
if(growable) {
List<E> list = new List<E>();
for (E e in other) {
return list;
List<E> fixedList = new List<E>(other.length);
var i = 0;
for (E e in other) {
fixedList[i++] = e;
return fixedList;
Or am I wrong and missed some subtleties of programming?
We usually avoid invoking the length getter on iterables since it can have linear performance and side-effects. For Example:
List list = [1, 2, 3];
Iterable iterable1 = list.map((x) {
return x + 1;
Iterable iterable2 = iterable1.where((x) => x > 2);
var fixedList = new List.from(iterable2, growable: false);
If List.from invoked the length getter it would run over all elements twice (where does not cache its result). It would furthermore execute the side-effect (printing 1, 2, 3) twice. For more information on Iterables look here.
Eventually we want to change the List.from code so that we avoid the second allocation and the copying. To do this we need (internal) functionality that transforms a growable list into a fixed-length list. Tracking bug: http://dartbug.com/9459
It looks like it was just an incremental update to the existing function.
See this commit and this diff
The function started just with
List<E> list = new List<E>();
for (E e in other) {
and had some more bits added as part of a fairly major refactoring of numerous libraries.
I would say that the best thing to do is to raise a bug report on dartbug.com, and either add a patch, or commit a CL - see instructions here: https://code.google.com/p/dart/wiki/Contributing (Note, you do need to jump through some hoops first, but once you're set up, it's all good).
It might also be worth dropping a note to one of the committers or reviewers from the original commit to let them know your plans.
