Picture in Picture camera swift - ios

I'm trying to get the Picture in Picture working for my camera view on my iPad.
I see on the documentation that we can do it more easily on iOS 16 for video calls.
The result I'm trying to get is to be able to see the camera of the user in PiP while being in the background.
One way of doing that is to fake a video call (like Zoom, Messenger, etc) but that seems overkill. I am able to view my video using UIImagePickerController but I'm wondering if there is an easy way to integrate it in PiP?


Unity ReplayKit how to bypass native preview?

Using the Unity ReplayKit API from https://docs.unity3d.com/550/Documentation/ScriptReference/Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit.html
I can record, preview and share screen recordings just fine, however due to design & UX requirements I need to have custom buttons to invoke sharing/saving of the recorded clip. I need to show the recorded clip right after the capture (for example like videotexture on a plane) in the background with custom share button overlays.
Is there a way to access the clip captured by ReplayKit and bypass iOS native preview screen?
With iOS 11, you can have direct access to the video. See https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/606/
You can save it using AVAssetWriter, then do whatever you want with it after that.
This project doesn't completely work, but will head you in the right direction: https://medium.com/#giridharvc7/replaykit-screen-recording-8ee9a61dd762

Camera feed from iPhone to Watch and image editing

Even with the release of WatchOS2, it seems developers still can't access the iPhone's camera for a live feed/stream. So I was wondering for different ways this can be done, basically I want to see on my apple watch, what is visible on my iPhone's camera.
Apple's builtin camera app (in watch) does this and so does the garage door control app.
I read a approach to the above problem in this post and found it quite possible, but still had a few questions and doubts:
Camera live View in apple watch
At what frame rate should the images be captured at ? For example,
for a 10frames/second, should a method to capture image be fired at
0.1second ?
Aside this, the image will be shared from iPhone to Watch using Shared App Group or MMWormHole ? Or is MMWH just for
"notifications" between devices on whats going on ?
Secondly, do I
need to save the image each time physically on device, transfer it
and delete it (from iphone and Apple Watch) after next image comes in, or
just do so using a imageObject ?
Aside this, I also want to show a overlay frame over the camera feed (like how image editing apps in iPhone show frames, etc.).
So, for this, should I be merging/overlaying my frame image over the feed image directly on the iPhone part before sending the image frame over to the watch ?

iOS App: AVFoundation Video camera recording delegates

I am trying to develop an app that records the video using the rear camera.
I want the video to be tweaked (adding overlay image, green screen) before saving it to a file.
I am using AVFoundation, and have researched anywhere, but I still cant make the correct codes to preview and record (without the tweaking)
Some codes that Iget from the internet use BufferDelegate, the rest are using RecordingDelegate.
Do I need to use both to achieve what I want? or is it just one ofthem?
Could you please pinpoint me how I can achieve this?

Is face detection possible on iPad camera without showing camera feed?

I am creating an iPad app that is to be used in a public kiosk, and am playing with different ways of knowing when a user is present, has gone away or a new user has come along. I wondered therefore if this would be possible using a iOS 5 Core Image detection script, but I need to be able to use the camera feed without it actually showing the user. Is this in any way possible?

How can I access the photo library in iOS?

Is there any way to jump into photo library ?
I'm not asking about UIImagePicker.
In original camera app of iPhone, when I touch a thumbnail of one of the last photos (at the bottom left corner), it goes into photo library (actually, camera roll).
Is that private API or can i use it somehow? Well, I think I can implement that using ALAsset but I'm just wondering if there is any API
I believe you can launch the photo app, in order to view it as you would normally. However you cannot return to your app after launching the photo library.
You'll need to launch com.apple.camera
