dafny matrix expressions and functions - dafny

I'm trying to define a matrix transpose method and functions in Dafny. I'm having difficulty defining the function version.
/** verifies **/
method transpose(matrix: array2<real>) returns (result: array2<real>)
ensures result.Length0 == matrix.Length1 && result.Length1 == matrix.Length0
ensures forall i, j :: 0 <= i < matrix.Length1 && 0 <= j < matrix.Length0 ==> result[i,j] == matrix[j,i]
result := new real[matrix.Length1, matrix.Length0]((i,j) reads matrix => if 0 <= i < matrix.Length1 && 0 <= j < matrix.Length0 then matrix[j,i] else 0.0);
assert result.Length0 == matrix.Length1;
assert result.Length1 == matrix.Length0;
/** says it is an invalid LogicalExpresion**/
function ftranspose(matrix: array2<real>): array2<real>
reads matrix
ensures ftranspose(matrix).Length0 == matrix.Length1 && ftranspose(matrix).Length1 == matrix.Length0
ensures forall i, j :: 0 <= i < matrix.Length1 && 0 <= j < matrix.Length0 ==> ftranspose(matrix)[i,j] == matrix[j,i]
new real[matrix.Length1, matrix.Length0]((i,j) reads matrix => if 0 <= i < matrix.Length1 && 0 <= j < matrix.Length0 then matrix[j,i] else 0.0)
I'm not quite sure why it says it is an invalid logical expression since in the method I am able to assign it to a variable, which makes me assume that it is an expression.
I can see here in the docs that
Array allocation is permitted in ghost contexts. If any expression used to specify a dimension or initialization value is ghost, then the new allocation can only be used in ghost contexts. Because the elements of an array are non-ghost, an array allocated in a ghost context in effect cannot be changed after initialization.
So it seems like I should be able to define a new array in a function. What is the correct syntax here?

Functions (even ghost functions) are not allowed to allocate memory or call methods, so calls to new cannot appear in function bodies.
This is because functions must be deterministic (return the same thing when called with the same arguments). As written, your function would return a different (fresh) object every time (reference types like arrays have reference equality, which means that they are the same if they live at the same address, not just if they have the same contents).
The passage you quoted is relevant for ghost methods, but does not apply to functions.

So the answer is 1. Don't use array which is heap based as Clément said. 2. Use datatypes. The following verifies...
datatype Matrix = Matrice(vals: seq<seq<real>>, rows: nat, columns: nat)
predicate isMatrix(mat: Matrix) {
mat.rows >= 1 && mat.columns >= 1 && |mat.vals| == mat.rows && forall i :: 0 <= i < mat.rows ==> |mat.vals[i]| == mat.columns
function method seqTranspose(mat: Matrix): Matrix
requires isMatrix(mat)
ensures isMatrix(seqTranspose(mat))
ensures seqTranspose(mat).columns == mat.rows
ensures seqTranspose(mat).rows == mat.columns
// ensures seqTranpose(matrix).Length0 == matrix.Length1 && ftranspose(matrix).Length1 == matrix.Length0
ensures forall i, j :: 0 <= i < mat.columns && 0 <= j < mat.rows ==> seqTranspose(mat).vals[i][j] == mat.vals[j][i]
Matrice(seq(mat.columns, i requires 0 <= i < mat.columns => seq(mat.rows, j requires 0 <= j < mat.rows => mat.vals[j][i])), mat.columns, mat.rows)
lemma matTranspose(mat: Matrix)
requires isMatrix(mat)
ensures seqTranspose(seqTranspose(mat)) == mat
assert forall i :: 0 <= i < |mat.vals| ==> mat.vals[i] == seqTranspose(seqTranspose(mat)).vals[i];


Dafny: property '2*x*y <= x^2+y^2' holds with primitive operations (like 'x*x'), but not when I define operations in my own (like 'power(x,2)')

I am trying to prove a property in Dafny, which makes use of powers.
Concretely, this one: forall x,y in Reals : 2xy <= x^2+y^2. I implemented this idea in the following lemma:
lemma product2_lessEqual_powProduct (x:real, y:real)
requires 0.0<x<=1.0 && 0.0<y<=1.0
ensures 2.0*x*y <= (x*x)+(y*y)
Which is verified with no problem (I guess some automatic induction is performed below).
However, I would like to use an own power function in order to make power(x,2) instead of x*x. Thus, I took a power function from https://github.com/bor0/dafny-tutorial/blob/master/pow.dfy, which is as follows:
function method power(A:int, N:nat):int
if (N==0) then 1 else A * power(A,N-1)
method pow(A:int, N:int) returns (x:int)
requires N >= 0
ensures x == power(A, N)
x := 1;
var i := N;
while i != 0
invariant x == power(A, (N-i))
x := x * A;
i := i - 1;
However, since I am using real values for the basis of the exponential, I modified it a bit so that it works for exponentials:
function method power(A:real, N:nat):real
if (N==0) then 1.0 else A * power(A,N-1)
method pow(A:real, N:int) returns (x:real)
requires N >= 0
ensures x == power(A, N)
x := 1.0;
var i := N;
while i != 0
invariant x == power(A, (N-i))
x := x * A;
i := i - 1;
Thus, I wanted to test it with the previous lemma:
lemma product2_lessEqual_powProduct (x:real, y:real)
requires 0.0<x<=1.0 && 0.0<y<=1.0
ensures 2.0*x*y <= power(x,2)+power(y,2)
Surprisingly, it tells me the typical A postcondition might not hold on this return path.Verifier.
Can anyone explain why this happens? Why is it verifying with primitive operations of Dafny, but not when I define them functions? And how could I prove this lemma now?
Even though second parameter of power is concrete and small, Dafny is not doing enough unrolling to prove desired fact. Adding {:fuel 2} to power makes proof go through. You can read more about fuel here https://dafny.org/dafny/DafnyRef/DafnyRef.html#sec-fuel
function method {:fuel 2} power(A:real, N:nat):real
if (N==0) then 1.0 else A * power(A,N-1)
method pow(A:real, N:int) returns (x:real)
requires N >= 0
ensures x == power(A, N)
x := 1.0;
var i := N;
while i != 0
invariant x == power(A, (N-i))
x := x * A;
i := i - 1;
lemma product2_lessEqual_powProduct (x:real, y:real)
requires 0.0<x<=1.0 && 0.0<y<=1.0
ensures 2.0*x*y <= power(x,2)+power(y,2)
It's surprising until you realize that there is a mathematical theory for A*A, but power(A, 2) requires two unfolding of power to have a meaning.
If you want your function to work seamlessly with the theory and prove your last lemma, you can give it precise postconditions:
function method power(A:real, N:nat): (result: real)
ensures N == 1 ==> result == A
ensures N == 2 ==> result == A*A
if (N==0) then 1.0 else A * power(A,N-1)
I tested it, your second lemma verifies.

Recursive algorithm to evaluate postfix language in dafny

I have a sequence of this datatype
datatype Op = Operand(int) | Addition | Multiplication
I wrote the following evaluation function but it does not work. (I think the recursion is not correct but I do not know how to fix it.)
function method ValueOfPostFix(postfix: seq<Op>, index : nat): int
requires 0 <= index < |postfix|
decreases index
match postfix[index]
case Operand(x) => x
case Multiplication => if (index > 0) then ValueOfPostFix(postfix, index-1) *
ValueOfPostFix(postfix, index-1)
else 0
case Addition => if (index > 0) then ValueOfPostFix(postfix, index-1) +
ValueOfPostFix(postfix, index-1)
else 0

Dafny, Dutch Flag, loop invariant might not be maintained by the loop

in the program below I am creating something like Dutch national flag problem and following the same logic which is also provided here
the program sorts array of 0s,1s and 2s in the manner all 1s in the beginning 0s in the middle and 2s at the end. [1,1,1,0,0,2,2,2].
but at the loop invariants, I get the error This loop invariant might not be maintained by the loop.
initially, i and j are at index 0, and k at last index. the logic is that j moves up if it sees 2, swap with k and k reduces if sees 0 just j moves up, and if sees 1 swap with i and both i and j increase.
the code is also here in rise4fun
method sort(input: array?<int>)
modifies input
requires input !=null;
requires input.Length>0;
requires forall x::0<=x<input.Length ==> input[x]==0||input[x]==1||input[x]==2;
ensures sorted(input);
var k: int := input.Length;
var i, j: int := 0 , 0;
while(j != k )
invariant 0<=i<=j<=k<=input.Length;
/* the following invariants might not be maintained by the loop.*/
invariant forall x:: 0<=x<i ==> input[x]==1;
invariant forall x:: i<=x<j ==> input[x]==0;
invariant forall x:: k<=x<input.Length ==> input[x]==2;
invariant forall x:: j<=x<k ==> input[x]==0||input[x]==1||input[x]==2;
decreases if j <= k then k - j else j - k
if(input[j] == 2){
swap(input, j, k-1);
k := k - 1;
} else if(input[j] == 0){
j := j + 1;
} else {
swap(input, i, j);
i:= i + 1;
j := j + 1;
and here are swap method and sorted predicate
predicate sorted(input:array?<int>)
requires input!=null;
requires input.Length>0;
reads input;
forall i,j::0<=i<j<input.Length ==> input[i]==1 || input[i]==input[j] || input[j]==2
method swap(input: array?<int>, n:int, m:int)
modifies input;
requires input!=null;
requires input.Length>0;
requires 0<=n<input.Length && 0<=m<input.Length
var tmp : int := input[n];
input[n] := input[m];
input[m] := tmp;
The problem is that swap has no postcondition. The default postcondition is true, so the specification of swap says that it changes the array in any arbitrary way.
When the verifier sees a call to swap in the body of method sort, it only pays attention to swap's specification --- not it's body. Thus, after the call to swap, the array could have any values in it at all, at least as far as the verifier can tell. So it is hardly surpising that any invariant relating to the contents of the array can not be proved.
The following specification for swap should work:
method swap(input: array?<int>, n:int, m:int)
modifies input;
requires input!=null;
requires input.Length>0;
requires 0<=n<input.Length && 0<=m<input.Length
ensures n < m ==> input[..] == old( input[0..n] + [input[m]] + input[n+1..m] + [input[n]] + input[m+1..] ) ;
ensures n==m ==> input[..] == old(input[..])
ensures n > m ==> input[..] == old( input[0..m] + [input[n]] + input[m+1..n] + [input[m]] + input[n+1..] ) ;
So should this
method swap(input: array?<int>, n:int, m:int)
modifies input;
requires input!=null;
requires input.Length>0;
requires 0<=n<input.Length && 0<=m<input.Length
ensures input[n] == old( input[m] ) ;
ensures input[m] == old( input[n] ) ;
ensures forall i | 0 <= i < input.Length && i != n && i != m :: input[i] == old(input[i])

Dafny linear search

When working on a basic linear search I encountered an error with my Valid() predicate. It seems to only work when I uncomment the additional ensures statements on the constructor and the data method. That is, when I am very explicit about the contents.
I'm also having trouble with the postcondition of my search when the item isn't found.
Any suggestions on how to resolve these?
class Search{
ghost var Contents: set<int>;
var a : array<int>;
predicate Valid()
reads this, a;
a != null &&
a.Length > 0 &&
Contents == set x | 0 <= x < a.Length :: a[x]
constructor ()
ensures a != null;
ensures a.Length == 4;
//ensures a[0] == 0;
ensures Valid();
a := new int[4](_ => 0);
Contents := {0};
method data()
modifies this, a;
requires Valid();
requires a != null;
requires a.Length == 4;
ensures a != null;
ensures a.Length == 4;
// ensures a[0] == 0;
// ensures a[1] == 1;
// ensures a[2] == 2;
// ensures a[3] == 3;
ensures Valid();
a[0] := 0;
a[1] := 1;
a[2] := 2;
a[3] := 3;
Contents := {0, 1, 2, 3};
method search(e: int) returns (r: bool)
modifies this, a;
requires Valid();
ensures Valid();
ensures r == (e in Contents)
ensures r == exists i: int :: 0 <= i < a.Length && a[i] == e
var length := a.Length - 1;
while (length >= 0)
decreases length;
var removed := a[length];
if (e == removed)
return true;
length := length - 1;
return false;
method Main()
var s := new Search();
There are several orthogonal issues going on here.
First, you have noticed that Dafny is reluctant to reason about the part of Valid that describes Contents. This is a common problem when reasoning about sets in Dafny. Essentially, the only way Dafny will ever "notice" that something is a member of the set set x | 0 <= x < a.Length :: a[x] is if it already has the expression a[x] lying around somewhere. Your solution of including extra postconditions works because it mentions a lot of expressions of the form a[x]. Another solution is to include those facts as assertions instead of postconditions:
// in data()
assert a[0] == 0;
assert a[1] == 1;
assert a[2] == 2;
assert a[3] == 3;
Second, Dafny cannot show your search procedure satisfies its postcondition. You need a loop invariant to keep track of the progress of the search. See the guide for more information about how to design loop invariants.
Third, Dafny reports a problem with your Main about modifies clauses. You can fix this by adding a postcondition fresh(a) to the constructor. The problem here is that the data method claims to modify a, but Dafny can't tell if a is visible from the caller.

Bound checks for array and string slices

I can't seem to get my head around the rules that govern these two cases:
1. The end index may be one less than the start index, producing an empty array/string.
2. It's apparently legal to position the start index just behind the last element, if the end index is one less, as before.
[|0..2|].[3..2];; // [||]
"bar".[3..2];; // ""
A naive implementation of bound checks with consideration of case 1 wouldn't allow case 2:
let trySlice i j (a : string) =
let lastIdx = a.Length - 1
if i < 0 || i > lastIdx || j < i - 1 || j > lastIdx then None
else Some a.[i..j]
trySlice 3 2 "bar" // None
What's the rationale behind this behavior? How to proceed?
This is what I have now thanks to Tarmil's input
let trySlice i j (a : string) =
if i >= 0 && j >= i - 1 && j < a.Length then Some a.[i..j]
else None
which should be equivalent to
let trySlice' i j (s : string) =
try s.Substring(i, j - i + 1) |> Some
with _ -> None
I suppose the rationale is that a.[i..j] is a sequence of length (j - i + 1), so in a way it makes sense to allow i = j + 1 as a way to extract an empty sequence.
As for "how to proceed", if you want your trySlice to accept all cases that the built-in slicing accepts, then just remove the i > lastIdx clause. When i = lastIdx + 1, the only way for the other conditions to pass is if j = lastIdx, and when i > lastIdx + 1, there is no way for j to pass both its constraints.
As a side-note, the way you write:
if (failCondition || failCondition || ...) then None else Some x
feels counter-intuitive to me for some reason, I would have written it as:
if (successCondition && successCondition && ...) then Some x else None
