I tried to invert real images into the latent space of Stylegan2 and have tried a lot of GAN inversion encoders but no one is working really good. Anyone an idea how to do it at least in the way faceapp do ?
I'm working on a project to do a segmentation of tissu. So far i so good for now. But her i want to segment the destructed from the good tissu. Her is an image example. So as you can see the good tissus are smooth and the destructed ones are not. I have the idea to detected the edges to do the segmentation but it give bad results.
I'm opening to any i'm open to any suggestions.
Use a convolutional neural network for example any prebuilt in the Caffe package. Label the different kinds of areas in as many images as you have, then use many (1000s) small (32x32) patches from those to train the network. This will produce much better results than any kind of handcrafted algorithm.
A very simple approach which can be used as an intermediate test could be following:
Blur the image to reduce the noise. This is an important step. OpenCV provides an inbuilt method for it.
Find contours using the OpenCV method findContour().
Then if the perimeter of contour is greater than a set threshold (you will have to set a value) then, you can consider it to be a smooth tissue else you can discard the tissue.
This is a really simple approach and a simple program can be written for it really fast.
I have good resolution faces images and I would like to automatically detect the iris and know its color. Is there any state-of-the-art (standard) way to detect iris other than HoughCircles which is not reporting consistent results on different images. One condition I have is that I have to use still images (no video is available)?
I am using OpenCV-Python for image processing. Any help is highly appreciated.
I think the problem can be split into two parts:
Localisation of the iris regions
Estimating the colour
Step one is time consuming, but I have done this at my workplace. You can train a Haar-cascade classifier for iris images (grayscale), and localise the iris within the eye-region returned be the cascade classifier for the eyes. If you already have a collection of face images, you can use them. Otherwise, try to collect as many samples as possible, with the same image quality as the images you want to use.
Step two is relatively easy, but might not be "very easy" because of auto white balance etc.
If you want a simpler approach, try detecting the white regions of the eye and using them to loc
I'v got a binary classification problem. I'm trying to train a neural network to recognize objects from images. Currently I've about 1500 50x50 images.
The question is whether extending my current training set by the same images flipped horizontally is a good idea or not? (images are not symetric)
I think you can do this to a much larger extent, not just flipping the images horizontally, but changing the angle of the image by 1 degree. This will result in 360 samples for every instance that you have in your training set. Depending on how fast your algorithm is, this may be a pretty good way to ensure that the algorithm isn't only trained to recognize images and their mirrors.
It's possible that it's a good idea, but then again, I don't know what's the goal or the domain of the image recognition. Let's say the images contain characters and you're asking the image recognition software to determine if an image contains a forward slash / or a back slash \ then flipping the image will make your training data useless. If your domain doesn't suffer from such issues, then I'd think it's a good idea to flip them and even rotate with varying degrees.
I have used flipped images in AdaBoost with great success in the course: http://www.csc.kth.se/utbildning/kth/kurser/DD2427/bik12/Schedule.php
from the zip "TrainingImages.tar.gz".
I know there are some information on pros/cons with using flipped images somewhere in the slides (at the homepage) but I can't find it. Also a great resource is http://www.csc.kth.se/utbildning/kth/kurser/DD2427/bik12/DownloadMaterial/FaceLab/Manual.pdf (together with the slides) going thru things like finding things in different scales and orientation.
If the images patches are not symmetric I don't think its a good idea to flip. Better idea is to do some similarity transforms to the training set with some limits. Another way to increase the dataset is to add gaussian smoothed templates to it. Make sure that the number of positive and negative samples are proportional. Too many positive and too less negative might skew the classifier and give bad performance on testing set.
It depends on what your NN is based on. If you are extracting rotation invariant features or features that do not depend on the spatial position within the the image (like histograms or whatever) and train your NN with these features, then rotating will not be a good idea.
If you are training directly on pixel values, then it might be a good idea.
Some more details might be useful.
We as human, could recognize these two images as same image :
In computer, it will be easy to recognize these two image if they are in the same size, so we have to make Preprocessing stage or step before recognize it, like scaling, but if we look deeply to scaling process, we will know that it's not an efficient way.
Now, could you help me to find some way to convert images into objects that doesn't deal with size or pixel location, to be input for recognition method ?
Thanks advance.
I have several ideas:
Let the image have several color thresholds. This way you get large
areas of the same color. The shapes of those areas can be traced with
curves which are math. If you do this for the larger and the smaller
one and see if the curves match.
Try to define key spots in the area. I don't know for sure how
this works but you can look up face detection algoritms. In such
an algoritm there is a math equation for how a face should look.
If you define enough object in such algorithms you can define
multiple objects in the images to see if the object match on the
same spots.
And you could see if the predator algorithm can accept images
of multiple size. If so your problem is solved.
It looks like you assume that human's brain recognize image in computationally effective way, which is rather not true. this algorithm is so complicated that we did not find it. It also takes a large part of your brain to deal with visual data.
When it comes to software there are some scale(or affine) invariant algorithms. One of such algorithms is LeNet 5 neural network.
I'm thinking of starting a project for school where I'll use genetic algorithms to optimize digital sharpening of images. I've been playing around with unsharp masking (USM) techniques in Photoshop. Basically, I want to create a software that optimizes the parameters (i.e. blur radius, types of blur, blending the image) to create the "best-fit" set of filters.
I'm sort of quickly planning this project before starting it, and I can't think of a good fitness function for the 'selection' part. How would I determine the 'quality' of the filter sets, or measure how sharp the image is?
Also, I will be programming using python (with the Python Imaging Library) since it's the only language I'm proficient with. Should I learn a low-level language instead?
Any advice/tips on anything is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
tl;dr How do I measure how 'sharp' an image is?
if its for tuning parameters you could take a known image and apply a known blurring/low pass filter. Then sharpen this with your GA+USM algorithm. Calculate your fitness function making use of the original image, e.g maybe something as simple as the mean absolute error. May need to create different datasets, e.g. landscape images (mostly sharp, in focus with large depth of field), portrait images (could be large areas deliberately out of focus and "soft"), along with low noise and noisy images. Sharpening noisy images is actually quite a challenge.
It would definitely be worth taking a look at Bruce Frasier' work on sharpening techniques for Photoshop etc.
Also it might worth checking out Imatest (www.imatest.com) to see if there is anything regarding sharpness/resolution. And finally you might also consider resolution charts.
And finally I seroiusly doubt one set of ideal parameters exists for USM, the optimum parameters will be image dependant and indeed be a personal perference (thatwhy I suggest starting for a known sharp image and blurring it). Understanding the type of image is probably as important and in itself and very interesting and challenging problem. Although perhaps basic hueristics like image varinance and edge histogram would reveal suitable clues.
Anyway just a thought, hopefully some of the above is useful