docker exec and running state - docker

I built an image, say my_dbt_image, with a custom install of a program, say dbt. I also wrote a little binary my_dbt like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# define flags, e.g. '--workdir=/vol' '--volume $PWD:/vol'
docker run --rm $flags my_dbt_image dbt $#
so that when a user enters my_dbt <args> in their terminal, the script actually runs dbt <args> inside the container. Hope this makes sense.
Seems to work fine, maybe a bit slow. I figure that to speed things up, instead of running a new container every time the user enters a new command, I should reuse the same container, leveraging docker exec.
Currently, after the command is run, the container goes in stopped state (status exited). This makes sense. I'm a bit confused about the logic of docker exec. Why does the container need to be running in order to throw a new command at it?
In my situation, do you think I should:
stop the container after each user command is executed, and (re)start it when a new user command is entered, or
keep the container running?
Any comments or advice on my approach are welcome.


Docker: Run command while another command is running

I need to configure a program running in a docker container. To achieve that the program must be running (and provide an open port) so that the administration program can connect to the running process. Unfortunately there is no simple editable config file so this is the only way. The RUN command is obviously not the right one because it does not provide a running instance after docker went to the next command. The best way would be doing this while building the docker image but if it has to be done during container start it would be OK as well. But there is (as far as I know) also no easy way to run multiple commands on startup. Does anyone has an idea how to do that?
To make it a bit more clear, here is a simple example from my Dockerfile:
# this command should start the application which has to be configured
RUN /usr/local/server/
# I tried this command alternatively because the shell script is blocking
RUN nohup /usr/local/server/ &
# this is the command which starts an administration program which connects to the running instance started above
RUN /usr/local/administration/adm [some configuration parameters...]
# afterwards the server process can be stopped
Downloading the complete program directory containing the correct state could be a solution, too. But then the configuration cannot changed easily in the Dockerfile, what would be great.
A Dockerfile is supposed to be a sequential list of instructions to produce an image. The image should contain your application's code, and all of its installable dependencies.
Each RUN instruction gets executed as its own container. Once the command that you run completes, any changed files get committed as a new image layer.
Trying to run a process in the background, will cause the command you are running to return immediately. Once that happens, the container is considered stopped, and the Dockerfile's next instruction will be executed in a new separate container.
If you really need two processes running, you will need to produce a command that you can pass to a single RUN instruction.

Services in CentOS 7 Docker image without systemd

I'm trying to create a Docker container based on CentOS 7 that will host R, shiny-server, and rstudio-server, but to I need to have systemd in order for the services to start. I can use the systemd enabled centos image as a basis, but then I need to run the container in privileged mode and allow access to /sys/fs/cgroup on the host. I might be able to tolerate the less secure situation, but then I'm not able to share the container with users running Docker on Windows or Mac.
I found this question but it is 2 years old and doesn't seem to have any resolution.
Any tips or alternatives are appreciated.
Here's what I found: For shiny-server, I only needed to execute shiny-server with the appropriate parameters from the command line. I captured the appropriate call into a script file and call that using the final CMD line in my Dockerfile.
rstudio-server was more tricky. First, I needed to install initscripts to get the dependencies in place so that some of the rstudio scripts would work. After this, executing rstudio-server start would essentially do nothing and provide no error. I traced the call through the various links and found myself in /usr/lib/rstudio-server/bin/rstudio-server. The daemonCmd() function tests cat /proc/1/comm to determine how to start the server. For some reason it was failing, but looking at the script, it seems clear that it needs to execute /etc/init.d/rstudio-server start. If I do that manually or in a Docker CMD line, it seems to work.
I've taken those two CMD line requirements and put them into an sh script that gets called from a CMD line in the Dockerfile.
A bit of a hack, but not bad. I'm happy to hear any other suggestions.
You don't necessarily need to use an init system like systemd.
Essentially, you need to start multiple services, there are existing patterns for this. Check out this page about how to use supervisord to achieve the same thing:

Recover docker container's run arguments

I often find myself in need of re-creating container with minor modifications to arguments used to docker run container originally (things like changing published ports, network, memory amount).
Now I am making images and running them in place of old containers.
This works fine but I don't always have original params to docker run saved and sometimes (esp. when there are lot of things to define) it becomes pain to recover them.
Is there any way to recover docker run arguments from existing container?
Sorry for being a couple of years late, but I had a similar question and no satisfying answer yet, so I still needed to find my way out.
I've found two sources addressing the issue:
A gist
To run, save this to a file, e.g. run.tpl and do docker inspect --format "$(<run.tpl)" name_or_id_of_running_container
A docker image
Quick run:
$ docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nexdrew/rekcod <container>
Both solutions are quite simple to use, but the second one failed to generate the command for an Nginx container because they did not manage to have it quoted like this "nginx" "-g" "daemon off;"
So, I focused on the first solution, which is a golang template intended to feed the --format parameter of docker inspect. I liked it because it was kind of simple, elegant, and no other tool needed.
I've made some improvements in my forked gist and notified the original author about it.
Couple of answers to this. Run your containers using docker-compose, then you can just run compose files and retain all your configuration. Obviously compose is designed for multi-container applications, but massively underrated for single-container, complex run argument use cases.
Second one is to put your run command into a LABEL on the image. Take a look at Label Schema's docker.cmd etc... Then you can easily retrieve from the image (or from your Dockerfile).
the best way to do this is not to type the commands manually. put them into a shell script... a .sh file on linux/mac, or a .cmd file on windows. then you just run the shell script to create your container and you never have to worry about re-typing the commands and options, you'll never get them wrong, etc.
personally, i write my scripts with "npm scripts" in my package.json file. but the same thing can be done with any tool that can run command-line program with arguments
i do this along with a few other tricks to make sure i never fail to build my images or run my containers. makes life with docker soooo much easier. :)
You can use docker inspect to get the container's configuration. Reconstructing the docker run command from that can be somewhat tedious though.
Another option is to search your shell history using either history | grep "docker run" or ctrl+r (if you use bash). That way, you don't need to go out of your way to save the commands but can still recover them quickly.

How to warmup application inside Docker Container?

We have a docker application that when it is deployed has to do a warmup, else the first request will be really slow.
It is a shell script that just caches the routes and classes.
We are using the same dockerfile for development and would like to keep doing that.
How can we do that?
You would override the entrypoint with a custom script which runs your original entry point command and then warm-up shell script.
You would have to make sure the last command is long running to keep the container running. You could use Supervisor for this purpose.

Run a complex series of commands in the same Docker container

I'm trying to automate the following loop with Docker: spawn a container, do some work inside of it (more than one single command), get some data out of the container.
Something along the lines of:
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
spawn a container
wget revision-i
do something with it and store results in results.txt
According to the documentation I should go with:
for ( ... )
docker run <image> <long; list; of; instructions; separated; by; semicolon>
Unfortunately, this approach is not attractive nor maintanable as the list of instructions grows in complexity.
Wrapping the instructions in a script as in docker run <image> /bin/bash doesn't work either since I want to spawn a new container for every iteration of the loop.
To sum up:
Is there any sensible way to run a complex series of
commands as described above inside the same container?
Once some data are saved inside a container in, say, /home/results.txt,
and the container returns, how do I get results.txt? The only way I
can think of is to commit the container and tar the file out of the
new image. Is there a more efficient way to do it?
Bonus: should I use vanilla LXC instead? I don't have any experience with it though so I'm not sure.
I eventually came up with a solution that works for me and greatly improved my Docker experience.
Long story short: I used a combination of Fabric and a container running sshd.
The idea is to spawn container(s) with sshd running using Fabric's local, and run commands on the containers using Fabric's run.
To give a (Python) example, you might have a Container class with:
1) a method to locally spawn a new container with sshd up and running, e.g.
local('docker run -d -p 22 your/image /usr/sbin/sshd -D')
2) set the env parameters needed by Fabric to connect to the running container - check Fabric's tutorial for more on this
3) write your methods to run everything you want in the container exploiting Fabric's run, e.g.
run('uname -on')
Oh, and if you like Ruby better you can achieve the same using Capistrano.
Thanks to #qkrijger (+1'd) for putting me on the right track :)
On question 2.
I don't know if this is the best way, but you could install SSH on you image and use that. For more information on this, you can check out this page from the documentation.
You post 2 questions in one. Maybe you should put 2. in a different post. I will consider 1. here.
It is unclear to me whether you want to spawn a new container for every iteration (as you say first) or if you want to "run a complex series of commands as described above inside the same container?" as you say later.
If you want to spawn multiple containers I would expect you to have a script on your machine handling that.
If you need to pass an argument to your container (like i): there is being work done on passing arguments currently. See (and for documentation change which is not online yet).
