Adding Items from Lists to Dictionaries in Apple Shortcuts - ios

I have this Shortcut which queries a Notion database, then fetches the IDs and titles of pages from the database and turns them into key : value pairs.
I want to add those key : value pairs to the dictionary shown at the top of the screenshot. The problem is, even though I can see that I'm adding to the dictionary inside the Repeat With Each Item loop -
When I check the contents of my Categories dictionary at the end of the Shortcut, those entries haven't been saved.
I have seen this answer, which appears to solve the same problem. But when I implement it and then check the contents of the variable inside the loop, nothing is even being set here.
I'd be very grateful for any pointers here.

I figured out the problem - I needed to set the dictionary as a variable outside the loop -
And then I can update the dictionary inside the loop -
I don't know why that works but it does ¯\(ツ)/¯


Choosing from a list of dictionaries in iOS shortcuts

In the iOS Shortcuts app, I am using Get Dictionary on my x-callback return, which in fact returns many different dictionaries, which you can cycle through in Quick Look:
How do I allow the user of the shortcut to choose from the dictionaries, for example with the name field being presented to the user for each dictionary?
I imagine a Repeat with Each action is necessary - and indeed I found this answer, which appears to be out of date because I cannot seem to Get Dictionary from the the empty variable - Shortcuts won't let me.

Array of object append not working on swift [duplicate]

I am currently having trouble filling up an array of customClass.
I try to fill it with a jsonFile. During my json parsing (using swiftyJSON) i loop and fill my array.
The problem is, at the end of my loop, it is still empty. I tested it in different ways, and here is my code:
That's the file where the problem is. In my loop I fill an Annotation, that I add with append to my array. The problem is what my print return. Here is a part of it:
It's just a small part of a huge jsonfile. And, my is correctly printed every iteration. But when it comes to my Array, nothing.
So I'm completly lost and hope you could help me ^^
(And for the information, here is my custom class) :
And btw, I tried to print my array.count, and it's nil too
Im so sorry if the question has been posted. I couldn't find it in the entire website.
Change your JSONAnnotationList declaration to be an non-optional and assign it an empty array
var JSONAnnotationList: [UGOAnnotation] = []
You see, you have never created an array so there was nothing to be printed.
The whole point of optionals is to use them sparingly, not everywhere.

iOS - Appending element to list in realm does not persist element

I am adding a song to a List in my Playlist object with the following code:
func addSongsForPlaylist(songs: [Song], list: Playlist) {
try! realm!.write {
for song in songs {
Where songs is just an array of the songs that I want to add. The songs in songs are non persisted objects (not in realm yet), but list is already persisted in Realm.
I have found quite a few questions here on stackoverflow that seem to ask the same question but all their solutions were having to do with wrapping the append in a write transaction which I am already doing as you can see.
I have also tried the following:
try! realm!.write {
What is happening is that if I enter po list.RLMsongs in the console the new song is there and it looks great, but if I enter po list its RLMsongs property is missing the new song. How can both be true? It seems to contradict itself and seems like there is something fundamental that I am missing about RealmSwift.
It looks like it is updating the list in memory but not actually committing to Realm. Therefore, I thought maybe the write block was not committing properly and wrapped it in a do catch but the catch is never run so the write transaction should be successfully committing.
Also, I noticed that I am able to remove the write transaction and it DOES NOT give me an error. I think this could be a clue as to what is going on here. Is it possible that the List is considered non persisted and therefore does not update properly in realm at all even though the contents of the list (the songs) are persisted objects?
That's because po list shows the contents of the instance variables of the Realm object, not the contents of the Realm. Realm doesn't duplicate all the contents of the database into the instance variables of the object instances because that would be quite wasteful.
Realm provides an LLDB plugin ( that teaches the debugger to show actual Realm-backed contents rather than the unused instance variables. However, it only works with Objective-C stack frames due to limitations in the LLDB Python API for Swift language support.
Turns out that my issue was that I had to re-fetch the Playlist from realm...somehow the Playlist as it was passed into the function was not being considered a valid persisted object in realm. (Even though I have other update functions that work the same way that update other properties instead of appending objects to the song list and those update functions work fine)
My only guess is that something to do with appending to a list inside of a persisted object somehow works differently and the list must be explicitly fetched within the local scope and not just passed in as a function parameter. I could be wrong about this however. I just know this is how I got it to work on my end.

how to get data form NSMutablearray in to NSString

in my apps, i have problem with xml parising .i have same tags differentiate with integer value.each tag has different value.
now the problem me facing is accessing this value for that particular tag only.
plz anybody have idea abat this.
let me know.
mean's the problem is that i have one MutableArray and all record in it. and i want to show some values in one view and reaming some value show in another view and reaming in another view..
But the MutableArray is same..
and one more thing is that i want to get tag value
the output is subject i want.
i do not need of XYZ i need only subject..
sorry i can not show what i want but please understand my question and give me the answer
Use NSMutableDictionary instead NSMutableArray.
From documentation.
The NSMutableDictionary class declares the programmatic interface to
objects that manage mutable associations of keys and values. It adds
modification operations to the basic operations it inherits from

Getting a key in the ActionScript Dictionary

I am using a Dictionary in ActionScript as a queue, sort of, still reading most of the time as an associative container, but I need one time to make a loop to run through the whole dictionary, such as for (var key:String in queue) . Inside this for loop I perform some actions on an element and then call delete on that key.
My issue is that I would like to wait for an Event before fetching the next element in this queue. Basically my for loop runs too fast. I would like to fetch the next key all the time, but I know there is no built in method.
A solution I thought is to add a break to the loop, as the for.. in will automatically fetch the next key, but it would be a loop which always executes one time, simply to fetch the next key. This sounds a bit counter intuitive.
I hope my problem makes sense and I really look for some better ideas than what I currently have. Thanks for your help!
haha, that is an interesting problem indeed. there doesn't seem to be any way of retrieving a list of keys from the dictionary, short of the method you've outlined. an alternative would be caching the list of the keys on the first run, but that might get out of sync and is quite untidy anyway.
i guess my main question is why can't you do what you want to do with a list? if you need 2 values (eg strings) then just make a list of objects :)
var lInfo:Object = ObjectUtil.getClassInfo(lDict);
for each(var lProperty:String in
var lItem:* = lDict[lProperty];
