Rails test parallelization not working with custom PG text search config - ruby-on-rails

When I use parallelize(workers: :number_of_processors) for my tests this error occurs :
DRb::DRbRemoteError: PG::UndefinedObject: ERROR: text search configuration "french_custom" does not exist
LINE 1: ...earch" tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS ((to_tsvector('french_custom...
I tried to force tsearch config on database fork with parallelize_setup, but it's not even called


SilverStripe running tests using Behat throwing "No behat.yml found for module silverstripe/framework" error

I am working on a SilverStripe project. I am trying to write Behavioural Tests using Behat for my projects. But I am getting an error when I run the tests. Following is what I have done so far.
First I install the module using composer
composer require --dev silverstripe/behat-extension
I have the behat.yml file right under the project root folder with the following definition
suites: []
default_session: facebook_web_driver
javascript_session: facebook_web_driver
browser: chrome
wd_host: ""
browser_name: chrome
bootstrap_file: vendor/silverstripe/cms/tests/behat/serve-bootstrap.php
screenshot_path: %paths.base%/artifacts/screenshots
retry_seconds: 4 # default is 2
Then I tried to run the tests executing the following command.
vendor/bin/behat #framework
Then I get the following error.
In ModuleSuiteLocator.php line 166:
No behat.yml found for module silverstripe/framework
behat [-s|--suite SUITE] [-f|--format FORMAT] [-o|--out OUT] [--format-settings FORMAT-SETTINGS] [--init] [--namespace NAMESPACE] [--lang LANG] [--name NAME] [--tags TAGS] [--role ROLE] [--story-syntax] [-d|--definitions DEFINITIONS] [--snippets-for [SNIPPETS-FOR]] [--snippets-type SNIPPETS-TYPE] [--append-snippets] [--no-snippets] [--strict] [--order ORDER] [--rerun] [--stop-on-failure] [--dry-run] [--] [<module> [<paths>]]
There is not behat.yml in the vendor/silverstripe/framework folder. Actually, it is supposed to come with the framework. But it is not there. How can I solve the error?
For all SilverStripe modules the tests and associated configuration are not shipped with distributable packages (e.g. tags).
If you want to use them, you'll need to install the "dev" version. E.g. 4.5.x-dev instead of ~4.5.0.

Knife bootstrap failing through Jenkins execute shell

I'm trying to perform a "knife bootstrap" command through Jenkins web UI execute shell, but I keep getting this error message :
(this is the knife bootstrap command I'm using) :
"knife bootstrap [the node's IP] --ssh-user ec2-user --sudo --identity-file "[my key to the node]" --node-name My123 --run-list 'role[role1]' "
and this is the error message:
" ERROR: Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - /etc/chef/validation.pem "
when I run the 'knife bootstrap' command directly through the CLI it works fine.
any idea why it's not working from Jenkins execute shell?
It is due to validation.pem file is missing, this is default path for validation file. Either you can set path in /chef-repo/.chef/knife.rb file or you can use default location /etc/chef/validation.pem.
You can regenerate validation key from webUI and replace the existing one, this should resolve your issue.

Integrate Specs2 results with Jenkins

I want to integrate the Specs2 test results with Jenkins.
I was added the below properties in sbt:
"maven specs2" at "http://mvnrepository.com/artifact"
"org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "2.0-RC1" % "test",
System Property:
testOptions in Test += Tests.Setup(() => System.setProperty("specs2.outDir", "/target/specs2-reports")) //Option1
//testOptions in Test += Tests.Setup(() => System.setProperty("specs2.junit.outDir", "/target/specs2-reports")) //Option2
testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.Specs2, "console", "junitxml")
If I run the below command, it is not generating any specs reports in the above mentioned directory("/target/specs2-reports").
sbt> test
If I run the below command, it is asking for the directory as shown in the below error message:
sbt> test-only -- junitxml
[error] Could not run test code.model.UserSpec: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: junitxml requires directory to be specified, example: junitxml(directory="xxx")
And it is working only if I give the directory as shown below:
sbt> test-only -- junitxml(directory="\target\specs-reports")
But sometimes its not generating all the specs report xmls (some times generating only one report, sometimes only two reports etc.).
If I give test-only -- junitxml(directory="\target\specs-reports") in the jenkins it is giving the below error.
[error] Not a valid key: junitxml (similar: ivy-xml)
[error] junitxml(
[error] ^
My main goal is, I want to generate the consolidated test reports in junit xml format and integrate with Jenkins. Kindly help me to solve my problem.
Best Regards,
The option for the junitxml output directory is: "specs2.junit.outDir" and the default value is "target/test-reports".
So if you don't change anything you could just instruct Jenkins to grab the xml files from "target/test-reports" which is what I usually do.
Also you might have to enclose your sbt commands in Jenkins with quotes. This is what I typically do:
"test-only -- html junitxml console"

Autotest: "Could not run tests". But nothing in the log

Autotest broke with rspec-rails 2.2.1 update. Now I can't get it working again.. .even after rolling back to rspec-rais 2.2.0.
Only info I'm able to find is a Growl popup saying "App: Could not run tests". Nothing is being written to log/test.log.
this is output in console:
/Users/meltemi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/bin/ruby -I.:lib:test -rubygems -e "%w[test/unit test/test_helper.rb].each { |f| require f }" | unit_diff -u
Loaded suite -e
Finished in 0.003428 seconds.
0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Test run options: --seed 38767
Any ideas where to start troubleshooting this? I'd look in an autotest.log...if i could find one!?!
Edit: tried running autotest with autotest -v and get a looong list of "No tests matched..." in the console (20± examples below):
No tests matched .git/objects/fe/41f5cc24d667635c46a533fd09bf7bb514e032
No tests matched .git/objects/fe/4577696b2811818fe7439990be0d2f65a892c5
No tests matched .git/objects/fe/e16b09c5e782035a347ed9b257ff9b2b3fa173
No tests matched .git/refs/heads/MenuModel
No tests matched .git/refs/heads/master
No tests matched .git/refs/remotes/origin/master
No tests matched .git/refs/tags/v0.0.1
No tests matched .git/refs/tags/v0.0.1.1
No tests matched .gitignore
No tests matched .rspec
No tests matched Capfile
No tests matched Gemfile
No tests matched Gemfile.lock
No tests matched README
No tests matched Rakefile
No tests matched app/helpers/application_helper.rb
No tests matched autotest/discover.rb
No tests matched config/application.rb
No tests matched config/boot.rb
No tests matched config/database.yml
No tests matched config/deploy.rb
No tests matched config/environment.rb
here's the config (~/.autotest):
# ~/.autotest
# Include plugins
require 'autotest/fsevent'
require 'autotest/growl'
# ./.autotest
# exceptions (files to ignore)
# mappings (which files to specifically monitor for changes)
Autotest.add_hook(:initialize) {|at|
at.add_exception %r{^\.git} # ignore Version Control System
at.add_exception %r{^./tmp} # ignore temp files, lest autotest will run again, and again...
# at.clear_mappings # take out the default (test/test*rb)
at.add_mapping(%r{^lib/.*\.rb$}) {|f, _|
autotest -s rspec2 tells autotest to use the "rspec2" style, which will make it look for spec files and run the examples therein.
This is just a workaround though. Autotest is supposed to discover the specs based on the entries in your project's ./autotest/discover.rb. And as you found, a recent code update broke the autodiscovery. I ran into this myself and was unable to track down the source.

Capistrano: deploy.rb file refactoring

I have following code in my deploy.rb
namespace :app do
desc "copies the configuration frile from ~/shared/config/*.yml to ~/config"
task :copy_config_files,:roles => :app do
run "cp -fv #{deploy_to}/shared/config/hoptoad.rb #{release_path}/config/initializers"
run "cp -fv #{deploy_to}/shared/config/app_config.yml #{release_path}/config/app_config.yml"
I thought it would be a good idea to keep my deploy.rb file clean and I attempted to move above code to capistrano_utilities.rb under config. I am using Rails application. And I added following line of code to deploy.rb
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/capistrano_utilities")
Now I am getting following error.
undefined method `namespace' for main:Object (NoMethodError)
The value of self in the deploy.rb is Capistrano::Configuration . While the value of self in capistrano_utilities is Main. So I understand why I am getting namespace method error. What is the fix for this problem?
In your config/deploy.rb, try load instead of require. Also, capistrano already runs as if you're at the RAILS_ROOT, so there's no need to use __FILE__:
load "lib/capistrano_utilities"
In a capistrano config file, load is redefined to load another configuration file into the current configuration. When passing a path to it, it actually calls load_from_file (a private method defined by capistrano) that just reads the file from disk and instance_eval's it.
Check your Capfile on Rails.root.
if you use capistrano 3, you see this line;
Dir.glob('lib/capistrano/tasks/*.cap').each { |r| import r }
Now, put your file on "lib/capistrano/tasks/capistrano_utilities.cap" and it will be loaded.
