How to install TFS plugin on jenkins? - tfs

I want to install TFS plugin on jenkins but I cannot to do it through Manage jenkins section as my company's network is not allowing me to do it.
Can you please suggest on how I can manually download the plugin and add it on jenkins folder?
thanks in advance

If you are talking about :, then you can try to download the tfs.hpi file from Github (The latest release is currently 5.157.1) and then manually install the plugin in Jenkins:
Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced > Upload Plugin and select the plugin file downloaded previously (Make sure to have git-plugin installed normally first so all additional dependencies are in place).


jenkins - the Publish Over SSH plugin not displayed

I am working with Jenkins and I want to install the Publish Over SSH Plugin, but I didn't see the plugin not in the Available Tab, and not in the Installed Tab.
Is it possible to install this plugin in another way?
Manual installation :
0- donwload source code zip file from here under:
1- install mvn on your local machine if not yet.
2- open terminal in the folder (source code folder which is downloaded from Github (step 0)
3- Run mvn compile, after that mvn package--> will generate target folder with necessary files.(.jar, .hpi)
4- inside the generated folder target you will find .hpi file
5- in Jenkins UI go to manage Jenkins -> Plugin management -> in the second section UI based upload, upload .hpi file from target folder and hit upload. after successful upload a window appears where you can restart jenkins - changes will take effect after restarting.
You will successfully find the plugin installed under "installed" tab. With security warning. which is obviously not to be used in a production environment.
let me know if you have any issues.
The plugin was probably pulled from plugin repository due to an extensive list of unresolved Security Issues.
If prepared to accept the risk, you can download the latest release from the GitHub repo, then manually upload.
Update: for some reason, the plugin mainteners only github release the source tarballs and not the corresponding hpi/jpi. Found it in the archives. Go up a dir for earler versions, up two for over plugins.
Update 2: Shortly after this answer was posted, the vulnerabilities in the plugin were resolved and a new release made - 1.23 (Feb 11, 2022), thereby making the plugin available again for download. While the answer has now been "accepted" a year later, the guidance is applicable to any revoked plugin: got to GitHub and download the plugin from the GitHub release. Links to source are found on the the "links" section of the plugins site for each plugin .

Jenkins install plugins offline

Installed Jenkins on a Linux server and want to install some plugins manually.
I want to install Blue Ocean and Artifactory.
For both plugins I downloaded the hpi file and tried to install it, but I get a lot of dependency errors.
Do I now have to install those dependencies manually as well? or is there a better way to do this?
I tried to install one of those dependency and that one also had some dependency errors as well :-(
The Linux server is not able to access the internet.
You are correct that BlueOcean has a lot of dependencies.
Given you are not able to connect to the internet you will need to download all 21 BlueOcean related hpi files and upload them from the Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced tab.
Alternatively, if you have access to the server that your Jenkins instance is running on you can copy the hpi files into the %JENKINS_HOME%/plugins folder. The corresponding directories (exploded from the hpi, which is just a zip file) will be created on Jenkins restart.
The easiest way to acquire all 21 plugin files is to open The Jenkins plugin page and search for blueocean. Download the same numbered version of all 21 and upload them one by one. Order shouldn't be an issue. As long as they are all present on restart the dependencies will resolve.
Same process goes for any other plugin. If you're able to get the machine connected to the internet it will make the process a lot simpler as you will be able to use the update center, which manages dependencies and update notifications.
Same case here. Our Jenkins is setup in OpenShift which is not allowed to connect to the Internet. Downloading a plugin 1-by-1 is tiresome. Not to mention that each plugins have its own dependencies that needs to be downloaded as well.
Here's what you would do...
Run a Jenkins locally in a machine that can download plugins.
Download and update all the plugins you want using the Update Center.
Go %JENKINS_HOME%/plugins directory. Inside this folder you would see *.jpi. These are your plugins. Its dependencies will be downloaded as well.
Rename it to *.hpi then keep it in some directory.
To test...
In your local Jenkins delete everything in %JENKINS_HOME%/plugins directory then put all *.hpi in this directory.
Restart your local Jenkins.
Verify if the plugins you require are installed and updated.

Jenkins : Unable to uninstall Flexible Publish Plugin

I had installed the Flexible Publish Plugin through the Jenkins Web module by marking it for Install without restart option. The plugin installation went fine. The real trouble is when you want to uninstall the application.
Jenkins web module is not letting me uninstall or disable this plugin because of a dependency tree that has been created.
Flexible Publish Plugin
|_ Artifactory Plugin
AFAIK, the Artifactory Plugin was installed even before I installed Flexible Publish Plugin but still it is showing up as a dependency for Flexible Publish Plugin.
Is there any other workaround to uninstall the plugin?
NOTE : I couldn't find any .hpi or .jpi file corresponding to Flexible Publish Plugin so I am not able to disable the plugin manually from the folder as well.
tomcat/webapps/jenkins/WEB-INF/plugins contains just *.hpi.
~/.jenkins/plugins contains *.jpi.
See Jenkins – The Definitive Guide, The Jenkins Home Directory:
By default, the Jenkins home directory will be called .jenkins, and will be placed in your home directory.

why jenkins source code management configuration none?

While i am trying to configure my project on jenkins. i need to provide git. but in source code management option default none. how to add git.
kindly some one help me, thank you
Read how to install a plugin:
Install the git plugin:
This worked for me.
Manage jenkins-> Manage plugins.
Search for "Subversion" plugin. Select the "Subversion" plugin from the list and and click on install and restart Jenkins.
Go to Job's configuration. Subversion should be listed under SCM (source code management.

Updating jenkins plugin from source

I currently have Build User Vars Plugin 1.1 installed in my Jenkins. Since version 1.1 of the plugin, there has been some important changes to the plugin code, and I want to pick them up. The question is what is the least amount of work to package up the hpi/jpi file that I can push on my Jenkins install that will contain latest changes.
It's fairly easy to build a plugin locally; you can then upload the hpi/jpi file to Jenkins via the Advanced tab in the plugin manager.
See the Jenkins plugin tutorial for detailed steps.
